Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 19, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PIS. HE Chfrriaa dance which will be
a m 'VE" n f mm
More and more, thoughtful women are de
creasing the cost of living by increasing the
variety of their home baking. They have
learned to bake the Royal way with fewer
eggs. They have found that more baked
foods mean less meat They have further
discovered that their baking keeps fresh
longer when made with
Absolutely Pure
In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, In
some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking
Powder is used, about a tea spoonful in place of each
egg omitted.
Try it with your favorite recipes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Tasto
Asks Mayor Albin To Help
Find His Sister Out West
Mayor C. H Albin is In receipt of
the following letter from a man who
lives in South Bend, Indiana, and who
is endeavoring to find his sister.
To tho mayor of Salom:
I want to trace a sister whom I hava
sot heard from for ten years. The last
time from California, But have since
learnod she wns about to invest in an
apple orchard in your stato,
Now what I want is the names of tho
different apple corporations or asso
ciations in Oregon and possibly I may
.trace ncr that way. And their articles
or incorporation wouiu ue mcu wnu
somo state officer.
Ho if you will kindly hand this let
tor to the right state officer, I will be
very much obliged. 0. II McNeil, 320
Columbia- street, Houth Bend, ludiana.
i i i
unease J. Itf'f i'lij ,:
3o mopssms couchj-
Holsingfors, March 18. An interna
tional communist congress has opened
in Moscow, according to dispatches re
ceived from that city today. Delegates
are present from Germany, France,
Switzerland, Holland, Sweden and Aus
tria. ,,-...... . , . - -
"Revolutions in , Paris and London
will overthrow the present yuwv un
foronoisj" doc In red a French delegate. '
''The communists' in Botteudam nnd
Amsterdam are ready to march," a
Dutch delognte said.
Foreign Minister . Trosky urged
"blood and iTiercilessness" in establish
ment of "universal prolntnrianiBiii."
Enchanting Silks (Jj 1 7g!
at yard. . . . u
One of the best lots of Silks that has
been put upon our bargain tables in a long
These are true-blue novelties, vari-col-.
ored stripes and plaids in handsome
patterns, that will make many a lovely
Spring dress or waist at a very modest
cost. They are 36 inches wide and every
inch a bargain Values up to $2.25. We
anticipate lively selling at the price,
yard .. . x $1,75
These summer weight woolen drawers
are just the thing: for between seasons
wear. They would cost you a lot more,
too. if we had the shirts, but, having the
drawers only about four dozen of
them you get the advantage of the
dollar price. All sizes 32 to 44.
Should see that the whole family take
at lenst 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, puri
fying systom cleaning modicino this
spring. Jfow is the time. The family
will bo 'healthier, happier, and get.
along hotter if the blood is given a
thoro purifying, tho stomach nnd bow
els cleaned out, and the germs of win
ter, accumulated in the system, driven
away. Hollister's Rocky Motintain Tea
is one of the vel(y best and surost
spring 'medicine to take. Get it and
see the difference in the wholo fuiuily.
Their color will be better, they'll feel
fine nnd bo well and happy. D. J. Fry.
Health Was Completely Shat
tered When She Began s
Taking Tanlac.
''Just give me Tanlae and you may
have nil the other medicines," said
Mrs. 0 W., Christensen, Tesiding at
1618 South 44th street, Tacoma, Wash
ington; ' 'Those who have not seen me since
I began taking Tanlac," continued
Mrs. hristonscn, ''would hardly know
me on first sight, I have undergone
such a chango. Why, do you know I
have actually gained thirty-six pounds.
It hardly sounds reasonable but it's
tho truth. I had suffered from ner
vousness and frequent dizzy spells for
sev n (years,, and my sleep was sn
broken, and I was so tired that I hard
ly felt like getting up in the mornings.
My back felt like it would break in
two, it hurt me so badly and my kid
ney bothered me all the time. Every
thing I would cat tasted bad and my
stomach was so upset that I could not
eat more than one meal a day, and
that a vory light one. Besides all this,
about eighteen months ago, I was in an
automobilo accident, and have been al
most a nervous wreck ever since. I
thought my condition was bad enougv
before, but afterwards my" health was
completely shattered The pains in my
back wore almost unbearable my stom
ach got worse and I was in dreadful
plight. I lost weight until I got down
to only ninety-eight pounds was hard
ly more than a frame and was confin
ed to my' bed for severnl weeks. .
" Finally a friend of my husband
advised him to get me to try Tanlac
and my improvement commenced with
the first bottle. I have been gaining
in woight and strength ever since un
til now. my troubles are not only gone,
but I feel just as strong and well as
I ever did. I fat just anything and en
joy it and nothing hurt me a par
ticle. My nerves are strong and steady
and I sleep so well that I'm glad for
night to come, and getting up time
comes too early for me in the mornings.
Tanlae ha certainly brought health and
happiness to me and I can't say too
mocn in lfs praise.
Tanlao ia sold in Hubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben
Oooch, in Gorvai ty John Kelly, in
Turner ty H. P. Cornelius, in Wood
bum by Lyman II. Storey, in Salea
by Dr. A. C. Stone, in Silverton by lieo.
A. Steelhaiuiner, in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. MoCurdy, in Stay-ton by 0. A. Beau
champ, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Store.
Vo., Inc., in Donald by M. W. Johnson
and in Jefferson by ishay A Mason.
IV 1 1 Reduce your doctor's
II bills by keeoinir
" always oa band A
I held thi evening in the armory
gives premise rfeis one of the
largest of tne season. Owing to the
haste with 'Which it wa arranged it
was impossible to get invitations
printed m tune and aa a consequence
oral invitations are being extended.
It will be necessary for each person
to give the name of the Cherrian who
invited them, but as the showing in
i friends of most Cherrians i anything
but small, and they are a most hospit
able and generous aggregation the se
curing orf an invitation should not be
so very difficult. This ia the dance
that waa postponed so magnanimously
for the benefit ef the Company M
dance and the patriotism of the Cher
rians on that occasion will no doubt be
rewarded, a hundred fold by a largo
State Treasurer Hoff is domiciled
at tho Imperial hotel in Portland await
ing the arrival of his son, returning
iium vvvrat-ua. 1 ne uoy lanaea wnn
Oregon casuals last week in New York,
having seen a great deal of active ser
vice and sustaining the fracture of
two ribs and a hip. He wa a member
of the Eighteenth engineers. Numerous
Salem friends are looking forward eag
erly to his -return to the Capital city.
Mrs. A. J. Kahn of Salem was solo
ist at the home coming celebration of
t"he Albany soldiers yesterday. She is
a favorite with Salem audiences and
is often in demand for soeial functions
of a musical character. Concerning the
Albany event the Portland Oregonian
speak as follows:
"Albany extended formal welcome
to its returned soldiers and sailors to
night in a 'big banquet and reception
held at the armory under the auspices
cf the Bed Cross. Moro than 100 Al
bany young men who have returned
from the service attended.
"Dr. George H. Young, chairman of
the Linn county chapter of the Bed
Cross, presided and talked of welcome
and felicitations wcro made by Bev.
G. Bennett, Bev. Father Arthur Lane,
Mayor L. M. Curl, P. D. Gilbert, chair
man of the Linn county unit of the
national council of defense, and C. W.
Boctchcr, superintendent of the Albany
public schools. '
"The 6hedd Iband played during the
evening and Mrs.' A. J. Kahn of Salem
sang eeveral vocal selections.
,!The Bed Cross chapter arranged
the dinnor and the honor guard girls
handled the serving."
Frioaids in Portland and Salem re
ceived announcements this week of the
marriage in New York city March 8, of
Miss Claxibel Seely, a well known Ore
gon girl, to George Dieckmann of New
York city. Tho .marriage took placo in
"The Little Church Around the Cor
ner" and was iSttendod 'by intimate
friends of tho contracting parties. Mr.
and Mrs. Dieckmann will reside in
New York eity where the .bridegTOom
is &ssociaite4 with a New York steel
The brido is a daughter of Mrs. E.
J. Seely of Portland and a niece of
Mrs. Charles Elgin of Salem. The
bridegroom is a son of Mr and Mrs.
John IT. Dieckmann, pioneer residents
of San Francisco.
Salem lodge No. 336 B. P. O. Elks,
announces an informal dance for all
Elks and thedr 'lidies, Friday evening,
March 21, IBIS, at the lodge rooms.
Owing to limited space in tho lodge
room and the increase in the member
ship, the invitation is issued to Elks
and their ladies only. .Needless to say
nt will be royally attended Iby all mem
ber of tie lodge.
A very enjoyable time was had Mon
day evening by a group of intimate
friends, when Mr. and Mrs. John Bi-
wer entertained with a social evening
and "500" party at their home on
Cnemeketa street. The table were cen
tered with green and whitu, carnations
in honor of St. Patrick's day. A de
lightful luncheon wa served after
which tne remainder of the evening
was .spent in dancing. The guest in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Albin, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Ma pes, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. David
w. Fugfc, Mr. and Mrs. Jfi. O. VanMlyfce,
Mrs. Corsj Hauck and L. Duhl,
Bev. and Mrs! Leland W. Porter,
Mrs. Leonia Osborn-Peteraon, Mrs. 8.
i. Wolfe and Ivan Martin made up an
automobile party o Monmouth today
to attend the opening of Ithe three day8
sesion of the Folk vtounty Bunday
School association. Mr. Peterson will
assist in the musical program and Mrs.
rortor will present the leading feature
of this evening's program, rending
Honry Van Dyke's "The Lost Word."
A numbcT of Salem people will
eviucs interest in 'the rAurn of Al
pheus McLcod, who after nearly a year
in the service lias returned to civil
life. Mr. Mt-Leod, who ha been sta-
tioned at Camp Fremont, was accom
panied on his return by his bride, for
uiorly Miss AUegta Mason of Tilla
mook. The young couple were married
on the third of March and will make
their home in Salem. "
The men of the Jason Lee Memorial
were hosts for an unique social affair
Monday, when the ladies and friend
of ths church gwlhored around the well
appointed tables to enjoy a banquet
exclusively prepared and served by the
men of the church. This wa followed!
by a soeial hour and the evening clos
ed with the, following musical and lit
erary program:
Violin solo Bos Harris,
. B-eadircg Bev. William JNicholl.
Violin solo, accompanied by guitar
Messrs. Ronton and Roystoa. .
Cartoon Ernest Raymond.
Voeal solo Orviile Crowder Miller.
Aecomanist Miss Grace Sherwood.
Mandolin and (rui11' durt Messrs,
Woodfin nd Rwston. ft
Address Dr. f . B. Ford. :
Kitchen quartet Messrs. Hager-,
mann, Boberts, Raymond, Campbell.
The Woman's Belief Corps, sewing,
m -
Oil (0 Extraordinary Special y
This is the most extraordinary blouse sale we have
held for a long time, we have secured two sample
lines from foremost manufacturers and have
taken choice blouses from our line that are slightly
crushed but not soiled.
You will find a long range of sizes to select from
and every waist offered is from Spring lines.
Do Not Miss This Opportunity
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
will be entertained at tho home, of
Mrs. Luella Engstrom, 575 North Capi
tol street, Thursday afternoon. .
Miss Ada Miller went to- Portland
to attend tho concert given by Anna
Case of the Metropolitan Opera com-
pnny. -i- j,'-v -; t
Mrs. Lena M., Bellinger is upending
a ix week visit with her mother and
sisters in Los Angeles, California. Ac
companying her, are, her foster son,
Fmnklin ShenDurd and Miss Emma
Bindley of Rupert, Idaho.
Piles Cured, in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure Itching,
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
Stops Irritation; Soothes and Heals.
You can get restful sleep after the
first application. Price 60c.
Several More Tansports
Arrive In New York Today
New York, March 19. The steamer
Harrisburg, enrrying detachments of
tho 147th infantry, 37th division, ar
rived hero today.
Tho Harrisburg sailed from Brest
March 10. Other troops aboard were:
First and Second tir service construc
tion companies, four officers and 419
enlistod mon; casual companies dvu,
309, 373 (California), 291 and 815; de
tachments of casual companies 808
(New York); 821, 820 (Idaho); 295, 814
and 817; Brest convalescent dctchment
numbers 108 to 112, inclusive; seven of
ficers and 623 enlisted men, all sick or
wounded; 23 casual officers, threa gon
eral prisoners and 65 nurses. Also two
naval officers and 218 naval enlisted
The transport Seattle arrived today
with 1577 men and the cruiser Charles
ton with 1271.
The organizations on the Seattle were
the 104th machine gun battalion, 12 of-
Colda Cause Headaches and Fains
Feverish Headaches and Body Pains
caused from a cold are soon relieved
NINE Tablets. There's only one "Bro
no Quinine." E. W. GEOVE'S signa
ture on the box. 30c.
finers and 396 men; detachment 107th
infantry, three officers and 244 men;
mobile hospital number 2, seven offi
cers and sixty men; 14 casual officers
and the following casuals:
Numbers 945, California; 947, Massa
chusetts; 055, 956, 1463 and 1907, scat
tered, ' . " , i r?
On the Charleston were the 27th aero
squadron, five officer and 177 men;
147th aero squadron, three oiricers and
170 men r.nd eight casual officers.
fiov. E. J. Corner, a native Indian,
has been elected minister for the Pres
byterian church at Tutuilla.iin Uma
tilla county.
You Can t Cure Rheumatism
With Liniments and Lotions
Torturing Pnina Promptly
Return in All Their Intensity
Yon may as woll throw your lini
ments to the winds, if you expect
them to rid you of the pangs of.
rheumatism. In fact, the sooner you
discard forever the use of all forms
of local treatment, the sooner yon
will get on the right track which
leads to rational means of relief.
For you can rub - and rub from
now until doomsday, and you will
never make any progress toward
ridding yourself of rheumatism, be
cause such treatment doe not ap
proach the source of the disease.
Bemember from the outset that
the pangs of rheumatism come from
a deepseated cause, and that sim
ply rubbing the painful parts of
the body has no effect on ths dis
ease itself. But when you locate
the causa the disease, the real
source of all these intense pains,
you can then treat ths disease in
telligently. And until you do treat your
rheumatism intelligently, yoa will
never be fres from its disabling
pains. '
So many people have found real,
genuine and lasting relief from
rheumatism by purifying the blood
with S. S. S. that we are justifled
in recommending this splendid rem
edy to all who are afflicted. Per
haps your ease is liks thousands of
others which are caused by mil
lions of tiny disease germs in the
blood. S. S. S. so thoroughly
cleanses the blood, that it routs out
completely and eliminates all dis
ease germs that infest it.
In this way ths source of the dis
ease is reached, and its cans re
moved. Give your system a thor
ough cleansing with this rsliable
vegetablo blood remedy, and you
will be delighted to be free of the
pangs of rheumatism. It has been
used for mors than fifty years and
is sold at all drug stores. Begin
its use today and yon will have
the same satisfactory experience as
thousands of other sufferers.
Should yon wish special advice
about your own ease, it can be had
without cost by writing to Chief
Medical Adviser. 101 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Ga
Jyst R
for really good
pumpkin pie
iht kind of pie that bits yea ia th
"wazamtd-tAutmi Sugar Pump,
liaa am the lint urnriil. It i jutf
m euy to grow then ia yonr fudca
Cairola, Besot, Peat, Lettuce,
fUelithet, Onion, Cabbage, etc,
ymuMytm plaot MORSE'S
diouted to the Pacific Coast, true
avaaatc and lull at vitality.
Morw'i Flower Seeds are of the
um high quality. Deaka every,
where tell Morw'i Senfa.
Write lor our l9)9GJeaCwJa
j t heel
7 oa rtaaocot v&idorw t
Houses Siiasi
A carload of 7-foot Spli Cedar Posts of splendid
quality. See them before placing your order. Our
line of BULK KALSOMINE in all shades as well
as all kinds of house, barn and roof PAINTS is the
most complete in the city.
Give us a call.
a -
' Everything in Building MatcriaF'
319 S. 12th Street
Phones: West Salem, 414
Salem 813