Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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kr selling gum i AJr
ySr fin the world nat-l V XPy
urally has to have I
V a package worthy
of its contents. 7 : I
SB5A s I So look for l ;j
ln thc sealed package
7 j that keeps all Its fiood- ! V y V
( j ness In. That's -why"- VI
fM: ygThe Flavor Lasts T m
..m....r.uW.W4r,w 1
Jack Doll, who enlisted at tlio age 1 The stnto encampment of tho Grand
of IS and wns probably the youngest I Army of the Republic and Woman's
oldier in tho army during tho war, Relief Corps will she hold at The Dulles
lies roturnod to Scuttle from overseas. June 17, 18 and 19.
(Ml fa
Wr -'-ZnJ
0 mm
E in
Buy iho
WW m
I? To)
mm can
llieBcslCoffce)ou GnBuy
It GoesRrlher
Thorels one sure way that lias never
failed to reinovo dnndruff at once, and
that is to dis-iolvo it, then you destroy
it entirely. To dio this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it at ni(ht when
retiring: use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the fin
ger tips.
liy morning, most it not all, of your
dandruff will ibe gone, nnd three or
four more applications will completely
dissolvo and entirely destroy every
single sign ami truce- of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching anl digging
of the scalp will Mop instantly, and
your hair will ibe fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and
fool a hundred times better.
Professor McGruder Talked
Ccmprekasive.y 0a League
Tho auditorium of tho public library
was crowded to its limit last night
wi'h people interested in the lecture
by Flunk McGruder, of Corvallis, who
discussed in a most thoroutrh manner
tho leugne of nations and the problem
tht confronted it. In addition to an
outline of the activities o fthe body
Mr, McGrtidor went exhaustively into
the labyrinth ef political and industrial
change brought about by the world
war. Ktollowinj this ho went on to
demonstrate how impossible it would
be to readjust itself on a stable political
and industrial basis through any other
means than by such a league and the
compacts which it proposes to th
world. And he especially emphasized the
point that it was impossible for Amer
ica to avoid her full -share of respon
sibility in old world reconstrue'ion
and peace, since the nations are now so
closely and indisstlubly associated
through commerce and communication
that discord at any pint would lead
to troublo to every nation. He showed
that if America drew out of the move
ment at this time it leave a group of
small nations in a position to continue
in strife for decades to come X'nlees
the greater powers at this time are
willing to act with the 'big brother"
spirit toward the weak republics there
will be a hornet ' nest in the old
world a constant menace to the peace
of civilization.
OU'LL not be forgetting the Sym
phony orchestra concert tonight
at the Opera house, will youT
After all tha 'a been said abeut it and
all that you've heard about it, surely
there can be no doubt in your mind
that it will tie well worth your time.
The Symphony orchestra is helping put
Salem on the map, musically, and Sa
lem ia your city. And, honestly, don't
you hat a Vpiker"t
Mrs. Allan Bynon (Florence Hofer)
left Portland yesterday for Chicago
where she will meet her huslmnd, Cap
tain Bynon, who has recently returned
from France. Mr. and Mrs. Bynon will
b the guests of Mr. Bynon s parents
in Chicago for a while and then go to
Washington, D. V., wnere Mr. tsynon
has business interests.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Pauls
church will meet Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. t'orey Martin, Wl
South laberty street.
4 . .
Complimenting Mrs. A. T. Wallace
of Salem, Mrs. J. T. Henry entertain
ed with four table of progressive
cards in the ballroom of the Volheim
apartments,in Portland Saturday after
noon. TUe room whs preuuy urai
with daffodils and pussy willows, as
was Wrs, '.Henry's attractive apart
ment. Mrs. Wallace is tho wife of a
well known SiUem man, and they will
to San- Francisco to make tneir
home after April 1. Sho was formerly
Miss Dora Patterson, a popular run-
land girl. The affair Saturday auer
noon was a farewell party at which
the hostess was assisted by Mrs. James
Gillis. Mrs. Henry is the- wife of Cap
tain John Tyler Henry, WM) is stiii m
service overseas.
Mrs. and Mrs. E. J. Swaf ford 1500
Ferry street, entertained lor uinner
last evening Ecv. and Mrs. Alfred
Bates on tho occasion of ivus. narr
Swnfford's birthday. Mr. and Jvirs.
Hn.rv vSwnfford who have lOeen stay
ing at their parents home, during tho
winter, will leave for North Powdor,
Oregon, in a few days.
Tho Three Link Needle club met at
tho homo of Mrs, Elva Kiedcsel on Fri
day March 14.' Assisting the hostess
wero Mrs. B. G. Henderson, Mrs. Eve
lyn Biemmer and Mrs. Gertrude wim-
minus, itnose present wire
' . tii T' 1. - 1?1nVfrniiA
Lulu Moscncr, JMva imv,
Viesko, Ella Watt. Irene St. Helens,
u.ttio r-omntnn. KIsio Towmseno, JU!
Traglio, B. Lovelond, Mnry Uowd, hl-
sio Simeral, May Auanis,
ju Mr Wells. C. G. Nichols. Mrs.
ir,rr,i Mm Martin. Jvauene mm-
filnrs. Wi Is. Editn MC.Jiir.oy, u-
ella Engstrom, va nimes bjiu
Wilda -Biegmuml, .jeniiio viue-"i4-i
Ethel Fletcher, Alina Uremmer, n,miey
Bremmcr, EstheC Horning, Litcile mo-
scher, Edwin Btok. Mrs. R. Ponicrpy
of California was a guest of tho club.
Afitor the business meeting, tue m-a
showered Mrs. Biedesel with numerous
mysterious packages, a nanny '"
was served and also a guessing game
was participated in at the conclusion
of which the. meeting adjourned till
tho 58th of March, when the chub will
n,nt t the home of Mrs. Mary Howd.'i
The club ladies have also planned a
dance for March 2m in Uotunon nan.
Mrs. Edward Lamport left for Snn
Francisco last evening where she will
resido until Juno; She expects to meet
her goiii Lieutenant-Merle Lampoit,
who will arrive from Chicago to too raus
tered out of the service at the Presidio.
Lieutenant Lamport has hold a com
mission ia tho army for nearly two
yearg and has seen a varied amount of
service la that tim. His many Salem
friends are eagerly awaiting his dis
charge and his return Home,
Friends of the late Mrs. Louis
Weckslcr (Elizabeth HaldoTman) are
offering their sincere sympathy to
Captain Louis WccKsier or tne Ameri
can expeditionary forces iu Siberia,
who arrived from overseas yesterday
tn attend the funeral of his wife. Mrs.
Weckslcr before her marriage, was one
of tho most popular of Salem 'J young
er set and was greatly missed in junior
social circles when She went to tne
Philippine Islands to become) the bride
of Mr. Weckslcr At the outbreak of
the recent hostilities, her husband, who
belongs to the Tegular army, was pro
moted to his present rank and eent to
Siberia and Mrs. Wecksler returned to
Salem with her infant daughter where
sho resided with her sister, Mrs. italph
Henslcy at tho. Hensley residence on
South Commercial street, until her
death in the early part of February.
Owing to the breaking of the trans
pacific cable about mat time it was
nearly impossible to get word to the
captain out a cable was nnaiiy got
through by way of London, with the
help of Senator" Charles Mcary where
upon Captain Wecksler sailed immedi
ately for the states.
Extraordinary Special 0
This is the most extraordinary blouse sale we have
held for a long time, we have secured two sample
lines from foremost manufacturers and have
taken choice blouses from our line that are slightly
crushed but not soiled.
You will find a long range of sizes to select from
and every waist offered is from Spring lines.
Do Not Miss This Opportunity
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
parture yesterdny for Sacramento, Cal
ifornia, where they will make their
home. Mr. and Mrs. "Williams arc well
known in Salem and their absence will
be keenly felt in social circles hero.
Mrs. J. H.
sister, Mr. R.
Walker is visiting her
II. Tarrey in Portland.
Among the Salem folk registered at
the Imperial hotel in Portland are A.
A. Schram, first' national bunk exam
iner, and A. 11. Jca of ino state imr
After a delightful visit with her
parents, Judge and Mrs. Benson, Airs.
R. H. Robertson has returned to ncr
home in Portland.
Friends of Laurence Hofer are wel
coming him on his return itOvSalcm af
ter spending a year in tho service, on
the Scottish coast and other foreign
points. . . ..
went over to plant mines in prospcet-i
ive battlefields, but owing to eke ro-
Colds Cause Grip and Influenza
ono "Bromo Quinine.'"'E. W. GROVES ol lha Germans, were obliged to
signature on the box. 30V. devote all their time to bridge build-
' : 1 m ing and tho installation of waterworks
When you buy a shotgun to get that and dugouts,
chicken hawk, mnko sure it's a Rem-! The regiment whs cited three times
New York, Mar. 20. The
Dakotan arrived today with
ficers and men of the 27th engineers,
tho 137th and 17'th aero squadrons and
... 1 ,,! ff;...xra
The 27th engineers 43 officers and
134!) men from Camps Dodge, Devens,
Dix, Grant, Lewis, Pike and Sherman,
was composed of expert mining engin
eers from all parts of the country.
Member., of the organization came
from as far as Alaska and Peru. They
for ..bravery in connection with contin
uing strategic bridge- construction tin
der terrific fire. Companies A, B anil
t C lost fifteen killed and more than a
transport score wounded.
1820 of-i ; .
Reduce your doctor's JS
bills by keeping rM
always on hand ffL
Governor Ben dcott and Mrs. Ol
eott were guests in Portland at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald West on
Irving street, Inst week end.
Miss Leona Graber, who has been
visiting with her sistor, Mrs. Al Brown
at the latter 's home iu Ashland, has
returued to Stilom. Miss Graber will
visit with friend and relatives here
indefinitely and then leave for Alaska.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wil
liams are grieved to hear of their de-
Som people era
surprised that
end satistyirvf.
at nappens
to the food you eat?
...(' .v 3 i. '
; i i ," "
':.. kl t-.ljt
During digestion certain
kinds of food containing pro
teins, such as meat, egg
white, milk casein, wheat
gluten, etc., are split into
many different substances.
Some of these the body uses
to rebuild damaged or dead
tissues; some, however, are
not only useless and harm
f ul but in some cases actually
poisonous. Regular, thorough
bowel evacuation gets rid of
the latter.
Constipation permits stagna
tion and absorption of these
poisons into the blood, with
injury to the whole body.
Taking castor oil, pills, salts,
mineral waters, etc., in order
to force the bowels to move
does not cannot cure con
stipationbut makes it
On the other hand Nujol
overcomes constipation and
brings about the habit of
easy, thorough bowel evac
uation at regular intervals,
' because Nujol is not a drug,
does not act like any drug.
Nujol brings about a return
to Nature's methods of sup
plying necessary lubrication
of the bowel contents, by
facilitating intestinal muscu
lar action, by absorbing poi
sonous matter, and thus se
curing necessary cleansing
of the intestinal canal and
protection of the defensive
properties of the blood itgelf.
Nujol has no deleterious
after effects, produces no
bad habits, makes the bowels
regular as clockwork.
Nujol is efficient at any age
under any conditions ia
satisfactory and safe.
How and Why Nujol over
comes constipation is de
scribed in an interesting
and authoritative booklet,
"Thirty Feet of Danger" Iree
on request. Send for it and
get a bottle of Nujol from
your druggist today.
Nujol Laboratories
50 BrMdww. New York
tfJvi less
ft U filing bottles Bearing the Nujol
Trtde Mirk. All druit in U. S. and Canadi.
ldsitt on Nujol. You ny trngtr from substitutes.