TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1919. page seven Discount of 20 on the following tires: One 32x3 Plain Congress. One 30x3 Non Skid Ajax Six 30x3 1-2 Non Skid Firestone One 31x3 1-2 Firestone. . One 31x3 1-2 United States Chain Tread Two 32x3 1-2 United States Chain Tread One 32x3 1-2 Republic Plain " One 32x3 1-2 Congress Plain One 32x3 1-2 Ajax plain One 32x3 1-2 Michelin Non Skid Two 31x4 Fisk Non Skid One 31x4 Goodrich Plain One 32x4 Norwalk Non Skid . Two 32x4 Republic Plain One 32x4 Republic Non Skid Two 32x4 United States Chain One 32x4 United States Usco One 33x4 Fisk Non Skid Three 34x4 Kelly-Springfield Non Skid Seven 34x4 Goodrich Silvertown Cord - One 32x4 1-2 Firestone Non Skid One 36x4 1-2 Goodrich Safety, SS : ' One 36x4 1-2 Goodrich Safety, QD Above are all good stock and are real bargains Vick PffliTEfiTIM IS FIEF TRAP SAYS GRAND JURY "The s'ate penitentiary building is in bad with social committees and grand juries. During the recent legislature a committee inspected the" buildings and reported conditions pretty bad. This eoiumittee thought that $25,000 ex pended might help conditions a little. But the grand jury now in session thinks otherwise. After making a very careful inspection of the penitentiary, it made the following report to Judge Percy R. Kelly of Department No 1. . "All roofs and south walls are leak ing, making the building meat unsan itary. "The ceilings are nil wood or if other combustible material and the flue to the oven a fire trap The stove pipe which enters the flue is within 10 inches of the wooden ceil ing. This stove 'pipe should have an asbest6s covering immediately. : Escape Would Be Cut Off. "In case fire started in the chapel or -main receiving room, escape would be cut off entirely for the prisoners. ''The sewer system is entirely inade quate and is a menace to the health of the inmates and employes. ''Money expended on an extensive system of repairs would provide only moderately improved conditions and would bo a very questionable invest ment and cvei then the state would have a very poor phut." . . - The grand jury report is signed by H S. Gilc, Jas.. . T. Hall, Arthur A. Schwab, M. M, Magers, Leonard Bar rick, George C. Will and W. H. Stoua Bros. 260 N. High St. A Good Reoutation has to be earned by performance More than thirteen years of performance has earn- " . -' ' ed for the Diamond T 1 v its reputation for efficiency and economy. , . Chas. Livesley - . 246 State Street Distributor for Marion and Polk Counties Diamond T THE NATION'S FREIGHT CAR Just IR eceavei A carload of 7-foot Spli Cedar Posts of splendid quality. See them before placing your order. Our line of BULK KALSOMINE in all shades as well as all kinds of house, barn and roof PAINTS is the most complete in the city. Give us a call. . uninco. .''Everything in Building Material 349 S. 12th Street Phones: West Salem, 414 Salem 815 A.B. KELSAY, Mgr J CitvNews it Edison disc records Yesterday I re ceived a largo shipment of Edison disc including the march records. These new records come as they .used to come noiseless when music is not play ing. Geo C. Will, Salem musie store. Mr. and Mrs. G-. E. Terwilliger, grad uate morticians and funeral directors, 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. ' The' famous Chevrolet lint' of auto mobiles are now located in their new home at 151 'North High St. just across the street .west from the court house. Salem Automobile company. ' y j Clierrians will Jrive a big Informal dance ut the armory next Wednesday evening. Preparations are umlor way for the biggest dance of the season. See your Chen-inn friends for an invi tation. Tickets per couple, $1. To the average man it Would appear a little late to be extending the rime of a partnership to make its report ot income tax. Henee it is ur .out nitre contort to tho man who is in a part nership to bts told that the offico of the internal revenue collector, at this late, date, has sent out a notice that partnerships may be Teported as late" as May 15. From remarks heard cn all sides,- there is an impression that the men who really fixed up the blanks for income tax never lived out west Cherrians will hive a big Informal dance at the armory next Wednesday evening. Preparation .are under way for the ibiggost dance of the season. See your Ch'errian friends for au invi-' tation. Tickets per couple, SJ. Tomorrow is the sscond Sunday In Lent and April 20 is Kuster Sunday, For those who do not buy the spring hut until Easter Sunday there is left five weeks iu which to make the selec tion. Two weeks from tonight, the clocks aro to to turned forward one hour. But as we are now living on sun time, it may be of interest to know that the sun should rise tomorrow morn ing at 0:13 o'clock and that it. should set at six minutes after six o'clock, according to the almanac. Said alma nac also notes that it will be conl and rainlv in the northwest between March 13 aiii March 16. o- Quick: taxi service. Phone 626. In the advertisement of Peoples fash Store yesterday, under flour, While Crystal hard wheat flour per sack $2.30 should have read White Cap hard wheat flour, per sack $2.80. o But one true bill was returned by the grand jury yesterday that against Roy Green, charged with tho delin quency of a minor child on . the Oregon Electric. Ho i9 now out on bail of $1, 000 cush. Tho grand jury also eiatnin1 cd tho Marion county court houso and returned to Judge Percy Kelly the fol lowing: "We, the grand jury, have examined the court house and recom mend that the attic be cleared of all rubbish as a precaution against fire and also that a suitable place bo pro cured and the old records which, may be of some future value, be placed therein, whereby they will be preserv ed" o The TJ, S. Federal employment bur reau will be closed in Salom March is the announcement made by James B. Coleman who has been in charge 'of the office since it has been established Ticre. It is thought that the work will lie transferred to the Commercial dub especially as the club has bees active lor several years in placing labor. The bureau was especially active last sum mer and fall in getting together the man or woman who wanted to work and the job. Canita! Journal Want Ads WiD Get Yon What Yea Wan! A warning has been sent out from the office of Sheriff Ncedham to no tify people to be a little careful in purchasing liberty bonds from unknown parties, as several were stolen from the Mt. Angel bank during the night of March 8. Uesidcs liberty bonds the following were taken: Ortificates of deposit to Joseph Bcerlc for $2000 on First National bank, Linton, N D; to M. G. Endres, three for 100 each on Wadena county state bank, Wadena, Minn; and quite a number of certifi cates of deposit issued ty the Bank of Mt. Angel. Other papers missing in clude notes and deeds belonging to S. Spaurer;- insurance policies and deeds in the uauio o B. A. Fennimore; shares in Mt. Angel tiani stock, in name of Joseph Ebcrle; nctes and deeds be longing to A.lolph Schumacher; notes and deeds property of John Schwab and" papers "belonging to Jacob DichL Any one happening to run across any of these papers should immediately no tify Sheriff W. I. Xeedham, Salem. All members of Co, M, national guard , of Oregon, are ordered to re port at the armory in uniform, Sun day afternoon t 2 p. m. for the pur pose of attending services at the Meth odist church. By . order of commanding officer. , .. ' - One block in North Salem Is feeling tie trend of the times and fixing np for the prosperity that is coming to Salem. This is block No. 21, on Inuth Commercial street. El E Denison is putting in a large garago and a cement walk has been constructed in front of the homes of A. J. Anderson, E. E. Denison and T. Cooper and in front of the vacant lot owned by Harry Givins. For the third time, "Officer 666" played to a crowded houso at the ope ra. house last evening, breaking the at tendance record of any home talent show ever put on in Salem. The funds made from the show are to foe used in putting on & 'big home coming next month. Thos. Livesley has obtained the agency for Diamond T trucks and is j doing business at 248 State street. ffhose who wish to enter the French class which is proposed at the public library are asked to meet on Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock to organize and make arrangements for Mie regular meetings. Notices will be sent to those who have applied for place in the cluss It is not yet too late for others to enter. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the boy scouts, held in the office of Superintendent Churchill last night, a nunuber of matters pertaining to tho 'boy scout movement were brought up for discussion. Among oth er, things it was definitely arranged to have a public meeting of the coun cil on Monday evening, March 24, which will be addressed by H. B. Cross former scout commissioner of San Francisco, and J. E Brockway of Port land, scout commissioner of that city. The matter of the budget for Salem council -was gone over at the confer-, ence last night, Mid, Harold Cook, who has 'been one of the livo wires of the organization in Salem was elected as scout executive. One. of the first ob jectives of the council will 'bo the building up of .a' fifth troop in this city, to be composed of tho older class of boys. , t '. ; I. L. McAdams, Salem's local astron omer, snys that ho has just received worth of airplanes that were being as- at Brest waiting fqr a ship to come homo Louis McAuams was an aviator in the 351st squadron;' ' stationed at Bordeaux. In the letter received, the statement is made that the govern ment, before the American aviators left Bordeaux, burned about $70,000 worth ff airplunos that wero (being as sembled there. Tiie main parts ot me machinery were taken out, but tho wood work and winds and such were ordered burnod Mr. McAdams has r" coived the aviator:.' cup, gloves, clock and goggles of his son and expects to see him here in Salem within a month. Secgeant Eussell M. Brooks writes hi mother. Mrsu Mildred JU. BrooKS, from AixlesBaines, (Prance, as fol lows. "I am planning on a return trin to the United (States, probamy within four months and I am already senrtin? vou some, of my luggage. IJur ing- the time I have been here I have been taken for a Norwegian, Swedo, Dane Ibut rarely for a Frenchman. My color makes, me an American, though my' camouflage -moustache helps my diaguiso some. I havo agnin enjoyed (or rather managed) tho eating of snails Last night I ate a whole ten of thorn, and I 'believe with a more or less air of bravado. I think I shil learn to like them with but little di& ficulty for they are not half bad af ter one conquers the sensations of his stomach to rebel." Afxftec hnadsome automobile has been added to the galaxy of cars on the Salem market. J. W. Jones, who recently opened up an agency for the Velio, has just taken over the, Dort a light four, which has a reputation for economy In tires and gat, and is easy to look at. He expects a shipment of several styles next week. The oratorical contest of Willam ette university, which was to have been held in Waller hall on Monday evening, has bees changed to Tuesday evening, at 7:45, on account of the People's chorus which meets on Mon day evening. This contest promise to be of great interest. o A basket ball game that was none the less exciting because it was of tho feminine nersuasion, was staged in the M Willamette gymnasium lust night, the contestants being the girls' teams ot the freshman and sophomore classes. The game was fast and furious from beginning to end. Keen rivalry exists bstween the two and it was very much in evidence. The first half ended with the freshmen leading, with; a score of 10 to 5. Close, guarding featured the second half, and neither team scored with any consistency, Miss Austin and Miss Ruby starred for the freshmen, who won with a score of 17 to 7. Miss Goodin and Miss Smith made the beet plays for the sophomores o Tfttrrrvt9 itlT'yhiVt-li7 SI ft The injunction ' tasked against the moving .picture depicting Countess von Bernstorff in a murder plot has been denied by the New York uprcmc court Farmer's Prodace Company 160 8. Hieh St. , " Phone 15 . Cash for your produce today; , ; 20c for top veal 20e for top kogs. Hsns, all weights, 28e , .rMf CeMery Store I vwi- vMnvirifmt'Vw W lit itiwini l'W't' 'i 4t.'W T"j"T'wrt-iH'-rai'Ti rjjf"ww 'im'im nm i , -11 w r i -iri p vi wr nw. yrBW,,,.,,,'. , II..." ..m -"-"-- - J 'I ti.l.. n..r. 1. Ir-rn.n,. .- ,ir r m ,i nr im "I'm i v,rrr-ii . .....m r . i ,111 j ( f it t i t m t t What is on the first page of Salem's Building History is appealing and calling to you. Buy your Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes in the place where your Grandmother bought her Wedding Dress and your Mother bought her first pair of shoes. This is the old Stockton Store, 186-194 North Commercial street, that is now occupied by the Peoples Cash Store. . . We Just Received From different parts of the east an enormous stock of all kinds of 10 i Jsi Including the latest and beautiful colors in Woolens, Silks, Plaids, Ginghams and all kinds of White Cotton Materials. Our prices on a few items are as follows: - 1 WASHABLE CHINA SILK IN BIG ASSORTMENT OF LATEST COL ORS, 35c PER YARD. , , , 2. CREPE DE CHINE AND TAFFETAS $1.35 PER YARD AND UP. 3. Add WOOLEN SERGES IN BROWN, NAVY BLUE AND PLUM COL ORS, 39c PER YARD. IS i r n n Sf t U it n n n is tf . ; (? IS H ir 4 m i i n E SI ,8k Eedlidioi Sale in all kinds of Giiigh and ams. Musliiss, Calicos All Kind M s of Cotton atenais Fifty Per Cent Reduction on our line of latest Designs in Washable Dresses for Ladies, Girls and Children. Big surprise sale lasting all week in the line of Men's Clothing and Haberdashery. At last it has arrived Our big shipment of Men's and Boys' "Everwear" overalls. Also big assortment of children's rompers. Men's overalls, heaviest weight, $1.85. Our shoe department is ap pealing ,to you. Please call and see our Big Assortment - of Men's, Boys', Ladies and Misses and Children's Shoes. Every pair of our shoes will be a joy to your foot and a bargain for your purse. . We just received a big line of all kinds of Tennis shoes and are making a 40 per cent reduction for this week. Free Premium Coupons Are given away with the purchase of each dollar, which are valuable in se curing glass and silverware and hundreds of other items in our premium department. All deliveries promptly attended. . Management of The P(B0)p u fl 9 186-194 N. Commercial St. tW2. ' Phone 453 Salem, Ore. J ft 8 n w