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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1919)
PAGE TEN. FROM TUESDAY'S JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1919. 8 5 A - it avings lor men anaooys on ClotMng,Shoes,Furnishings Catering to men's and boys' supplies is one of the most important depart ments of our 197 Busy Stores. Those who look to us for their needs are not only sure of getting outfitted in the very newest styles, but are also sure or" a substantial saving of many dollars. Men's all leather work shoes $2-98 Men's elk bals, tan, black $2.98 Men's all-leather, bike shoes....J3J25 Better grades $3.98, $150. $4.98, and - $5.50 Men's gun metal dress sheos....$398 Better Grades $4.98, $5.B0- $6.50 and $6.90 Boy's Dress Shoes $1.98, $2.49 $2.98 $325 Men's, Boys, khaki pants $1.25, $2.59 Men's Heavy corduroy pants .-$3.98 Men's, Boys work pants $225 Men's, Boys negligee shrits 98c Men's chambray work shirts 98c Boys' chambray shirts J9c Men's seamless work sox 20c PERSONAL W. H. Downing and wife tame in from Shaw today for a Drief visit, reg istering at the Bligh hotel. Mrs. M: . Shiltg of Falls City was amorfg the recent arrivals in Salem. Among the recent guests at the Biigh hotel were Mr. nd Mrs W E Welch of Minneapolis and Dr. W. Hylander of Tacoma. Otto Zimmerman of Mehama is in the city today on a business errand, stopping at the Capital hotel. Robertson Brooks left yesterday for Pendleton where he will be associated with B. H. Coppock in road construe tion work. He will foe away from Sa lem about seven months. Mrs. Jeff Campbell left this morn ing for Seattle and Taooma and ex pects to be away several weeks. At Seattle she will meet her brother who has just returned from France. ' H J. Meiring, generally known as "Bunny" Mciring, has accepted a po sition with Meier & Frank of Portland in their shoe department. W M. Hamilton is in Portland to day on company business. . CANVAS GLOVES 10c PAIR MEN'S SPRING SUITS Our exceptional buying power and the quan tities we use enables us to save you anywhere from $5 to $10 on your new spring suit. See them $16.50 $19.75 $22.50 $24.75 MEN'S COLLARS 20c EACH 98c Boys and girl's play suits.... Blue, red bandana handker- . chiefs -" 3 for 25c White Cotton handkerchiefs .3 for 25c Boys' knickerbocker pants 98c Boys corduroy pants $1.39- $1.69 $1.98 Boys' heavy blue serge pants $1.49 Blouse waists, fancy stripes (J9c Men's and boys' garters 25c Men's and boys' leather belts 49c Men's heavy leather gloves ---$1.25 Heavy canvas gloves leather face... 33c Heavy loganberry special x gauntlet:...... .. $1.49 Other grades in best horse hides .. .. $1.98, $2.25 Men's dress shirts, fancy patterns.............;... $1.49 BOYS' HEAVY BIB OVERALLS Made of heavy denim, double seat, and knees, Riveted with copper. MEN'S HEAVY BIB OVERALLS Big Three brand. One of the most famous in the U. S. Triple stitched. "A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION" dud SdHXZ 'A the Salem hospital , March 11, 1919, Edward Schulz, at, the age f 26 years. ) Besides his wife he is survived by i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leopold I Schulz, who live five miles east of Sa-1 lem, and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Heinko , and a brother, Arthur Schulz. The funoral services will be held Sat-1 urday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock f rom the Lutheran church on the Asylum avenue an.l will be conducted by the . Reverend Gross. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. Born WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON Stop at BLIGH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern 1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District Tfte tt,y liberty bonds. 814 Masonic tldg. , tf Economize, get your hats cleaned and blocked early to avoid tho rush, at old locution. 4!)S f!inii-t Kt f! TI. V.llawnrlli prop. . Zl'i Get your milk) at the People's Mar ket, loo N. Liberty. 3-13 Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 I! i; ;s 49 r II Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make 1 DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. H. N. Beck of Hubbard, lost from his automobile a complete, extra wheel, 3-1x4 in caso, while driving between Mt. Anigol and Silverton Saturday night. Finder please notify H. N. Beck, Hub bard. 3-12 F I Hop wire and all lflnds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. tf BENNETT To Mr,nd Mrs. Fred N. Bonnott, Salem, route 7, Tuesday March 11, 1919, a son. , , Ho has been named Earl Leroy Mrs. Russel Catlin Urges Contmued Work la Red Cross Mrs. KusscM Catlin who 1 in Seat tle attending a meeting of Bed Cross workers, and who , is at the head of tho knitting department of Willamette chapter, writea as. follows from Seattle "After meeting and talking with those who have given much thought and all of their time to Bed (Jross work and hearing them -explain the dire need for our befit efforts along the line of refugee knitting, we wish to urge everyone who can to come and help with out knitting allotment "Undor tho present arrangement 75 per cent of afal materials, yarn mcluu- ed, are to bo shipped abroad knititmg factonos here in the United (States are helping to their full capacities, but M,WJ children in Siberia alone are orphans without clothing. Since it is planned to have the present allotment fully completed by June 1st, end in all probability there will bo no further de mand on the time of the knitters, we feel that certain of those who have worked so faithfully in the .past will respond generously to our call for help, and make a special effort to fill our final quota of knitted garments. - "Knitting headquarters are open Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 at tho ipost office building." Ship Munitions To Mexico For Carranza Government El Paso, Texas, March 12, The first munitions shipment in years for the Carranza government through this cus toms office 100,000 riflo catridges was exported lute yesterday under lic ense from Washington, it was learned here today. General Jesus Castro, com manding Mexican federal troops in Chihuahua state, was scheduled to leave Juarez today undor heavy guard for Chihauhua City. VMianists are report ed 100 miles south of the border pre pared to attack Castro's train. But the rebel leader has at least a rogimcnt of troops, armored cars and machine guns to defend his movements toward his headquarters. LITTER DELAYED. New Spring Suits and Coats STYLES that depart from time worn lines and form an ensemble entirely new, more en gaging, more youthful," more becoming to those who are youthful and to those who wish to look youthful. PRICE that has been shaken quite free from a war time influence and that pays for noth ing but skill, materials and the moderate cost, the conversion of its garment to your possession. Gabardines, Poiret twills and finely wov en serge suits featur ing belted and box coat models heighten ed in style by cleverly tailored in vestees of contrasting colors. PRICED- Tricotine and Poiret twill suits, that dip deep into the enclos ure of exclusiveness and sparkle with style, and charm of tricol- ette and fancy silk vests. ime$ J Jsyr,f ' Coats $11.50 to $40.00 Suits $11.90 to $37.50 Our display of coats unsurpassed. Such a varied and large selection comes as a surprise to most people at this early season but we find many like to buy early when the showing ex presses so much newness. OUR PRICE IS ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & CO. Com'l and CourtFormerly Chicago Store New York, March 12. Many trans Atlantic liners were held at their piers today as a rcs.ilt of inability to get coal because of tho harbor strike. Cun ard, White Star, Bed Star and French line vessels postponed sailings Until adequate supplies of coal can be receiv ed. Fire at Seattle Saturday destroyed the home of John Oliver, a cripple, aged 75. Mrs. Oliver smashed win dow, bundled her husband in a blan-, kot, and dropped him to the ground. Collision Of Street Car And Auto May Be Fatal Portland, Ors., March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Ganoe arj not expected to live today. They were probably fatally injured last night when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a streetcar. Motorman H. E. Walker claims the automobile skidded in front of his car. i The auto, after being struck, continued for half a block, richoeted off another streetcar and stopped on the sidewalk. Ganoe, aged 57, is a well known attorney, nient officials. The undcr-sceTetary agreed to communicate the protest to the British government. The dispatch docs not indicate what "action'' of tho Belfast prison author ities was under protest. A twodays' course in dairy hus 'bnndry will be held at Cottage liove March 21 and 22 under the auspices of Oregon Agricultural college. Charles D. Latouretto, prominent Oregon City attorney, has presented to Oregon City 10 drinking fountains. Sma Feiners Protest Against Action Of Prison Authorities Dublin, Mar. 12 At a meeting of the Dublin corporation last night, Sinn Fein members of parliament protested against the action of prison authorities at the Bolfast jail. The corporation, headed by the lord mayor, proceeded to Dublin castle, where they protested to the govern- Time for filink Income Tax Returns Is Not Extended Except to corporations which file from 1031 T, and to Individuals who file form 1040 T on or before March 15, accompanied by a remittance of one fourth of the estimated tax. We have these forms. Our Income Tax Department is at your service. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President. Jos. H. Albert, Cashier Home, Piano and Furniture Seekers AUCTION SALE, FRIDA Y, MARCH 14TH 10:30 a. m. 240 North Cottage Street i EVERYTHING OFFERED IN THIS SALE IS STRICTLY HIGH CLASS i "UUNTMISSIT" Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Owner. 240 N. Cottage St. Phone 330. F. N. WOODRY, The Auctioneer, Phone 510 or 511 l NOTE:WOODRY SELLS EVERYTHING ON COMMISSION, OR WILL BUY YOU OUTRIGHT FOR CASH. AH Men Wearing Cole Service Stripes M cEIrby's mm - ... - - J " 14 VV I Y ! I VV I J I i n lUmiueu I TcG. . - .... wu:n: d:-j iTIday (Milt, MarCh 14 Admission: Ladies, 25c; Gents, 75c Friday Nlfiht MarCtl 16 """""'S uru A Real Dance An Added At- - - traction Dave A TT TT' r n Fuller, The "Hu- AlLihi lvll man Canary," A