THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALESL OREGON: THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919. VhilE SEVEN I ouma ew loaay (MMMIMtltMlttlMttlMtlMllMttilttttlt)tlMMMtMttMHmmttttttlt)l)MtM The J 1 N A JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES naie per worn new- xooay: each insertion it week (S insertions) One month (20 insertions) 17e ' The C'sitl Journal will re sponsible for more than on insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. . DISCHARGED soldier -ant, work by boor. Myrtle hotel, room 15. 3-20 ffOR RENT Sleeping room at 152 S. Church. 3-26 5POR a 1st class carpenter phone 1445 W. 3-26 MOTORCYCLE for sale. Phone 8F23 evenings. tf LOGANBERRY tips and strawberry plants. Phone 10SF4. 3-22 EXPERIENCED Phona 111F3. grafters wanted. 3-18 YOUNG fresh cow and ealf for sale. 875 Brooks Ave. 3-36 FOR SALE Wheat hay, 10 ton. phono 411 or 1503. F. E. Shafer. tf WANTED Cattle, calves, veal, kind. Phone 80F11. any 4-8 BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 4-4 IARTY who took purple silk umbrella from "Waller's store, Saturday, plonse return it to same place. 3 21 BARGAIN Choice 10 acre tract, fine berry land, close in, paved road. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 3-22 COMPETENT girl wishes work after school hourg and on Saturdays. Ad dress C G care Journal 3-21 FOR SALB Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chomeketa. Phone 398. tt WANTED T rent or buy upright pi ano. Must ba cheap for cash. 36 P A care Journal.' 311) OR SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Rt. 5, box 125 on Macleay rood, tf A. E. HUTCHISON, 248, State t St., Phone 311. Overland " service '""and general ropair shop. 4-7 FOB SALE Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. tf WANTED Modern furnished house by responsible couple. 773 care Jour nal. 3-19 STRAYED or stolen, one yellow cow with dark stripes, halter and ennin 2 feet long, Phone 707. : 3-20 FOR 8 ALE Baled wheat straw $9 at barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 811 Masonic bldg. tf FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf FOB SALt 1 w-13 snaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. tf WTALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll npward. Huron's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf LOST -Brown bill book eontaininf tie and tiniber inspectors pass and $15. Return to this office and liberal re- . ward. 3-18 FOR SALE 67 acre pruno ranch, 13 acres Italian prune tract Vi bearing, 27 acres 3 and 5 year old, some cher ries, walnuts ani apples, good farm house, two barns, 9 miles south of Salem. Price $10,000. W. H. Grabon aorst & Co., 275 State St. 3-21 FOR EXCHANGE iFine home in Port land, clear of incumbrance, for acre, age near Salem. Five acres well im proved, close in, for city property. See H. E. Bolingcr, 328 Hubbard Mdg. tf USED CAR BARGAINS Maxwell touring car $330 Maxwell touring car $495 7 pass. Mitchell six, excellent condition $995 Studobker roadster, first class shape $650 Oscar B. Gingrich Motor and Tire Co., 371 Court 8t. 3-22 StfflNl WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL- t -itt -irvrr -rt tv ffinrtfifi HP MTTT.TTPT.E ON TTTF. PT?mrnpAT, ON I WE CLOSE OUR LOANS HAWKINS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. FOR REN'T-Furrished Weeping m ia. mgn, pnoae 1121 3 -20 Se.POR EENT 7 room house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1499M. 3 ?4 WILL care for children at my home. Inquire at 1140 K. Front St. J-25 10O-CHTCK Cyphers brooder for sale, . Phone 72F4. 3.20 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FRESH oow and calf for sale, large neavy milker. Phone 84F4. 3-20 BCSENiESS college girl wants to work xor room and !oard. Phone 32F13. 3-20 FOR SALE Upright Grand piano, slightly used, almost new. A R care Journal office. 3-21 FOR SALE Choiee grain hay for sale at me 1 armers ieed barn, B. High Street. tf FOR SALE House and lot, 54x164, i diock trom state, 259 8 19th 3 27 LOGANBERRY plants for sale. J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. tf w AJNTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursory. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Kt 6. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co., 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. tf EXPERIENCED mian wishes- position as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd A Bush reference. Phone 664. tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St. tf FOR RENT Good house, 445 Rich mond Ave., front of Richmond school. 3-26 WAITED (Loganberry trainers; trans portation furnisned. Phone Baits. Dr. Miles ranch. 3-22 FOR SALE Or trade, newly painted 1I6 Maxwell; can ibe seen at 141 Liberty until 5 o'clock, or 1398 Fer ry St. . . .., 3-22 WANTED To, rent before .April. 1st Dy responstoie, permanent tennant, a 6 or 7 room modern house in good lo cation. Furnished or unfurnished. Address J R L care Journal. 3-21 SHEA. REPAIRS all kinds of furni ture if (broken or out of repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che meketa St. between Commercial and Liberty. , 4-20 EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WANT ED- 'Must understand silks and dross gaodg as well as ladies furnishing goods. References required. Address M-37 care Journal. 3-22 FOft SALE White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred 768 8. 13th St. 4-1 FOR SALE Hatching eggs Whito Leg horns, heavy layers. $b per 100, $1 per setting of 15. Fairview Poultry Farm, Salem, Or., Rt. 7 box 48. 3-24 FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this ig a bargain. Z Tf care Journal, tf FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Selected stock' Martin and Tom Barron males. Records of 200 and better. Phone 101F12. d-21 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for salo, at a "bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a oar come and see me. Maxwell 5 pass, to apply as pay ment on modern bungalow ' 1918 Elgin Six, bargain, $1085 Detroit car, good condition, ex change for Balom lots. Ford 1 ton truck, $600 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buy. Overland, good condition, $150 1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell roadster $275 ' List your property trade with me. Phone 362 ANY INTEREST DATE, f PROMi'I-.x. ROBETS " Salem, Ore. 1 OAWS-6 EXPERIENCED maid apply at owe, Hotel Marion. - - 3:20 FOB SALE 1918 Ford with stock ab sorbers, in good mechanical condi tion. 246 State St. 3 21 FOR SALE Brown Leghorn eoeker els, Paul Sholey strain. Phone 105 F16. 322 FOR SALE 2714 acres of tine timber, located does to Chemawa. W. H. GrabenhoTst ft Co., 275 Stats St. 3-20 FOB SALE City and farm property by owner. Enquire at 2345 Brooks ave, Salem. H. A. Salisbury. 3 26 WANTED Woman to work, 3 or hours forenoons. Apply Eldridge ho tel. 3 21 WANTED Folding baby buggy, must bo in good condition. Phone 76F6. 3 22 JOIK KjMT viose in, a acres, running water. Call at 360 Miller St, or Phone evenings 384M. 3-21 ni WANTED Second hand drag saw. Call at 404 S. 16th St. or phono 741 B. 3 21 FOR SALE 6 room house and lot, $1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, 341 State St. j-26 FOR SALE Good, 5 room house, eheap if taken this week. 45 care Journal. 3-21 FLEMISH does $1.50 and $2, good stock; also- White Leghorn eggs, $1 per 15. Rt. 2, box 81. 3-22 FOR SALE Good 5 room house, large lot. on' paved street, one block from car'line. Good buy, $1200. See owner 665 N. 16th, Salem. 3-24 GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished, will lease ery reas onable. Inquire 506 N. Com! or . phone 1549M. 3-24 NORTHWESTERH Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, gsaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervais Rt. 3. Phone 48F11. 3-20 FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; elover seed 50e -er lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Bt. 6, box 51, Pheae 23 F21. tf 20 ACRES fine bottom land, adjacent te Jefferson, Or. for trade for good residence in Salem. Phone 1902M. 1 .-.' r : 3-22 OREGON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3.50 per thousand while they last. Why pay more. Chas. Hart, Jefferson, Or. - - 4-1 ALL AROUND butcher, sausage mak er and meat cutter wants work in - Salem about April 1st, gilt edge ref erence. Address B-17 care Journal. . .. 3-22 FOR SALE 1200 lb. horse, perfectly sound, 314 inch wagon, almost new, double and singlo harness; Gold Coin seed potatoes. 1395 N. Libe.ty St. 3-24 FOR SALE Or trade, A-l good farm, 180 acres, well improved, running water; will take good Salem proper ty in part. Address 950 8. 12th St. 3-21 BARGAIN 'Dairy farm, six miles out on ipaved road, part bottom land, no hills, few cows with the place at $85 per acre. Room 8, Bayne building. WANTED 10 men to cut eord wood and do farm work, good wajjes, houso for family, board, tools furnished, do not write, come at once. Telephone JeffeTson 3(lp'22. W. J. Trunulge, Talbot, O. E. carline. 3-24 IT pays me and it will pay you also to raise rabbits, I have sold fil -orfb this month and have several good bargains loft from 50c to $15. Phone 1296 or ica.Il 890 Oak St. Warren Hunt. - 3-20 A MAN of experience and resident of Salem, would liko position in Salem erf fioe or other light work. Referenc es furnished. Salem address 702 N. 14th St. M E C 3-2- FOR SALE By owner, 5 acre tract, part plowed, one fourth good timber, small house, near end of car line, school and store, $1200 if taken soon terms. Jos. H. Arensmeier, Rt. 3K Sa lem. . 3-20 FOR SALE Small tracts of good land improved and unimproved near Sa lem at a reasonable price on easy payment plan; will give purchas er work to help pay for same. Jet some land boforc the price gets so high you CAnnot reach it. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard. tf A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, en Capital street for $.;ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, has Sd Dtm Sa, sge. A large brick building on forth Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. . A dandy 6 room house onorth 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me cn offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to stato capital. What will yon give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $16,00. A good 7 room house, all in fine con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. . If yon are looking for bargains see. me at once. G. W. Laflar, insurance man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf FOR SALE 15 acres two miles out, close to O. E. station. A bargain at $1300. C. A. Baker, Rt. 8. . 3-22 FOR SALE or trade covered peach or loganberry wagon, good as new, at price. Phone 5F3. .3 21 LOST un day afternoon, lady's grey sued glove. Finder please phone or leave at Journal office. 3-22 WANTED To rent or buy upright pi ano, must be cheap for cash. D P A care Journal. 3-25 WHIT Leghorn baby chickg 18c each whik they last. W. R. Baker, Phone 68F 3.20 FOR SALE One Ford auto, 1st class, cheap. Can be seen at Capitol Gar age, &. J. Hcrschbach. 3-19 FOR SALE 2 young horses at Farm ers Feed Barn (no skates). Geo. Swede. 3-21 'CENTER Stredt Gara-e iust on; 1 - . a general repair shop; cars washed and polished. 245 Center St. Phone 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15 RIVER BOTTOM farm to lease, about 160 aicrtst, 3 miles from Salem, good improvements. Win. H. Trindle, Bank of Com. bldg. 3-22 FOR SALE Petaluma 200-cgg incuba tor and two 'brooders, for $15. Mrs. L. C. Denison, 'Independence, Rt. 1. 3-21 FOR SALE Male goat, breed, icross oetwecn Tosgcnburg and Saanon, or trade for white Toggcnburg male. Inquire first house north West Sa lem school houso 3-20 FOR SALE 10 acres, new house, prune orchard, rock road, good loca tion, cheap. Write B. M. Woods, 455 Court St., or call first houso north West Salem school house. 3-20 IF you desire to purchase a modern residence or small tract on easy terms, or a1 farm or prune orchard, see John H. Scott's large list at 404 Hubbard bldg. . J tf FOR SALE 80 acre of good land, 60 acres in cultivation, 50 in crop, 4 good work horses, 7 cows, 6 young cattle, 20 hogs, all farm tools and machinery, located in German Cath olic community, for $6500. $4000 cash. Owner must change climate. This is certainly a fine bargain. John H. Scott, 404 Huhbard. FOB SALE 480 A in Jefferson coun ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur ham cows, increase about 20 calves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house ' barn partly finisfte8,wfth lumber to finish on place; some timber, gome pasture and all tillable land under Suttle lake irrigation project. A snap at $8000. Address M,J S care Jour nal, tf FARM FOR SALE TO acre all bot tom land, 45 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, all lovel, adjoins limits of town of 1000. Good eight room house, large barn with stanch ions for 25 head of cows. Stalls for six head of horses and toom for hay for same. 200 ton alio. Place- well fonced. Plenty of outbuildings, in cluding hog houses, chickon houses, granary, etc.. Good family orchard. O110 mile to high wJliooI ami college, k half mjlo to public school; Electric , lights, city wtiter. Wilr accept good Salem residence property up to $.V 500 as first payment. Long time on balance at 6 per cent interest. RenK onablei discount for cash. Phono 1962, or gee me at 1059 Center street, Sa lem. 3-21 NOTICE Notice Ss hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male cur, mouse white neck, wcijgt.t 35 pounds; one male bpit,( weigiit 1U pounds; one malo fox terrier, brown head, weight 18 pounds; one male fox terrier, brown spots ,wcight 15 pounds; one male Ir ish setter, red, oo pounds; one romalo shopherd, dark, weight 50 pounds; one male' fox terrier, black and brown spot led, weight 20 pounds; one feinalo fox terrier, brown spots, 10 pounds. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before Mareh 22d, 1919, as provided in said ordinance. W. S. LOW, ' Street Commissioner. March 17, 1919. 3 21 Walk into your home some spring afternoon; as .though you wore a stranger.. Docs your home possess all the charm and beauty that you think it should. If not, make a list of the old furniture you can get along without and send it to Frank F. Richtcr'g furniture store and either trade it for new or sell for cash. Just received shipment of Toledo Bangcs. Trade your old stove for a new one. Frank F. Richie Furniture Store, 373 Court St, Phone 217. F. W. Nelson, of Portland, is In the city in the interest of a publication known as "Our Boys" published for the benefit of the returned soldiers and sailors. Among other features It ear rics an employment bnreau department' through which it aims to put the boys in touch with temporary employment. A meeting of the District Council of the Methodist church was held in this city yesterday for the purpose of dis cussing plana for the coming Centenary drive. The group of ministers who at tended were the guests of Bcv. B Avison Kt a luncheon at the Spa. New tit FRESHMEN GlEE HELD TOMORROW EVENING Arrangements Are Practically .Complete For University Event. Arrangements for the Freshman Gleo, to bo held in the armory tomorrow even ing, have been practically completed. The songs have been diligently re-j hearsed until they have reuched a fine, stato of finish and will Vave um operatic' ring to them. Those who heard the re-1 cital of originality last year will lookj to this event with pleasant anticipation, j realizing that a big array of genms has been focussed upon these song produc tions. As there is no admission feo there should be a huge audience to meet the young people. Work was begun this , morning on the decorating of the arm ory so as t0 Rive an effective setting to the event, which, according to Mr.n- . agcr Paul Sterling and his colleagues is to be the best ever. There will be, tho keenest interest in the rivalry nu tween the classes. Last year tho Glee, which was held before a great audicnc in the armory, was won by the juniojs, but there was only a margin of 8 points j between then and the freshmen, who: took second place. j The iudees this year are: Music, Prof. Richards, Mrs. A. A. Schramm and Mr. Churchill. Judges on words: Mrs. Por-; tcr, Mrs. Von Eschcn and Miss Cox. Judges on rendition, Mr. A. A. Schramm Rev. H. N. Aldrich and Mr. Clark. The program eommitto under tha leadership of Kenneth Power has the following already prepared. It Is as fol lows: ! Violin Bolo. Miss Leila Ruby Senior fiong "Cardinal and Gold" i Words by Comer Taskcr. j Musie b Venita McKinney. Junior Song . Words by Merle Ohling. I pnng Easter Apparel Daring Novelties in our New Models and yet NOT EXTREMES Our buyers have selected with judgment of 'xper ience and capability the new COATS, SUT.TS, DRESSES, CAPES, DOLMANS and WAISTS. These garments, presented for your selection, emphasize the supremacy of this store 'as the authenticated HOUSE OF FASHION The beautify and charming garments are f asm n ed from fabrics of exquisite beauty and distinctive ndividuality. '' f " " ; . , . You can always do better at Music by Freda Campbell. Reading........... Mixs Genevieve Hcny Sophomore Song ' ' Wilamel lo, Hore's to Too" Words by Evelyn Freshman Bong "Hail, Willamette" Words, by Yoreli lUntchford. Music by Mubcl Stanford. Cello Solo Prof. John R. Sites Presentation of Banner Prof. Jnnies T. Mathews. , , "Y5" Team Celebrates Victories Of Season Gathered round the banquet board at tho Y. M. C, A. last evening, tha mem bers of tho "T-8" basketball team cele brated a clean victorious season which ended lately when tho local team wal loped the Puling Boys' club on tho local gym floor. Under the ablo toastnmstcr ship of Herbert Socolofsky, tho cnpwtin of tho team, speeches were inducted from thoso present much to tho hilarity of those present. Lieutenant Henry Kichter", secretary of the local Y. M. O. A., and ilnroll L. Cook, scout executive and coach of the team, were yrctent and congratulated the team on their success and exprossed the hope that this season would not sco tho last of the or ganization. Thoso attending the smnptous feast lrf evening were ns fnll;iw: Herbert Salem Auction Co. Handles all kinds of rales, any where in the state. G. SATTERLEE, 'oneiW J 1 liiM ani Hocolofsky, captain; James . Putnam manager; Julian Burroughs, Harold Sorulofsky, Herbert Bent, Mabel Updo gruff, Loa Briggs, Goldio Wnwti, mn. lliclitor, Mr. Rirhtcr and Harold Cook. A meeting was held today noon al tho Marion hotel of members of ,th Commercial club who havo been nr pointed to put on the drive for member ships in the ft a to Chamber of Com merce. Addresses were made by F. T. Schmidt, goneral manager of tho Pheaw ant Northwest Products Co., Charles R, Archord, managor of the Arcuord Imple ment Co., D. D. Socolofsky, real estats dealer, and other, all in favor of sup porting tho stato Chamber of Commerce. c Stop Itching Skin There i3 one safe, dependable treat merit that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and . that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask anydruggist for a 35cor $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it a3 directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, U.ickhead s, eczema,blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for i'. iwnibhes most skin eruptions, makes V akin toft, smooth and healthy. :hB. W. Ro Co, Cleveland.'" AUCTIONEER 157 Com'ISt., Salem, Ore,