THh DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919, PAGE FIVIJ The -"Journal New T t fk m A JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINa BATES Eats per word New Today; Each insertion 1 ne week (6 insertions) - 5e , One month (26 insertions) , 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, tot errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. LOGANBERRY tips and planta Phone 10SF4. strawberry 3-22 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 482 S. High, phone 1123. 3-20 WANTBD -To rent five room, furnish ed house, close in. Phone 1604. 3-19 FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1499M. 3 24 DISCHARGED soldier want work by hour. Myrtle hotel, room 15.. 3-20 WANTBD 3 or 4 men at Quaker nur sery. Phone 2500J2. 3-19 j FOR SALE 35,000 Magoon strawber-j - ry plants. J. 8. Rt. 8, box 40. 3-19 . 100-CinCK Cyphers, brooder for $0. Phone 72F4. sale. 3-20 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Fhone 1339J. tf "WANTED Few tons straw cords wood. Phone 80F11. and few i 3-19 MOTORCYCLE evenings. for sale. Phone 8F23 tf FRESH cow and calf for sale, large heavy milker. Phone 84F4. 3-20 BUSINESS college girl wants to work for room and board. Phone 32F13. . 3-20 EXPERIENCED Phone 111F3. grafters wanted. 3-18 TOR SALE Young shoats, about 60 lbs. Phone 15F4. 3-19 YOUNG fresh eow and calf for sale. 675 Brooks Ave. 3-36 HAVE your cars washed end polished at 320 N. Com. 8t. 3-19 IR SALE Wheat hay, 10 ton. phone 411 ob 1593. F. E. Shafer. tf "WANTBD Cattle, calves, kind. Phone 80F11. veal, any 4-8 BUGS cleaned 35o per rug Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 4-4 FOR SALE 8 year old gelding, sound and true. No skate. Skyline Orch ards, Phone 36F11. 3-14 FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phono 398. ti WANTED T rent or buy upright pi ano. Must be .cheap for cash. D P A care Journal. - 3-19 TWO-HORSE disc harrow for sale, good as acw. Box 101, Chemawa. Phone 14F13. 3-19 FOR SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed barn, S. High street. tf FOR SALE--House and lot, 54x164, 1 blocks from State, 259 S 19th. 327 LOGANBERRY plants for sale. J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Rt. 6. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 8. High St. Phone 1400. tf EXPERIENCED man wishes position as foreman oa prune ranch. Ladd & Bush reference. Phone 864. tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen eral house work. Fhone 1296 or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St. tf yOB SALE Cheap, good work team, will trado for cattle. Phone 89F23, Rt. 5, box 125 on Macleay road, tf A. E. HUTCHISON, 248 State St., Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. . 4-7 FOR SALE Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. tf WANTED Modern furnished- house by responsible couple. 773 care Jour nal. - 3-19 STRAYED or stolen, one yellow cow with dark stripes, halter and chain 2 feet long. Phono 707. 3-20 FOR SALE Baled wheat straw $9 at barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 814 Masonic bldg. tf FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf TOR SALiv i wxls snaft governor,- engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 17'J Commercial. v tf LOST Brown bill book containinf tie and- timber Inspectors pass and $15. Return to this office and liberal re ward. 3-18 FOR SALE White Leghorn and Ore gon sotting eggs 1 per sotting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred 768 B. 13th 6t. 41 FOR SALE Hatching eggs White Leg horns, heavy layers. $6 per 100, $1 per sotting of 15. Fairview Poultry Farm, Salem, Or., Rt. 7 box 48. 3-24 FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf FOR SAILE 8. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Selected stock Martin and Tom Barron males. Records of 20O and better. Phone 101F12. 3-21 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a ear come and see me. Maxwell 5 pass, to apply as pay ment on modern bungalow 1918 Elgin Six, bargain, $1083 Detroit car, good condition, ex change for Salem lots. Ford 1 ton truck, $600 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buy. ' Overland, good condition, $150 1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell roadster $275 List your property trade with mo. Phone 362 EXPEKIEMCED maid apply at once, Hotel Marion. - 3-20 WILL care for children at my home. Inquire at 1140 N. Front St. . J-25 WANTED From 50. to 100 cords of good second gTowth wood. Address Salem Sand and Gravel Co. 3-19 FOR SALE 30 stock hogs, all sites, Poland China strain. P. E. Thomason Turner, Ore. 3-19 FOB SALE Seed wheat and two sets of farm harness. Phone 254 or 622. tf FLEMISH does $1.50, and $2, good stock; also White Leghorn eggs, $1 per 15. Rt. 2, box 81. 3-22 FOR SALE Good 5 room house, large lot. on paved street, ono block from carline. flood buy, $1200. See owner 865 N. 16th, Salem. 3-24 FOB SALE or trade tovered peach or loganberry wagon, good as new, at H priea. Phone 5F3. 3-21 LOST Sunday afternoon, lady's grey suede glove. Hinder please phone ot leave at journal oince. 3-22 WANTED To rent or buy upright pi ano, must be cheap for eash. 1 P A care Journal. - 3 25 WHITE Leghorn baby chick. 18e each while they. last. W. R. Baker, Phone , 68F2. a-20 FOR SALE One Ford auto, 1st class, cheap. Can be seen at Capital Gar age, it. J. Horschbach. 3-19 FOR SALE 2 young horses' at Farm era Feed Barn (no skates). Geo. Swegle. 3-21 FOR RENT Good house, 445 Rich mond Ave, front of Richmond school. -3-26 GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished, will lease very reas-ENTER Street Oarage just opening uuauie. inquire avo vuni i ur phono 1549M. 8-24 WANTED Black mare, 1300 to 1400, medium build; must be first class. E. D. Minch, Rt. 3, box 271. Phono 84 "F12. 3-19 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf a general repair shop; cars washed and polished. 245 Center St. Phone 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15 IF you cVsire to purchase a modern residenco . or small tract on easy terms, or a farm or prune ' orchard see John H. Scott's large list at 404 .Hubbard bldg. tf ONION seed for gale selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervais. Kt. 3. Phone 48F11. 8-20 FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50e per lb; apples $1.75 nor bushel. Rt. 6, box 61, Fheno Zi F21. tf 20 ACBB8 fine bottom land, adjacent to Jefferson, Or. for trade for good residence in Salem. Phone 1902M. 3-22 OREGON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3.50 per thousand while thoy last. Why pay more. Chas. Hart, Jefferson, Or. . 4,-1 FOR SALE 4-yr. black horse, weight 1200 lbs. AIbo 2 cows, 1 jersey and 1 Guernsey, one fresh and other to freshen soon. 2015 N. Com'l. 3-19 ALL AROUND butcher, sausage mak er and meat cutter wants work in Salem about April 1st, gilt edge ref erence. Address B-17 care Journal. 3-22 FOR- SALE 1200 lb. horse, perfectly sound, 3 inch wagon, almost new, double and single harness; Gold Coin seed potatoes. 1395 N. Idbevty St. 8-24 FOR SALE Or trade, A-l good farm, ISO acres, well unproved, running water; will take good Salem proper ty in part. Address 950 S. 12th St. 3-21 BARGAIN Dairy farm, six miles out on paved road, part bottom land, no hills, few cows with the place at $85 per acre. Boom 8, Bajne building. - 3-20 WANTED 10 men to cut eord wood and do farm work, good wages, house for family, board, tools furnisrfed, do not writo, come at once. Telephone Jefferson 31SF22. W. J. Trunidge, Talbot, O. E. carline.' 3-24 We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL B Tax Exempt FirstMor ONBS tgage Farm Loans HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. IT pays me and it will pay you also to raise rabbits, '1 have sold $71 wortn this month and have several good bargains left from 50c to $15. Phone 12Wi or call 890 Onk' St. Warren Hunt. . 3-20 FOR SALE Early or medium selected Minnesota 13 seed Com for grain or silage. Pound 12 cents, bushel $6, f. 0. b. Corvallis. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. 3-19 LOST 33x4 Goodyear cord casing, new, on road between Jefferson and State. T. B. Sanaturn. Phone 4113 or write G B C, Rt. 5, Ibox 28, Salem, Ore. o-19 WILL the party who was soen taking robe from automobile in front of owner's home Sunday evening return same immediately to 351 N. Cottage St. to avoid proswution. 3-18 LOST Tuesday evening about 7:30 p. m. 1 Goodyear tire 30x314, and rim between Salem ind Independence. Finder please notify Jenks studio. Reward. ' ' 3-18 FOB SALE. Property consisting of 7-8 acre. Ifruit trees, 'berries of all kinds, 4 room house, barn woodshed end fruit room. Leaving town, will sell at a bargain, terms to suit. R. J. Horschbach. 3-19 FOB SALE 67 acre prune ranch, 13 acres Italian prune tract in bearing, 27 acres 3 and 5 year old, some cher ries, walnuts and! apples, good farm house, two barns,, 9 miles oouth of Salem. Price $10,000. W. H. Graben hornt & Co., 275 State St. 3-21 FOR SALE 480 A in Jefferson coun ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur ham cows, increase about 20 calves, 1 regifrtorcd Durham bull, good house barn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; some timber, some pasture and all tillable .land under Suttlo lake irrigation project. A snap at $8000. Address M J 8 care Jour nal, f. tf A MAN of experience and resident of Salem, would like positiii in Salem office or other light work. Referenc es furnished. Salem address .702 N. ,14th St. M E C 3-22 TO TRADE A small residence and 1000 dollar mortgage and some cash for good residence in Salem or email tract in country. John H. Scott, 404 iiuDDara Diag. tf FOR SALE Small tracts of good land improved and unimproved near Sa lem at a reasonable price on easy payment plan; will give purchas er work to help pay for same. Get ' some land before the price gets so high you cannot reach it. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard. tf FARM FOR SALE 70 acre all bot tom land, 45 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, all level, adjoins limits of town of 1000. Good eigWW room bouse, large barn with stanch ions for 25 heart of cows. Stalls for six head of horses and room for hay for same. 20O ton silo. Place well fenced. Plenty of outbuildings, in-' eluding hog houses, chicken houses, granary, etc. Good family orchard. One mile to high school and college, half mile to public school. Electric lights, city water. Will accept good Salem residence property up to $3, 500 as first payment. Long limo on balance at (t per cent interest. Reas onable discount for cash. Phono 1902, or see me at 1059 Center street, Sa lem. 3-21. FOR 8ALE-df yon are looking for a good used piano, do not buy until you have seen my beautiful mahog any Bush & Lane at a bargain price. Some ennh, balance terms. Come and see it at 1325 Hineg St. Liberty bonds taken. 3-19 AN Amorican geltlcman, 35 years, fair complexion, wishes to correspond with country maiden or widow under 30 years. Object a mate, vim a cow boy in Montana 13 years and had no opportunity to meet ladies. Am in business in Portland. Address C. C. Belingam, Gen. Del. Portland. 3-19 A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, oa Capitol street for $.;ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, bis food new gar ege. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sals or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me cn c'fer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to state eapital. What will you give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If yon are looking for bargains -see Skirt Sale of Importance Every skirt in our store at reduced prices. We have taken a "Special Lot" consisting of SILKS, PLAIN, PLAIDS AND FANCY; BARONET SATINS and KEOTA RAJAHS, SER GES and POPLINS, SELLING UP TO $22.50. YOUR CHOICE H Q OC- CSee Liberty Street Window) pi.i70 Purse and Hand Bag Special A fortunate pick-up by our Naw York representative. 150 PURSES and HANDBAGS that we have placed at less than WHOLESALE PRICE JUST 1-2 THE REGULAR SELL ING PRICE. This is a wonderful special No two alike: the product of one of the leading factories. - (See Display Liberty Street Window) Readytofear Coats, Suits, Dresses and Waists Spring will burst on us suddenly, Easter is close at hand. Don't de lay. Purchase now from a full stock with wide range of selections and give our alteration room plen ty of time to individualize the gar ment to you. You can always do better at Plumbing and Water Systems Installed by GRABER BROS, 141 South Liberty St., Phone 550. Also 'agent for falr-baiks-lforse Gae Engines. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male cur, mouse white neek, weight 35 pounds; one male 8pitz,( weight 10 ponnds; one male fox terrier, brown head, weight 18 ponnds; one male fox terrier, brown spots ,weight 15 pounds; one male Ir ish setter, red, 60 pounds; one female shepherd, -dark, weight 50 pounds; one male fox terrier, black and brown spot ted, weight 20 pounds; one female fox terrier, brown spots, 10 noniids. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owner, on or before March 22d, 1919, as provided in said ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. March 17, 1919. 3 21 Last Yeek Broke Record la ReturnHoe Of Troops Washington, March 19. Last week was the record breaker in the return of troops from France, according to war department figures today. Daring the week ending March 14, soldiers num bering 59,454 returned, making the to me at once. G. W. Laflar. insurance tal 414,278 since the armistic. The bet'i '. tr previous wec-K was inat ending enru- pIaec. JoDn Ml.dler, sophomore, second; man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg.' HUM UNIVERSITY DEBATE There was practically a "full house at Waller hall last night to greet the aspirants for honors in the coming de bating contests. Br. C, L. Sherman, of the university, presided over the meet ing, making a brief introductory ud dross in which he called attention to the fact that the principlo involved in the subject under discussion undcrlaycd all industry from the earliest ages of civili zation. The question before the house was: "Kesolved, that the United States gov ernment should own and operate all ralroads," and the two teams of de baters were lined up as follows: Af firmatimo, Balph Thomas, Ina Moore, Myrtle Mason and Hubert Wilken. Negative, Leslio Fishier, Horace Huii skopf, John Medlcr and Paul Doney. The contestants on both sides took the platform in good spirit and form, the arguments being well presented. Ralph Thomas lead in the affirmative group and Ieslie Fislar in the nega tive, the former demonstrating to a cer tainty that there could be no stable and economical management of railroad pystems except under government own ership; while (be latter just ss dearly proved . by logic end Old World in stances, that government ownership en tailed graft, bad politics and inefficient service. The clash of arguments in ro buttal was quite as good on both sides as the opening statements. Judges of Event. The judges were Attorney Elmo 8. White, Dr. Edwin Sherwood and Miss Lucy Elliott, and after due deliberation !they made the awards of honors as fol- Horace Ruhskopf, junior, first Leslio lislar, junior, third; Miss Ina averaging 1000 pounds ench. The prio Moore, suphmoro, fourth. The alter- puid wns 13c per pound for the live weight making the carload cost 3000, nlitf'K mimml wpir MIhn Mvrlln Afuumt I aniiltfimnrn itn1 T'it.iiI lln.titi. . The evening's program was made thig r'' 6 bci" tho h'1hcBt for more entertaining by a vocal solo by v "'ct evRr comin"ir Into the city of Flody Mclntiro, and a piano solo by!Hllllm n,so tnft.V ans the choicest that Miss May Mickey. IIirs come to Salem within the past year, As an evidence of the excclloiit work '"''"K ctrf prime. These sreers were being dono by the students in tlio-l r"if,'1 "" Rrain tei all winter by Mr, school of pubiic speaking it should bu W- w Slower of Fossil, Oregon. Mr, noted that there was only a difference' 8ticwc.r is a prominent stock raiser of of ono and seven-ninths 'per cent 1 on8tern Oregon ftnd is a brother of Jolm .1... Sfiewer of Jefferson. Mr. Crnta uiva iuo nmuuiiiie ul mo wJiim-r itiui ' . - j - the man in fourth place. And what i8ltnat ,h("'0 ' nothing toog good for the more striking is that there was a dif ference of threo and scventecn-cish-teenths per cent between the lowest and the highest score in the group of eight. The two holding highest places were awarded the Steeves prifco of 10 and $5 provided by Dr. 11. L. Btceves to cn courago.the work in this department. SALEM FIKM BU7S CHOICE STEERS Out of 93 loads of livestock received at the Portland Htock Yards las: Mon- Sulcm folks and especially his custom ers and that it does not -make any dif ference to him how far he has to go to get choice Vef he will get them. Business la marriage license at the county clerk's office has been rather slow the past, five days. Up to the 14th of tho month, 13 lieeni had been is sued, lint since last Friday no IicctiM' have been applied for. day K. C. Cross & Hon bought one of j,, Bishop M. L. Padilock of the eastern. Oregon dinceso of the Episcopal church nbles to his Ulster at Hood Wiver that the best loads of steers in the yarns. It consisted of RT Hereford two venr olilp remain in France indefinitely ia Y. M. C. A. work. Salem Auction Co. Handles all kinds of rsles, any where in the . state. d SATTERLEE, AUCTIONEER one 117 157 Com'l St., Salem, Ore.