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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
PAGE TEN SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. am Take notice of this. It will surprise and interest you. We have a good line of the famous An iinerva Hp a ii Ii Knitting Sat 3 1 12 10 STAGE WFLCOME FOR BOMTURDAY Stores Will Close And Every one WiB Greet Soldiers At Station. Members of Company M who arrive in the city Saturday evening -will find a joyoug welcome awaiting them, even if the returning number Is to be only a small portion of the boys who march ed in Salem just before going over soas. At a meeting held this morning in the Commercial club, it was decided to welcome the boyg not only with the Cherrian band and members of the G-. A K. and of the Oregon Guard, but that a general invitation be extended to all to take part in the reception. A telegram was sent to Sergeant Richard Hansen at Camp Lewis this morning, asking whether he could got the returning boys in Portland in time to catch the Oregon Electric Saturday afternoon to arrive in Salem about 6:40 o'clock. As soon as an answer is received definite arrangements will be made. Address Delivered. As the matter now stands, as Boon as tho boys arrive, they will be escorted to the Court house where a short ad dress will be delivered by Justice Law- renco T. ilarris. After a general greet ing all around, the boys will be permit ted to go to their homo3. Those who do not happen to have homes in Salem will be properly cared for. In order that there may be a proper amount of enthusiasm tho committee this morning appointed C. B Clancey as a committee of one to secure an ample supplv of horns. Mayor V. K Allun will see that the baggage of the boys is properly cared for and Mrs. John A. Carson, president of the War Mothers of Salem will arrange that all the boys are properly entcrtainodor dinner that evening. Blow Fire Whistles. Piro Chief Hutton has been asked to have the fire whistles blow and ar rangements will also be made to have the church bells ring half an hour be- ifore tho arrival of the boys, to give ! evory one ample time to arrive at the depot when the train comes in. An nouncement will be made tomorrow as to whethef they como by Southern Pacific or Oregon Electric It is also asked that all stores njose as soon as the whistles begin to blow in order that employes may bo at tho do pot. Owners of autos are to report to Mayor 0. B. Albin to piovido for the transportation of the baggage of the roturning soldiers. Not formal Reception. This reception is to bo just tho usual reception' to homecoming BoUliers and not the formal "Homecoming Recep tion" to be put on by the W ar Moth ers of Salom. This formal reception will xx&sisjie) ',lace in about two wocks at th0 Among the Company M boys who are expected to arrive Saturday are tho following: Sergeants H. F. Bailey, Wil lis M Bartlott, Clifford W. Cordier, Robert A Frascr, Jacob Fuhrer, Rich ard 0. Hanson, Carl E Hultenberg and Guy F.. Yung; Corporals Frank W. Durbin, Harry- B. Fraser, Loroy W. Card, Daniel E. Lawrence, Ulenn E. Mauror, Percy Strefeller; Cooks Harry I'lyant and Emil Sundborg and Mech anic Melvin S. Chandler. Other members of Company M who nro already in the city are: Lieut. L H. Compton on a furlough of a fow days, Liout. Francis II. Banta. Liout. Walter L. Spaulding, Eugene Gill and Whitney Gill. Cents Ball Everyone who took up knitting for patriotic ser vice are now putting the art to their own use. Here is your opportunity to get either the worsted or Shetland Floss in such popular colors as white, cream, turquoise, peacock, wild rose, pinks, Hunter's green, grays, khakis, cardinal, purple, gendarme and black. JUST THINK ONLY 45c A BALL Then we also have a splendid assortment of SWEATERS Made of the popular thread silk in colors such that . all can find one that will please. Priced from $7.50-$ 1 0. 90 7 ? 7 7 Incorporated & Truck Buyers, Attention Do you want the best for your money? See the In ternational and the Panhard Trucks at 147 South Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. J. E. SCOTT & SON. Ma! Journal Want Ads M Get Yea Wht Yea Wani Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 5 171 S.High Street rhone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 ll i ii Si 3 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. "No More Sleepless nights" -Bathes Internally Mr. J. B. Burrows, 271 West North St., Deeatur, I1L, writes Tyrrell's Hy gionie Institute of New York eg fol lows: "I am still using the 'J. B. L. Cas cade' once a week, and find it most efficient for keeping me in fine condi tion. It acts as a sedative for tired nerves and has been a great help for sleeplessness. I have frequently arisen from bed and used it in the middle of the aight with satisfactory results." The reason for this remarkable re sult, is because the functions cannot work properly when there is accumula tion of waste in the lower intestine. The "J. 03. L. Cascade," by the simple process of properly applying warm water, eliminates all this waste and causes the functions to work smoothiy and properly. Over half a million intelligent Am ericans M now using tho Cascade with similar results. It is the invention of Chas. A. Tyr rell, M. D., of New York," noted" spe cialist on internal bathing for 25 years It will be shown and explained to you by D. J. Fry, wholesale druggist ano: mfg. pnarmacist, oaicm, vregon who will be glad to give you an -into' estine booklet bv Dr. Tyrrell called "Why Man of Today is Only 50 per cent Efficient." This 'Doomiet is iree upon request. Ask for it today while you think ot it. Trouble Reported Broken (kt Again In Dakatia London, Mar 13. Serious trouble has again broken out in Dabnatia be tween the Italians and Jugo-Slavs, dis patches to tho Exchange Telegraph company reported today. Jugo-Slavs compelled tho Italian flagship to haul down its flag at Trau Friday, it was said. An Italian destroy er was despatched to Trau to outnin nn apology and protect Italian residents, At Sualato, Jugo-Slavs clashed with It alian patrols Monday. Serbian soldiers are said to have aided the Slavs. Order was restored by allied sailors. During a procession of Italians at Tgnra, Jugo-Slavs are reported to have attacked the marchers, dispersing only after Italian troops had intervened. Asher Dies " I fJrUanuj Ore Mar, 13 James Asher Uu uospitui tms aicernuuu iiu- lowing the explosion, of a boiler in the Co'bett office building. Georce TJdv will not live throughout the day and little hope is entertained for Claude Hoffman, according to phy sicians. All were employed in the boil er room. - JOURNALWM ADS PAY TAKE NOTICE House cleaning Is just about at hand, you may have aome piece of furniture you wish to dispose of. I buy one pioce or a whole household. 6oe me when you are ready to sell. Phone 510 or 511. Woodry, the auctioneer. 1 CD' Gale & Co. ARE NOW DISPLAYING New Apparel For Spring Acd Summer New Spring Suits Of Individual Design Cleverly fashioned in Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Serge, Gabardine and Jersey Cloth; shown in Balkin Blouse, Box Coat, semi-fitted and strict ly tailored models. IWANTEDl Furniture, ranges, . heaters, : linoloum rugs,- farm machinery, harness, tools, wagons buggies, , ' 8, etc. I ibuy tor cash or will soil on commission. Phone 510 or i fill, Woodry the auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the authority in me vested, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, March 15th, at 1 p. m. sharp, of said day, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the day of ate at Woodry 'g Auction Mar ket, cor. Ferry and Liberty Sts., Salem, 1 black horse about 9 years old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 bay mare nbont 9 years old, weight 1300 lbs. 1 double set of heavy team harness, 1 single hack harness. S,8"d W. A. BOWMAN j u $111 TO 31 MODISH SPRING COATS " Coats that are close kin to capes and capes that are as close kin to coats and garments that are both-or neither, and generally they are smart " and youthful. NEW SERGE CAPES Women who have heretofore refrained from purchasing these ultra-smart garments for the reasons of economy are enabled, through the ar rival of this shipment to gratify their tastes. We have sold many of these garments and they have met with great favor among our buyers. The new capes have colors with cherry red collars, navy and polka dot foulard and cerise tricolette to match the vest of the same shade. Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale& Company Commeriial and CourtFormerly Chicago Store t Court House Notes )(c ifc ic sc jc jc sc sc ss st sjt Gladys Stutesman Mackson was given a divorce yesterday from John Dell Mackson. She was also given the cus tody of thoir one child, Kugh Eliza beth. Julia Sundin, guardian of the five Peterson children has petitioned tho 3rd Anniversary - AlldUf WOODRY S court for permission to sell some real estate Mabel Peterson and Edward Peterson have become of ago and want a settlement of thoir share of tho es tate. In real estate this includes lot 8 of subdivision of lots 29 and 30, Cap ital Home addition to Salem, and lot 8 in block 1 of BTOokljw addition to Salem. The county court has granted letters of administration to Elizabeth M Wil son in the matter of the estate of James A. Wilson who died February 28, 1919, The petition for hte appoint ment recites that sho is the widow and sole heir and that the personal proper ty is valued at $6,000. WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON Stop at BLIGH HOTEL "A-Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District eor. Ferry and Liberty Streets Saturday 10:30 a. m. Machinery, wagons, horses, tools, etc. bring in what you have for sale. 1 p. m. Saturday I will sell 2 'horses, 1300 lbs. each and set of heavy harness and set light harness; also 1 or 2 trailers. 1:30 p. in. Furniture, ranges, heaters, etc. F. N. WOODRY, The Auctioneer. Elegant Home, Piano, Furniture and Furnishings, Wood, Silverware, Auto'Robes, Draperies, Dishes,etc I Home and Piano Will Be Sold At 2 P. M. Sharn at i J I l . . . . r. i it a ii Mrs. Jas. Wilson OWNER, Phone 330 F.N. WOODRY, AUCTIONEER Phone 510 or 511 IkTB Hi A Real Dance An Added At- MiL traction Dave All Men Wearing Cole McEIroy's Service Stripes Admitted Free. .. -e-UkiiAVAi jj.. a tu s,ji4 ul-s a vn iiiaii.d,iciry, n iTiaay mmt, Marcn w kM-. 25c; Gent,, 7k Friday Night, March 14 Diru