Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1919, Image 1

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    t 5000 CIRCULATION.
$ Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Wea&sr RepsrL
Oregon: Tonight and Wed-
nsday rain, mod rato south- Jjt
cr!v winds.
STANDS wtvt -rv
Prussians Will Be Impotent
Even Before Smsl Neigh
bor Switzerland.
If Enemy Refuses To Sign,
Alternative Is Allied Occu
pation Or Stavaiicn.
By Fred S. -Ferguson
(Tinted Press staff correspondent)
Pa'ris, Mar. .11. With the military
terms adopted and rapid progress be
in,? made ' toward completicu of the
other provisions, it was learned today
Mi at the preliminary peace treaty may
be ready to present to the Germans by
March 20. : . '
Prom the greatest war maker in the
world, Germany will 'be reduced to 4
military status lower than that oi er
smallest neighbor. Bhs will be impo
tent even fbefor Switzerland.
The conscription fystem will .be
I: uaeked out by .ft twelve year enlist
ment required for the army which, it
is understood, will be reduced to 100,
000 men. What army the has, conse
quently, will :be purely professional.
The danger of Germany having .four
or five million trained men within .he
next ten years, which would have been
icssible through conscription, will be
ftbolishcd. All iguns, munitions and
equipment in oxeess of the amount
necessary for her reduced army will
lie surrendered. It is understood also
fchat tho notorious general staff will
le wiped out.
To Present Firm Front
If any attempt is made to carry out
the threat .to refuse acceptance of the
jeace reaty and throw the country in
to chnos if tho terms are too harsh,
Germany will find the allies presenting
firm front.
The choice in such a ease probably
lies 'between occupation of Germany
and continuation of the blockade, let
ting the enemy starve until they arc
ready to sign. Considering the compar
ative contentment in the present oc
cupied portions of Germany, the lat
ter course ig considered more likely.
Under present plans, the treaty will
lie handed to the Germans, at Versail
les immediately after their arrival
there The enemy delegates will then
lie allowed to return to Berlin or Wei
mar for consultation with their, gov
ernment, afterward eominJg back to
Versailles for the formal signing. That
('Continued on page two)
t Abe Martin
One redeeaiin' f. attire about a grouch
you hav t' attack him first. No-luiddj-
seehis t' have a much fun at a
nr'y a th' feller that duln' know i!
uz goin ' t ' ba a dress suit affair.
20. IS
Frank W. Mondell, Wyoming,
Republican Floor Leader
Washington, Mar. 11. Rep
resentative Frank W. Mondell
of New Castle, Wyo., today was
elected republican floor leader
in the next congress.
Tho vote for Mondell was
100 to 23, the latter number
merely voting ''present," fifty
throe votes were absent from
the meeting of tho republican
committee on committees.
Previous to the nomination
of Mondell, Eepresenruvivo
Mniui, Illinois, present republi
can floor leader, was chosen to
agnin lead the republican forces
in the house, but declined the
nomination. The vote for him
was 154, twelve voting against
him and two voting for Kcprc-se-
tative Longworth of Ohio.
LOVE 1 8.
Wrote Essays On "Why Such
Enthusiastic Reception Was
Given Wr'son.
Paris, Fob. IS. (By mail) '.' What
were the reasons for the enthusiastic
reception. f President Wilson . at Par
is?" "'- -':
This was tho subjects of composi
tions in practically every school in
Franc after the American president 's.
arrival here. Here is a typical develop
ment of the theme, writen by little
Charlotte Girod. aged 10, of 1 'institute
l'lliuntnond in the shadow of the Sor
bonne: ' "Paris prepared the enthusiastie cel
ebration of President Wilson's arriv
al because- he came to our aid, ami
caused to ,bo raised an army of 3,000,
000 men who saved Fiance and the
world. The Americans,, are . brave sol
diers who let nothing discourage them.
Parisians proved their gratitude for
what America had done by receiving
President Wilson with acclaim." .
Here la what Phyllis Jacqueline,
aged wrote:
' Paris .tcted President Wilson be
cause he came to the aid of France at
the moment the Germans were attack
ing the hardest. And maybe the Ger
man's feel themselves ill at ease then!
But the Americans and the French did
not occupy their time thinking about
that. Not at all! And the wicked Ger
mans died and died and died!
''Anil that's why little French chil
dren love President Wilson lots and
lots and America and her armies."
Thus are the French teaching grati
tude towards America.
Mr. Gill Tells About Possibil
ities Of This Vegetable If
Grown Properly.
By E. W. Gill.
Spinach is one of our hardiest vege
tables and is exceedingly easy of cul
ture. In recent years it lias Become
very popular and its consumption ha
been greatly increased. From a health
standpoint it ranks very high. No home
garden should be without spinach and
the opportunity to plant it on & large
scale is determined by the demand ere
ate.d by cannera. dehydrating plants and
general market nse.
Cliniutie conditions in Oregon aro
ideal, for spinaeh as it thrives best in
a cool moist climate and conditions here
mako for tho very best of either green,
or processed by the manufacturer.
Location. Spinach requires well
drained soil containing plenty of humas.
It : eeds a deep soil with a- propensity
for retaining moisture. There aro plen
ty of loontion8 everywhere in Oregon
well suited to spinach but low, mucky
soils will not give good results.
Preparing the soil. It is imperative
to have the soil thoroughly prepared by
plowing and discing so that all clods
r.re pulverized and hard places elimin
ated. Beware of working the soil when
I (Continued on page seven)
Colons Of Third Oregon
To Be Stored With State's
Treasures At Capitol
Portland, Ore., March 11.
The torn and tattered regi-
mental colors of the famous ivd
Oregon infantry will be stored
with the state's most precious
treasures in the capitol at Sa-
The flag made its last ap-
pearanco for somo time, prob-
ably, here yesterday afternoon
when, it appeared at the head of
2.")0 veterans of the Third wno
paraded following thicr arrival
from Camp Lewig at 4 o'clock.
These men, who served in
France as niombers of tho 162nd
infantry, returned home as civil-
iuns, having been honorably dis-
at tho contonement.
After being welcomed at the
Union Station, the roturning
heroes marched to. tho municipal
auditorium where they were fet-
cd and fed.
The 2o0 men who came homo
yesterday composed the contin-
gent which was sent to Camp
Lewis ui'xler command of Col-
onnl John L. May and belonged
to the First battalion of the 102.
Ills Boat With Frankio Brown
Got Him Nothing But Multi
tude of Jeers.
By Tom Lewis.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
New York, March 11.. Johnny Kil
bano may bo coining back, as ho has
declf.Tcd, but if his last night's fiasco
:vitli Frankic Brown of Philadelphia is
anv criterion ho will be a long time
arriving at his scheduled designation.
The Kilbane special was all but
wrecked in transit.
Kilbane, one time idol of American
boxing fans, once left the ringside with
iho cheers of the multitude ringing in
liis ears. Last night he got no cheers.
But there were jeers in supcrarjund
ance. The Kilbano who faced Frankio
Krown was not the same Kilbano who
made Joe Rivera look like a selling
plater, who boxed circles around Abe
Attell and who gave George Cannoy
the lacing of his life. The Kilbano of
today carries too much excess baggage
a.id in that baggage there is no punch.
Johnny said he had somothing up his
sleeve but ho was mistaken. iho
"something" wag in the sleeve of one
Frankio Brown, a hard fisted youngster
from New York.
Knocked Kilbane Down.
Brown not only knocked Kilbane down
but almost knocked the erown from the
Kilbano dome. Moreover, ho out-point
ed the would be "comeback." , The
wise ones agreed that if Johnny was
looking for easy pickings ho backed
his push cart up to the wrong market.
Aside from this, the boxing fang are
asking some pertinent questions. Has
Kilbune really pone back. Was ho box
ing at his best or trying for a return
engagement and stalling his way thrul
Did ho deliberately let Brown flatten
him, or did Frankie hand him this little
surprise party without leave or hind
rance T
One thine is certain if Johnny was
going at his bost, he stands sorely in
need a chin strap to hold his crown
in place. .
say Sir Phmkett Is Really
Agent British Government
Boston, Mass., March 11.-
oir Horace
& t-t
Plunkctt, Irish statesman on & visit to
the United States, was denounced as an!
agent of the British government by Ir- Dusseldorf and Silesia.
ish leaders here today. 42ND DIVISION OEDEEED HOME
"Sir Horace Plunkott should eome .
out in his truo colors, namely as an Washington, March 10. General Per
agent for tho British government, "jshing cabled tho war department today
Matthew Cummins, former head ot tho 'that ho had ordered the Forty Second
ancient order of Hibernians, declared division to "prepare for return to the
today. "HiB mission hero is English ! United States."
propaganda, pure and simple. The few War department officials said the
nice things he has said about Ireland averagetime between the order to pre
have been. camouflage." pare to return and the actual sailing
Flunkfttt's addresses have brought was one month,
forth & storm of protest, particularly! '
from the Sinn Fein societies and the The resignation of Baonbridge Colby
Friends of Irish freedom, tie bj.-poscd as a member of the shipping board has
separation of Ireland from England, .been accepted.
WiD Establish Prices That
Will Stand Until Normal
Conditions Resumed.
Washington, March 11. Prices on
most of the basic commodities, includ
ing food, will bo brought down within
sixty to ninety days, George N. Peck,
chairman of the new industries board
of the commerce department, predicted
Tho new board plans to call .repre
sentatives of each of the industries to
Washington, decide on fair prico sched
ules that will relieve the business stag
nation and will then recommend these
prices to the public ,
Steul men submit Schedules of post
bellum prices tomorrow.They will be fol
lowed by brick, cement, fuel, lumber,
food and textiles.
To Have Price Schedules.
"The board hopes to establish price
schedules that will stand until the nor
mal law of supply and demand can take
effect r.gain," Peek snid. "Our whole
aim is for prices that will establish
confidence enough to relieve the present
business stagnation, and send us into
what all agree should be an era of pros
perity." One of the things tho board intends
to do is to talk lower prices at all
times, members said today. They are
frank in their criticism of tho policy
uf somo government agencies in pre-
licting- much higher figures for some
commodities. ... .. . .
The statement of the food adminis
tration that pork wilL.gp! much higher,
with tho discontinuance of tho $17.50
price, lias immediately Drought an la-
creased hog price, with more pork in
storago in the country than ever be
fore, one member Said.:
To Kojiove irregularities .
Efforts of tho board will also bo
directed toward removing somo irregu
larities in the prico schedule of the var
ious industries. Foil, '.instance, w.ulo
tlio averago increase of steel and its
products is about 115 per cent over
pro-war prices, building hardware baa
increased 180 per cent. . Efiorts will be
made to bring all down to a fair lovel.
Complete cooperation between the
board and the railroad administration
has been promised and this may mean
that some of the high freight rates
will bo lowered, particularly In build
ine and road materials as requested by
the recent conference of governors aad
Tables of the board show 'that food
has gone up 103 per cent over the pre
war figures, with milk and eggs show
ing the highest increase. Building ma
terials averaged a 100 per eent increase.
As Result Of This Several
Spartacans Were Killed By
Loyal Soldiers.
Baste, Marcn n. war Minister iNosKB,
issued a proclamation ounday to thel
effort that autyone seen carrying armsj
except government troops would be shot
immediately, according to Berlin dis -
patches toduy.
As a result or tnis oruor tnreo epar -
tacans wero shot by government troops.
in response me opanacans nuoi, mru
lovai soldiers.
"Spnrtacans' cruelty and bestiality
compel mo to order ajiyone found bear
ing arms against the government to be
shot immediately," tho decree said.
Parts of tho city occupied by goveru
ent' troops are calm, tho dispatch said.
Elscwhcro tho Spartacaus aro cuuuuu
iug their misdeeds.
Leipsig Captured.
Zurich, March 11. Leipsig lias been
captured by the government troops,
inflicted defeat on. the Sparta-
cans, it was reported in a dispatch from
Berlin toaay,
Dispatches yesterday reported . the
city completely surrounded by govern
ment troop, while airplanes were drop
ping bombs on the Spartacans entrench-
on the outskirts of the city.
Siege In Silesia.
Zurich, March 11. The Wolff Bureau,', the country will be purchased
semi-official German news agcncy,an- i.t.r i,n ,:a
a il.i il. - , A
uounceu. louuy iiia-v ui stria. i& cmr
ed in central Germany, but said a state
of siege has again been proclaimed in
Taf t Says Too Much Crlliciosi
Of League Of Nations En
dangers Party.
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, March xi. nojmuiican
supporters of tho league of nations,
headed by Former President William
H. Taft, are warning G. O. P. opponents
of the Wilson covenant against a too
rigid stand, lest they ono!i.-r . the
It is now generally admittecf umi un
the peace treaty conic8 back from
France tho league of nations will bo
part and parcel of it. The whole of thu
drafting of tho treaty in Paris hti boon
built on the promise of a lcaguo of na
tions a'ld practically every article in
some way is applicable under league
rules. ' -
Still State of War.
lleuco, tho treaty, whon completed,
if it failed of ratification in a republi
can senate because tho league af nations
was a part of it, the wholo work of
drafting tho treaty would havo to bo
done over again and in, tho meantime
tho treaty would remain imffecitvc
and a state of war would continue as
The party responsible for holding up
ratification of tho treaty would un
doubtedly be charged thereafter by the
opposi-g party with having prolonged
tho war.
Might be Split.
Tuft's move and the difference of
opinion existing in both parties have
created tho belief here that there is a
possibility in 1020, if the peace treaty
is not ratified, of tho electorate split
ting up into a new alignment thoso for
and those opposed to ratification of the
league. The fight would then be with
the issue of moderate interiuvtionalism,
as opposed to a strict nationalism. ,
Iu this connection there aro now
strong organizations backing both, the
elements favoring'and oppostg trio lea
gue? each organization determined to
enrrv the fight to the finish.
Owing to the feet, however, that the
leading republicans opposing the Wil
son covenant favor 'some league, tho
hope is expressed by friends in both the
republican and democratic parties that
tho president will recommend clarifica
tion of questioned articles s0 as to re
move much of the ormosHion and asstirf
thcMeivgue's rntificMinn.
ffl tp PLANT
Is Now Engaged Oa Design
Of New Model Car To Sell
Around $300.
Detroit, Mich,, March 11. Henry
Ford expects to give employment to
200,000 persons in the plant he proposes
to erect for the manufacture or auto
mobiles to sell around 300, ho Baid to
,-1Tho nt F(ml Motor u,lll(,,y
j(ivs about r)0000 mcn whije our
- ny wi off(!r employment to
. five" time, that number," Ford
1 .(j
Ford said his plans for the new com
; ... . no affect tTie pre,cnt
jonJern and that tho Ford stock wr.s
gr mlo Th() con(,CTn wjn keep on
diiine business an usunr.
To be Separate COEipajiw.
"This will bo a separate company en
tirely," ho said. "Kdsel Ford will
remain as president of the Ford Motor
company to. protect our interests and
the i r.t crests of the thousauus or, cm
nloves. "
VnrA nid it was safe to slain tho
"old homo town" would bo the head
quarters of the new company. Ford is
rnnorted tn be actually engaged on the
design of the new esr on his farm at
Edsel Ford said it wag impossible to
give out exact plan as yet, but ex
pressed tho hopo that the bu,;c. s "f
the plants would be started early next
year. Two sites have alrady been sel
ected, ono at Hamilton, Ohio and tho
Uthe. nt Green Island. N. Y, Others all
' - .
General Trolley Strike
Starts Tomorrow At Newark
Xewurk, N. J., Mach 11. A general
trolly strike in this city and throughout
northern New Jersey will start at four; what i8 known as the sulphite prucew).
o'clock tomorrow morning. This tn-jThis does not include what is general -
nouiiccment was made today by William J ly known as the ordinary newspaper ;poratio:i, they predict, will be the only
Wepner, presiderjt of tho trolley men's print. ; organization of the food administra
tion, The building of the '500,000 paper lion to remain in existence aster July
Between 3300 and 4000 mcn will walk mill in Bait m is one of the many signs lBt. ?
out. The men want recognition ot the
Within the past year 6000 Americans
in Franco jiave married French women,
Declare Legislation Must Be Enacted That Will Keep Agi
tators Out Of Country, Curb And Punish Those Try
ing To Undermine Government, And Keep Teaching
Of Bolshevism Out Of Mails And Public Prints.
By L. C. Martin
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington. Mar. 11. Drastic laws
to euilb activities of anarchists, I. W.
W.. social revolutionist,! and bolsheviki
in America will bo recommended to
congress iby the senate committee
whih has been investigating bolshe
vik activities, members said today.
Hearings are nearly ended. Practic
ally the only evidence the committee
will havo of bolshevik propaganda in
tho United States i$ now being sub
mitted in the form of newspaper clip
pings, pamphlets, bonlts ana papers
sent through tho mails.
The committee has so far tailed to
find ovidenco of an organized propa
ganda ytom paid for by foreign mon
ey or directlyconnectcd with me lius-
sian bnlshoviiu.
I. W. W'a Potent Influence
Out of the miisg of testimony sub
mitted, committee mom'bors said todny
ono clear fact has disclosed inaeif
the I. W. W. in tho United States is the
moit potent influence for the spread j
of tho doctrines of unrest.
The committee has 'been hearing '
about- Russia and tho doings of the bol-
sheviki there, until it seemed, Senator i
King said, that tho investigation's real
puiposo had been lost sight, of. This I
was to ' determine how extensive bol-.
shovik activities, in the United States
Half I
Million Dollar
Paper Mill
Will Be Located On Site Of
Old Salem Flouring MI,
Trade And Front Streets
Plans are practically completed for
tho 'building wilihin a few uionths of a
half million dollar paper mill in Sn-
icm, to ,be located on Mill creek on tho
site of the' old Balem Flouring mill,
Trade and Front streets.
The mill will be owned and operated
by men interested .in the Spaulding
IjOgguiig company ami 'besides Salem
interests, stockholders will Include
Portland investors who own stock in
tho Crown Willamette Mills at Oregon
The main building for tho one large
inaehino for paper making will he HO
by 150 feet and of two stories. In ad
dition ,to this main building there will
bo several smaller ones in connection
with'the plant.
Tho largo machine that goes into the
making of paper is more tlian 100 feet
long and the cost is close to $125,000.
The factory will bo equipped at first
with tho ono machine but tho building
is so constructed that after the busi
ness gets under headway, another of
tho machines can be installed.
, Employ 100 Men .
It is estimated that the paper mill
will employ at least 100 men and later
200 employes will bo necessary for
maintaining tho output of the mill. -
F. W. Ledbotter, vice president of
the Spaulding Logging company, will
have charge of the construction. He is
a practical paper mill man, having
owned and operated a mill at Camas,
Wn., and having been also' interested in
several paper nulls ibefore they were
consolidated into one ' company known
as tho Crown Willamette Paper Mill
company. Besides being vice president
of the Wpaulding Logging 'Co...Mr. Lcd
bctter is a director in the Northwest
ern National bank of Portlautl and a
heavy stockholder in the Crown Wil
lamette Paper Mill to.
Just before t.bo beginning of the war
(there - wa talk of building the mill
hero in Salem but with the war coming
on, the proposition was dropped. How
ever as soon as peace was in sight,
those interested in buildin.g here again
took up tho matter, until" now tho plant
is practically assure!.
miko uiRtt uraae rapei
The paper to be manufactured is to
be o hinh irrude only, manufactured by
tnat tno city is aue ror e rapia growin
I within the next few years.
By next
fall tho Steusloff & Cres
house will be in operation employing
close to 100 men and there is a well
have been and to report on means for
counteracting them. ,
King flslicd Raymond Robius wheth
er he knew of any organized propa
ganda movement in tho United States.
Rcbing replied he did not, but added
that "every I. W. W. in America is
spreading bolsheviki id.as."
Ssoi to Replace Government
The statement wag made to the com
mitec in a memorandum submitted thru
the office of Solicitor Lamar of the
post offic? department and prepared
by Jnniej D, Ho-ton This mcrnonmue.iri
declared the 1 W W are the most -ct-ivc
of the raaknb seeking; to ren'uco ,
the American government with a bcl-,
slieviki republic. .
. Committee members today declared
they feel the investigation has clearly 5
shown that the Russian bolsheviki
mean, 'if they can, to extend their sys
tems to all the world, oven to the ex- '
tent of helping revolutionists with
force if necessary. They declared losr-
lslation must be enacted that will:
.1 Keep agitator cut of the coun-.
2 Curb and punish thso trying to
undermine tho K ivernmejit.
3 Keep teaching .'of bolshevism out
of th) mails and public prints.
Senator Overman, committeo ehnir
man, indicated no more witnesses will
be culled now unless lomo good reason
is Bhown for enlling them.
or oaiem
founded rumor that ci:her a bo fac
tory will locate in the city or the ine- .
tory ihcre now will daiblo its cnpe, ,y.
With tlio Pheasant No.'thwt's-t Pro
ducts company bvrrliing out into thu
manufacturing of joins and j:-llies and
the extensive prune dryer to be erect
ed this spring on Murth Commercial
street, and with Kalem becoming tho -confer
of the fruit Industry of , tha
niTtihwest, and n 'mi'vher of other diis
incfn interest a that will expand this
spring and summer, there is abundant
evidence that Salem is just about to
experience a material yrowth and also .
an abundnnco of prosperity along with '
The building of the big paper mill
and other industries that aro absolute- -ly
nssured, and the Wonderful increaso ,
in tho sales of real estate both in town
and in tho city, and the assurance
tlmt Marion county within few years
will ihnve 100 mileR or more of hard
surfaced market rinds these all tiuitt
to but onl way. And that, way, acced
ing to those who are will informed on
general conditions, is that Salem is
about to finally enmn into its own.
Wilson Opposed To Many
Changes In Leap; Draft
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Aboard U. S. H. Oeorgo Washington, -.
Mar. 11. President Wilson was suffer
ing from a slight cold today, but Ken?
Admiral Grayson said it was not ser
ious. Tho president received a great ..
quantity of wireless mes-tnges from
Paris, detailing tho progress cf tho
pence work Ho flpent some time in his
stato rocm going over this data. I' was ;
announced that he will go from Brest '
direct to Paris and Ret into immediate
touch with Secretary Lansing. Colonel
Houso and olher inombers of tho Amer
ican delegation.
According to those close to tho presi
dent, he is not disposed to consent tn !
any radical changes in tne league or -,
Nations draft, but will await the result !
of conference. with other delegates bo- '
fore making a definite statement in
this regard. , -
San Frnncirco, March 11. Herbert
Hoover will return to California in July '
and resume engineering worn, is th '
opinion expressed hero today by his.
. former associates.- Hoover's grain eor-
j Approximately ."00,0f 0,000 wnl He
spent by the ovornment. on nignwsy
construction during tho coming season,
1 giving employment to 100,030 men.