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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1919)
FROM TUESDAY'S JOURNAL MMIMMMM The Journal New Today Ads ;i IMMMMMMUMMMMMUIM MMMMMtMMMHMMMH JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Bate iper word New Today: Each Insertion lo ae week (6 insertions) S One month (20 insertions) 17e The 5a!'4tal Journal will aot foe re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errorTin Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. WANTED Guitar, secondhand Phone 1415 3-13 BOARD and room at 1120 Center. Phone 1074. . ' 3-17 TRAILERS for sale and made to or der. 271 D St. 3-12 YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale. 675 Brooks Ave. 3-36 POSITION wanted as practical nurse. Phone 920R. , 3-12 WANTED A White Leghorn roostor. phono 44F5. 3-15 INDIAN bicycle A-l condition. Phone 1902M, 19S6 Chemeketa. - 3-12 iW ANTED Salesman and collector, with car. 337 State St. 3-15 FOR SALE Modern 6 room house, two lots. Call 1625 N. Front. 3-13 FOR SALE Wheat hay, 10 ton. phone 411 or 1593. F. E. Shafer. tf WHITE Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 93F5 or 403R. 3-12 WANTED To buy cattle and calves, ny kind. Phone 1576W. 3-15 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 597 N. Liberty St. Phone 2456W. tf WANTED Cattle, calves, veal, any kind. Phone 80F11. 4-8 PIANIST and worth Co. . F. W. Wool- tf BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 4-4 FOR SALE Good table potatoes, 1.25 per sack Phone 86F22. tf FORD for sale cheap. Just been over hauled. Phone 853 J. tf WANTED To rent, modern.-S -.or, 6 room house. 31 care Journal. 3-14 OR SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Rt. 5, box 125 on Macleay road, tf WANTED Acreage near Salem. Ad dress DeVoe, Baker Apts. 645 Ferry 3-12 BOARD and room in modern home, near state liouse. Phone 1354R. 161 S. 14th. .. 3-12 A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State St, Phone Ml. Overland service and general repair Bhop. 4-7 FOB SALS Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. tf" BARRED Rock eggs for hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 305 S 14th St. tf FOB SALE Baled wheat straw $9 at barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 LIBERTY BONDS If yon must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room bonse with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf FOR SALjb i- x!3 snaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Boi 268, Turner, Or. tf WALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roU upward. Buren't Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co, 171 S. Eigh St. Phone 1400. tf AS GOOD an new, gas range, good heating stove, water heater, retail- ored overcoats and suits, at half price. Tne Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf FOR RENT .Modern furnished house keeping apartments in 1, 2, 3, and 4 room suites. Miller apartments, 633 Ferry Bt - 3-15 SK-W1 WE LOAN MONEY FOR LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 UK M limine uxn THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. , ' Salem, Ore. , BUGGY for sale. Call 58F4. 3-15 WANTED Small potatoes for feed. M S. Lang, Phone 35P25. 3-12 FOR SALE Good secondhand top buggy cheap. 726 N. 15th. 3-13 FOR SALE English cluster hop roots. Phono 52P11. 4.12 FOR accordion pleating, see Mrs. Al ice Hildebrand, 420 N. 24th St. 3-12 BARGAIN 148 acre farm, 6 miles out on paved road, $S5 per acre. F. L. Wood., 3.13 FOR RENT Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms, 4 in suite. En quire 246 State St. tf FOR SALE Good team work horses, 1100 lbs; also Jersey cows for sale. Phono 33F21. 3-12 WANTED To rent by April 1st, five or six room modern house with gar age. Phone 1231J. 3-12 WANTED Married man for ranch, with or without team of horses. Geo. L. Roso. " 3-15 FOR SALE -Cheap, an improved lot; a good investment if taken at once. Inquire at 1520 N. Front street. 3-12 FOR SALE 35 acree with small fruits, cash or terms. See Owner at 1417 Market St, Salem. 3-17 FOR SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed barn, S. High street. , tf FURNISHED room for rent, "suitable for a bachelor. Inquire 1280 Stato street. 3-15 WANTED Po exchange two fine resi dence city lots for light automobile. Phone 1147. 3-12 FOR SALE House and lot, 54x164, IVi blocks from State, 259 S 19th. . 3-27 LOGANBERRY plants for sale. J. P. Aspiawall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. . tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Rt. 6. tf GROCERY stock and fixtures must be sold within 30 days, easy terms, lS90 8. 12th St .... ... r tf FOR SAiLE Double diss harrow, near ly new, 24 18-inch discs. S. B. Bailer Silverton, Or, Rt. 4. 3-13 EXPERIENCED wan' wishes position as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd Bush reference. Phone 864." tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap ply mornings 800 Oak St. tf FOR SALE White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred. 768 8. 13th St. 4-1 IMPROVED farm, 235 acres mile from Marion, Or., 75 in fall gram, 80 in pasture, 80 in timDer; price $75 per acre; terms. Henry Fennel. 3-14 FRUITLAND Nursery, Salem, route 6, box lasts phono mini, we nave me Roman strain grafted Franquet wal nuts and also a few moro Italian prune trees loft. 3-12 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS If .you want to buy or sell a car come and see me. Detroit car, good condition, ex change for Salem lots. Ford 1 ton truck, $600 Maxwell 5 pass, to trade for house and lot. 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buy. Dodge, big bargain, $650. Overland, good condition, $150 Elgin 6, will consider property in exchange Maxwell roadster $275 Paige touring car, big bargain Ford bargain, $350 Phone 362 LOIS FIVE YEARS.' WE AL WW! THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. j WANTED Work by experienced truck driver. 75 care Journal. 3-17 FOR SALE Gasoline engine and pump jack. Phone 53F21. 3-13 FOB SALE Good corn. Phone B2F11. 8-13 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 1510 State St. 3-13 FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Jour nal and pay for ad. 3-12 WANTED mall potbtoea for fded. Phone 8F5 evenings. 3-13 HOUSE and lot for sale at a bargain, if taken soon, at 2194 S. High St. 3-12 FOR SALE One two-year old Jersey bull, sire and dam both imported. Phone 2F3. 3-12 WHAT have you to trade for one or more Klamath Falls lotst E B care Journal. '3-12 WANTED Middle aged lady to help with house work and care for old lady. W. H. Humphrey, Jr., Shaw, Or, Phone 22F5. 3-12 FOR SALE 6 room house and 2 lots, 4 blocks from S. P. depot; would consider 5 room bungalow on Lib erty St. Call at 1595 S. Lee St. 3-17 FOUND Large auto curtain on Sil verton Toad, near Central Howell. Owner can have same by raying for ad. E. E Bassett, Rt. 7. 3-12 FOR SALE 160 acres beaver dam land in British Columbia, will take part trade. 245 S. Winter, Salem. 3-12 FOR SALE 500 lbs. of commercial fertilizer, fine for corn or gardens; also horse for sale. Phone 34F13 af ter 6 p. m. , . 3-12 WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs $5 per hundred, snipping orders o; paoy chicks $15 and $20. W. R. Baker, Rt. 6, Salem. Phone 68F2. -13 FOR SALE Chevrolet 5 pass, car, mechanic! condition guaranteed, 4 new tires, 3 extras, spot light, chains etc. $875. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. tf WHY not iget the good, old honest United States citizen to cry your sales, he only charges 2 per cent. Col. W. F. Wright. Turner, Or, or phone 734. 3-17 TO TRADE For Salem home, modern 5 room bungalow ox lot in Mt. Ta bor addition, Portland!; also have timber claim in southern Oregon Ad dress T. F. Mesch, 38a Glenn Ave, ' Portland, Or. 3-17 FOR SALE Chevrolet" 5 pass, car, me chanical condition guaranteed, 4 new tires, 2 extras, spot Kght, chains, etc. $675. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. tf FOB SALE or trade, 640 acres of graz ing land, with water; for acreage near Salem. Address M-1990 cr Jour nal. 3-15 FOR SALE One brown mare 6 years old, 1450 lbs; also 24 ewes and 24 lambs. Phone 33F24 or address Wm. Sheridan, Turner, Rt. 1 3-12 FOR SALE Young cow, 1200 lb horse, 34 inch wagon, set double harness, single harness, buggy and light wa gon. 1395 N. Liberty St. 3-15 FOR SALE 6 acres (well improved, 414 acre close in. I buy and sell - all kinds of real estate. 319 Hubbard .bldg. . '3-15 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervaig Rt. 3. Phone 4871. 3-20 FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50c per lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Rt. 6, box 51, Phone 23 F21. tf 6 ROOM house with bath, electric lights, 2 lots, 16 fruit trees, grapes, raspberries, barn and chicken house. Bargain $875. Terms. 1976 Fairmount ave 3-15 FOR SALE By owner, modern seven room bungalow, $2750, 'beautiful, convenient, fine location, and a bar gain at 1710 Court. If interested write to A, E. Mitchell, Bt. 9, box 4. 3-17 FOR SALE A lot of large Belgian does with young, from four 10 eight each. Sickness requires all my time; also twenty five soon ready to market. Party buying lot can have use of fine rabbi try 6 month free. 629 N. Winter. Phone 1532J. xhone calls after 5 p. m. tf A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots daisy, on Capitol street for $.i000. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, ha good new gar age. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me en offer. 8 A large house on -Summer St, close to state eapital. What will you give me A nice S room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. ' A good 7 room hoose, all in fine con dition and -quite modern, Only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargain see me at once. G. W. Laflar, insurance man, 405 406 Hubbard bldg. tf , Mtt FOR SALE Fresh eow and calf. 1595 N. Cottage. 3-14 FOR 8ALE 3500 Magoon strawberry plamta, J. 8. Rt. 8, box 46. 4-18 FOB SALE A choice White Rock cockerel Phone 2505W1. 3-18 I WISH to rent a piano. Address A B C ear Journal. tf FOR SALE 8 year old gelding, sonnd and true. No skate. Skyline Orch ards, Phone 36F11. 3-14 LOST Between Trade and Ferry on Com! St. an umbrella. Phone 2430 W 3-13 FOR SALE 8 room house on good street. Inquire at 1305 Highland Ave. 3-18 FOR SALB-Seeendhand No. 9 Kewa nee water system. 750 gal. tank, deep well pump."Phone 1558J. "3-12 FOR SALE Team, harness and wagon a -snap, $,175. Oscar B. Gingrich, mo tor Tire Co. 3-12 FOR SALE 1 Samson tractor and 1 ton truck, condition good. Phone 96 F2. 3-15 FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co, 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. tt FOR SALE 9 White Wyandotte pul lets, just starting to lay. 642 N. Lib erty. 3-13 FARM TO BENT or sell, 50 acres ready to plow, eash rent. Box 333, Salem. 3-12 WANTED Experienced cook at Wil lamette sanatorium. Apply 754 Per ry 3-14 WANTED To buy somo goats and sheep. R Andersen, Jefferson Bt. 1, (box 72. 3-14 WB HAVEJbuyers for ity and coun try property. Bring lis your listings. J E. Scott, 124 S. Liberty. 3-13 40 ACHES, part in cultivation, fair im provements ?iuu. emap. tsee . Scott, 124 6. Liberty. 3-14 FOR SALE 8 room modern house, good as new, block to car Jne "and paved street. Price $1500, easy terms. Call 180 N. 23d St. 3-18 WANTED iFord 5 pass, give particu lars as to condition and price and model in first letter. F-2 care Jour nal. . 3-13 FBTJTTLANID Nursery, Salem, route 6, box 138E, phone llli'Su. We stm have a few more Italian prune trees left and & line of other nursery to. ... 3-12 FOB BALE) Well improved 9 cere trMt, new 8 room modern house, large new barn, 2 chicken bouses, fruit house, wood 'house, garage, pri vate water system. Price $4000. $2000 down, balance 6 per cent in terest. W. II. Grabonhorst Co., 275 State atreet. 3-12 NOTICE A quietfcrmanent home with elderly lady tfor a young or middle aged lady, who is working or otherwise homeless, and who is will ing 'to help with ' light housework mornings and evenings, in part pay ment for board; pay you to investi gate at once. Call at 2397 E. Center St, Salem, Or. 3-12 FOR. SALE 67 acre prune ranch, 40 acres Italian prunes, 2 acres of ap ples, cherries and walnuts, springs, 3 acres of timber, good house and barn, $10,000. $5000 cash, (balance terms 6 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorat & Co, 275 State St. 3-13 FOR SALE 5 room house on paved trtrect, lot 50x100, price $S00. 5 room house on paved street, lot 40x147, price $1300. 6 room modern house, 2 lots, fruit and berries, $4000. 6 room modern houso, garage, paved street, $5800. 8 room modem house, lot 50x 100, $1600. 10 room modern houso, close in, $4250. 6 room modrn hnnsn, Yew Park, $1350. W. H. Grabcnhorst & Co, 275 State St. 3-13 FARM FOB SALE CHEAP 80 acres, 60 acres in cultivation, 50 in frops. Fairly good farm buildings. Good soil and in good neighborhood. Also three good work horses, seven milch cows and some young stock, all farm (tools and machinery thrown in for $6500 $4000 in eash. Owner compelled to change climate, there fore willing to make great sacrifice ale. This is a splendid bargain. If interested you had better see John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard building, for further particulars. . fTiTV FATTvi? ITT7C A glance at the statistical records in the office of the superintendent of banks, will give one an idea how "Job's turkey" poor the people of Oregon are. They show that there are about thirty cities and towns that have over a mil lion dollars in bank deposits. Portland, which has about one half of the total deposits f the state, shows over 125,- 000,000. Salem shows nearly $7,000,000, Fenuleton and Astoria have more than $6,000,000 each, Eugene more than $4,000,000, Baker City has $3,300,000, while The Dalles, Albany, Klamath Falls, Mcdford, Oregon City, Boseburg, are down for mere than $2,000,000 each. The other town that run over a million ia deposits are La Grande, MeMinnville, Corvallis, Harshfield, Hep pner, Hood Eiver, Hillsboro, Tillamook, Hilverton, Lakeview, Condao, Bend, On-1 tario, Grantg P"- Ashland, Milton and Rnmi. For the fiserfi year ending onj JNOveraoer 1, ivm, ine loiai resounds of both state and national ba".ks in tho state amounted to $282,086,236.82, WEDNESDAY, MARCH " ttttMMfe The Most Convenient Front We Know kOVFLACB "SoHBtRUFT v f VAj New A Tub Silk Waists A most beautiful line of those pleas ing and satisfactory Tub Silk Waists. The kind that's Dres sy and .exceedingly comfortable. Specially priced tt (See Display Liberty Street t Only 3 Moiie Bays Special Delineator Offer The greatest magazine for the home, full of clean, helpful inspiring stories, and also the most authentic fashion magazine published. Regular yearly sub scription price $2.00 per year. - 3 Days Only . See our saleslady at the pattern counter, or MRS. ML RANGER M The Publishers' Special Representative T tt ,v I IV which represents a not increase of $40, 010,787.71) over the year before. luci deutall the office shows that the pust year has recorded fewer failures and embarrassments than any other year in the past decade or two. The public service commission is en gnged today and tomorrow on interur ban rate hearings in Portland. Governor Olcott lias just rcceiveu from the secretary of state of Wash ington a joint resolution, which con stitutes a memorial on the death of Governor Withycombc. It indicates the close political relations existing between the states, whereby tho ono is made keenly sensitive to the misfortunes of the other. It alludes to the lute gov ernor as a wise counsellor, a progrcsr ive statesman, a true patriot a ad a staunch Amriecan. Tho document ex presses the sincercst regret for what is not only the loss of Oregon but the en tire northwest, and bids godspeed to the official upon whoso shoulders has fallen the mantle of authority of his disting uished predecessor. Governor Olcott this morning reap pointed to the Oregon Bureau of Mines the following commissioners: B. M. Hetts and W. C. Fellows, of Baker coun ty; H. N. Lawrie, of Portland; W. B. Dennis, of Corlton. The former was for a number of years prominent in the quicksilver industry in Oregon, bebg in charge, of the Black Butte mines in Douglas county. Several San Francisco citizens wcra in the governor's office this morning in attendance upon a hearing of an ap' plication for extradition papers for Frederick Parka, charged with embez zlement by bailee. The defendant is charged specifically with the embez zlement of $60, but is further charged with progressivn embezzlement amount ing in all to $1500, He was represented by Thomas Garland of Portland, who in his presenting of facte, tries to show that "while Parks may be in arrears to th amount of $65, it is an account that might be adjudicated ty ordinary eivil process, but that the plaintiffs, the Sun set Reading club of San Francisco, are deliberately bringing , criminal suit against Parks Bs means of disRredit irur him. the animus being that Parks, as manager of a rival concern, has been making inroad, into the business of the 12, 1919. is the Nemo ... The Nemo Marvelace is the only front lacing device which preserves the indispensible support of the front center steels and adds the feature of the Gosed Back, which so many women prefer. In' addition this Corset includes the patented Won derlift Bandlet which Lifts up the abdomen adjustably and gives the figure natural symmetry and style. Come in and have one of our corsetieres help you se lect the Nemo Corset designed for you. KTHVSl Window with this number, putting it out at a Special Price, Quality and Value 3.95 Window) (See Display at an Extra Special Price You can always do better at W - O San Franciaco concern, who take this means of putting him out of buini ss. Tho s tate, as a matter of courtesy, was represented) by Attorney General Browu and aftor due consideration the requisition wub granted by Governor Olcott. The latost report from the office of tho state land board shows that during the two-year period covered tho depart ment had sold 50,155 acres of school lands, agricultural college lands and tide lands, realizing a total of $155, 475.42. Loans from the common school fund total of $6,431,128.57, and to this is to be added the amournt of $20,030.27 which hag lioen acquired by the state through foreclosure of mortgages on six farms. The outstanding loans from the Agricultural college fund amount to $189,053.93, and those from the uni versity fund $S18,.18. Any citizen of Oregon who feels con strained to endorse or oppose any meu uro to en iheforo the ipeople at. the spe V 9 I I Salem Auction Co. Conducts All Kinds of Sales WE SELL TWICE A WEEK AT OUR AUCTION ROOMS. LIST AN TOG YOU HAVE TO SELL WITH US. 157 S, COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 1117 SALEM, OREGON. G. SATTERLEE, hxhmx D. CURRIE, Mgr. PAtiE SEVEN M M t ttT tt Lacing Corsei I Marvelace v E3E3 lis Envelope Chemise i We have filled our Liberty Street Liberty Street Win'low) tt cial election on June 3d, must get busy with his "dope" for undw tho provis ion, of 8. B. 276, March l7th is tni Inst date on which nrgumuuts can ba filed with tho secretary of state. Im mediately after that date th priatiut of the pamphlet will be stnrted upOM and in due time every voter in tho silate will receive a copy. Tho stato printing office is now lit wonk. upon the 1019 edition of the Ore gon laws, which means some printing, as there are to be about 3000 copies is sued. It is presumed that the vol urn will be h bulky as the ono of 1917 if not more so, ami 4hat means that) there will be at least a thousand pages '! the book. The Public service cornmiitsion is in Portland today taking testimony with regard to alleged exhoruitant rate charged by the P. K. L. P. Vs. en its. lines to Kstacada and Oregon X'ity. K tacnda citizens testified that they wr compelled to pay two fares, amounting to 26 cents each way, in- going to anl from tho city, this is ibrongut aoout by the "zone system" of fares.