PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, MXJttH 11. 1919. When the Baby Needs a Laxative- No one knows better than the ever-watchful mother the natural doctor of the family in all the small ills that when the baby is out of sorts it is usually due to indigestion or constipation. It is always well, in any of its illnesses, to look for this cause. The diet may have to be changed, but before good can result from it, the bowels must be moved. The mother has the choice of many medi cines cathartics, purgatives, bitter-waters, pills, physics, etc. But the little body doesn't need such harsh remedies for they wrench the system and do only temporary good, so often followed by an unpleasant reaction. . A better plan ! to employ a mdd, gentle laxative of which only a little is required. There is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin that thousands of mothers have used successfully for baby's constipation and its accompany ing ills, such as belching, wind colic, rest lessness, sleeplessness, etc The nursing mother will also find It ideal for herself, and it is especially important that she be free from constipation. Syrup Pepsin is guaranteed to do as prom ised or the druggist will refund the money. Thousands of cautious families have it in the house, secure against the little ills. s Dr. Caldwell's YRUP PEPSIN The Perfect il Laxative PRICE AS ALWAYS In tplte of greatly Increased laboratory cottt due to the War, by aacrtneing profits and absorbing war tain we have maintained the price at which this family laxative ha been sold by druggiltt for the part 26 yean. Two siKt SOc and Jl.UU. FREE SAMPLES If you have never used Dr. Caldwell'- Syrup Pepain tend for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 468 Washington St., Monticello, III. If there are babies at home, ask for a copy of Dr. Caldwell's book, "The Careef Baby." BRUSH C(MEGE NEWS (Capital Jouru::l Spoeiul Service.) Brush College, March 11. The J'ar t'nt -ITeachor usoniution lmd. a yut to scalier noting tit their iust meeting unci ti . very oiijjiyubio evening was spout. iii'l'wtumK'Uts trf winners und sauerkraut wore served. .Every one coiuy back to Hie .lA'Xt meeting mid bring someone with, you. The next meting will be tho third i'liilay in iiaivli, Let eiltdi 0110 do tlifir best to make these meetings a couiui unity success. Tim liiuuli College ili'ljcrs meet with WrssC. A. Park two weeks ago and re oiuniiiiieU for the yeur, Thero irora (uiie. a number of Indies present. Tlio i club, will meet oneo u iuo.i,tli with Mrs.! Park for Bible study and onco a month wit It the oilier ladies t0 new or quilt. All the ladies are invited to como. Conic and meet with one another in a .social way. Brush College lias lung been noted for h-r Iio9iilullly. Mow that the wur in over let us gut Illicit I o our vopulu tion of having tho. best time in tho mate. ," ., " , : i'Jrnest C'hitliek of tho artillery div ision arrived in Balem. Monday lroiu France and Thursday ho called on Mr. Mid Mrs, V. C. Uniiey, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pclker. Mr. Chlttlek tells some very Interest ing stories about tho war. Wo uro glad lie returned safe and sound. W. A. llniley recently received a let ter from liia bnther A. 0. Bailey of the 90th division of the army of occupa tion in (lerniauy. Mr. .Bailey is cook and says the ovens tiro largo enough to cook a quarter of a beef in ut a tune. He said he did not have much to doonly 163 men, to cook for at pros cut. House wives think thoy have a hit when they have eight or ton to do for.ycs three or four. ftir. and Mrs. 1). M. Ebey spent tho week end in Portland last week. Mr. A, It, Kwiug is the proud pos sessor of mi auto, R Mitchell. Mr, ft'ld Mrs. Francis Miler havo jmrclmsod a new car, a Ford. -. Elmer Bmitli has went to work for a Mr. Cruwford of Spring Valley. Elm er has worked on the Wallace ranch for number of years and It seems lono tvmie. not to see him, but we wish him tniccesn in his new place. Mr, mid Mrs. 0. 11. Hniitli linvo com pany from Iowu. We have, not learned their n nines. Mrs. Huell and daughter, Mrs. Arnold Smith, culled on Mrs. W. A.. Bailey j Monduy. Mrs. W. E. Hull und children of.Tef-1 (Vrson Wuv spent several iU:y;i with Mrs. Ball's brother, W. A. Bailey, tho past week. Andrew Hedges of Seattle, Wash., is visiting his. Bister, Margaret liodj;:s. Their mother, Mrs. Hedges, is seriously ill ut tho T. B. Hun'ioriuin. if K KEEP.' IT SWEET Keep youi ctomach sweet today and ward off the indi gestion of tomorrow -try g. & ' attii te trie new aid to digestion. As plcaoant and an safe to talc? as candy. ; MADS BY SCOTT A HOWNS MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION IT MT. ANGEL LOCALS (Capital Journal Special Service) Mt. Angel) Mar. 11. Julius Kern nierecki formerly of Mt. Angel, recent ly received his discharge from the ma rines, stationed at Newport, H. I. He visited friends here a few days. Mr, Pro ii go and Leo Oier were Sim day visitors ut heme. , Mis Agnes Bran key and Miss Rita Mickol left for Portland today, where Ihey intend to work for several months Sylvester Smith, mayor of St. 1'i.ul, spent ISunilny with his mother and brother. Mrs. Weidingcr'a brother is visiting hew. Monday, Aloys May loaves for east ern Oregon to agaiu take up his work as surveyor. Lawyer Brown of Salem was here on -business Sunday. Otto. Oswald, who ha received bis digc.hnitgn, returned home Sunday from Ounip Lewis. His sister, Anna, accom panied him from Portland. Lawrence and George Rolhctiiflueh of the marines, are on a furlough frota tho radio station at Lemon Grovo, Cal. Paul ilackbolz left for California last week to join the marines. Bernnrd Ma'ancy of ( amp Lewis vis ited hi Lriiiul, Kd l.'nger, last week. On" Tuesday evening; ' Lieutenant Charles (,'nghlau, thru the invitation of Hie Kniglils cf C olumbus, gave as interpbli'i ,t aocount of his experiences in France. He spako in tho parish hall to a large nv.dic.nrc. Wundny, Mrs. Warren Gould of Seat tle, jiRvu n nnrprio 'parly for Mr. and Mrs. .hie.uli B.'rcliNtld. " ' t Mi,', and - Mrs. Bruno Siiulli havo moved i.o t He house vaeaied by Dr. Dinneily. llt.riuud Travis and Bernard Weis, accompanied 'by Ed. T'nger, took a pleas uro trip to Silverton Sunday afternoon. Louis Plilman, after boarding at the college for several weeks, is Blaying at home and attending the coljego as a day s.-holar. CATARRH Quickly Ended by a Pie'saut, Healing Antiseptic The tittle Hyomei inhaler is made of hard ru'bbor and can easily be car ried in pocket or purse. It will ast a life time. Into this inhaler you pour a few drops of maigical Hyomei. This is absorbed by the antiseptic gnuzo within and now you are ready to breatho it in ovet tho germ infested membrane where it will speedily ibegin its work Of 'banishing catarrhal germs Hyomei is made of Australian eucalyp tol combined with other antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe. It is guaranteed to banish catarrh, Itronehitis, sore threat, croup, coughs and colds or money back. It often cleans out a stuffed np head in two minutes. Sold by T). J. Fry and druggists ev erywhere. 'Coinploto outfit, including inhaler and one buttle, of Hyomoi, costs 'but little, while extra bottles, if afterward needed, may be obtained of any drug gist. Mrs. Catherine Martison, for 4H years a resident of Coos Bay, is dead at Marshf ield, aged 0 years. Three farms west of Vadler, Wash., have been leased to a company of men who will open up a coal mine. Two big ihings about L Grape -Nuts . U V. arc -wonderful flavor sturdy nourishment. But you can det a better idea of Grape -Nuts by eating, it than you can by reading about it. Sold by Grocers Everywhere 1st ESOHLYPAPER MV III SIBERIA Arthur V. While Writes Inter- Letter From North ern Russia. est Mr. ard Mrs. J. F. White, 1566 north Commercir.1, have rccntly received a long letter from their son, Arthur V, White, who is now stationed with the American marines at VladivstocK, Si beria. He enlisted about a year ago, served for ten month,, at Marc Island, went from there to Hoi.olulu with the trnasport Sherman, and later was sent on to Siberia to help out the Huns from that region. Ho says in part: "We aro now located in the Y. M. C, A, headquarters, which is about tho only warm place in. town. Of all the places I have sen this has tho whole world beat in somo rospects. They havo noth ing but paper money here; one never sees any silver or gold. Yesterday money was eight and a half rubles on the dollar; today it is ui.-jo and a half. Every day it varies from ono to four rubles. "We havo taken pictures of nearly everything of any interest and will send all of them to you from Cavite. You would hardly believe the way the ocean freezes horo unless you could see it. Wo were a day late getting into PO't because the lco Was so thick we had to havo boats go ahead and break it. I'eoplo were sending within a few feet of tho ship while wo were, brenking through. A person would hardly think the suit water would freeze two toet and a ha'f thick but we were in that kind of ice for more than a day before wo got in. ' See Some Sights. Geel I wish you folks could sec some of tho sights here and in Japan. It is some sights, believe me. We have just bceu to a good show and had a grand time, with plenty to eat. Tho fellows all stick- around the Y. M. C. A. be cause it is tlways warm and everybody speaks English. "There are three foriegn battleships here American, British and Japan ese each besides all tho Busian sliips, and they are all fvoozo in. There are u lot of American soldiers stationed here and none of them Mike the place There are abjo a lot; of sailors from the battleship Brooklyn.', To mo thi3 i? sure a' trout, and I only wish I was going further, though I prefer anotner ship. "While in Kobe. port I got acquainted with a Japanese girl who had been in England and tho United States and could speak good English. She was one of the most charming womanly foreign ers 1 have ever met with.v She dresses in English clothe and has nothing to do with tho Japs .iit, nil. While there she invited me and my freinds to hei houso and wo had ono grand time. She wtvs some cook and gavo us a monl that wo will never forget, we spent a lot of time talking over places she had visited. She did so hate to 8oes me leave, and down at tho ship she kissed me on both cheeks and gave me her ad dress so I could write to her. ' To go to Nagasaki. It is rumored that wo will go from here to Nagasaki and then come back with a load of coal for tho Brooklyn, but wo cannot tell. We expect to go then, to Manilla, which i8 only three days from Nagasaki,, so we will soon hit warm weather. This town has the marks of tho Kusso Jap war left. Thoro is a Japanese battleship stationed here that was cap tured by tho Russians, They nave no uso for tho Japs here. I havo seen many of the Cossacks hero und they look just like they aro shown in' tho pictures. It is all vory interesting hero but I imagine it would get very old if a fellow had to stay any length of timo. It sure is cold outside, and I wouldn't walk around tho block for $5. Am goine to sit by tho fireplaco for a while and then go to bed. Will write again from Nagasaki. Yours as ever, ARTHUK. Students Of Psychology Detect Criminal Traits Moscow, Idaho, Mar. 11. Students of Dr. Reed's phychology courses at the University of 'Idaho have proved themselves successful detectives. They were given the problems of determin ing which of a group of 12 persons worn ' mi iltv. " Tr una known, that six of them had committed a ''crime," and it was up to tho students to deter mine which ones. The suspects were subjected to an ordeal that only lucked tho severity of the third degree. Following tho as- av.intii'n niiVffcn.l mndrt famftllH ItV thC psychologists, Jung and Munsterborg, each of tho 12 suspects responded to each word pronounced by the examin er, with the first word that came into hU mind. The class recorded the re sponse, and the reaction timo, or the number of seconds that elapsed be tween stimulies and response. There were 50 words in the list, half of which wore crucial and Telated to the circum stances of tho crime. It mattered not how trivial the misdemeanor may have been, the criminal's guilt was unmis takably brought to light. Eclieve Radical Eement Wcis'd Overthrow Government Washington, Mar 1(1. ''Radical ele ments in the United States are united in the plan to overthrow the Ameri can government by bloody revolution Mid set up a bolshevist republic," ac cording to mpmornn'dum submitted today to the senate committee investi gating bolshevism by Solicitor Lamar of the postoffice department. The memorandum said that for the first time the anarchists, I. W. W.'s and bolsheviki have made common cause under the name of ' bolsheviki " for this one purpose, Lamar submitted clippings from a Guaranteed to satisfy OR YOUR MONEY BACK CJk-" -1- .VAV WA'-'AVAV WAV J.V?a-v"-,, ;? -IV i h VH i ? S 1' 'KVj;--fi e :' ,. !, - - . , Yotttf All smoking tobaccos use some flavoring. The Encyclopaedia Britan nica says about the man ufacture of smoking to bacco,"...onthe Continent and in America certain 'sauces' are employed ...the use of the 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Tuxedo uses chocolate the purest, most wholesome and de licious of all flavorings! Everybody likes choc olatewe all know that chocolate added to any thing as a flavoring al ways makes, that thing still more enjoyable. That is why a dash of chocolate, added to the most carefully selected and properly aged bur ley tobacco, makes Tuxedo more enjoyable " Your Nose Knows. 99 Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your .hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with' any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment "Your Nose Knows" o Have you tried Tuxedo in the New Tea Foil Package? It has many advantages Hand ierfits the pocket No digging the tobacco out with the fingers, Keeps the pure fra grance of Tuxedo to the last pipeful. Not quite as much tobacco as in the tb, but-1 Oc. mmm The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette f o jp Guaranteed by w McoasosMfreo - ' i"'f! large number of newspupers, many ofj mum priuieu in lureigu iHiiguues IV IF $ bear out his contentions. These news paper extracts, together with Lanjar's memorandum, aro to be put into tlu record of the investigating committee. To Use German Helmets As Trophies In Victory Loan Washington. Mar. 10. Eighty five thousand German helmets, purchased by the treasury department as trophies in the victory loan drive, will bo shipped here from New York tomorrow. The war department sold the helmets to Frank R. Wilson, publicity director for the loan for $1.00. 1 ' 1 a California pa'pital's's will raise $1, 000,000 to build the 70 mile Roesevclt Yosemito concrete highway between Meered and El Portal Deals In Real Estate sic ivuia su tifeui jUtHtuc :( INFLAMMATION and CONGESTION Safe. Bogy's Mustarine contains true yellow mustard and where inflam mation or congestion is indicated it more than takes the place of the good old fashioned plaster or lini ment of days gone by. It cannot blister and there are no disagree able fuuieg to irritate the nose and eyes. Just rub it on that's all. TTso it to stop headache, backache, ear ache and neuralgia, Bub it on those tortured rheumatic joints for bles sed relief no lo.-al application can take its place. Always in the yellow boi. Be sure to ask for Bogy 's Mustarine. J. T. Potter to Louise A Kennedy, lot 1, bloek 2, Mill City. F. A, Turner to Miirion Z. Deppen, lot 11, block 1, Broadway addition, Sa lem. F. M. Hicks to Herman Hicks, lots 7 and 8, block 1, Hicks addition, Wood burn. E. S. 'Comstock to Claude P. Slatle. lots 11 and 12, block 2, Cowings addi tion, Silverton. Marion Realty Co. to David Hutchi son, west half of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 7, Oak Lodge addition, Salem. Susanna Heist to Yaget Bros., lot 5, block 11, J. Myers addition, Salem. P. L. Branch to H. Pohle, part of lot 4, block 70, Salem. Sarah Hovendon to F. A. Pook, lots 1 and 2. block 4, Hubbard. F. N.' Gilbert to Sarah Hovenden, lots 1 and! 2, block 100, Hubbard's ad dition, Hubbard. Rosa Elliott to Orpha Ellrott, lot 13, Smith's 'Fruit farms, No. 2. G. W. Whitney to Hosea Springer, lot 8, of Whitney acrrs. Eleanor Emery to Gladys Emery, 240 acres in E. F. Colbv elai'm, T. 2S B. 7 1W D. H, Bodine to Ezra C. Hart, 55 acres in section 18, 10-2 W. ! W. C. Winslow to E. T. Matthien, ! north half of lots 5 and 6, flock 5, jStayton. i G. D. Trotter to W. C. Winslow, j north half of lots 5 and 6 block 5, !Stayton. F'rancis Feller to M. W Myers, tract ; 3, . Fellers subdivision I John Etter to Fred Schln,e. 7P44 acrc9 in J Leslie claim, township 26- ti-3 w. Adam Snyder to Fred Schlag, 5 acre in G. Leslie vclaim, section 2ti-r3 Vv W. D. Salisbury to Marion county, 1 acre in J. M. Morris claim, section 9-9-2 W. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In 1 before breakfast To fed la fine Hi'nm.i4.i r,f die, w must keep the liver washed clean, 'almost every morning, to prevent its ponf-lik pores from clogging with In digestible material, sour bde and pois onous toxins, says a noted physician. If you get headaches, it's your liver. If yon catch cold easily, it's your liver. If yon wake op with a bad taste, furred ,toiftue, nasty breath or stomach b ieomes rapcid. It's your liver. Sallow (kin, muddy complexion, watery eyes jail denote liver uncieanllness. Yirar Uver Is the most important, also the most bused and neglected organ of the body. Fw know its function or how to release he damtned-up body waste, bile and toi ns. Most folks resort to violant rado ns, which la a dangerous, salivating ihsmical which can only be used occa donally because it accumulates in th tissues, also attacks the bones. Every man and woman, sick or well, hoold drink each mtrntng before break ast, s glass of hot water with tea poonful of limestone phosphate in it, to ash from the llVer and bowels the prevl las day's indigestible material, the pois mt, soar bile and toxins; thus cleansing, iwesteaing and freshening the entire all-; nentary canal before putting more food nto the stomach. ., ; Llmeston phospl.i lies not restrict he diet Ilk ealomtl, bWnse it can nof altais, for it Is karmlsH and you eta t anything afterwards. It la btnel It and almost taatalau, and any phar aaeUt will sell yon a quarter BOta&Y rblcft Is suffidtnt for a demonstration Lhsw hot water and Hmestont phoJ ft titans, stimuUtM and fmh ; h OVt, SstMsg yon feeling fit day W iai 4f ut ' UPaM adverttoemea