Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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t Citv News t
Keep Baby Well
Feverish colils that distress the
little ones, that cause difficult
breathing, ihnt irritate their sensitive Jiitla
throats and give them troublesome disturb
ing coughs, are readily helped and toothed
by Foley 't Homy and Tar.
The wise mother gives it for croup,
whooping cough, meiulea cough and bron
chial coughs.
Foley's Honey ii? Tar
is just as good for grown-ups as
for children. For hoarseness, tickling throat,
troublesome night coughs, la grippe coughs
and chronic coughs oi elderly people it is
widely recommended. It contains no
morphine, chloroform or other drug that
you would not like to give to young chil
dren, delicate persons or elderly people. Do
not accept substitute.
"When our baby was 10 day old he took whoopbf
couth in the wont form, sml the ptroxyiml o( couftl
almost overcame him. Our neighbor suggested
Foley's Honey and Tar and that lave him al
most immediate relief, for which we feel very state
Jul." Mrs. J. H. tlightowcr, Odern, Texas.
"My baby waa stricken with a aevere cough and cold
at one mouth old. 1 five him 10 to 15 dropt of
Foley's Honey and Tar every three hours and it
tire did help biiD." Mrs. B. Ii. Garrett, School
field, Vo.
J. C. PERRY, 115 S. Commercial St.
In Vials
Jiffy-Jcl! flav
ors come sealsd
in glass a bottte
in ench package.
Each in rich es
sence, cendensod
from fruit juidc.
Add boiling
vater, then thisi
essence, and you
have a red-fruit
gelatine dessert, and, at
trifling cost. You 6hould
know this fruity dainty.
I 'j
tO Flavor, at Your Grocer's
2 Package far ZS Centt ,
Clothing For Belgians
To Be Collected By Auto
Automobile trucks will bo used next
Monday iu collecting chimps tor tho
Belgians end those of northern Franco
who lira In need of clothing. At tho
moating hold yesterday afternoon by
1ho members of. Willanietto Chapter,
Hod Cross, it was decided 'to follow tho
plans of oilier clothing drives and col'
lect by auros.
Arrangements hnvo boon nindo to use
(ho Building on North Oommercmt stroot
formerly occupied by Pomoroy & Wal
lace n ml a telephone has been Installed
with the number 139.
Those who hnvo elothing'ot iiuu mid
worth shipping aro nuked to bring thnm
to hendqunrtors on North Conimorcial
street, or telephone in order that autos
m.ty be sent out to collect.
The suggestion was made at the
moetiiig yesterday afternoon that what
wan wanted was such clothing as the
destitnto people in Belgium and France
eoulil really use and the suggestion was
t.lso made that, dancing pumps and dis
carded ball gowns would not exactly be
appropriate tor tho rural folks la Bel
gium. G. K. HnlvorRoa, who has charge of
tho Y. M. C. A, motor service iu l' tance
told of his remarkable experiences in
France and August Huekesteiu urged
that all should at least give some cloth
ing to keep up the former .record of Wil
lamette chapter.
Henry W. Meyers, chairman of the
chapter, spoko highly of the past roc
ord made by Willamette chapter, stat
ing that in percentage of membership,
Willamette chapter stood second ill the
Mrs. (Jh'.dys Pitehford, who is chair
man of the drive committee and secre
tary of tho chapter, w ill be in charge of
affairs at headquarters on North Com
mercial street. Those wishing informa
tion, are asked to telephone No. 130.
lit is understood that this will be per
i haps the Inst drive in tho way of cloth
jing for sufferers from th.0 war in north
ern Franco and Belgium.
Treasurer Hof f and wife returned
j from .Portland last night, disappointed
j in not meeting their son who was ex
pected t0 arrive there from Kowport
News. It turn I'd nut that he cariia
through over tho Milwaukee line, going
directly to Camp Lewis. Honce taoj
will not seo him for several weoks,
Moore Bros, store at Turner waa en
tered by burglars this morning about
4:30 o'clock and according to roportl
they succeeded in getting awa-y with a
collection of overalls and clothing. Tw4
men wore soen at that hour leaving tht
atoro and they appeared to bo of tha
typo of the old stylo traveling hoboe.
tip to a late horn, this afternoon, no ar
rests bad been made. ,
" o
A. B. Cornell, representing the Oregon
Life Insurance Co., was a recent visitor
in tho city, stopping off on his way to
I'ortlnnd from (Irttnts Pass.
J4. U.S. BAT OM.
Ym thli it the
shoe that gives you
"Extra service
every step corn
fort every minute,"
Why? Because
it is built right to
start with I Our
first consideration
has always been
to put into tvtry
Buckhkcht Army
Shoe: best mattr
tali, wholehearted
workmanship and
lasting value.
jtW.JH::, rfll ft ftk.
2r- -iDN-jif ifj i!..i'T
$6.50 to $8.50
At principal juli on tht PtciAc Coait. if
your dealer ii nut supplied, order direct from
It is significant
that the Buck
hecht Army Shoe
it worn by thous
ands of men in all
walkt of life. They
have come to ap
preciate its yield
ing comfort, iti
velvety feel, iu
qualities. And to
will you once
you treat your feet
Army Shoes.
Manuf.ctur.rs BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Frartcii
I Motor Car Sale
SaMMimM" . . 'Tia iVaitjfitH n''
Now being conducted at Vancouver Barracks,
Vancouver, Washington, by the '
United States Spruce Production Corporation
Motor trucks 1 1-2 to 5 ton, $1,000 to $4,200.
Trailers, 2 1-2 to 5 ton, $400 to $1,000.
Fords $;)00 to $450.
Also a few: passenger cars of other makes. All
cars cany prices plainly marked. Come and see and
buy. ,
For Further information address Auto
mobile Dept. Sales Board, United States
Spruce Production Corporation," Ycon
ItmMmg, Portland, Oregon.
Business men take advantage of our
cliib rate, a suit pressed every week
for $2.50 per month, galora Cleauing
Works. Phone 703. . 3 20
Bread and pastry sold, as well as
peanut brittle, in Da vies ahaek, 3S7
State St. . 3-22
Any young man who wants to Join
the marines, will now have on oppor
tunity to enlist here in Salem. Sergeant
Lawrence ii, Howell, of the U. b, ma
rine corps, has opened a recruiting of
fice at 204 U. S. INational ilauk build
ing. Serpent Howell hag been with the
recruiting office at Spokane for the
past two years. The world in general
now knows what tho marines stand for
a3 their history is written at Chate
nay, Chateau Thierry and other drives
where the tiermans were stopped and
put on the run.
If you want to fenow the name of the
I:uly referred to on pago 124 in tho
Mureh issue of Pictorial Review in
nlfcrcnrcto to Frianco-Amcsican. iygi
cnie gooiis, phono 75. 3-25
Mrs. Norris Hunt and children, J.
T., Jr. and Helen Hortense, have re
turned homo from visiting A. K. Tar
tars of Albany.
John Graher, manager of the Cher
rlan band, snys that several of his
bes; soloists have returned to the city
and that he will soon have his band
ornaui.od and that practicing will .be
gin for the summer foncerts Jharle
Pa'ost, solo cornet player haj returned
from J'ortlaud tind Rahert friacage, solo
clarinet player, is also homo from the
big ciiy. ()j.;nr Steolhammer wul direct
and will 'be in the city by the, inidillo
cf next month. The band will have as
usual, 21 pieces.
Thara was a time when the farmer
talked about the good old times, but
t. A. Whito is inclined to think there
is nothing in the gocd old times from
tho viewpoint of the farmer. Jfjr in
stHii'eo, lie has a paper dated Sept. 6,
1!01, about 'the time that President
Mc.Kiiiloy was a&sarainutpd. And in
looking it ovor he naturally turned to
tho market reports. Here aro a few
prices he found. Wheat, 47 .cents a bush
el; oats 35 contBj cheat hay, per win
$0; timothy hay per ton, $10, and flour,
was selling at from 70 to 85 cents por
sack of 4tt pounds. When the farmer
brought in his butter that year, he
was glad to got from 15 to 17 cents a
pound and egss were 15 cents a dozen.
Chickens (brought from 6 to 7 cents a
pound ami pork was five cents. Steers
brought three cents and cows two and
on'o half cents. Dressed voal wn sold
for CVo cents, potatoes brought 50
cents a ibusho.1 and wool sold at irom
11 to 13 cents a pound.
Tor magnificent leniency, Volice
Judge flarl Race is said to carry the
palm. According to an eyo witness
(who couldn't be hushed up) he was
recently the victim of les majeste,
technical assault and .battery, disorder
ly conduct and abduction, all commit
ted by a certain stroot ear pilot in tho
spaco of a singlo 'block, and the man
was not even given a reprimand. It is
alleged that while the judge was jock
eying his honorable automobile along
side a Btnnding street car on Stnto
troet sonio projection on his car
caught on a similar projection on the
electric car. dJotore he could ibacic
away the electric car started up and
u apito of tho frantic 'honking of the
judge's ho'i ho was dragged uncere
moniously and ignominiously along tho
track for nearly a 'block ricforo tho
car was stopped. It will probahly nev
er ibo known whether the motorman
stopped as soon as he could or not, but
the official is icharitablo enough to
give him thoibenefit of tho doubt.
J. Edgar Purdy of Portland is in the
city in the interest of tho Kpworth
League branch of the centc-nary move
ment being carried on by tne Mothod-
ist church. Mr. Purdy states that thero
are 13,000 members of the league in
Oregon and Washington, and ho expects
to have 7500 of them enlisrled in the
f -
Open your
On the way down town
After a baked apple for breakfast! Wasn't it
good? Tastes better than a raw apple more
flavor. Now as you light it notice the de
licious "cooked" flavor of your
It's toasted. Like the apple, it tastes much
better "cooked" than "raw" because
Its toasted
Prayer League, 6000 in the Tither
League, and 300 m mem'bors of the life
service reserve. He is planning to hold
a mobilization rally in the llrst Meth
odist church in Salem Apr') 4th, at
which Dr. J. W. Walters of Spokane,
Dr. K. H. Schuett of Tacoma, and
President Uoney of Willamotte, will
bo speakers. To this meeting all lea
guo members in this part of the valley
will be invited. This is one of 15 suich
rallies to 'be hold in the principal cit
ies of Oregon and Washington. Yester
day a't a luncheon at the Royale Cafe-
A Split-Second Between 5
Safety or Destruction !
S This is One of a Thousand Thrills in S
"The Man of Might" I
- m
That You Must See
Featuring William Duncan 5
1 U '
v. .-tt iVi.
rtuV. - J :T
The land is between Mchamai and Mill
City. It is pretty well understood that
n sawmill will be located on the land.
Another transfer involvink $5300 filed
toria a group of 25 church workers dis- received hisdischarge from service and
cussed way and means for carrying i8 visiting With his relatives, frank
out the plans. Iviwi H. Corner was Cawrso, for a few days,
named as chairman of a committee of I o -
three to take charge of the arrange-! There w no denying the fact that roa , t0(Jay jg tnftt whorein j R MorDach of
mcms in inis city, tne otner wontcra v...uBK ,.uUD i Bhcrwood sells to Frank J. Fcssler of
boing Miss Tyler and Mr. Blako. time during tho past four or fivo;McK 35 80utlicast of Mt. ,0lltm
between Silverton and Mt. Angel.
fhe vacant store buildirg at 178
years. And good farms are selling at
Bound trip to M. B. A. dance near! figures that look pretty close to v 150 j
Chemawa Fridnv Mar. 21st. Auto an aero. Yesterday there was filed in
loaves Masonic Temple 8:15.
Supported by an all-star cast Including
Edith Johnson end Joe Ryan
Written by Albert E. Smith and
Cyrut Towntcnd Brady '
Sea this newest VITAGRAPH serial at
t-t'lifcaal-i-V f
Bligh Theatre Sunday and Monday
Dr. J. O. Matthis, 409-410 Baiuc of
Cominorce ibldg. Office phone 573, res
idence phone 596. 4-20
Thomas Bodard, the well known cap
italist and business man of Niles, C'al.,
has been visiting with old acquaint
ances in the city. Yesterday he was
guest of honor at a little gathering of
Artisans at the home of Ivan Martin.
Those present were members of the Art
isans' drill team which won a purse
presented toy Mr. Bcdnrd for an exhi
bition drill at the exposition in Snn
Francisco. The occasion was made en
joyaible by a luncheon, music and
Don't forget the dance at Aumsville
Saturday night. 3-22
Soldiers' night, the Woodmen of tho
World will hold open house for return
ed soldiers and sailors Friday night,
Majch 21. Spet'inl high jinks night.
Vaudeville, music, etc. All soldiers,
sailors and marines in tho city cordial
ly invited. Mlcf ornack hall, 8 p. m. 3-21
Daniel Webster tpent Wednesday In
Portland in attondance upon a meeting
of the Loyal Legion of North America,
an association of ex-commissioned of
ficers cf the civil war. There aro now
only about 75 members left in the or
ganization In OTrgon. Mr. Webster is
a mem'ber by virtue of his service as
captain of a eompany of Wisconsin ar
tillery. o
Dome to th pie social and entertain
ment at Fruitland school Sat. night
March 22, 8 p. m. Everybody cordial
ly invitei A good ime assured you.
fhe pie will bo nuctioncd by Woodry
the auctioneer. 3-21
Soldiers' night, the Woodmen of the
World will hold open fconse for return
ed soldiers and sailors Friday night,
March 21. Special high jinks nijiht.
Vaudeville, music, etc. All soldiers,
sailors and marines in the f ity cordial
ly invited. MLvCornack hall, 8 p. m. 3-21
Cercil Sargent, who has bees station
ed with a nuval detachment nt Mare
Island for the past 18 months, has just
the county recorder's otfico a docd in-i South Commercial street, formerly oc-
""""l! ",uvi7. . mo Kramurs me a. : ciipiea Dy a Japanese restaurant is nn
E. Noblo and wife, who sell to the Lum-1 dergoing repairs and will 'be occupied
bennnn's Engineering Co. tho follow by Oswald & Savage for a vulcaniz
ing: SfjVi of tho 8W.'l and the 8 nndj ing plant. 'Both men are tire specialists
tho SE'4 and tho NE of tho SW and they hope to open their place of
or ioe, .-i. xp, . pouin or range a easi. Dusiness witliin a few (lays.
Its (food shopping
to buy the best
-and when ft
comes to
corn flakes,
you shouldn't
be satisfied
with ordinary
corn flakes
but you should
ask for