: 5000 CIRCULATION. (85.000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. t, FULL LEASED WIRL t DISPATCHES " SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL- LEY NEWS SEUVICK A - ' h Vuujtl liVj vil, ' Oregon: Tonight and Tours- day probably raiu vest, rain or snow east, colder ea portion tonight, gentle northeasterly : winds. lit;. ' .t;- ! FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 57. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWB STANDS FITS CENTS Ulk IP1 fl v if ".Dim Vvjwv H TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT" IN PEACE CIRCLES BLOVS OVER Is Conceded That Final Bk .For Reparation Must Be Bas : ed On What Experts Fi Prussians Will Be Able To Pay Over Comparatively "'hort Period Of Years. ' Japan Is Pressing Ilcr Pok '-on For Establishment Of Racial Equality. By William Philip Sirnma (United Press gtaff correspondent) Paris, Mar. 19 Another "tempest in n teapo't" seems to have Mown over tuday. Further investigation confirmed that foreign Minister Picbon in his state ment Sunday, intended no opposition to. inclusion of the leaguo of nations in the pence treaty, but merely question al whether there was sufficient time fco perfect the icovenant for incorpora tion into the preliminary pact. The neutrals will have ithcir opporta nity to present recommendations for amendments to the constitution at to morrow's session and it was believed the covenant would be an shape to place before a plenary session for upon cWbnte, by Saturday. - Wilson Approves Conditions "President Wilson apparently has approved ttie military, aerial and nav al conditions contained in the -definite armisticfc with Germany," said the Temps, which usually voices the ideas of the Frencq, government. "Therefore, after the council of ten deliberates on those there is nothing to prevent Marshal Koch, giving tJhe .Gormnus 72 hours notice of cessation of tha. present armistice and inform ing them c? the new conditions fixing their military status. But only the mil itary progenia have been solved in this- manner;' Political problems have been adjourned. The question, there fore, probably will come up before the council wneuier vr uui it jo yii-cw... tbo fix in a permanent diplomatic docu ment Germany military, political and territorial s'tatus. In this documont that pact of the league of nations will be included. This opinion prevails, subsequent lSessionj will bo utilized for fixing Germany's frontier after which the Germans will be summoned to ror Willcs to sign the preliminaries." Found 32 Quarts Of Whiskey On Schooner Johanna Pouisen Portlaud, Or,, March 19. Captain H. A. Petorson and all the members of his crew of 21 went to jail hero today upon their arrival on the Bchooner Johanna Poulseu. . . A heavily aimed squad of police boarded the vessel when she arrived from San Francisco, and it is alleged the officers found 32 quarts of whiskey as part of the ship's cargo. While some of the squad of cops escorted the sailors to jail, the remaind er of the officers continued the search for liquor. They found 200 cases of whiskey on the Johanna when raided her a year ago, and they think thev may have overlooked some of the booze which arrived today. SCHEDinuEO TO BAIL KOON Washington, March 19, The Twenty sixth division- (New England National Guard) and the-"42nd division. (Rain hod!) are scheduled to sail from Brest to Boston and New York, respective, be tween March 28 and April 19, the war department announced today. j It looks like rhubarb would git a run nin start this spring, uiasin' alter : I Abe Martin t th' great is a never falin' indication otilrom .Portland and other parts of Ore- showed it contained bank deposits ag inferiority. Igon. gregatinB 24,000. PLAVED DOUBLE ROLE FOR LASTJEN YEARS George Hyatt, Respected Citi zen, Confesses To Bank Robbery. ' Minneapolis, Mar. 19. Here's the double rolo played for the last , ten years by George Hyatt, according to this alleged confession: In daylight, a printer, deason in the ichurch, Sunday school and popular mod el for the boys of Anoka, Minn. At night bp.nk robber, stickup man, iporch climber and all ound efficient (burglar. Hyatt is in the. Hennepin county jail lawattiing arraignment on a charze of laltcmpting to rob the Champlin, Minn. iState bank, fast week, and beating iMiss Hazel Flynn, cashier, until she lWs unconscious. The girl is still in a Iprecarious condition. Hyatt's assistant', he told County Attorney William N.- Nnsh, was a 15 year old iboy son of an Anoka minis ter, of another ehurch lhaii the one 'to which Hyatt catered. The boy went with Hyatt on practically all expedi tions and sihared the loot. He wa? look out when Hyatt entered the Champlin ibank last week in his home guard uni form and demanded that Miss Flynn lopen the vault. Authorities today took a wagon load lof loot from Hyatt's home to distrib ute among residents. Ho has confessed police say, to large numbers of robber- lies and attempted holdups and also to larson, having burned a home to destroy evidence of looting. ' . IN Of KILLED BANKER'S WIFE Was Climax Of Threat To Kill . Unless $5,000 Was Paid The "(XOf C." Oakland, Cal., March -9. With Mrs. George D Greenwood, wife of a San Francisco banker, torn to pieces by a, dynamite bomb exploding in her home and other residents of Berkeley and Oakland receiving death threats with demands for money, state, county and officials today started an exhaustive search for an organized gang of de termined blackmailers, intent upon ex torting from citizens by creating a reign of terror. Mrs. Greenwood, met instant death last night when a powerful bomb ex ploded near her. By the force of the blast, one sido of the three story Jioube wna tnpn nnpn nnil the vnmfln'i inndv hurled out on the lawn. He right arm had been blown off and her body was mutilated. Clothing stripped from the body, hunjr i -trees or was1 scattered on the lawn. Windows in nearby homes were shattered by the explosion. Threats to dynamite the Greenwood I... .- - n n n : 1 i .. .l. tin C. of C. Were receivea oy ureenwooa .5 1 "i 1 early last year. The house was under special gnard for several weeks after ward, as a result. Threats to dynamite the home of N. Campagna, wealthy res ident of Berkeley, culminated in discov ery of an uncxploded bomb in the Cam pagna yard last week. Police believe tho same persona are responsible for the Campagna attempt and last night's horror. Announcement by Governor Stephens that the state will offer 1000 reward for the apprehepsion of the perpetrators is certain to be followed todav bv post ine of large rewards by the city of Oak land and lamcdn county. j THE TJ. OF O. UNIT COMING Washington, Mar. 19. Units an nounced by the war department as having been assigned for early convoy heme include base hospital No. 46, known as the University of Oregon Unit, and made up entirely of Oregon ; men and' includes a hundred nnrtuHt LORD CECIL THUS LEAGUE STRENGTHENS HONROfDOCTRINE But Does Not Favor Special Paragraph To Coyer Ihis Point Paris, March 19. Lord Cecil, British expert on the League of Nations, told correspondents tho British delegation considers tho covenant should be a part of the preliminary peace treaty with Germany, He said he did not believe its incorporation would in uny way do lay presentation of tho treaty. "If the Monroe doctrine means what I understand it to mean non-interference in Amorican affairs by European without consent of the United States then the doctrine is strengthened by the leaguo, since no action couid be taken under its provisions without America's consent," lie said. Asked if insertion of a speciul para graph to cover this point is possible, Cecil rcpliod: "I doubt the advisability of putting any power in a special position in ref erence to tho rest of the world." Discussing Japan's contention for ra cial equality, he said: "However much wo sympathize with the theory of racial equality, wo cannot insert such a provision m rno covenant without infringing on the domestic rights of individual governments." WORK ON PAPER MILL BEGINS INFEW WEEKS WH Face 80 Feet On Coa- fierch! And Extend 200 Feet On Trade Street. Upon being informed that the council had acted favorably in vacating the foot of Trado street and some other strocts and alloys already occupied by the Spaulding Logging Co.j F. W. Load better ef Portland telephoned that the money was in bank ready for the work to begin in tho erection of tho JioOO,- 000 paper mill in Salem. There will be a delay of a few weeks, ho said, until the blue prints were completed and some other details straightened out. Nothing definite could be done in this lino until there was tho' assurance that the paper mill company was assured that the city council would .vacate the foot of Trado street. It is on this ground that the building for the boiler room will be erected. Tho big building 80 by 200 feet is to be placed on the corner of Trade and Commercial streets, where the office of the Salem Water company is now located. This office will bo moved, west to face on Trade street Elevator Moved Back. . The tall building known as the old elevator, on tho lot west of the pres ent office of tho water company, will be moved back to tlie tracks of the Oregon Electric. It will bo used as a chip bin and acid plant. The big frame building known as the Farmers' Ware house will be left in its present location and will be used as a pulp plant for the general mixing of the pulp. Another building will be erected to be known ns the ''digester" and will include a big tank twelve feet in dia meter and 50 feet high. In tho process of manufacturing paper from wood, the wood is first cut into little blocks about half an inch square and then placed in tha diges'er whore there is turned on steam and acids. This cooks the small chunks of wood into pulp and the pro cess is known as "digesting." Location of Boiler House. The boilor house which is to supply power for both the now paper mill and he Spaulding mill is to be located at th? of Trade street on the ground vacated. The main factory building in which will bo placed the $125,000 papermak ing machine, is to face on Commercial street at the corner of Trade and Com mercial and will be of two stories It " " Ji " uvi.iui.u nuibua v" bui,din will be ng will be ail concrete or or con crete and lumber. The floors of the en tire building will of course bo construct ed of concrete on account of the heavy machinery. Boy H. Mills local manager of the Spaulding Logging Co., gives the assur ance that just ei soon as a few details in blue prints and other little matteis are eared for, actual work will begin and this will be within the next three or four weeks, y SUPPOSED INDIGENT HAD i,o00 San Francisco, March 19. Fcr 12 years San Francisco has cared for as an indigent a man wrorth $24,000. But to quare the thing up, Nick Mulva-ney, 84, is going to pay back board at the rate of $1 a. day. Since he has been in the relief home, Mulvaney kept constantly with him a small p&ckagc, which he refused to show to anybody or left out of bis sight. Yesterday, he asked an attendant to ti.. i.niA a,ov v-am;naAn 0.8. COAL MINERS TO FOIOiMffliS May Help To Some Extent In Solving Unemployment Situation. Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 19. Wage demands to ibe made by the coal min ers of America at their next confer ence with tho operators were to be for mulated today by a sub-committee of ,the general policies committee, which opened a meeting in Indianapohs yes terday to decide on future "?tion re garding labor conditions. , j Three fundamental principles on which the sub-committee is working were laid down iby President Frank J. Haves in addressing the policies com mittee, which is composed of 200 mine workers representatives from all over the country. They arc: A six hour day. . A five day week. A substantial increase in the exist ing wage scale. Results They See Chicago, 1 Mar. 19. Coal operators here today saw in the discussion by I thing .is to bo reconstrueted on a new the United Mine Workers policy com- J basis that the principlo of protection mittee of shorter work ays and weeks : is ono f the grent meang to ennble onr and nationalization of mines, t In-'C9untfy to I0con9truct its industries dianapohs yestorday, the following without tll0 di8Mtrol trKlo int0rfer possible results: : . once of foreign nations, without tho in- inpioymcm oi an wooers wm. solving to some oxlpt tho employment A step toward internationalism ' c4 I iners, advocated at the recent Lon-1 don con'feironcei , ' Possible fcdoraUontrol of mines. Officials of 'the Williams County Coal Operators' association. Covering Illinois and Indiana, said today they had not formally considered the yr'n" ciples outlined Iby Frank J. Hnyos, president of the mine workers, some such program had bceivexpectcd by the Chicago operators, they said. They claimed to have seen an international movement spreading.' ' Tliero was some doubt among thorn as to tho sincerity. of Amorican coal minors in taeir e-urort tor nationonza- tion. This plank, it was nelievoci, found it's way into the platform, through a wish to (be in line with their British brothers. Association officials estimaltod one half of the Illinois miners now arc Idle TO COLLECT WAR DATA REGAIBSBOLDIERS Miss Marvin Has Charge Of Obtaining Complete Record Of Oregon Soldiers. During the week beginning next Mon day, March 24, the school of Marion county will collect data regarding sol- diers who were an any mrancn oi tne; service during 'the late war. Questionnaires, which were prepared by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state libra rian, are-being mailed this week to the teachers of all schools in the county, who are asked to cooperate in this work. This questionnaire calls for informa tion regarding "the personal history, military service, rank, promotion and other work of every man who has been in any part of the serviee. . If the soldiers- have not returned home, it is asked that the question naires be filled out by members of th family and returned to the teacher of the district, who will .. again return them to W. M. Smith county superin tendent of school ' '. Get Help of Teachers ' v A letter has been sent to all teach er from the of fice of the state super- lutey n0CesHary that the discharge pa intendent stating that a record is want ed of every Oregon eoldior. If there is any doubt as to whether the soldier is to be credited to Oregon, it is asked that the questionnaire be t il led out. Regardless of what the soldier T have done in the service, his record wanted and this P' " those who wore indueted into the ser-, The "iSSttST vote. MiM Marvin tho honor of prcpanng a suit - alble war record to include the names and military services of every man who went into the great war from Ore gon. When completed, this rceord will be published as the official war rec ord of the state. In order that none may "be overlooked, it was decided that the teachers throughout tha state should be asked to cooperate. Jn Mar ion county W. M. Smith was appointed ae historian. Better Shows Indication Of Continuing To Climb San Francisco, March 19. Already 5 ceuts higher than a week ago, butter . showg indication of continuing to climb, The price today stood at 61 cents. "New York il exporting all her but ter and. we are called upon to snntuy ting market and Alaska, as well," was the report of the San Francisco Dairy Exchange today. I "There is no butter in. storage today are advised not to sedd uniforms back tentatively agreed that a few more i had been obliged to abandon the im , hence the raise." to the war department. items would be added. ' portant town, of Ufa. J HEARST;IS'ADOGATE; AGAIN OFF WIN AS POLITICAL ISSUE Many-Times Candidate fot Office Springs Pint Sur prise Of 1920 Campaign. New York, March 19. Iu a letter re produced in his NewYork American to day, William Randolph Hcwst springs one of the first surprises of the 19-0 national campaign by calling for a re vival of protection as tho chief political issue. ' ' : ..- - The letter, from tho many-times dom jocratic candidate for Office, in part "Editor of the New York American: "I hope you can find occasion to write some editorials on tne pnneipie of protection and ask what has become of this of great American principle in the general confusion of head-long taxa tion. Protection Nocessary, He Says. "Have we lost sieht of tho fact that in this Dost-bellum period, when everv- VMi the trado w h s nk , t bo ,ove,od aj. U(f ' ,'.lus gr.(;at Amonan principle "A.L?!10" L 1 ?"ly ,pr0tCt auiuutttu luuuBiiivD in hub serious re- 1 li 1 !-J 1. i, . -i n construction period in this poriod of trado war and commercial invasion. It will raise a largo amount of incomo and relieve some of the direct tox Hardens that now fall heavily upon the people. Will Neglect Great Issue. ' 'A republican Congress is about to come in. It is looking for issues. Is it going to neglect tho great issue with which tho republican party haa mmiu- fied itself for many years 1 "There are many democrats who be- liovo in protection and who in this criti- cal staca of oi:r natinnul unir,mc would think more of the principles beneficial to the nation than thoy would .of any partisan consideration. ,-. "The principle of protection, too, woul4 fit ia well with . the publican 'part ,g h ( nationiaation. "It is time that true Americans stop ped maudlin and hysterical sentimental ity over tho condition of other nations, which are coming to be better on wan this nation. ' "The question of having the Unitod States excluded from the market of l great part of the world by British do. eree is a question which must bo fear lossly and intelligently mot and com petently solved. I "As an initial step toward the solu tion of this problem, let the great American principle of protection bo vig orously revived and put into activo op eration in this country. "Lot all true Americans stand reudy to considor their country first and their party afterward. (Signed) "William Randolph Hearst." tmT SUSW DISCHARGE TO GET VVAR BOKDS Soldiers Who Have Not Re ceived $60 Can Apply At Hosse Service Section. The soldier boy who wishes to secure the $60 bonus must have his discharge certificate handy. To (hose who apply to the Home Serv iee Section at the uostoffice it Is abso- be done without the papers. Mrs. Alice I)o(ld in charj?0 of the Home Sorvice , iReMoa work a that i0 ,,iany ,,, come Jb iigUMt bu(. full t0 :bri alon)? thft pror pRJM,r aml t)l(,re ' 1 , return with discharge papers. A, fc the b reeen H U -& "''""" bonus. The revenue act approved Feb. 24, 1919, provides for the payment of a $60 bonus to all officers, soldiors, field clerks and nurses who htve lelt the sorvice, but the bonus docs not apply to the heirs or representatives of any eoldior, Those who are discharged at camps will be given the $60 bonus when they are paid their final pay. Those who have received their dis charge and final pay, but not the $60 bonus, should apply to the local Home Service Section at the postoffice or write the Zone Finance Oftice, Lemoui building, Washington, D. C. In each case, there must be a statement of scrv- ice and the discharge certificate or mil- itary order for discharge, or both. But this can all be attended to in Salem by the Home Service Section if the sol- dier brings alone the discharge papers., The late congress als0 passed a Mw 'authorizing soldiers to keep their nni- forms as personal property and soldiers Investigation Shows That Foreign Minister Pinchon In tended No Opposition To Inclusion Of League Of Na tions In Peace Treaty.--He Merely Questioned Wheth er There Was Time To Incorporate Covenant Into Preliminary Pact. - HYSTERY SI ROUNDS DEATHOFMRS.STORRS Was Lunching In Tea Room Wilh Rival When Tragedy Occurred. Seattle, Wash., Mar. 19. State uni versity chemistg todfiy joined with de tectives and Coronor C. C. Tiffin in an effort to untangle the mystery that surrounds the Budden death by pois on of Mrs. GraiJo Elizabeth Storrs, 28, wane sue was Junclmug in the Bon Maroho tea rooms Tnosdav with Ruth Garrison, 18, who admits she is in love with the dead woman's husband. Dud ley M. Btorrs, ex-deputy sheriff. Mrs. Storrs was induced to take lunch -with hor young nnd pretty rival to discuss the possibility of a divorce, and died from poison, while eating. j Detectives arrested Miss Garrison at 1:30 a. m. today, at the homo of her uncle, James D. Esary, president 'of the Island Transportation company. Without show of emotion she accom panied detectives to police headquar ters and is now in jail. -v i. Say9 She Is Innocent "I am innocomt," she said, "but I love Dudley Storrs with all my heart and soul." , She had returned only Monday night from Okanogan county whore she vis ited Storrs, police declare. ., She wanted Mrs. Storrs to obtain a divorce, they say and called her up by telephone Tuesday morning at the home of E. B. Gatz, Mrs, Storrs' fath er. A discussion took place, and Mrs. Storrg finally said: "I will not talk about it over tho phone." Then Ruth Garrison asked Mrs. Storrs to be her guest at luncheon, tho police say. Mrs. Storrs agreed. She asked her mother, Mrs. Gatr.. nnd her unmarried sis'tcr, Alico, to follow her and take a seatta tho tea room where thoy might hoar the conversation, unknown to the host ess. Had Heated Discussion Tho two women went to tho tern room. Mms Uarrison ordered a mncn- con, A heated discussion followed, ine police say that tho dead woman's moth or hoard Butlh ask Mrs. Storrs if she intended to obtain a divorce. "I'll not got a divorce," Mrs. Storrs is reported to have said. Tho question wag put three times and the same re- ply mado. "Have you neard irom jour our . oann rnieiy i uwrrwi- is to have asked. 1 had a letter a day or so ago," was the reply. Miss Garrison asked to see tne let ter. Mrs. Storrs refused. Jttiss uarri son finally said, according to the po- lk'o version, that he was goina" to Alaska and would expect to find the Storrs divorced Whon she returned. They had nearly completed lunch eon when Mrs. Sborrs suddenly suffer ed a convulsion. She appeared to Ibo interriblo agony. Attendants rushed to the table and ear ned the womaa to the rest room. An ambulance was called tout when it reached the store the woman mis dead CIIAELES BEEBE EESIGN8 Charles F. Beobe, adjutant general for the atato of Oregon, has asked to be relioved from the discharge of his duties as adjutant general and that he be placed on the retired list. Gov ernor Olcott has appointed Col onel May as the successor of General Beebe. Colonel May commanded the 162nd division over seas and just recently ar rivedhome . TO VOTE ON BIG BONDS ba-eramento, Cal., March 19 The peo ple of California will be asked to vote a Ltotal of about $42,500,000 highway bonds, it is Indicated today. The re- viged report of the state roads commit tee was adopted at tho joint legislative highway committee meoting last night, and inaddition to this program, il was , I By Fred 8. Ferguson. (Unitod Press Staff Correspondent.), I Paris, March 19, The supreme wtr I council was expected to ratity rormally I today the tentative agreement under stood to have been reached yestorday on territorial and financial question of tho preliminary peace treaty. Tho conference yesterday was attend ed by President Wilson, Premier Lloyd George and Pcrmier Clemcneeau. Italy and Japan wero uot represented becau the matters discussed did not affect them. Tho session, which lasted from 3 p. m. to 5:30 p. ni., was described a "satisfactory.'.' , They Alternate Meettyigs. , ' ' Tho plan of alternating formal meet ings between the leaders and sessions of the supreme war council was adopted Sunday as part of tho speeding up pro cess. When the council adjourned Mon day until today, it was understood that several matters affecting principally the United States, Great Britain and France would be taken up. Tho ques tion of both the western ana eastern frontiers of Germany was snw g j,a' boon thoroughly discussed. John W. Davis, representing the Uni ted Htutos on the reparation committco; L. H. Locheur, France, and Lord Sum ter, Great Britain, were called in foe discussion of financial conditions of tha treaty. ; Are In Agreement. The big powers, it was learned today, aro iiow In practical agreement regard ing tho principle ..-..of working out fi nancial affairs, namely, that the final bill for reparation must be based on . what experts find Germany will be able to pay over a comparatively short per iod of years. .With the government heads already agreed on this basis fix ing of the definite amount of indemnity appeared to bo a matter of only a fow days. Mcanwhilo work is also being pushed on the League of Nations covenant which will be incorporated in the pre liminary pact. ' A call we sent to all neutrals yesterday to have their roeom mendations for changes and amend ments ready for presentation at the spo cinl session of the leaguo sub committee tomorrow. , , Japan Pressea Position. Japan intends to press f Its position that tho covenant, which is designed to establish the equality of peoples, stould establish tho principle or ruju tonal ity. This wns indicated when Baron Ma kino and Viscount Chinda called on Col onel House yesterday to inquire when there would be another mcotine of tho .leaguo committee Thoy intimated aft- ier tneir call that there had been so mucn tak roCently about the leagne, they merely desired to learn when the qu(,stjon i which they are interested woui,i be opened, as they desiro again to advance arguments in support of the reservation they made at tho last plen ary session. 1 1 . 7 Roseburg Boy Killed By r Bullet From Own Rifle Roseburg, Or., March 19. James Miller, 14, was instantly killed by a bullet from his own rifle late yesterdcy afternoon. f In company with a brother, the boy had gone hunting near their home at Days Crook, having previously hidden s riflo where they intended to hunt. . In pulling the gun from its h!dinr place in the brush, James accidentally discharged it. The bullet passed through his heart. : . . . . i ,- LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS .'. ' Now York, March 19. Liberty bond ' quotations todav: 3's no quoted; first 4's, 94.20, off .04; second 4rs, 93.70 off .06; first 4(4 's, 94.24, off .12; sec ond 4'zi's, 93.70, off .02; third 4',4's, 95.04, off .04; fourth 44 's, 93.83. SIBERIAN ARMY ON OFFENSIVE London, Mcrch 18. The Siberian army of tho Omsk government, begin ning 'an offensive against the bolaho viki . on the Ural front, has eaptured Ossa, Birsk and Ochansk. according to advices received hero today. Tho bolshevik official wireless from Moscow, admitting the Siberian army's advance, also stated the soviet fomes