PAGEFTVD WW The Journal New Today Ad I M THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON- SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1919. JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE REST SELLING HEDIUSI IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED AjDVEBTISTNCI RATES Eat par word New Today: lack insertion - le ana week (6 insertions) 5e One month (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal will not be r srponsible for more thaa one insertion, tar errors ia Classified Advertisements Head your advertisement the first day it appear and notiry us immediately u rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c IMPBOVBD 10 acre tract for Bale. Might trade. Phone 870M. 3-15 THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady 1 ; i j divtirea trood imvinir rjosdtion. dross M care Journal. 315 POE SALE 1918 Chevrolet, good me chanical condition, full equipment o'f tool 24i State St. 3-13 GOOD Chester White and Poland Chi na pigs for sale. A. Franke, Garden road. , 3-15 FOR SALE Young shoats, about 60 lbs. Phone 15F4. 3-19 BOARD and room at 1120 Center. Phone 1074. 3-17 YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale. 675 Brooke Ave. 3-36 FOB SALE 3500 Magoon strawberry plaints. J. S. Bt. 8, box 46. 3-18 FOB SALE A choice White Bock cockorol. Phone 2505W1. 3-18 I WISH to rent a piano. Address A B C care Journal. tf WANTHD Work by experienced truck driver. 75 care Journal. 3-17 HAVE your cars washed and polished at 320 N. Com. St. . , 3-19 WANTED-rLady for diet kitchen at Tuberculosis hospital. 3-17 liOST Folding hand purse. Phone 109OJ: or 1290 N, Winter.. 3-15 KB SALE Gasoline engine. Phone 1936M, 3 18 TOED Ifor sale 1916. New tires. Phone 2510J2. 3-17 WANTHD A White Leghorn rooster, phono 4KF5., 3-15 (WANTED Salesman and collector, with car. 337 State St. 3-15 HOB SALE Wheat hayV" 10 ton. phone 411 or 1593. F;, E. Shafer. tf WANTED-t-To buy cattle and ealves, any kind. Phone 1576W. 3-15 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 697 N. liberty St. Phone 2456 W. tf WANTHD Cattle, calves, veal, any kind. Phone 80F1L , , 4-8 BUGS cleaned 35a per rug Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 4-4 WANTED To rent or buy upright pi - ano. cheap for cash. D P A care Journal. 3-19 ' OB SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Bt. 5, box 125 on Macleay road, tf A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State St., Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 FOR SALE Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street) for in formation call Main 1185. tf BABEED Bock eggs for hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 305 S ldth St. tf FOB SALE Baled- wheat straw $9 at ham. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 UBEBTY BONDSIf yon must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonio bldg. tf FOB TBADE A good, neat 4 room bouse with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf FOR 8ALi i I3 anaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box E68, Turner, Or. tf .WALL PAPER 15 cents par double roll op-ward. Bnren'i Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co, 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. tf 151-FAItt.l WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. 41 HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. BUGGY for sale. Call 58F4. 3-15 DISOHARCfED soldier wantg work by hour. Myrtle hotel, room 15. 3-20 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. 504 Bel mont. 3-15 BUSINESS college- girl wants place to work for board and room. Phone 32 F13. . ' . 3-15 FOB SALE 1918 Ford in A-l condi tion. Phone 1902M, 1980 Caemeketa. e 3-17 FOB SALE 8 year old gelding, sound and true. No skate. Skyline Orch ards, Phone 36F11. 3-14 FOE SALE 1 Samson tractor and 1 ton truek, condition good. Phone 96 F2. 3-15 FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. tt WANTED To buy 6 or 7 room mod ern house, between $2000 and $3000. W-66 care Journal. 3-15 BOXES 'Large boxes for sale at the Oregon theater, suitable for nursery man, feed boxes, etc. 318 FOR SALE Good covered hack, heavy wagon, double and single harness. W M. Bernard, Salem, Rt. 2. 3-18 FOR RENT Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms, 4 in suite. En quire 246 State St. tf WANTED Married man for ranch, with or without team of horses. Geo. I L. Rose. 3-15 FOB SALE 36Vj acres with small fruits, cash or terms. See Owner at 1417 Market St., Salem. . 3-17 FOR SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed barn, S. High street. tf FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for a bachelor. Inquire 1280 State street. . 3-15 FOR SALE House- and lot, 54x164, 1. blocks from State, 259 S 19th. 3 27 LOGANBEEBY plants for sale. J. P. Aspiniwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. tl WANTEUMExperienoetf grafters, at Frurtland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt. 6. , . , . tf EXPERIENCED man wlshe poaition a foreman on prune ranch. Ladd & Bush reference. Phone 664. tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St. . tf FOB BENT Modern furnished house keeping apartments in 1, 2, 3, and 4 room suites. Miller apartments, 633 Forry Bt 3-13 FOB. SALE White Leghorn and Ore gon sotting eggs $1 per setting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred 768 8. 13th fit. 4-1 HOS, SALE (Fresh. Jerscjy 'clow. In quire first house south of Hazelau station, Oregon Electric. Henry Jaegler. 3-15 FOR SALE Peerless water . power washing machine, liko new, half price. W. M. Bernard, Salem, Bt. 2. - 3-18 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a Dargam Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South . High St. Phone 1400. -. tf CAMPBELL'S "AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS If yon wont to buy or sell a car come and see me. , Detroit car, good condition, ex change for- Salem lots. Ford 1 ton truck, $600 Maxwell 5 pass, to trade for bouse . and lot.. , 1917 Ford good aa new, all new tires, a good tiny. Dodge, big bargain, $650. . Overland, good condition, $150 Elgin 6, will consider property in exchange Maxwell roadster $275 Paige touring ear, big bargain Ford bargain, $350 List your property trade with me. Phone 362 LOlS-61 Salem, Ore. Willi WANTED 3 or 4 men at Quaker Bur se ry. Phone 2500J2. 3-l BOCK ear for sale or trade. Phone 1525. 3-15 PLOW for salo, Rock Island 14 inch steel. Inquire 494 a Winter. 3-18 FOR SALE 35,000 Magoon strawber ry plants. J. S. Bt. 8, box 48. 3-19 WANTED To buy young calf. Phone 1576W., 17 WOMAN wanted for - general house work, close in. Phone 57F12. 3-15 EXPERIENCED grafter wanted. Phone 111F3. 3-18 FOB SALE 4 wheel trailer, box 222, Salem. ' 3-15 WANTED 5 to 7 room unfurnished modern house centrally located. Will lease. BET care Journal. 3-17 WANTED $300 at 7 per eont on real estate, value" $2000. Address Monroe care Journal. 3-18 WANTED Medium sized horse for plowing and driving; give price and description. Box 27, Rt. 9, J. A. Cal lan. 3-15 FOR SALE-Begistered Berkshire male pig 5 months old, largo type. Write for pedigree. Geo. Bamsdcn, Macleay Ore. 317 iFOR SALE Hatching eggs White Leg horns, heavy layers, $6 per 100, $1 .per setting of 15. Fairviow Poultry Farm, Salem, Or., Bt 7 box 48. 3-24 FOR SALE 6 room modern house, good as now, block to car lne end paved street. Price $1500, easy terms. Call 180 N. 23d St. 3-18 ?FOB SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice littlo house and lot for $325; can' give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf FOR SALE e room house and 2 lots, 4 blocks from S. P. depot; would consider 6 room bungalow on Lib erty St. Call at 1595 S. Lee 6t 3-17 WHY not get the gqod, old honest United States citizen to cry your sales, he only charges- 2 per cent. Col. W. F. Wright. Turner, Or., or phone 734. 3-17 TO TRADE For Salem home, modern 5 room bungalow or lot in Mt. Ta bor addition, Portland; also have timber claim in souther Oregon Ad dress T. T: Mesch, 388. Glenn Ave., Portland. Or. . - 8-17 FOR SALE Chevrolet 5 pass, ear, me chanical condition guaranteed, 4 new - tires, 2 extra, spot light,, chains, etc. $675. P. W.. Byrd, phone 1925. . tf FOB SALE or trade, 640 acres of grac ing, land, with water; for acreage near Salem., Address M-1990 cr Jour nal.. . 9-18 LOST On Salem-Silverton road Mon day afternoon, one steel rim and tire fop steel wheel for Ford ear. Phone 27F16 or address. F. M. . Alibaugh, . Macleay, Ore. . . 3-15 FOB SALE Young cow, 1200 lb horse, - 314 inch wagon, set double harness, single harness, buggy and light wa gon. 1395 N. Liberty St. 3-15 FOR SALE 6, acres well improved, 4 acres close in. I buy and sell all kinds Of real estate. 319 Hubbard bldlg, 3-15 NORTH WESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain linos. Phone . 111F3. tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervaia Jit. 3. Phone itSfll. d-zu FOB SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50c er lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Bt. 6, box 51, Phene 23 F21. tf 6 BOOM house with bath, electric lights, 2 lots, 16 fruit trees, grapes, raspberries, barn and chicken house. Bargain $875. Terms. 1976 Fairmount ave - . " 3-15 FOB SALE By owner, modern seven room bungalow, $2750, "beautiful, convenient, fine location, and a bar gain at 1710 Court. If interested write to A. E. Mitchell, Bt. 9, box 4. 3-17 IT PAYS It will pay you to own a pair or trio of those New Zealand Reds, pedigreed. .Beauties, King Ore gon sold in. Portland last week for $100. Cherry City Babbitry, 890 Oak See Warren Hunt. 3-i5 EXOIANGE For Salem (home, one half acre of fine land with good 8 room house, plenty of fruit and ber ries, located at Mt, Angel, Or. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 3-15 A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, on Capitol street for .-;ooo, A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, has 8od new gar ege. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on .North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me cn offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will yon give me A nice 8 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargaiaj see me at once. O. W. Laflar. insurants man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf. TWO-HORSE di harrow for sale, good aa new. Box 101, Chemawa. 1V. q in A UUUV -11 Id. 3-19 SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measure tak es, fit guaranteed. Home Thura. af ternoons. Phone 1425B. FOB SALE Large team bay horses, one of the finest teams in state. Priee- $423. Charles B. Ar chord Im plement CW 3-17 FOB. BALE 'My entire Nsbbitry of . New Zealand and Belgian hares. My , hutches are for sale also. This is tock of quality, very cheap. Inquire at Wm. Vogt 1606 S. liberty St. 3-15 FOB HALE S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Selected stock Martin and Tom Barron males. Records of 20 and better. Phone 10IF12. d-21 WANTED For spot cash. Modem 6 or 7 room house close to Lincoln school. Not over $1600. C. W. Nic nieyer, 216 Masonic building. 3-18 BANCH WANTED Wanted to hear -from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. WANTED Colony brooder stove, any stananra maKe; coai tmruer, prefer red. J. E. Kirkpatriek Rt. 6, box 22. 3-18 EXCHANGE 160 acres of land in Grant county, Wash., for acreage near Salem. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. - 3-15 FOR SALE With furniture, new mod ern, large 6 room bungalow, furnace, full basement, paved etreet elose to car line, school, churches; an ideal home. Owner, box 222, Salem. 3-15 FOR SALE Or trade, A-l good farm, ISO acres, well improved, running water; will take good Snlcin proper ty in part. Address 950 S. 12th St. 3-21 BARGAIN Dairy farm, six miles out on paved road, part bottom land, no hills, few cows with the place at $85 per acre. Boom 8, Bayne building. 3-20 AN elderly, reliable, practical poultry man and gardener would wish situ ation at a good poultry or stock .farm till first of April. Ulrica, Bt. 3, box 138, Salem, Or. 3-17 FOB SALE Fine suburban home close to ear line large modem house, barn, plenty of fruit and berries, two acres of land. Price $3500. W. H. Graben horst ft Co., 2.75 State St. 3-15 FOB. BALE Two acres fine soil, fully equipped, for truck gardening, plenty of water for irrigating, price $4500. W. H. Grabenhorst Co., 275 Bute street. . , 3-15 KB SALE 160 acre farm, all tillable land, 103 acres- in crop, fine farm buildings, some, personal pitoperty, priie $20,000. W. H. Grabenhorst Co., S75 State street. ,- - 3-1 FBEH land in Wyoming 320 and 640 acre' homesteads sow open for en try. We do locating. Map and liter ature $1 postal order. . Robinson Meeker, Sheridan,. Wyo. WANTED Position by competent typiat; accurate in figures, with knowledge of bookkeeping and sten ography; Can furnish reference. Phone 68 during office hours or eve nings 659M. 3-17 FOB BENT 7 or 8 acres of land on Sllverton road, small houco; will furnish horse, wagon, farm tools and seed, on shares, tome and raise crop for canneries and make money. W. B. Quincy, Rt. 7, I mile from fair grounds store. j 8 17 BIO BARGAIN G ood young team, wt. 2400, price $165; also extra fine ail purpose horse, weight 1150, gentle for women or children, price $65. Said hsrse guaranteed sound by respon sible party; what is known as W. L. Skipton barn, 448 Ferry St. 3-15 D. n. MOSHER Dora HIGH CLASS LADIES TAILORING- FREE POULTRY BOOKLET Also freo poultry house plans for back yard flocks. We are here to serve you in any way we can and without charge. We have baby chicks to sell but any information we can give you about poultry is freo. Make ns a vail. O N. Need ham, 544 State, opposite court house. FOB BALE (Five room bungalow good location, $1350. Take light car part pay; Seven room modern bouse, large lot on ear line and paved street, $1800, easy terms. About an acre of fine garden land near car line very cheap. Id acre prune and logani berry Hlaneh, gjood buildings and dryer, close to Salem, price right. 9 acres good garden or berry land, close in, $1600. 21 acres fine land eloee in, fair buildings. $3500. 'iF. L. Wood, Bayne bldg 3-15 SALESMAN WANTED We have fin ished our large government contracts for "Ajax Chemical Fire Engines" (on wheels), and are now re-organizing our sales staff. These engines have always sold extensively not on ly to town fire departments, but al so to factories, mills, institutions, stores, Country estates, etc. We have an opening for a salesman in this territory. A good income can be made by the right man. Write immediate ly for our proposition, A.iax Fire Engine Works, Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y. it Beautifully and Artistically designed i iin Liberty Street Window. predated, notice our displayr. As these sets must be seen to be ap with the price like it was before the wan Walnut, Quartered Oak and Old Ivory Like the Pictures, Beautifully and Artistically designed" in Walnut, Quartered Oak and Old Ivory, with the price like it was before the war. As these sets must be seen to be appreciated, notice our display in Liberty street window. Hear your favorite artist on the The most enjoyable piece of furniture you could decorate your home with. The Home of the ;J BETTER FARM BUYS 140 acres, 8 miles from Sulem, 1 mile to station. 100 acres cultivated, good buildings. $12,000. . T30 acres with 40 acret in 9 year old prunes and 82 acres cultivated. 5 miles from Salom. Good buildings, $26,000. 100 acres with about 70 in crop. Fine buildings, complete with stock and equipment, om main road out of Salem. $125 an acre. This is ono of the best littlo farms in the valley. A splendid dairy proposition, 97 acres near S. Stayton. 70 acres cultivated. Excellent buildings. Molino tractor goes with property at $90 an acre. 84 acrc in Kings Valley, A fine walnut proposition. Good buildings. On main road. $60 an acre. 75 acres of fine soil. mile to good little town. $4500. 60 acres of choice bottom land. Vk miles from W. Stayton. Does not over flow. Good buildings. All land ready for plow. $7500. 55 acres near Macleay with 40 acres ready for prune. $7500. 50 acres 3 mile W. of Independence In fine shape. With all implements and stock including 4horsc, 2 cows, etc. $7500. 40 acres 4 miles from Salem with 35 acres just set out to Italian prunes. With a modern bungalow. $8500. 40 acres in Walda Hills. All cultivat ed. $6000. 31 aeres on Silverton road, 7 miles out. All cultivated and woven wire fenced. $4500. 26 acre of choice bottom land north of Salem. $3200. 25 aCTcs with 10 acres in 8 year oid prunes, with fully modern T5use and a fine range of buildings on Jefferson road. One of the best properties in the locality. $12,000. THESE ABB A FEW OF THE LAND BARGAINS I CAN OFFER YOU CW.NIEMEYER "Just Real Bstate" 315-218 Masonio Buildinf, Salem ' MARRY if lonely; for resulte, try me; mwst reliable; years experience; d ssriptimns free. "The Successful Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar jriage soon; strietfy confidential! Dest and most successful "Home Club," Mrs. Purdic, Bjx 558, Oak land, Cal. GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES Good 7 room modern house- located on Fairmount Hill, 1655 Fir St., rum ished. Prie $4000. 5 room modern bungalow at 1795 south High street. Price $2600. $1, 500 down, balance 8 per cent inter est. Strictly modorn 5 room bungalow on State streot. Price $6000 i cash, balunce 6 per cent interest. 9 room modern houso at 4,'iO North Liberty street. Price $1500, 4 room modorn bungalow at 1675 South Church street. Price $1250. 8 room modom houso located at 1145 North Winter street. Price $1650. 7 room modern house at 1381 State street, two lots Price $7500. $3000 ddwn. 5 room modern bungalow at 1010 :N. 20th street, paved stroet. Price $1500 7 room house and two large lots at 2334 North High street, bearing fruit Price $1000. Fine quurter block on Fairmount Hill, 150 by 150 feet. Price $1200. 5 room modern houso on paved street, east front. Price $1300. $300 down, balaneo $25 per month 0' per cent interest. Large 10 room house et 742 State street, If interested in this property see us. 6 room house located on pnvod strent pavement paid. Price $800. Good 7 room modern house located two blocks from state house. Price $3850, Fine residence lot close to stato house. Price $2000, If you wish to buy, sell or trade, see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 315 FOB SALE Excellent river bottom farm known es the Riverside ranch, or the E. C. Horst A (o. farm, lo cated about 5 miles n rth of Salem. This farm consists of about 270 acres, 60 acres in f year old prune trees, 60 acre, now planted to wheat and oats and about 140 acres in tim ber and logtfed o'f land. This ranch would be ideal ( r gcncrul farming or for' a fruit f irm, stock or dairy ranch and the land is especially adapted for Hie growing of logan berries anil vegetables, for which there is an unlimited demand. For particulars regarding purehane in quire of T. A. Livesley & Co., in per son at their office, top floor Galem Bank of Commerce bldg., Salem, Or, 3-1 LOOSE oat straw for .Thone 86F2. sale eh onn; 315 j! I III I 'I if pi i You Get More : For Your Money At Moore's. Vkttfola GOOD BUYS. Highly Improved 1H7 acre farm Jo sated oa Howell Pruirie, all under cul- tivation and in crop. Fine set of farm buildings, On main gravel road, Prico $160 per acre. 63 aero farm, 60 acres under culti vation, 5 room house, barn, 4'i miles cast of Salem. Price $145 per acre Well improved 80 acre farm, i miles from Hakim, will take good resi; denco in Salom as part payment. Prica $14,000.00. 70 acre farm all cultivated. Large modern house, barn, stock and machin ery goes. Will consider residenco pro perty up to $3000.000. Price $10,500 160 acre farm, 100 acres under culfr vation, balaneo timber. Largo houso, barn, rock roud, Price $65.00 per acp:. Terms. 208 aero farm, best of fruit and berry land, good grain laud. House and barn; Price $11,000.00. 320 farm, good buildings, 2-t'l acres under cultivation, balance pas ture, running water, best of soil. Prica $34,000.00. 23 acre orchard. 2 acFC Italian prunes, 2 acres Buyul Ann cherries, 4 acres Potito prunes, 6 acres apples, 2. acres loganberries. Stock, machinery., and household goods go tijocated 4 miles south of Bnlem on main roadj Good set of buildings. Price $10,000.00. Well improved 10 acres. Now 5-rooig., bungalow, barn, 5 acres 5 year olt Italian prunes. Family orchard, stra berries and loganberries. Price $4000. 5 acres of bearing cherry orchard, rock road Price $1300. 40 acres of first class fruit land, all cultivated Price $90 per acre. $50 down, balance 8 per cent interest. 4.78 acres, all cultivated, some fruit, ' Three room house, well, 3 milee jMiuth. Trice $950. $350 down, balances .0 per cent interest 67 aero prune ranch, 13 acres Italian; ! prunes bearing, 27 acres 3 and 5 yearn old, some apples, cherries and walnut tlood farm house, two barns. V miles from Hulem. Price $10,000.00. 63 3-4 all plow land, located S iiiles from Sulem on rock road. Price itr 5500.00. - 30 acre tract, 10 acres of loganber- rics in first class condition. 3V4 acre j'in prunes Some timber. Price $7500. If vou want to buy, trade or sell. See W. E Crabenhcrst & Cc 275 State Street. 317 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY