SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1919. PAGE EIGHT r - r ft 1 I All Around I Our own omen s P ! i ii if 1 1! Line i Is the best, and all of it is new. You will find that we have a great assortment of the latest styles in the most popular materials and col ors. After looking them over you will agree that they can not be found elsewhere at such low prices. sses $7.90 to $27.50 imo pa a"n rn dolmans $24.50 ta $26.50 Suits - - - $19.50 to $45.00 I r i ih COMING EYEHTB TONIGHT C. C Chapman address Commercial club. at March 1& Charles E. Arch erd to address Business Men's League ait Commercial club. March 19. Cherrian dance at armory. - Mareh 20- 6clem 8yiihoiy concert, opera house. March 30 Turn clock for ward one hour, 2 o'clock a. m. April 20. Easter Sunday. Skirt --$4.98 to $12.50 Waists- 98c to $6.90 $2.69 to $4.98 House Dresses Aprons $125 to $1.98 You should take a look at the nice new Ladies' Neckwear we just received 39c to $1.79 IT MEANS MANY DOLLARS IN SAVINGS FOR YOU TO BUY ALL YOUR APPAREL AT OUR STORE. OREGON THEATRE NOW WM.S.HART IN "BREED OF MEN" and a corking Scnnett comedy "HIDE AND SEEK." discharge paper. Lieut. Charles 2. Randall arrived yesterday. His broth er (Don Randall is still in Paris. o Evangelistic meetings tonight, Les lie Methodist ehurch, Dr. A. Sterling Barner, preacher; Paul Taylor singer. tf Artificial toeth, hare expert plate aian, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, 302 TJ. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. tf The fimeral services of the late Mrs, Ilisa Colony will Ibe held from the first Methodist church at 2 o'clock Tuesday, March 1,. Friendg who desire to view the tody aro invited to come to 4ho homo until 12 o'clock Tuesday, as the casket will not be opened at the church, ... Boy scouts In uniform will person ally deliver letters to any person or firm in the city who incorrectly dis play the national color These letters will inclose a copy of the rules of eti quetto governing the display of the na tional colors and the draping of the flag. It ia believed that there are a great many people in tho city who are ot acquainted with the proper rospocts to be paid to the flag in this regard, hence the action toy the boy scouts. To thoao already showing tbe proper re spects to the flag and who correctly display it, letturg of commendation will be eont. o Everyone will be welcome to attend the oratorical .contest to be huld at Waller hall tomorrow ovoning at 7:45, when there will bo a tryout of tho va rious candidates for places on the Wil lamette university debating team. Eevival services will be held every evening this week at the Friends church in Highland, lb(-.a;inniiig at 7:30 4" 4' iL.M.HUM ! care of ffck So Tctsf Chines Medicine and Ten. Do. Ha medicine which will cure f y Auuwn uittouee. Open (Sundays from 10 a. m, until 8 p. m, 153 South ffiirh 61. Balom, Oregon phone 282 t -, 4c WE ARB NOW READY TO I TAKE CARE OP TOUR ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 879 STATE SHEET WELCH ELECRIO OO. PHONE 063. Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 1 271 Chemeketa EH CAPITAL JUNK CO. IS Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 451 a n 11 1! il Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, V SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash prices. Order yourfreight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. o'clock. These revival meetings will be conducted by the pastors assisted by Brothers Wells, Pemborton and others. Tho Itev. 1, G. ioo and wife are past ors of the church. Deputy Assessors B. Shelon and Clifford Lewis aro now giving their time to taking tho assessment of Sa lem property and will cotitinue in tho good work until about May 1, Valua tions of real estate are to be the samo as ono year ago. For thoso ho have a 1918 or 1919 Ford, the assessment figure will be $100, If said Ford is o a vintago of 1916 or 1917, it will go on the assessor's books at $300. On ac count of the lawpnsse d by the recent legislature taking automobiles off of personal taxes beginning 1920 and al so making mortgages non-taxable, the poo'plo of Salem will find thoir taxes a li tt lo hihor next year. The valuation will be reduced about $500,000 by tak ing of the assessor ' books theso two items. To make up this dotficioncy, the rate, will bo a littlo higher than, this your. While the now law provides-.that one fourth of the license tux raised on automobiles sliull be returned this re turn ig made to tho county for good roads and tho city of Salem gets none of it. The Commercial club has two im- portant meetings scheduled for this week. C. C. Chapman of the Oregon Voter will speak tonight especially on the organization of the SState Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday -evening beforo members of tho 'business men's league Chalk's K. Arehord will give a business talk, taking for uis subject, "Business conditions as they are." Mr. Archcrd recently addressed tho state meeting of hardware merchants in Portland on tlio general business conditions of the state. 0 Frank X Chapman, manager of the Salem Commercial club has tendered .his resignation to take effect as coon as his successor is elected. The resig nation is lated Feb. 10. Although the diroetors of the Commercial club have been considering several applicants, it is understood that ae yet no definite decision has been made. Mr. Chapman was elected manager of the Commercial club Aug. 1, 1918, succeeding tbe Rev. H. H. Gill, who went into the servi The resignation of Mr. Chapman is due to tho fact that ho has other business requiring his attention. Danoe at Macleay Saturday night. Big turkef supper nd good time for everybody. "15 e Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tf The funeral services for Ernest Ben nett who died March 6 at the Brooklyn navy hospital, were held this afternoon from the chapel of Webb & Clough and were conducted by the Rev. Ja cob Stocker. Burial wnB in the Lee Mission cemetery. At the time of his death he was 19 years old. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia following na attack of the influenza. He had oecn in the navy only one mouth and i Anirm en1iatiur from Portland. Be sides his father, he is survived by three .brothers William Bennett, Gay lord, Mich, Bjobert Bennett, Falls City, Or., and Edmund Bennett now with ha AmfrirMtn force overseas. Al so by five sisters, Minnie Howard, Bosie (Sty, Mich; Violet uowarn, w mIl Win rinHuen. Falls City. Or; I'hebe Mills, Falls City, Or., and Susie mil or saiem. T nrill Bnli the 8 room house at 1406 Court St. for $3500. Se me at once, $1500 will handlo it. U. w. miiar, uu 408 Hubbard bldg tf Dance Sat. night Mar. 15 at Querrys hall 4 milos south. Good orchestra, new hall. Lunch 11:30. Auto service out from O. B. Bound trip fare 50e. 8-15 The month of March so far is doing pretty well in its rainfall record. With the month about half over, the precip itation so far has been 3.34 inches. But this isn't so much compared to March of 1916 when the total rainfall for the month was 10.06 inches. During tho month for 1917 the rainfall wac 3.61 inches and for March of ono year ago it was 3.51 inches. Hence while it has been a trifle damp this month, there is not much chance of beating the 1916 record. The prediction for this week is rain and low temperature. o Notice Dr. Hartley's office will re main open. 407 Court St. Phone 114. 3-15 WantedFat hogs and cattle. Will ship this week. C. W. Emnictt. Phone 1425M. 3-20 The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Brotherhood will be held at First Baptist church Tuesday evening March ISth. A dinner will bo served at 6.30 and Dt. W. T. Milliken of Oregon City will speak on the "Two Americas Facing the Future." It is expected that some short talks on " Experiences in the Trenches" will be made' by returned soldiers who will be present. j Mew, Silks j and Dress Goods Allbright Taxi Co. Phone 628. o The Salem public broke the record last week in attending the play "Of ficer $666 put on by- the Elks lodge. The total receipts for the three nights amounted to about $1800. The expenses ran about $500. As there is a govern ment tax of 10 per cent which each purchaser of a tickot paid, there will be remitted to tho internal revenue col lector $171. The net procoeds of the show will be used by the Elks in put ting on their annual big home coming next month. As this event was post poned last April due to war conditions, the committee in charge this year prom ises to make up for lost time. Besides an elaborate banquet it is probable that an attraction from the Orpheum circuit will be brought to Salem for the evening's entertainment of Elks. o "The best" is all you can do when death eoinos. Call Webb & Clough Co. Phone 120. tf "The funeral beautiful." Webb & Clough Co. tf o Wo buy liberty bonds. 311 Masonic bldg. tf o My new office is 328 Hubbard bldgj New phone 1009. I do a general insur ance business. I write surety bonds, imd loan money on the easy pay't plan Own your own home, and stop throw ing your money away for rent. Bee me today, H. E. Bolinger. tf o Following the address of C. C. Chap man at tho Commercial club this evo ning, a buffot luncheon will be served, about 9:30 o'clock. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock Isadore Greenbaum and B. W. Macy, city attorney, were in Portland today to attend .the hearing of the Pacific Telephono and Telegraph company be fore the publie service commission, for an increaso of rates of telephone ser vice. They will protest against the pro posed raise in rates. The matter was up three weeks ago all testimony was not offered as the commission was obliged to attend to other business. It is thought that the commission will For Spring and Summer. Our stock of Silks and dress goods for Spring and Summer is most com plete. New wash materials and dress goods of all kinds arriving every day. Taffetas, Satins, Georg ette Crepe, Crepe de Chines, Silk Poplins and hundreds of other items. Our. buying direct from the manufacturers assures you fresh new goods. A very important thing in buying silks. "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY I PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store , o Highest marfeet prices fM 'oc dressed hogs, beef nnd veal. Independ ent Market, phone 104. 3-15 o 3 enclosed taxis. Phone 623. Lieutenant Louis Compton, who has been in tho city a few days went to Portland this morning. He is on a 15 days furlough. . 1 Dr. Mot offices moved to Bank of Commerce bldg, rooms 407,408. tf Bby chicks, 544 State St. today rf o Quick txi service-. Phone 628. The boys of Company M who have received their discharge at vamp is are coming home two and three at a time. For this reason no opportunity was given for a formal reception, es pecially as several of the boys arrived at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Hence late Saturday evening it was decided to make no effort to give the y.a reception, but to just wait or the big home coming affair which is in the hands of the War Mothers. One of tha company M'boys suid that 36 of tuo m- .,.o .totinnrrl at Nevcrs, France, nnd that 12 were in Paris. Ho was of tho opinion that within a few days all Company M bovs who are to arrive at Camp 'licwis, will have recoiveu mou TCR.IO Don'f tell Your Age- Gray hairs are no sign of old age, but tired eyes make vou look older than you are CORRECTLY FITTED GLASSES Will take away that tired look. Let us relieve you of eyestrain. DR. A. KcCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. FkkA Prosperous Man! How do you pick a prosperous reanf Don't you judge him by the clothes and by the little things in the way of personal equipment t If he wears a brassy looking watch chain, do you believe he is really prosperous? If his timepiece and its attachments look as if they came from a fivo-and-ten store or a third rate pawn shop, do you think of him as a money maker t Do you think a prosperous or a suc cessful business man is going to wear a piker timepiece? Get a good watch and chain, and show a proper pride in wearing them. People will see them and think the bet ter of you. They will bring up your own solf-respect and encourage the de velopment of characteristics that will help. To be prosperous, look prosperous! To look prosperous, dress the part. A prosperous looking watch and chain need not cost a lot of money; say from $18 up. HARTKAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians N.W Cor. State and Liberty -Streets make known its decision in tho matter some time this month. The raiso asked for is a radical increase over present phone rates. The banquet and reception planned "for tonight by Hal Hibbard camp No. 5, Spanish War veterans and tho la dies' auxiliary, has been postponed al though tho regular meeting of the camp and auxiliary will bo held as us ual this evening. My ordor 01 verl Li. Masten, commander. Lost Sunday afternoon on Capitol St., lady's grey suedo kid glovo. Please return to Journal ofneo. "' 3-22 The Oregon will have its Organ Open ing on Thursday nifcht of this week. Mr. Raymond Ballard of San Francis co will be organist. First show at 7 p. m. second at 9 p. m. and at regular prices. 20 cents for adult3. 3-18 . y 1 1 1, Spscial meeting of Do sSSSI'tZ Molay 1'ommandry No. 5K.tS 5, K. T., this evening. ' Work in tho H. C. de gree. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. Columbia river smelts in any quan tity. Fitts Market. tf . o Simon A Simonson, reported to have lost- his. life in Franco last fall, has rotnrned to his home in Bend. EXTRA! EXTRA! "The Wonder Horse' Shining His Partner's Shoes A Show Full of Clean Wholesome TUN Sparkling With Real Western Cowboy Wit and ' Equine Humor A1'' The World's Cleverest Trained Horse 3 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW BLIGH THEATRE Watch for the Big Show Next Sunday M SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT Thursday, March 20 OPERA HOUSE Soloist, Mrs. Jane Burns Albert - - TICKETS, $1.00, 75c AND 50c TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNINGAT OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY -ft