THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1919. PAGE FIVU e The Journal New Today-: A MtH HMtM JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TffiBEST SELLING EEDIUM LN MARION COUNH-TRY THEI FOR RESETS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! BATES Bate per word Hew Today: Each insertion 1 ae week (8 insertions) ' &e One month 26 insertions) , , . 17e The Capital Journal wiH sot be rs-trpoa-ible for more than on insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Stead your advertisement the first da; tt appears and notify us immediately il error occurs. Minimum eharge, 15c. DISCHARGED soldier wants work by hour. Myrtle hotel, room .15. 3-20 WANTED 3 or 4 men at Quaker nur sery. Phone 2500 J 2. 31S PLOW for sale,- Bock Island 14-inch steel. Inquire 494 8. Winter. 3-18 1X)R SALE 35,000 Magosn strawber ry .plan ta J. S. Kt. 8, box 40. 3-19 WANTED To buy 300 everbearing strawberry plants. Phone 15F12. tf WANTED Few tong straw and few cords wood. Phono 80FU. 3-19 MOTORCYCLE for sale. Phone 8F23 evenings. tf EXPERIENCED grafters wanted. I'hono 111F3. 318 FOR" SALE Young ehoats, about 60 lbs. Phone 15F- - 3-19 YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale. 675 Brooks Ave. 3-36 FOR SALE 3500 Magoon strawberry plants. J. a Rt. 8, box 46. 8-18 FOR SALE A choice White Koek cockerel. Phone 2505W1. , 318 HAVE your cars washed end polished at 320 N. Com. St. FOR SALE G-asoline 1936M. engine. Phone 3-18 FOR SALE) Wheat hay, 10 torn, phone 411 or 1593. F. E. Bhafer. tf WANTED Cattle, calves, Teal, any kind. Phone 80F11. 4-8 BUGS cleaned 35e per iug Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. . 4-4 FOR SALE 8 year old gelding, sound and true. No skate. Skyline Orch ards, Phone S6F11. . 3-14 FOR' SALH Good "loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. ' tt WANTED Ts rent or buy-upright pi ano. Must be cheap for cash. D Pi care Journal. . 3-1 'OR SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Rt. 5, box 125 oa Maeleay Toad, tf A. E. HUTCHISON, 848 State St., Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. -4-7 FOR SALBSix room, S story house, and garage on State, street; for in formation call Main 1185. tf BARRED Rock eggs for hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 305 S 14th St. tf WANTED Modern furnished house 4y responsible couple. 773 care Jour nal. 3-19 STRAYED or stolen, one yellow cow with dark stripes, halter and chain 2 feet long. Phono 707. 3-20 FOR SALE Baled wheat straw 9 et barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 3LIBEETY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy the. 314 Masonic bldg. if FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf FOR SAL Ei i wis staft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. tf j WA-L PAPER 15 sent! par double roU upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. . tf liOST -Brown bill book containinf tie and timlber Inspectors pass and $15. Beturn to this office and liberal re ward. 3-18 WE PAY highest cash, price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 a High 8t. Phone 1400. tf WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WEAL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 "OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWHNS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. -OGANBKREY tips and strawberrr plants. Phone 10SP4. 3-22 WASTED 5 to 7 room unfurnished . modern house centrally located. Will lease. B E. T ears JeurnaL . 3-17 WANTED 300 at 7 per eert on real estate, value 12000'. Address Msnroe ears Journal. 3-18 , TWO-HORSE di harrow for sale, good as new. Box 101, Chemaw. Phono 14P13. 3-19 BOXES Large boxes for sale at the Oregon theater, suitable for nursery man, feed boxes, etc. 3-18 FOR SALE Good covered hack, heavy wagon, double and single harness. W M. Bernard, Salem, Bt. 2. . 3-18 FOR SALE 36 tt6re with small fruits, cash or terms. See Owner at 1417 Market St., Salein. 3-17 FOR SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed bars, S. High . street. . tf FOR SALE House and lot, 64x164, 1 blocks from State, 259 S lth. - 3-27 LOGANBERRY plants for sale. 3. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or, Phone 35F 12. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitlaud nursery. Phone 111F2L Sa lem Rt. 6. tf EXPERIENCED man wishes position as foreman oa prune ranch. Ladd & Bush reference. Phone 664, tf WANTED A woman r girl for gon- orai nouse worn, rwme zo or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St tf FOR SALE White Leghorn and Ore - gon sotting eggs f 1 per setting. Ba by chicks 10 per hundred 788 S. 13th St. 4-1 FOR SALE-Registerod Berkshire male pig 5 months old, largo type. Write for pedigree. Geo. Ramsden, Maeleay Ore 3-17 FOR SALE Hatching eggs White Leg horns, heavy layers, $8 per 100, $1 per sotting of 15. Fairoew Poultry Farm, Salem, Or,, Rt 7 box 48. 3-24 FOB SALE - 6 room modern house, good as new, blook to car' line nd -paved street. Price $1500, easy terms. Caill 180 N. 23d St. 3-18 FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf FOR SAJLEO room house and 2 lots, 4 blocks from 8. P. depot; would, consider 0 room bungalow om Lib erty St. Call at 1595 S. Lee St. : 3-17 FOR SALE Large team bay horses, one of the finest teams ia' state. Price $425. Charles R. Archerd Im plement Co. 3-17 FOR SALE 8. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Selected stock Martin and Tom Barron males. Records of 200 and better. Phone 101F12. d-21 WANTED For spot cash. Modern 6 or T room, house close to Lincoln school. Not over $1G00. C. W. Nie meyer, 216 Masonic building. 3-18 FOR SALE Peerloss water' power washing machine, like new, half price. W. M. Bernard, Salem, Rt. 2. 3-18 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at tf "bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Oo 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or sell a car eome and see me. Detroit car, good condition, ex change for Salem lots. Ford 1 too truck, $600 Maxwell 5 pass, to trade for .house and lot. ' 1917 Ford good ae new, all new tires, a good buy. Dodge, big bargain, $650. Overland, good condition, $150 1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell roadster $275 t Paige touring ear, big bargain Ford bargain, $350 List your property trade with me. Phone 363 Salem, Ore. WANTED From 50 to 100 eords of good second growth wood. Address ( JSalom Sand and Gravel Co. 3-19 ! FOR SALE 30 stock hogs, all sites, lnlDnA B,; T L' Tk..... 1 -. Vl V UtUU Dll tl U. A I 1UVUMUH Turner, Ore. 3-19 FOR SALE Soed wheat and two sets of farm harness. Phone 254 or 622. tf FLEMISH does $1.50 and $2, good stock; also White Leghorn eggs, $1 per 15. Rt. 2, box 81. 3-22 FOR SALE Chevrolet 5 pass, ear, me chanical condition guaranteed, 4 new tiros, 2 extras, spot light, chains etc. $675. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. ' tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery, St. 6. Fruit trees, rosos and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Qervaia, Rt. 3. Phone 48F11. 3-20 FOR SALE Clover haj$25 per ton; clover seed 50e ?er lb;' apples $1.75 nor bushel. Rt. 6, box 51, Phene 23 F21. tf 20 ACRES fine bottom land, adjacent to Jefferson, Or. for trade for good residence in Salem. Phone 1902M. 3-22 OREGON strawberry plants 50c per hundred, $3.50 per thousand while they last. Why pay more. Chas. Hart, Jefferson, Or. 4-1 FOR TRADE Good 5 room plastered house with lights, basement, barn and garage, for larger house. J 4 care Journal. 3-18 FOR SALE 4-yr. black horse, weight 1200 lbs. Also 2 cows, 1 jersey and 1 Guernsey, one fresh and other to freshen soon. 2015 iN. Coia'l. 3-19 ALL AROUND butcher, sausage mak er and meat cutter wants work in Salem about April 1st, gilt edge ref erence. Address B-17 care Journal. .3-22 WANTED-HOolony brooder stove, any standard make; coal burner prefer red. J E. Kirkpatrick, Rt. 6, box 22. 3-18 FOR SALE Or trade, A-l good farm, 180 acres, well improved, running water; will take good Salem proper ty in part. Address 950 8. 12th St. 3-21 BARGAIN 'Dairy farm, six miles out on paved road, part bottom land, no hills, few cows with the place at $85 per acre. Room 6, Bnyne building. 3-20 IT pays jne end it will pay you also to raise rabbits, I have sold $71 -orth this month and have several good bargains left from 50c to $15. Phone 1296 or Kisll 890 Oak St. Warren Hunt. 3-20 A MAN of experience and resident of Salem, would like position in Salem office or other light work. Referenc es furnished. Salem address 702 N. 14th St. M E C . 3-22 TO TRADE A email residence and 1000 dollar mortgage and gome caBh for good residence in Salem or small tract in country. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. tt FOR SALE If you are looking for a good used piano, do not buy until you have seen my beautiful mahog any Bush ft Lane at a bargain price. Some cash, balance terms. Come and see It at 1325 Hine St. Liberty bonds taken. 3-19 AN American geltleman, 35 years, fair complexion, wishes to correspond with country maiden or widow under 30 years. Object a mate. Was a cow boy in Montana 15 years and had no opportunity to meet ladies. Am in business in Portland. Address C. C. Bolingam, Gen. Del. Portland. 3-19 FOR SALE Excellent river bottom farm known as the Riverside ranch, or the E. O. Horst ft Co. farm, lo cated about 5 miles north of Salem. This farm consists of about 270 acres, 60 acres in 2-yar old prune trees, 60 acres now planted to wheat and oats and about 140 acres in tim ber and logged off land. This ranch would be ideal for general farming or for a fruit farm, siock or dairy ranch and the land is especially adapted for the growing of logan berries and vegetables, for which there is an unlimited demand. For particulars regarding purchase in quire of T. A. Livesley ft Co., in per son at their office, top floor Salem Bank of (Commerce bldg., Salem, Or. 3-1S A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, on Capitol street for $.-:ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount evenoe at $3500, haa good new jar ego: A largo briek building on North lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room honse en North 24th 6t An extreme bargain. Make me ca offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will yon give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in Tine con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargains see me at once. O. W. Laflar insurance man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Walk into your home some spring afternoon, as though you were a stranger. Does your home posses ell the charm and beauty that you think it should. If not, make a list of the eld furniture you can get 4c -long without and send it to Frank F. Biehter's furniture store and either trade it for oew or sell for cash. Just received shipment of Toledo Ranges. Trade your old stove for a new one. Tfak F. Ricnter Furniture Store, 373 Court St. Phone 217. We Pay tath for CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL and BOGS. Wrikfcrrt in- Tu- PORTLAND, ORE Hazel wood Co., Front and Ankeny St. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 4S2 S. High, phone 1123. 3-20 WANTED To rent five room, furnish ed house, close in. Phono 1604. 3-19 FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1499M. 3-24 100-OHIOK Cyphers brooder for sale, $6. Phone 7ilF4. 3-20 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top" price. Phone 13I19J. tf FRESH cow and calf for sale, largo heavy milker. Phone 84F4. 3-20 WANTED Girl or wtoman for general housework, middle age preferred. Phone 21F2. 3-18 BUSINESS college girl wants to work for Toom and board. Phone 32F13. 3-20 ELDERLY fedy for general housework modern home. Permanent position. 343 6. 14th. v, 3-18 FOR SALE Good 5 room honse, large lot on paved street, one block from e'i-. flood bnr, $1200. See owner B09 EL loth. Salem, 3-24 GOOD rooming house toelcase, 30 rooms partly furnished, will lease very reas onable. Inquire; 406 N. Com'l or phone 1549M. 3-4 WANTED Black mare, 1300 to 1400, medium build; must be first class, -fei. D. Minch, Bt. 3, box 271. Phone 84 FlSi ; B-19 FOB SALE 1200 lb. horse, perfectly sound, 34 inch wagon, almost new, double and eingle harness; Gold Coin seed potatoes. 1395 N. Liberty St. 3-24 WANTED -10 men to cut eord wood and do farm work, good wages, house for family, boaTd, tools furnished, do not write, come at onee. Telephone Jefferson 36fF22. W. J. Trunidge, Talbot, O. E. carline. 3-24 FOR SALE Small tracts of good land improved and unimproved near Sa lem at a reasonable price on easy payment plan; will give purchas er work to help pay for saniOi Get some land before the price gets so high you cannot reach it. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard. tf FOR SALEi 40 acres in Crook coun ty 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur ham cows, increase about 20 calves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house barn partly'ed, with lumber to finish on place; some: timber, gome pasture and all tillable land under Suttlo lake irrigation project. A nap at $8000. Address M J S care Jour nal, tf MARRIED man wanted on orchard, steady work permanent place. New house, garden spot, fruit, place for cow, chickens and hog. 30e per hour witih increase during prune harvest. Must understand teaming. Apply fiOvernment emnlovment. nffi ho- foTe 10 a. m. Wednesday. Afterwards t Bkyline Orchards, Rt. 3, Phone 36 Fll. 3-18 t Deals In Real Estate E. O. Ne1sr:ii to Alvina Hamre, 120 -ere in section f-.-l , D. X Scharg to Bud Thompson, 38.80 acres in A. B. Dunick elaim. Elizabeth Kulzer to Katharine Kulzer 17.6 aeres in section 26, township 5-1 W, Katharine Kulzer to B. F. Ballwebcr, 17.6 aeres in section 26, township 5-1 W. State Land Board to E. E. Croisan, NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male cur, mouse white seek, wcilght 35 pounds; one male 8pitz,( weight 10 pounds;-one male fox terrier, brown head, weight 18 pounds; one male fox terrier, brown spots weight 15 pounds; one male Ir ish setter, red, 60 pounds; one female shepherd, dark, weight 50 pounds; one male fox terrier, black and brown spot ted, weight 20 poumls; one female fox terrier, brown spots, 10 pouiids. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before March 22d, 1919, as provided In said ordinance. W. 8. LOW, Street Commissioner. March 17, 1919. 3 21 A Skirt ' Sale of Snip Every skirt in our store at reduced prices. We have taken a "Special Lot" consisting of SILKS, PLAIN, PLAIDS AND FANCY; BARONET SATINS and KEOTA RAJAHS, SERGES and POPLINS, SELLING UP TO $22 50 f Your Choice (See Liberty Street Window) urse an A fortunate pick-up by our New York representative. We have 150 PUR SES and HANDBAGS that we have placed at less than WHOLESALE PRICE r-JUST 1-2 THE REGULAR SELLING PRICE. This is a wonderful spec ialNo 2 alike: the product of one of the leading factories. (See Display Liberty Street Window) tt Our stock is complete and strictly correct in its Suit oats- Spring will burst on us suddenly. Easter is close at hand. Don't delay. Pur chase now from a full stock with wide range of selections and give our alter ation room plenty-of time to individualize the garment to you. . . t - tt iv i V t!!.!" iW. half of 8W. qutrter, section 13, 8-4- w. eiuu.jj, Frederick La.'ser tc J. R. Kaiser, 82. 45 in G. W. Shaw claim in section 8-7-1 W. Also 0M ucrei m section 9-7-1 W. $45C0. Geo. Bulock to 1'carl Morris, 39.09 acres in A. B. Muiick claim, 64-4-1 W. Archie E. 1'iec to Wm. lieuene, 16 seres in A. T. Di -,uson elaim, section 17 S 3 W, Goo. W. Bull to Anton Stcnger, 50 acres in R. 5-1 W. Also 43 acres in T. P. Chase claim, 5-1 W. $1U,000. T. E. McCroskey Elected Commercial Club Manager T. E. McCroskey of Bellingham has been electod manager of the Bulein Com mercial club, succeeding Frank J. Chap man who tendered his resignation Feb. 10. The new manager will assume his duties within a week or ten days. For several years ho has been en guged in promotion work, organizing a number of commercial clubs in Mon tana. For some time he was manager of the) Havre, Montuna, commercial club I and later has been stationed at Belling-1 1mm, Wn. In Mr. McCroskey' commercial club! work, ho has been an especiul friend of j the farmer. He believes the farmer i should be a member and interested in I a commercial club and tbat each city should arrange for a farmers' huiulquar ters or rest roofti. lie advocates a plan whereby the farmer can bo made, to feel welcome at commercial club meet ings, and that the elub rooms be so con ducted that the farmer will feel at home. It is on these lines that Mr. Mc Croskey will tuke up his first active du ties after assuming the position of man- w- t m Interesting Program At Middle Grove School House A program of unusual merit was giv en at tho Middle Grove school house Saturday, and this community may just ly be proud of a school composed of pupils of such ability. Many thanks are duo to those who assisted so willingly in making the piogram a success. After the program baskets, Kandvichch, ice cream, eake and coffee were sold, the receipts amounting to $89.50. This money will be used ia paying for the purchased by the pupils for the, school. The fund was helped along also by the sale of a quilt donated by the Red Cross. This brought $12, half of which went to the Red Cross. Follow i?.Z is the prt'i'iri provided: "How to Study" .'. "A Boy's Complaint .............. "Ma's Spring Hat". Song, "Change the Stat to Blue" , Pauline "A Queer Boy" .....Gladys "Tho Checker Board". manley Violin Solo . . Blanch Hill "When My Pa Was a Boy" Myrtil "March Wind" School "The Meaning of Onr Flag". Boys Duct Myra and Anna Gluson "A Boy's Trouble" Harold Griggs Oration on America ililgh Violin Solo . Francis Turnis . . d Hand Bag Special dy - to- Wear I s-Dresses- You can always do better at Recitation "Birdies Ball "......., Bridal Scene ..John Dawson School Rev. Walter Duff Favors Home Rule For Ireland "Pat, what would YOU be if you wasn't an Irishman t" "Begorra, if I wasn't an Irishman I'd be ashamed of mesilfl" Such, in its crystaline state. Is the spirit abroad in old Ulster today, ac cording to the Rev. Walter Duff, who delivered a smile-raising as well as very instructive lecture at tho First Congre gational church last night. Mr. Duff, who knows tho Irish question ,jn all its phases, both in an academic way and from personal contact with the people, presented the matter in what was to many a new light. Among other things he demonstrated that the destiny of Ire land was something that was to be worked out by the Irish themselves. The speaker is heartily an advocate of home rule for Ulster, where the demand for political as well Industrial freedom is as unquenchable as the Irish wit. And as an argument in favor of home rule, tho speaker referred to the condi tions that existed in that pert of Ire land 75 years ago, when there were 9.000,000 thrifty people thore as against about 1,500,000 in Scotland. Today, largely as a result of outside domina tion, Scotland hes outstripped Ireland both in population and in industry. However, as showing the resourceful ness of tlio Irish, he cited the fact that the majority of tho Scotch were renters, while the majority of the Irish owned their farms. District Deputy Of Albany Will Visit Local Elk Lod v District Deputy Charles Burggraf of Albany will make his official visit to the Salem Elks lodge Thursday evening of this week. He will be entertaned at dinner at tho Marion by officials of the. lodge. As is customary; when tho district deputy "visits & lodge a cinl invitation it extended to the past exalt ed rulers. The history of tho Salem lodge ii unique from the fact that every exalted ruler of tho lodge for tho past 23 years is now living. In the order of their election these are as follows: John Knight, W. J. D'Arcy, Frank J. Wrightman, P. H. D'Arcy, Dr. W. D. McNary, Pendleton; Frank Durbin, Dr. W. H. Byrd, Dr. H. It. Orlinger, George L. Rose, Al H. Steincr, Se'iator Chi.rlw IT. .McNnrv. Dr. Cnrletnn Smith. H. V. M - I I F 1 - l Salem Auction Co. Handles all kinds of sales, any where in the" state. G. SATTERLEE, .one 117 TTf TTT onance every detail Albert, B. O. Schucking, Arthur S. Ben son, Chas. V, Calloway, Ray Bucking ham, .August Huckestein, Milton L. Meyers, Andrew J. Anderson, Lours Lachmund, Walter L. Keyes. and tho present exalted ruler, Harry j. Wonde roth. Bosldcs the address of the district deputy, there will be an initiation and evening's entertainment will close with s Johnny Jones banquet. KOREAN STUDENTS STOP SCHOOX. Tokyo, March 15, An exodus of K oc ean students attending Japanese uni versities is reported by Nichi Nichi, following the recent nationalist disturb ances in Scaul and Ping Yang province, Korea. . . Half of the 800 students have already returned to Korea, according to the newspapor. Others plan departures by twos and three in order to avoid tho . polico, who are seeking agitators of the Korean turmoil. Al! Korean students quit school when tho disturbances start ed. HARD ON SHOES? THEN READ IS '1 marched through the mud of Flanders, through a large part of the Lorraine sectors, and lastly front Chateau Thierry to I'ismes, and my shoes with Nefilin Soles are still in good condition. For-five months I alternated these shoes with two other pairs, which are now worn out, but the Neolin Soles look as if they had another five good months of wear left in them." Written by Lieut. Edgerly Austin, AmericanExpeditionary Forces, France October 17th, 1918. This is exceptional service, all army men will agree. Civilians rarely give their shoes usage such as this; but if they are hard on shoes, and want to cut their shoe bills down, let them try Ncolin-solcd shoes. These shoes are obtainable at most shoe stores in many good styk'3 for men, women and children. ()r have your old shoes re-bottomed with Neolin Soles. You will find these scientifically made soles sre comfort able and waterjiroof, as well as long wearing. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear all other heels. fleolifi Soles Itada M-rk Heg. U.S. I'-t. Off. AUCTIONEER 157 Com'l St., Salem, Ore. Waists