THE D ilLY CATTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 14., 191?. PAGE THRFp MARKET Court and Liberty Streets , Phone 1528 OF ALL KINDS SATURDA i EllE! El IF RIB BOIL, lb. POT I C ROAST IOC Y LOIN PORK 30c ROAST OR CHOPS POUND HAMBURGER STEAK FRESH OA GROUND vC i . TRIMMED Shoulder PORK Selected Young Hof8 24c ROAST OR STEAK, lb. PURE PORK SAUSAGE 25c EMIL COTIIN UP FO R TRiAL TODAY BEEGRE WWMUtlCIL Charge Is Attempted Homi cide TO Premeditation From Ambush. Paris, March 14. Emile Cottin, assail ant of Premier Clcmeneeu, appeared for trial today before the third war coun cil under the presidency of Colonel Hnyver. The charge is attempted homicide with premeditation from ambush. The death penalty was demanded by the government prosecutor, Captain Horn et, the man who prseeuted and convicted Bolo Pasha. The name of Premier Clemeneeu ap pears on the list of witnesses. He if expected to respond, although he is not obliged to do so and he probably will ask that the sentence be made life iui Drisonment instead fo death, Cottin has repeatedly claimed that lie acted alone in attempting to kill Clcm eneeu and that he was solely responsible for the attempt. He declared he at tacked the premier, not as an individual but as the authorized representative of society. He chose to attempt the lite or Uie- menceau because the latter suppressed anarchist meetings. Cottin, who, physicians declare is per- IN BULK Per Lb. LAMB STEW FRESH LIVER FRESH TRIPE LIVER SAUSAGE 18c 5 c 10c 18c FOR STUBBORN COUGHSAND COLDS Dr. King's New Discovery has a fifty year record, behind it It built its reputation on Its produo tion of positive results, on its sureness in relieving the throat irritation of colds, coughs, grippe andy bronchial attacks. !'Dr. King's New Oiscovery? Why. my folks wouldn't use anything else!'' That's the general nation-wide esteem in which this well-known remedy it held. Its action is prompt, its taste pleasant, its relief gratifying. Half a century of cold and cough diecking. All druggists. 60c and $1.20. Bowels Out of Kilter? That's nature calling for relief. Assist her in her daily duties with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Not a purgative in the usual dose, but a mild, effective, corrective, laxative that teases the bowels into action. 25c One man reads the bulletin with difficulty-the other eas ily acd naturally through BAUSCH kLOMB The first man can only see distinct ly through the centers of his ordinary lenses. The man with PUNKTAUS can ratate his eyes normally and obtain perfectly clear vision to the very mar gins of his lenses the best that science has yet produced. Ask us for free booklet, ''The Eye and the Lens. " It tells all about them Hartal Bros. Co. Jewelers & Opticians N. W Corner Stato and L berty Sts. f ectly sano, has frequently expressed rogret that he failed to succeed in com mitting the murder. Third Man Dies, Result .Of Boiler Explosion Portland, Ore., March 14. Charles H. Huffman died early this morning, mak ing the third victim of the boiler ex plosion in the Corbott office building here yesterday morning. James D. Asher, and George Udy Thursday afternoon. All three were members of the boiler room force and all wore horriblv scalded. The cause of the explosion has not it yet been ascertained. Governor Olcott on Tuesday reap pointed the entire membership of the state (bureau of mines and geology. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY TOP QUALITY IDAHO GRAIN FATTED STEER BEEF EfOThis is choice and will surety satisfy your palate POT ROAST, per lb. . . 26t PRIME RIB ROAST, per lb. 30c TENDERLOIN STEAK, per lb. 30c T. BONE STEAK, per lb. v 35c PLATE or RIB BOIL, per lb. 20c SUGAR CURED SMOKED MEATS FROM SELECTED HOGS Best Hams, half or whole, per lb. 35c Choice Bacon . . . . 35c to S7C Cottaire Rolls . . . . . . .32c Jowls and Picnics . . . . . 23c Our Own ! IDEAL BRAND" I Open Kettle Rendered Absolutely $1.30 NO. 5 SIZE PAIL NO. 10 SIZE PAIL $2.55 RENDERED BEEF FAT MOULDED ID. IN PARTS IOC FULL DRESSED YoungHens Fresh Eggs Creamery Butter Country Butter Amour's Oleo. ''TR0C(T At Current Low Prices STEUSLOFF BROS. Inc. BUTCHERS and PACKERS All Kinds, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages, Etc. Salem, Oregon Phone 15Z8 EVERYTHING GUARANTEED I 1 ffO WW ' 1 if uoysi noway i Here's your last call. A revielle to Nifty Footwear. The most particular of men when selecting the most sty lish, serviceable and comfortable shoes always select There's nothing finer and They are sold only at Utibythymr", This style is also-made up in brown lad and otherwise S similar in appearance. Makes the most elegant shoe for older men. And we have the mahogany Russian calf or new thrill or long English last for the young men. "Mart ly Hit Fair p. LAZED Kid OutokU Back t.y. Squar Ed. Corn. mm Specifica tion Stetson Last loHer Nieces If you like to see a smile always on your husband's lips instead of excitement, listen to this. Do all your trading in groceries, dry goods, clothing and shoes at the" Peoples Cash Store, 186-194 North Commercial street. There you will save 25 cents on each dollar. Besides on Saturdays specials which are not like they are in other places only for a few items, but the People's Cash Store Saturday specials means reductions in every line and everything in our depart ments. Here is a sample of a few reductions in our grocery department. S 1 if if 3 ! !i 1 LOU White Crystal hard wheat flour, per sack .. $2.30 Fishers Snow Fail, hard wheat flour $2.70 10 pounds rolled oats ...69c 4 pounds broken rice ....25c Best head rice, pound .....10c Good Valley flour $2.55 10 pounds corn meal, white and yellow. 65c 10 pounds pancake flour 65c 10 pounds graham flour ......60c Best Japanese Rice ...................9c White and Red Mexican beans 2 pounds 15c 2 pkg. Cream of Barley 35c Special Offers to Coffee Consumers 30 per cent reduction below the whole sale price. Buy your coffee now be , . fore you have to pay double.' CANNED GOODS Armour's milk, very best 2 cans ....29c Very best brand pineapples .......23c Libby's Smilex, very best 2 cans....27c J?"b aPPles ; ---JOc r, , , i ir laii clams, per can . loc Best sweet corn, per can U- - 15c TaU can Table Pride galmon 17c 2 1-2 lb. can peaches ..C. ...23c Curtis 15-oz Kippered salmon ..20c 2 1-2 lb. can apricots ...28c Booth 15-oz Sardines ......23c SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN ALL KINDS OF CANNED AND BULK MOLASSES AND SYRUP P The Management of The tore . At the Stockton Store 1 I I i COOKING GREASE Mazola oil per gallon .j. $2.00 Compound in bulk, 2 pounds" 55c Puritan cooking oil, gal .....$1.95 ( , . , , Lard No. 10 . $2.65 The same discount . m all kinds of Lard' No. 5 .'. $1.30 shortenings, Cottelenes and the best Compound No. 5 $1.15 leaf lards prevail. UMECO PEANUT BUTTER NUT OLEO 2 POUNDS, 35c OLEOMARGARINE BEST CHEESE, 35c Peanut Nut Butter sandwich"' Big reductions in all kinds of soap cookies, per pound .........:....23c and washing powders. , Graham crackers 18c 11 bars of White Flyer 50c Soda and Oyster crackers ...17c $1.50 brooms .....70c VEGETABLES Best selected onions, 3cper pound; Potatoes, per pound 2c; per 100 lbs $1.45 Please remember our specials are also in the line of dry goods, clothing and shoes. We are giving free coupon with each purchase of ONE DOLLAR or OVER, which are useful in procuring glass and silverware and hundreds of other items. PHONE 453 Our Deliveries will be promptly attended l