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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEnMF.snAY. MAKCH 12 10T9. PAGE THRF" iensi i l m B FI a a 6 131- a D Br" A -A BBS For Rhenma Drives Out the Millions of Tiny Pain Demons Tha" Cause the Disease. There are many ways of treating Rheumatism, but there is only one right way. If you are beginning to feel the first slight touches of Rheumatism, there is untold pain and suffering ahead of you, if you follow blindly in the same misdirected foot-steps of unintelligent treatment. For remember that thou sands of victims of this painful dis ease have spent' countless hours, no doubt, as well as their hard-earned dollars in a vain effort to find a cure. And your own experience will be just as disappointing as theirs, if you follow the old, worn-out and worth less methods of treatment. When you realize that you must get rid of the cause of Rheumatism, and that its torturing pains will disappear when their cause is removed, then you will be oi ibe right track, and there is a spleni!i.l chance for you to rid yourself of !!. disease. The most common form of Rheu matism is e ..used by millions of tiny disease genus which Infest the blood. The one and only sensiblo treatment, therefore, is one which cleanses the blood of these germs, and routs them entirely out of the circulation. And everyone knows that this cannot be done by rubbing the surface with liniments. This is why S. 8. S., the greatest known blood purifier, is so successful ia the treatment of Rheumatism. It is a powerful cleanser of the blood, it promptly routs all disease germs. S. S. S. has been used for more than half a century, and it will prove bene ficial in any case of Rheumatism. If you are a victim of this disease, why waste further time with the wrong kind of treatment! Go to your drug gist to-day and get a bottle of S. S. S., and begin a course of treatment that will delight you with its results. S. S. S. will remove the disease germs that cause your Rheumatism, afford ing relief that is genuine. We maintain a medical department in charge of a specialist on Rheuma tism, and after beginning treatment with S. S. S. you are invited to write for free medical advice about your own case. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 104 Swift' Laboratory, At lanta, Oa (Adv.) ELKS PLAY WILL BE GIVEN M EM All Seats For Tonight's Per formance Sold Out By Noon Yestcrda Owing to the unprecedented scat salo for the annual Elks play for 1919, "Offiecr 666," tho Elks are obliged for the first time in their thrjatrical history to break their ironciad rule and put on a third performance) of the play. The third performance wil be on Friday evening, March 14, and seats lor this extra production of this year's comody are on salo at the Opera House Pharmacy now. The sale will continue until Friday evening. When the seat salo for "Officer C66" .... Kiw,A.. V 6 & '1 IIS ' - ' s Photo by Jenks HURRAY HART .Who will appear as Kearney in the Klks play for 1919, "Officer 666," . tonight, Thursday and Friday. to break its rule of having two perform ances only, but while the big rush was! on it was impossible to take care of the phone orders at the same time, and it is 6 rule of the thrcatre that those who make their reservations personally take precedence over those who phone in their orders. The result was that there wero about 100 patrons wU sent in phone orders, who could not be given the seats they ordered. All those who reserved seats by phone yesterday are requested to phone at once to the Opera House Phar macy and inquire whether tho seats re served for them are satisfactory. The scat sale for Friday night has been, de ferred until today in order to give these patrons tho first chance ou Fri day night 's seats. It is still possible to secure singlii seats for.' tomorrow night's show, and there may bo a few scattered pairs left. Tonight's house, however, is entirely sold. Of course there is still the entire gallery for both performance. Tho salo of gallery, tickets will not begin until 7 o'clock this evening. It may be stat ed, incidentally, that tho gallery is not at nil a bad place from which to see the big show. It is nearly as good as the balcony, in. fact, and then again tho price for gallery seats is only four bits, plus 5 cents war tax, '.. The all-star cast which will appear in opened at 9 o'clock yesterday morning there was a double line a block long waiting to make their reservations. fTlie house for tonight was sold out by Boon, and shortly after that the capac ity of tomorrow night's house was prac tically exhausted. This in itself would not have induced the play committee BAD BREATH -1 Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets Get at the" Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief ' through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar crated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. . Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently, but firmly on the bowels and liver, btimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire 6ystem. They do that which dangerous calomel does- without . any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint; with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Rainbow Division Will Be Back To America In May Washington, Mttrch 11. The "fight ing" 42nd (Rainbow division) probably will bo back on American soil early in May, war department officios stated today. It is the last division scheduled for sailing from France in April. Unless there is a change in plans, therefore, it will reach America too late to participate in the victory lon& drive. Owing to its record in some of the bitterest fighting on the west front line tho war department will allow consider able relaxation of the usual plans for returned troops iu the case of the 42nd, and will permit parados of the differ ent regiments in; the various states from which they were drawn. The Rainbow division eemprises troops of nearly all classe from almost every one of the states in thejinion. President Wilson Is In Touch With Colonel House By Carl D. Groat. . -United Press Staff Correspondent) Aboard the U. S. S. Beorge Washing ton, March 11. President Wilson, an xious to expedite tho peace worn as much as possible after his arrival in Paris, today sent several wireless mes sages to Colonel House. They were un derstood to be in response to entries regarding details of the negotiation The president's cold has disappeared and he and Mrs. Wilson spent some time walking about the decks and playing shuffle board. inc George Washington is due to ar rive in Brest between 3 and 10 p. m. Thursday, providing the weather con tinues good. The mayor of Brest has wirelessed an invitation extending the city's hospitality. The president ac cepted, but suggested that all pomp and formality be omitted. st ile AT KALI MAKES SOAP BAD FOR WASHING HAIR Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the .scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to ue is lust plain mulsificd cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely greasele-ss. It 's very cheap and (beats the most expensive soaps or anything else ail to pieces, xcu can get this at any drug store, and a lew ounc es will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a toaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an abund ance of ncn, creamy latner, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy ; to handle, Besides, 'it loosens and takes out every particle ot Just, dirt and dandruff, No. 58. ' EEPOET OF THE CONDITION OP Salem Bank of Commerce At Salem in the Stato of Oregon, at the close of business March 4, 1919. . Resources. Loans and discounts .. .L Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .. Bonds and warrants . Banking house ; .......... Furniture and fixtures ... . - Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash items . Exchanges for clearing house Cash on hand .... ... . . Total Capital stock paid in , Surplus fund Liabilities. ..j.... $218,518 10 169.11 139.391.35 24,500.00 2,900.00 83,H44.45 2,264.12 2,101.29 .. 21,290.74 Undivided profits, less expenses and ta .. Individual deposits subject to check Cashier checks outstanding ................ Certified checks Time and savings deposits . Total 494,979 22 .. 50,000.00 .. 6,000.00 .. ; 1.5S9.24 .. 323,494.47 2,275.32 12.18 111,608.01 494,979.22 State of Oregon, county of Marion, ss. I, H. V. Convpton, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that ths above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. V. COMPTOX, , ' Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of March, 1919. BOY E. SHIELD3, ; . - . Notary Publie My commission expires June 17, 1920. . . . ', CORRECT Attest: B. I STEEVE3, H. O. WHITE, 8. B. ELLIOTT. Directors. "Officer C66" i8 as follows: Travels Gladwin, a young millionaire James Mott Whitney Barnes, his friend Karl Hinges Bateato, diadwin's Japanese Servant is, (Jook ratton Police Officer Michael Phelan, No. 606 George C. L. Snyder Alfred Wilson, a famous picture crook Oscar B. Gingrich Thomas Watkins, Gladwin's former but ler. A. L. Traser Captaiji Stone, of tho New York Police Forco . Hon. C. Ja. Albin Kearney, a plain clothes man Murray h. Hart O'flara, a police sergeant .... Hon. Ben W. Olcott Ryan, Another One..Dan. F. Langenberg Patrollman Donivan Walter Thompson Patrollman Kelly Officer Roe Helen Burton Miss Olga Gray Mrs. Button, her aunt ....Mrs. Walter Bnaulding. Sadie Small, Helen's cousin, Miss Flor ence Cartwright. One of the features of the play will be tho acting of Murray L. Hart, one of the stars of last year's play "The Man from Home," who will play the part of Kearney, tho p.- clothes man. Bunnv Mciring, who was origin ally cast for this part, was called to Portland last week, and Mr. Hart, who had just returned from a machine gnn company at Fort Hancock with his lieutenant 's bars jumped into the part. As everyone already knows, Murray is one of the cleverest actors who ever ap peared in an Elk play, and he is slated to give an excellent account oi mmseu in "Officer 666." , DEATH OF TURNER BOY. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Turner. Ore.. March 12. Robert RnoVwnll Trncv. the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tracy, was born Auffr 22, 1896, on. the Rockwell farm near Turnnr. TTn TifiHfied from this life on March 3, 1919, in the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker, near West Btayton, at live p. m. irom an ae fAnnt at 1 n. m. nf the same date. He wa surrounded by oving friends, his aunt Mrs. E. V. .Ball, his Drotner rMntm tathor mntliflr anil Dr. Brewes. Everything was done lor bis comiort but he passed out. Rockwell's life was one of usefulness, AornptTii and trustfulness, never any thing too hard for him to do. He was oiwavi nntfntpri- invpa nia noxne ana interested himself it its upheep, alos tnnk a irreat interest in tne wemare i tli enmmunirv. a eberof thegh thon iha ffnmmiimtv. a member OI tne ICiv phone company since he was 14 yean of acre and in that line or wora wnen lilt? BCHllTHli MMJpcum. The funeral was held in tne n. church at Turper on March S, conducted by Rev. Warren of Btayton. ine oeau tiful and floral gifts were emblems of esteem in which he was held. He will not only be raised in the home but by the eommumty in many ways. M, Ik (111 TA 1.'. " " ' .. U. J I S lie? Mitt t f I S i l " nil ir in. - I i!M Jli ! 4,i!i, I.! If I u t5j Never before have people demanded and enjoyed so many modern con veniences. But the greatest improvement of all HOT WATER HEATING has heretofore been denied the wage earner because of the cost of excavating a cellar. With the invention of the IDEAL ARCOLA Radiator-Boiler piping is simplified and a cellar is not needed. The new IDEAL ARCOLA radiator-lb Puts IDEAL HOT WATER HEATING coinfort in workingman's cottage, cellarless smal! stores, countryjchools, cellarless churches, etc. The IDEAL ARCOLA takes the place of a parlor stove. But a stove wastes much of its heat up the chimney, whereas the IDEAL ARCOLA is water-jacketed, and con-vejrs-its heat by hot water circulation through pipe-connected AMERICAN Radiators stationed in the adjoining rooms. Every bit of the big volume of heat developed from each pound of fuel 13 therefore made useful in keeping ALL the rooms uniformly, healthfully warm. There is no conl-waste. The IDEAL ARCOLA docs not rust out or wear out will outlast the building-is a genuine, permanent investment! ' . Shipped complete ready for injmediate operation The beauty of the IDEAL ARCOLA method is that nt cellar is needed. Everything is on one floor. The ARCOLA 11 placed in any room that has a chimney connection. No running to cellar. If there are two or more tenants in the building, each can have his own ARCOLA and make the temperature to suit his own needs can make his own climate! If you do not wish ot futt to heat the entire building, buy a small size IDEAL ARCOLA and later on buy extra sections for the 1DKAL ARCOLA End two or three more radiators to warm more rooms. Cleanly heating healthful heating free from fire risks! Unlike ttovea, there are nu ccal-gas leak3 into the living rooms. The IDEAL ARCOLA delivers the soft, radiant warmth of hot vater not the dry, bumt-out atmosphere of stove heating. There is no fire-riok to building no danger to children fue lasts for hours! The ARCOLA burns hard or soft coal, coke, gas, or wood. Brings Cost of heating down to tho lowest notch aud 'vc Ideal comfort. . ; . , ' Put in .quickly without disturbing your stove till ready to etart , fire in the new outfit. Sold by all dealers.' Send for catalog ?' I DEAL ARCOLA Hot Water Heating." Phone or write today! The Ideal arcola will look at tractive in any room paint it to match any interior color tchemc. Sold by all dealers No exclusive agents American (adiatos f J. JEk inBmrl HTCriraerawiL' a ujjliwpiw liinaiif t minim mi tf . . lOMPANY Write Department S-48 219-1221 Fourth Ave Seattle Public Showrooms nt Chicano, New York, Boiton, Providence. Woreeoter, PhikitelpUm, Hrri.burs, Newark, Wilketbarre, Baltimore, Wellington, Richmond, Albany, SyracuK.Rochratef, Bufialo. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Kapida,, Cincinnati, Louuville, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleaiia, M.lwnukee, Minneapolla, , Bt. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Des Moines, Omaha, Denver, Saa Prunciico, Lo Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Toronto, Ettaitford (Out.) Base Hospitals Are Assigned To Convoy Washington, Mar. 11. Assignments to early convoy were announced by the war department today as follows: Base hospitals numbers 8, 21, 41, 5G and 115; Tenth anti-aircraft unit, com panies 801, 803, 113 ond '114 of tho transportation corps. LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS TTaw York Mar. 11. Lilbortv bonds were quoted today as follows. . 3's, 98.60, off .04; .first 4's, 94.20 nf .20? uncnnil 4 '. 93.50. off .16: first 414 'g 94.98, up .06; seeoad 4 's, 9380, oir iz. . S3 1 You will plant flowers -of course! Make sure o! their quality and beauty by planting Morse's California Saeds. All the old favorites, standard varieties u well as tha delightful 1919 novelties. UON S TAIL Long, slender with orange flower. Fine to edge garden. Chinese Woolflower Immense globe-shaped scarlet crimson. Last indefinitely when cut Double Blue Cornflow er The finest blue cut dowel - there is. Spencer sweet peas, Sue-airs goes, and Dahlias our pectahics. Morse has propa gated asots lew varieties oi aweet peas than any other American seedsman. Renwraber Maria's Csliforaia Power Seeds are tma-to-asue siwf ae daaated U tK West. Scad toclsr for kuujbook a Sweat Pea Culture asd as 'i9Ci&Gwittfrttl Urn'i tttji art uH ij dist '' trt tvtrjwhtrt tr dirttl frtm CC.MORSEtCOSanFclieo Prize For County Buying Most Thrift Stamps ia 1919 The State lianhers association has offered a prize of $30 to tho county that will make the best showing in tho purchase of thrift stamps during the year. This offer is made especially for the (Boys' and Girls' Industrial clubs of tho schools of tho state. Every teacher in tho county is be ing urged to present tho matter to the pupils. A circular has boon distributed with information as follows, giving five ways how tho $50 may be won. Ilere they aro: - 1 By saving and depositing In a bank an average of 10 cents a eek for the remainder of the year. 2 By devoting at least three hours a week to homo industry, including food preparation, gardening, raising poultry or any club work. 3 By preparing during the year somo written work on Thrift and sub mitting snmo to the teacher, or the county superintendent or to some pa per for publication. 4 By participating in thrift pro grams, including icadings, debates or addresses during the school year. 5 By keeping personal expense- ac counts, club project accounts or assist ing your parents in keeping household or farm account during the year. Pupils aro requested to ask their tfachcr for report cards and instruc tions. The program is under the super vision of tha O. A. C. extension ser vice. O. D. Center, director. Tho circular says, "It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright," Frank lin. And the suggestion is given, Don't bo an empty bag. The office of W. M, Smith, county superintendent of. schools, is in charge of the campaign for Marion county. WEREN'T "DBY" CELLS San IPrancisco, MaT. 11. George Kes sing called them, "dry colls" but ex amination of the 1008 storage batter ies disclosed their contents to be a juice that i less prevalent than electrical current in Washington gtate. Kessing was sentenced to three months imprisonment by federal authorities following the conviction on charge of Transport Mount Vernon Arrives Ahead Of Agememnon New York, March ll.The Transport Mount Vernon, carrying 5,784 eoldiors and,, nurses, arived today from Brest, winning by about eight hours her race with the Agamemnon, with 3,373 men, which will dock about o'oioca, ims aftornoon The Mount Vernon, her first trip since being forced to return to port after being torpedoed last fall, left Franco on March 4, about ten hours after tho : Agnmemnon had galled. Thirty six hours later she wigwagged "farewell" and maintained the ' lead tho lead tho rest of tho trip. Aboard the Mount Vernon were 2,074 men and 85 officers of 27th division, amonk tho last of the Now York troops to leave for home. On tho Ohioan, which also arrived to day, were the following organizations: 348th infantry machine gun company, headquarters second battalion, compan ies 0, G, II, K, L and M ana suintiry detachment, 15 officers and 1,216 men; 312 sanitary train detachment, one of ficer and five men; four casual com panies for Now York, Iowa and Ohio. oficiully referred to by Andrew Bonar Law in tho house of commons yester day, will contain railway, cieprjone and telegraph lines and pneumatic pos tal tubes. Its cost is estimated , at $100,000,000 to $125,000,000. Work, ac cording to tho Mail, will be started ns soon as the plans are completed. Great Britain and Fraiuce will shsre equnly in the financing and all nations will bo given equal railway rates. 8ir Ernest Moore, member of tho en gineering firm which built the Ea;t Kivor tunnels in Now York, Bays he believes the channel tunnel will be no more difficult than that project, per haps easier. Make Babv Cor- and Crow Keep the little stomach regulated and boweh open, the secret of health in Infancy, by using .1RS.WIfc'S!-0TS SYRUP The Infanta' and Children's Regulator that produces such remarkable and gratifying results. Relieves constipation, flatulency, wind colic, diarrhoea, and other disorders. Contains no alcohol opiates narcotics or other harmful in gredients. It is a highly potent vegetable preparation made of the very best Ingredient obtainable. Give It to baby and watch the smiles that follow. ' - At all Drutsuf 1 ANGLO . AMERICAN DRUG CO. d'SiaisJ i I T 21S-217 l ulton St., U. Y. r"rv' j -f ,) Hrol.)F.RitchiaAC..,!n. tl-5: Nirw York Toronto, Canada V j ( iiia na BX "iiiiaw inwHit-a jjiKjj; --4 attempting to chip liquor into arid Moby's Seeds Washington JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY J. C. Perry's