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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. f AGE EIGHT Hk DailpiffMtfll Ifournhl in avmpjs lor Men ana no vs on otWng?Slioes,Fiiraishings Catering to men's and boys' supplies is one of the most important depart ments of our 197 Busy Stores. Those who look to us for their needs are not only sure of getting outfitted in the very newest styles, but are also sure of a substantial saving of many dollars. Men's all leather work shoes --52.98 Men's elk bals, tan, black $2.98 Men's all-leather, bike shoes....53.25 Better grades $.93; $450. $4.98, and $5.50 Men's gun metal dress sheos....J3.98 Better Grades $4.98, $5.50. $6.50 and Boy's Dress Shoes $1.9g, $2.49 $2.98 and $3J25 Men's, Boys, khaki pants $125, $2.59 Men's Heavy corduroy pants - $3.98 Men's, Boys work pants $225 Men's, Boys negligee shrits. 98c Men's chambray work shirts -93c Boys' chambray shirts 79c Men's seamless work sox 20c it 3 i CANVAS GLOVES 10c PAIR MEN'S SPRING SUITS Our exceptional buying power and the quan tities we use enables us to save you anywhere from $5 to $10 on your new spring suit. See them $19.75 $22.50 $24.75 MEN'S COLLARS if 1 20c EACH AHAro 1 HP una I own COMING EVENTS TONIGHT Mare 11 E. W Montague address before ix O'clock club, M. E. church. March 12-13 "Officer 666" at the opera house. Elks bene fit. March 20 Salem Symphony concert, opera house. March 30. Turn clock for ward one hour, 2 o'clock a- m- OREGON THEATRE NOW DOUG FAIRBANKS IN "ARIZONA" Boys and girl's play suits................()3c Blue, red bandana handker- hiefs- 3 for 25c White Cotton handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Boys' knickerbocker pants 08c Boys corduroy pants $13 $1,69 and... ...... ..... ..jug' Boys' heavy blue serge pants --$1.49 Blouse waists, fancy stripes 69c Men's and boys' garters 25c Men's and boys' leather belts 49c Men's heavy leather gloves $1.25 Heavy canvas gloves leather face........ 33c Heavy loganberry special gauntlet.... $1.49 Other grades in best horse hides $1.98, $2.25 Men's dress shirts, fancy, patterns S1.49 1500 will handle it. G. W. Laflar, 405 406 Hubbard bldg. tf -o Scandinavian Ladies Aid The offi cers of the Ladies Aid of the Scandina vian M. E. church will entertain at the church, corner Mill and S. 15th Sts. on Wed. Mar. 12, at 2 p. m. Mem bers and friends cordially invited to attend o Get your mils at the People's Mar ket. 155 N. Liberty. 313 i Hairy Squires, who wag well known in this part f the state, died at St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, . Mareh 10, at the age of 51 years. He is sur vived by a widow The funeral services were held today in Portland and bur ial wag u the Riverview cemetery at Portland. Eugene E. Smith, who waa a member of the last legislature from Portland, will sTinak in the houso of representa tives on the evening of March 14. He will discuss American laoor laeais anu the bolshevik. The meeting is free to tne public ana laaies are aiso lnvucu to attend. The speaking will begin at 8 o 'clock. 3 Dnce Moose hall tonight. Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerce bldg, tooms 407,408. tf Bby chicks, 544 State St. today tf o Dance Moose hall tonight. o Columbia river smelts In any quan tity. Fitts Market. tf o Wo buy liberty bonds, 314 Masonic 'ild?. - tf o Dnce Moose hall tonight. .jo Evangelistic . meetings tonight,' Les lie Methodist church, Dr. A. Sterling Barner preacher; Paul Taylor singer. tf BOYS' HEAVY BIB OVERALLS Made of heavy denim, double seat, and knees, Riveted with "copper. MEN'S HEAVY BI3 OVERALLS 98 Big Three brand. One of the most famous in the U. S. Triple stitched. Incorporated "A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION" Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my otfice. Dr. v. A. Ucechler, den tist, 302 U. 8. !Nat. Bank bldg. tf o Highest market prices paid for dressed hogs, beef and veal. Independ ent Market, phone 104, 3-15 i r MODELING COMPLETED The new equipment enables us to serve our increasing patron- T age quicKiy anu mu Meals served 11 a. m. till 2 p. m. 5 p. m. till 8 p. m. Lunches at all Hours. THE SPA- Spring Whispers New Fads and Fancies New Styles, New Colors, New Designs in - Coats Suits Dresses Scores of new styles and fabrics in coats, suits and dresses are shown this spring. They are the , best we ever had at their respec tive prices. It is poor business in deed that cannot show improve ment from year to year. These garments although different and better in style are not freakish. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our store. Coats......... ...$11.50 to $40.00 Suits : $11.90 to $35.00 1 "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE &COc Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON tttop at BLIGH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern 1 per Day 100 Rooms of Solid Coffort . Only Hotel in Business District We lr.y liberty bonds. 811 Masonic Udg. tt i Economize, get your hats cleaned and olockeil early to avoid tie rush, at old location, 493 Court St. C. B. Kllsworlh, prop, 312 I will sell the 8 room house at 1406 Court street for $.1500, See nu ut once, Willamette Valley Transfer Company it Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON lit h We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor- 4 1 imivii luuuues we are aoie to nav ine menest casn o prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. H. N. Beck of Hubbard, lost from his automobile a complete extra wheel, 31x1 in enso, while driving between Mt. Angel and Silver-ton Saturday night. Finder please notify H. N. Beek, Hub bard. 3-11! lauESBwiEDIraBBSwBEBBBSafl i Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sell-See Us. Phone 39S. 271 Chemeketa J SaiAvf.&ay J- -'-'!, -firS-i"-Sfr'''iri' f ii i w-7f rvi f TT-:rt y imii tf jr. 1 1 S ' i ii' f iimiMMii - :'J' '. t ' ! ' ' Beaii . tiful Home, Fine Piano, Elegant Furniture and Furnishings a J 13 11 240 North Cottage Street CAPITAL JUNK CO. i I ; m m .lip Consisting of : 1 Krnnich and Baeh upright piano nearly new. 1 Largo overstuffed davenport in tapestry, 1 large overstuffed arm chair in iuihj, i vui juuhul- wnu .inn anu citanniga, i upnois.ereu cane reener in tapestry, l leather upholstered mahogany rocker, 1 all-leather rocker large, 1 fancy cane chair, 1 fancy ouk rocker, 1 sewing rocker, 1 Japanese Teatcwwood arm chair, 1 cherry rocker, 1 cane rocker, 1 leather seat cil rocker., 1 fancy upholstered mahognny rocker, 1 leather top cane library tabic, 1 1-4 oak library table. 1 taberette, 1 ladies mission oak writing desk, 1 fancy desk chair, 1 1-4 oak hall rack, 1 cane chair. 1 mahogany jnn sic eabinet, 2 mahogany twin beds with box springs and hair muttrcsses, 1 mahogany chiffonier, 1 mahogany dressing tabic, 1 mahotranv dresser (lariel. 1 ivorv bed and dresser with silk nhd fbwa ninttrnsa hnd tnU aurinff. 1 3-4 bed with square posts, steel spring and felt mattress, 1 white enamel bed with coil spring and silk floss mattress, 1 1-4 oak china cabbinet, 1 ilsthogany extension table, (round with pedestal), 6 mahogany boxed seat diners with French legs in black leather, 1 Wheeler & Wilson drop head sewing machine. 1 reading lamp, 1 round walnut table, 1 plate glass top breakfast table, 1 porch ewing, 1 Acorn gas range and Eudd gaa water heater, 1 kitchen linoleum, 2 Vienna cane seated chairs, 1 folding card table, 1 electric vacuum cleaner, 1 electric toaster, 1 white enamel refrigerator. 1 4 hole cook stove. BUGS: 1 extra heavy velvet rug, 12x feet, 1 Wilton rug 7x9 feet, 1 green Brussels nvr 12x12 feet, 1 green Brussels rug 9x12, 1 blue Brussels rug 9x12, 1 red and blue Axminster rug 7x9, 3 3x6 Axminster rugs, 1 seagrass rug 7x9, h'nll and stair carpet, elegant curtau and draperies, jwrtieres, etc, Bric-brae, Icushious, pillows, sheets, comforts, bed spreads cotton and wool blankets, 3 auto robes, clocks, .fancy dishes, foot stools, brass umbrella rack, plants and jardiniere, bed pads, silverware, dishes, kitchen utensils, iron ing board, 2 cloth baskets, bath spray books, bath mat, 18 pictures, 30 quarts canned fruit, boiler, garden tools' carpenter tools step ladders, 3 cords dry fir, limb and slab wood and many other useful things of valuo HOUSE: A beautiful homo consisting of reception hall, large living and dining room with kitchen and pass pa,1,ry down stairs, back and front stairway with extra large bed room in front of house, up stairs which has 4 large windows overlooking the city , there are 2 other bed rooms, and largo sleeping porch with and toilet and built in effects with large closet with each room, white enameled throughout. There is a full-sized cement basement with good furnace, stationery tubs, etc. This home is beautifully located being only one block from the post office on paved street. This home must be seen to be appreciated. TFRMS $1,0 CASH- BaIan,e to 8U' purchaser at 6 per cent. Taxes, street assessments, and abstract and title up to date, furniture and ibiuiiu piano will be old for cash. Property now open to public inspection. House will be sold at 2 p. m sharp. Mrs. Jas. Wilson Owner - - 240 N. Cottage Street, Phone 330. F. N. WOOBRY, The Auctioneer Phone 510 or 511 The CAST George C, I Snyder, Miss Olga Gray, Oscar B. Gingrich, Miss Florence Cart wrlent. James Mott, Mrs. Walter I Spaulding, Ben W- Olcott. Carl Hinges, j Cocke Tfttton, Bunfly Meiring, A. ' h Frtjer, Dan Langenberg, Mayor C. I E. Albin. The Elks Announce Their Annual Play for 1919 66TMT0 Grand Theatre, Wednesday-Thursday, March 12-13. See Page 8 Today' Journal TO SEAT SALE OPENS NOW Opera House Pharmcy 1 Phone 1159 Tickets 50c&00 4 s If