PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919. I New Spring Skirts Simplicity predominates in every line of these new creations. They are fashioned like the most popular garments along slender, straight lines. This holds time in all stylesthe dainty dressy wea as well as those for street and sport wear. Materials are serge, gabardine, satin, silk, Jersey, poplin and fiber and wash fabrics. Special in Plaid, stripe and dot silks $4.95 Silk poplin, plain and fancy plaid, $4.95 All other skirts are specially priced ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Creates Gas, Sourness and How to Treat Fain Medical, authorities state that near ly nine tenths of the eases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning,' Sas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric arid in the stomach and not as some believe to lack of digestive juicos. The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sutrerer knows so well. AWARD DIPLOMAS FOE Pnp2s Of Salem Schools Also Get Progress Pins And But tons In Penmanship. There are people, harking hack to the POod nld dflVB nf ihfl KnAniArign rtw. i" . . . - r -r """iv : dooks and hair-line flourishes, who con Artificinl digestents are not noeded sider that nennianshin ha hernma . W. in such cases and may do real harm. jtrt. They might be reassured It they SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERTISTOMORROW Program, As Arranged By Prof. Sites, Promises En joyment For A! Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any aruggist a few ounces of ILtisurated Magnesia and take a toaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eating. This sweet ens the. stomach, prevents the forma tion of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisuratcd. Magne sia (in powdered form never liquid cr milk) is harmless to the stomach, in expensive to take and is the mast effi cient form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It is used by thousaiiiin of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. When you "buy a shotgun to get that chicken hawk, make sure it's a Remington. INDIAN MEDICINE MEN were to make a survey of the work be ing done in this branch in the Salem scnoois, wncre writing; come uave been in progress in the " Palmer-method" where excellent results have been obtained. To stimulate interest the teachers have adopted the pinn 01 giv ing diplomas, progress pins and buttons to those pupils who reaca a certain standard. Following is a list of the pupils in all the schools who have re ceived tho awards: Washington Junior HlgU. Business Diplomas Ella Hop Frances Ingles, Ethel Camfield. Mee, Edna Aufrance, Zola Botts. Uiplomar Annetta Hendricks, .man Grossman, Verna Martin, Icc, Alice "Of course tobacco costs more1 says Dan There are too many people some of whom call themselves musical who are inclined to speak lightly, almost sneer Ingly, of what is known as "classic" music. It would be harsh, perhaps, to say that these critics cannot compre hend the world's great compositions. Their attitude is rather due to the tavt that they havo been "fed up" on lyrie ballads, rag-time and dance tunes until they have lost appetite for the higher' types. To appreciate a grand symphony it is only necessary that the mind be brought into sympathy with what is being portrayed in music. This is said inanticipation of tho concert to be giv en by the Salem Symphony Orchestra at the Opera House tomorrow night, in which only music by tho classic and modern masters will bo piayea, induct ing symphonies, symphonic poems, uvor- jfor. tures, ballets, etc. Vera xne syinpnony tor tne lirst concert 'Everything else does. What you want to do is to get genuine tobacco sat isfaction. I saved money by switching from ordinary plug to Gravely." Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE. VA. for bookltt o chewing pluf. Tn the Indian tribe one finds 'Medicine Man." one versed in the Zurich, March 17. Prince Joachim, youngster son of tho former kaiser, has JHilrltt T .,, n;i tv..i tt ' h Jnsenh Havden. nls nulled rili-1 Doen "JU'eu in a runawav accident, ac- the Eim.m, it,m t,... itarv." Havdn who in reality is the cording to advices received from Berlin MEDICINE MEN j Carlson, Helen Grcgg, Otto Albcrs,i wiU be tne symphony in G Major No. 11 Kildtt Tjnt. Poitti n;i.. tph.,.1 tt b Jnsenh Havden. f.Allpd 'iAfili- eyton orano REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch SON OF WILHELM INJURED Progress Pins for 100 Drills Ethel originator f symphony in its pros carriage i ' pound, the most efficient remedy in Adams- fGcrtrudt.,f ry. iihe world for female ills, owes it., sue-, !'P nllfJ' : cess, f or tortv live years it hns 'been . . . , ' ' . ' ieu removing tlio women of America to ! health, until it is now ; the standard remedy. recognized as Fori Horse And Baggy And Ckjks Are Stolen ouse Depa rtment A new and decidedly different blouse. There is a new blouse for every week. A display of new models of poplin, in embroidered and beeded Russian effect and crepe de chine and Georgette crepe in most all wanted colors. Prices $2.00 to $12.50. street, Wayne Harris. Meredith ijlthI- aker. Palmer Method Buttons Ellen Stof fia, Lillian Davis, Evangeline Powell, Hazel Buher, Gordon Greenstrect, Lill ian Lyman, Campbell Tribblo, Edgar Tibbets, The0 Grayboll, William Gup ton, Merlo Miller, Loreta Miller, Fred Meyer, Paul Gilmer, Charlotte Doncas ter, Barton Randall, Ruth Stone, ...jue Morefield, Matilda Sehnidor. Washington Elementary. Palmer Method Button Myrtle Page. Maurice Style, Eayford Hall, Raymond Carl, Rovena Syre. Gertrude Stratton, Mildred Mulkoy. Ronald Crnven. , Grant Junior High. Diplomas Ruth Williams, Dorothy I Two boys who escaped from tho re form school yesterday are suspected of having stolon a Ford car, then of rob bing two boys of their clothes about I :3u this morning and then stealing a hoiso and buggy. As yet it is not positively known whether tho two boys, who have not as vet been p.antured. are responsible, but the cvidonco rather indicates they had Kappahan, Alice Roth, Lorraine Flotch something to do with the holdup and.4"'' Loona Weber. two robberies. I Progress Pins Josephine Seymour, At 9:30 o'clock last evening Thomas 'Marian Roberts, Eva Hedrick, Agnes Holinan of rural route 2 reported to tho Monson, Edith Turnidgo, Clara Wiley. police that his Ford car had been stolon raimor Method Buttons Walter Sav fiom in front 'of the U.- S. National ago, Donald Dunnctte, Murrcl Creson, bank building. Harly this morning the' Clifford Bollier, OlHo Stryker, Florence police received word from a resilient Schacffor, Paul- Purvino, Ross Rickot, near 18th and Loe street Tnat a stray I Bertha Bobelli Theodore Kunoe, Boss Ford was standing but that way, With . Harris,' Raymond Bonosteele, Ada Pork Will Keep On Soaring In Price, Experts Predict Washington. Mur. 19 Poik enoiw are going to keep right on snaring in price, experts predicted today at. the HAVE COLOR CHEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin Is yellow complexion pallid l.wguo coated appetite poor you have a L I tasla in your mouth a lary, no-good i eciiuc you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a substitute forcalomel were prepared by Dr.Edwards otter 17 years of tutly with his patients. Dr. Edwards'Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil, You will know them by their olive color. To have a clear, pink skin, bright eves, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days you must get at the cause. Dr.Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bilo and overcome const! patioa That's why millions of boxes are Bold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly arid note tne pleasing results. department of agriculture. Pork, wholesale, ha ariHen about $!i per hundred pounds since the govern ment .fixed (price was revoked two wonks ago. But luims, pickled pigs feet and n pork cuts will not stop here, ac cording to the department .data. " Hirmerg oro rushing plans to plant soring wheat to sell at $2.20 a bushel, the government 'guaranteed price," said Professor E. H. Wik'ox, of the Farm Management bureau. "Com is iboing crowded out. Accord ing to present farmers' plans, the crop will go fifty .million -bushels short. "Farmers will then have to feed $2.2(1 wheal to fatten hogs instead of corn lit $1.50 n Qiuajiel. "il'otatoes also may be crowded out hy wheat. A 'boost of perhaps 25 per cent in polato piices may also be ex pected." RELEASE MILITARY OFFENDERS Leavenworth, Kas., March 18. Full discharges wera today granted to thirty six men confined in the United States disciplinary barracks at Fort Leaven worth. The men had been serving sen tences for military offense a committed during the war. The discharges were recommended by tho board of inquiry, sent bore by the' war department at Washington, which is going over individual cases with the object of reducing possible excessive sentences. apparently no owner. It proved to bo Mr. Holnian's stolen Ford. Then at 1:30 this morning, tho report came to the police station that Cecil Deacon of 1498 Mission street and an other boy named Barnes had been hold up by two boys. Tho Deacon and Barn es boys were obliged to take off their clothes and hand over to tho two hold up youngsters. Then early this morning came the re port that a horse and buggy belonging to Ama.ndn Wic.klandor, 608 South 12th street, had boen stolon from the barn, and there the story ends, as the thieves have not as yet been captured. Tho buggy stolon had red wheels and was a side spring buggy. Tho horso was a black one with white face. Statements of the two national banks of Vancouver, Wash., show re sources of $;i,055,451,ll. I Ash Your Dealer Grand ftizeMffto MM Firearms 6 Ammunition i! ;m write for Catalogue THE REMINGTON ARMSU MCCO INC ml I ml I ft Ml -''i' rM V' -"-"i-A Stryker, Bernico Roberts, Lloyd Ander son, Kato McCaffery, Keneth Morgalo, Harry Kroner,; Esther Lamken, Harold Gillespie, Agnes Monson, Earl Biggs, Liostor isavago, Fearl Fielding, vivi&n Ragan. Lincoln Junior High. Diplomas Alico Falk, Hollis Vict, neioise nanK, Macycle Hunter. Progress Pins r- Bodotta Bennett, tieicn walchcr, Odilo Mathows, Otto Amnion, Virginia Feiler, Lonabolle Straw, Holon Arpke, Myrtle Jensen. Palmer Method Button Lela Bow man, Sonith Stnplcton, Roberta Hanson, Reno Simpson, Helen Throckmorton, Esther Lisle, Motley Sninucl, Margaret Kibbe, Loris Stevens, Lorotta Varlcy. Lincoln Elementary. Frances Felows, Mao McCamas, Ken neth Plank, Doris Nye, Frank McCom as, Mildred Ackorman, Helen Rummer, Oillis Knapp, Alice Johnson, Floyd Sat terlee, Helen Marcus, Florence Wolf, Dorothy Baker, Floyd Soamster, Gwyn- cth Edwards, Myrtlo Throckmortcn, cilo Roten, Park School. Palmer Method Button Lydia John ston, Ehelmu Flake, Uarrctt Patterson, Mildred (jraybell, Hermon Brown, Jes sie Tivuncr, Jack Bradbury, Marvell Ld wards, Delbert Gearhart , Winifred Plant, Gordon Barker, Charles Ander son, Wilda Callahan. , Englewood School. Palmer Method Button Edna Rogers Walter Munt, Harry Savago, Howard Holler, Oliver Kipper, quiot yet cheerful movement, it sounds uke tho last farewell of soldiers as they take leave of their beloved homes, After several repeats, the trumpets sound the signal for falling into hne. and with a few strong chords, tho march is resumed. Tho composed made mas terly uso of the drums, cymbles and tri angles. Tho Minuet is especially very graes ful and is ono of tho most tuneful Min uets ever composed. The last movement, Prosto, is In Haydn's happiest vein. Its thento is playful and charming, and tne wnole f inalo broken by unexpected pauses, and elaborate treatment in harmonic changes, moves along in a happy and natural manner, whilo in conciseness of expression it is a model of brevity." The program is so arranged that cv cryone in tho audience will find somo numbers which will appeal specially to their taste. It is hoped that a large audience will be present in order to en- courago the work of education in a high er class of music. This is a now enterprise for Salem. About 30 musicians of the town have given their timo to the rehearsals in order to help build up a symphony or chestra, which is really a nccessny m a city of this size. It is an organization of great educational value, as its pur pose is to educate the listener to appro ciate tho highest types of music. TODAY-SPECIAL Motor Car Sal Now being conducted at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Washington, by the United States Spruce Production Corporation SSM Motor trucks 1 1-2 to 5 ton, $1,000 to $ 1,200. Trailers, 2 1-2 to 5 ton, $100 to $1,000. Fords $300 to $450. . Also a few passenger cars of other makes. All cars carry prices plainly marked. Come and see and buy. For Further information addi-psa Anfn. nmhilp Dnt S;i!ao Tln!ir1 11nUiA Qtnta R oprufc i re (luetic n corporation, icon I liuming, 1'orUand, Oregon. I Red Cross Presents "The Peace Cele bration in Paris'" Francis X. Bushman in "Red. White and Blue Blood" MAX FIGMAN Comedy TODAY ONLY. Ye Liberty Sydney Barker, Walter Bulser, Howard Zell, i'ruuk .Nist, Arthur White, Flor ence Busch, Jennie Hoppe, Marian Trustman, Helen Yarnell, Harold Doll, Frances lvcefer, sthor Winkleman, liu gene 1'helps, Kulh Chenowth. Kichmond Cchool. Pivlmor Method Button Lucile An derson, Doris Ballinger, Rose Huston, ABSOEPTION PEOCESS MAKES FACES YOUNG ' Success at last has come to scient ists who for years have sought some method of removing the outer veil of facial skin in cases of unsightly com plexions, which would he tooth pain loss and harmless. Tho new process is sosimple, so inexpensive, the wonder is no one had discovered it long wo. It has heen amply demonstrated tnat common mercolized wax (sold by drug gists in ounce packages) entirely re moves, hy gentle absorption, tho with ered, lifeless surfaco skin, showing the youthful roselike skin benealh. The -ax is applied at night, like cold 'cream and washed off in the mornjng. The absorption also cleanses clogged pores, increasing the skin 's 'breathing capac ity and preserving tone, color and nat ural beauty of the new skin. A sintple and harmless wrinkle re mover wliiah.fets also proved quite suc cessful ean easily ibo made at home in a jiffy. All one need do is to dissolve an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel and bathe the faco in the solution once a day for awhile. After the verv first aonlica- Mary tieeiser, ; tion the finer lines disappear and the deeper ones soon follow. HIGHEST PAID -iUVATM . touay. no was driving in a when the horses bolted and t! ese he discovers emollients Alice Wendiand HcIon Eamsd'en, Eva composers f his time. out- UxativM and tonics, all Lgrson, Margaret Stolz, Euth Nelson,! Is in Mllitaiy Style. , o prepared and" offered to Genevieve Tribble, Melba Davenport Th th' of the allegretto is -based no, the tribe. To ueh Eva reUne p j u . Jn'.on an old French Komanza in military 0sy atoned roots and BaU Ruth Kuhn, Loretta Miller style. In its treatment of interchang- ( &U4)& WMi TRY TO END N. Y. STRIKE Now York, March 17. Striking har bor boatmen and independent boat own ers were scheduled to meet again today in 'an effort to end tho harbor striu here. Yesterday's attempt of the own ers to deal with the strikers individual ly proved a fiasco, union officials ap pearing in place of individual strikers. Ascron J 3 Tt. anginal M&&mm'' ForInfants,InvalidsandOrovlngChndren.RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract In Poler The Oririnal Food-Drink For All Ages. OTHERS are IMITATIONS 2roR25F' rWr:iTC OH CRAY25CACH CRP"FRINGE SHAPE 1IOID.TIC(iT"HA1R NETS CNJQV AN ENVIABLE NATIONAl REPUTATION AND THE FR11ND3HIPOP MILUONS Of WOMtlt "lIOI.D.nGHT" HAIR NETS ARE MADE OF THi FINEST REAL HUMAN HAUL ALL SH-DFi EVEBY "HOLD-TIGHT HAIR NET GUARANTEED OR MONEY PF.FUNDED. OJiDKR AT YOUR FAVORITE Sl'ORE. IFTHCY CANNOT SUPPLY YOU.. WRITE Ui STATE COLOR AI.C SHAPE. .EOI-P'3Ht IILSJIR. 2SI--4'AV6N!IE N G W YORK STARCHED Oil SOFT THB ARROW IS A DEPENDABLE INDICATOR OP A SMART SIDVIClim g COLLAR Ci,otTT, f ewidv it Co., Inc., Vakeri, Troy. W. V. T7 CIAL Stockton, Cal., March 18. The high est paid private in the American army was Jacob B. Hoffman of this city. Ho was sent to Camp Lewis and discharged on his fifth day In service Goiieva Budun, Angelia Sundon, Vera 'for flat feet. Ho received $1 a dr.y Stone, Eunice Robinson, Gladys Long- while in camp and now is to receive the worth, Warner Camfield, Winona Smith $00 bonus, or $13 a day for his service uarneia ucnooi. .period. Progress Fin Virginia Dorcas. l'almor Method Button-Miin Todd, DITD MEITO AI fl A DAIM Genevieve C'amnbell. Elsie Tomukius. i "w liulyiLf UiUiil 1 Aid Anna Auer, Juauita Jarmon, Sherman Flimpten, Ralph Farker, Roy Morriss, Oliariio Iling, Leona Geer, Gladys Albia, Bertha Bullock, Lois Wagner, i.iinn Hure, Minuio Shrode, Minnie Weaver, Alma Farmer, Willie Solof, Homer Rich ards, Luvada Maxwell, Arlie Anderson, Marian Rowley, Helon Hure. Highland School. Gladys Snyder, Josephine Fceo.v. KIDNAP SPANISH GlJj San Frr.ncisco, March 19. Josephine Sastro, 16, a Spanish girl, was kidnaped this morning while entering the laun dry where she works. The abduction took place in plain sight of ninny of tho tmployes, but hap (. b.-i h....4 -y i i (. ru -wor-le.s tu prevent I'.. The girl ;t n iilnt ti j'or tho buill.i.g when ,i ! ip to tho curb and a young man stepped out, seized tho girl by the arm, dragged her into the machine. The ear drove speed ily away. AWAY, DON'T SUFFER Instant Relief! Rob Nerve Tor ture, Pain And Misery Out With "StJacobs Linment" Conquers pain never fails. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Ja cobs Liniment" right on the acho or pain, and out comes the neuralgia mis ery. Here's a joyful experiment !Try it! Get a small trial bottle from your druggist; pour a little in your hand nd rub it gently on the sore, aching nerves, and before yon realize it in just moment all pain and neural gia disappear. It's almost magical, but the joy is, that the misery doesn't come back. Nol The' nerves are soothed and congestion is relieved and your neuralgia ig overcome,' Stoip suffering! It's needless neu ralgia and pain cf all kinds, either in the face, head, limbs or any part of the tvodv, is instantly banished. "St. The Hearst propertv near Chihuahua was raided recently by Villislas. who Jacobs Liniment" is nerfeetlv harm. robbed the foreman of all his property leS9 gnd doesn't burn. or discolor the r-nd cued all the Lcrses on the ranch. kin. In use for half a century. For a few days only we are going to 'offer at greatly reduced prices our entire line of beds. Iron Beds As illustrated with extra heavy fillers. Regular $17.50 Value, now .-. ...:...$11.95 Regular $9.00 Iron Bed, now $6.85 Regular $8.75 Iron bed now $6.30 Regular $27.50 Iron bed, now $19.75 Regular $65.00 Oak bed, now $43.80 Regular $65.00 B. E. M. bed, now $43.80 Brass Beds Regular $24.00 Bed now ....$15.80 Regular $30.00 bed : now.. .....$22.80 Regular $27.00 bed now .. ; $19.75 Regular $37.50 bed now-.. :. $23.80 Other bed prices from $1.50 and up. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE E.L.Stiff&Son 16 J