SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1919. fAGE EIGHT r1 l4 tM M Dance Moose ball Tuesday night .11' 'IIIUIIJ IWlll. ffWWHIWIIII I I I , . .. 1 n-: - J- -t -w-v v..-; (ai'n tfm -Hr-.nmF. MTTTrtffff.iliS.nmlTr.-a -.- - I I ' H , w l . IHIIMMIIMI ll H f -l Town flfeo. ' i AD Around Town i : 1 : 17 jjif"VS''V We have a fine assortment of I aoies waists There is a good range of colors such as Black, White; Navy, Brown, Tan, Maize, Flesh, Apricot, Grays, Blues, etc. Then you will find sizes running all the way from 36 to 52. The materials are the. best for the money that you will find, being in Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, China Silk and Voiles. SILK WAISTS....$1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $6.90 VOILE WAISTS 98c, $1.49, $1.98, and $2.98 We can supply your wants in MATERIALS FOR WAISTS In solid Colors. Figures and Stripes at 25c, 33c, 49c, 69c, $lt69, $1.79 and $1.98 1 : " f J IncorDorertsd & Paul H. Btege, formerly with tlio Im perial JParni'turo Oo., and who had lived all his life in Salem until a short itinm ago, is now located nt Oakland, Calif. To frionds ho writes that lor the past two months ho lit a kwd as much rain in Oakland as ho over saw for the samo length of time in Oregon. A. L. Wallace, who went to California with Mr. Stego, is located in San Prancisco. o A campaign has boon started in Eu gene to raine $25,000 for tho woman's building at the University of Oregon KEEP YOUR EYES IN STYLE Besides having efficient glasses, it is just as easy to have- becoming glasses 8HELLTEX SHVEON3 MEET THE MODE. DR. A. McCDIiLOCH Optometrist 204-5 Halom Bank of Commereo Bldg. oouxro BVENTB Jtfarek 11 S. W. Montague ddres before Six O'clock elub, If. . ehurek. March 12-13 "Officer 666" at the opera house. Elka bene fit. Hank tO-ealea Symphony oooert, apwi keaae. Hank St. Tan eloek for ward hoar, I o'eloek a- B. OREGON THEATRE NOW NOW DOTJO FAIRBANKS IN "AEIZONA" Dr. Mbtt ttUxm aiored to Bank of Commerce bldg, rooms 407,408. tf Bby chicks, 544 State St. today tf o Columbia river smelts in any quan tity. Fitta Market. tf Several members of the local lodge of Odd IFellows wero in attendance up on a meeting of tho Silverton lodge Saturday night, at which there were about 150 representatives from vari ous points in the county, IS going from Hubbard. There were several new mem iberS put through the initiatory rites, and this was followed by a fine ban quet furnished as a Burprise by the Silverton lodge. mm 77 ma h 1 Hats Mm Jm Wilson at 240 N. Cottage street -Kill sell her fiae home, piano and elegant furniture and furnishings at public auction, on Friday, March 14th, at 10:30 a. m. F. N. Woodry, auo-tioneer. Special vaudeville at tie Bliga the ater today and tomorrow. Willamette Valley ... Transfer. Company Wo buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic i.ldg. tf o Wood For Sale jFour foot slabs; prompt delivery. Spaulding Log. Co. 310 Evangelistic meetings tonight, Les lio MethodiBt oljurch, Dr. A. Sterling Barner, preacher; l'aul Taylor singer. tf o A Bible conference will be held to night, 7:30 p. m. at tho 17th and t'lio meketa street Evangelical church, in cliargo of Evangelist Walter Duff and Scotch-Irish party. Girl preachers will conduct meetings for girls nt 4 p. m. at tho samo church. Mr. Duff has a good evangelistic record all over Ire land, Scotland and the state His work consists mainly to arouse interest in the study of tho Bible, and he will build up before the audiences concrete outlines of the Plan of the Ages, and other scriptural subjects. Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with ove? 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, 302 U. S. Nat. Bank bldg. tf o V.e tty liberty bonds. 311 Masonic tldg. tf o Economise, get your hats cleaned and blocked tnrly to avoid the rush, at old location, 495 Court St. C. B. Ellsworth, prop. 312 o Jack Return and wife are in the city today from Astoria bound for San Francisco, and from thero will go to Australia. Mr. Iietlow has Ibeen editor of tho Daily Astorinn for some months, ibtit now starting on a world tour, dur ing which he will investigate unem ployment and after-war conditions writing for tho Wheeler Newspaper syndicate. Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 451 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating Between nere and Portland. We alio make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, -SILVERTON g We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor- tation facilities we are able to pay the higkect cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. it I will sell the 8 room house at 1406 Court street for $:I)(M. See me at once, $l.r00 will handle it. O. W. Laflur, 44)5 400 Hubbard bldg. W -o Noticft Dr. Hartley will close hi dental office March loth, 1919. Fhonf 114 3-19 Company M boys of Salem are now in Cnmp Lewis and according to the best of information to 1)0 had. they ore expecting their discharge within a few days. They arrived in Portland Fri day evening on their way to Camp Lewis, in I'harge of Lieutenant 1. H. Onmpton. Headquarters' company of the IfiJd, A, B, O and D received their dis charge Saturday and this morning re ceived their final papers on waning the payroll at Camp Lewis. These four headquarters companies include the Itiid regimental bund, mounTed iiits and officers companies. Among the Sa lem boys in tho band arc Kdgnr M. Rowland and Kdwin B. Payne and they will arrive in Salem tomorrow or "WH nesday. Col John h. May has sivagesipd that the official homecoming program ,b delayed a week or so or even long er, in order that as many of the Salem j soldiers as positiMe be here to takej part ia the event. Miss Marvin, of the state library ,in conjunction with the eounty superin tendents of the state, is gathering up complete data as to the military ser vice of every Oregon boy who enlisted or was drafted into the U. S. army, with a view to making up an exhaust ive hietorical record to Ibe placed in the archives of the state. For this purpose there is being mailed out a minute de tailed questionnaire, covering every point with regard to period of service, family connections, casualties, etc, Thees blanks are to be returned to the state historian, in care of the state li brary. Eelativea are also invited to' seni photographs and clippings from newspapers telling of experiences, char acter, tc. o Dance Moose ball Tuesday night. Broncho Billy, the originator of west ern movies, has returned to the screen, hig first new feature "a Son of a Gun" at Ye Liberty tomorrow. The Eifeg lodge of Salem ig planning i for a homecoming next month that will eclipse any event of the kind everj held by the lodge. There are several reasons for rejoicing and bringing to gether members of the lodge. One is Si that many- Elks who were in the ser- KvSit 1 wm cr....r: The 'Beauty of the Petri firsts i.a moct cnarming cxptession in La Tsajca rjeeklaccs. Vs ctrry L Tau:c.i ta n arrr.yofquakic including str;ndj v.-ith f.'sin dasjeend die high cr pood "dc Iiisc" nwi:iacM mounted with genuino r!;:-nonds. Ea u your pearl r.eckbcc o a real La Tautca. Smart Sprinj LISIERE WITH IN LINE AND MUSH- HATS OF THOSE NEW ROUGH STRAWS AND CREPE FACINGS-SHOWING MUCH ORIGINALITY COLOR. cwapws arf. SMATJ. AND CLOSE FITTING-SAILORS, ROOM, TURBANS AND ODD IRREGULAR BRIMS. IN EVERY CHOICE OF EFFECTIVE TRIMMINGS AND COLORS CHERRY RED, HENNA, NAVY, TAUPE AND BLACK. HERE IS BUT A HINT OF THE DELIGHTFUL VARIETY. Pricced $1.49 to $6.90 OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & COMPANY COMMERCIAL AND COURT FORMERLY CHICAGO STORE mm vice are home and are coming home. The other is that the lodge has proper ty valued at $3i),000 and that for tho first time in about 20 years, it is entire ly out of deibt. With not a dollar ow include a talk iby Dr. Carl Gregg Do riey, O. E. Halvorsen on hi8 experienc es while on the firing line in Germany, Superintendent S. S. Duncan of Mc Minnville and Prof. E. D. Eessler, pro- ing and this much property to tho good fessor of education of the O. A. C, Prof and a rapidly growing membership, Bossier will talk to the principals of there is a feeling that something big schools and 'bring up for discussion the should" be put on. This will be the an- question as to whether the principals mini homecoming event which was not association of the county shall conduct held in 1918 on account of war condi-, a field meet. tions. The preliminary plans are in the o hands of a committee consisting of' H. N. Beck of Hubbard, lost from George E. Halvorsen,1 chairman; E. j his automobile a -complete extra wheel, iCooke Patton, Mr. Craig, Kay Gilbert ; 34x4 in case, while driving between Mt. and Frank, Bligh, At the homecoming Angel and Silverton Saturday night, two years ago there wasi an attendance , Finder please notify H. N. Bock, Hol- of about 500 at the armory and an ef fort will be made at the coming event to bring together a much larger number An elaborate program will be presented. Dance Moose hall Tuesday night. f No photo play has yet been produc ed so tilled with adventure and thrills as "Mickey." o . Highest market prices paid for dressed hogs, -beef and veal. Independ ent Market, phone 104. 3-15 N. HAETMAN BROS. CO Jewelers and Opticians W. Cor. State & Liberty Bta. land. 3-12 Lost, Fitch fur neck piece on North 'Com'. Phone 63, reward. Saturday, March 15, a teachers' in stitute will be held in tho auditorium of the Salem high school,, to 'be attend ed by teachers from all parts of the county. The morning session will bff do votcd to round table talks in discus sions of school subjects and methods of teaching. In the afternoon Bcveral lectures will be delivered. These will JUNK WANTED. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS AND JUNK. Phone 493 337 Court St. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 7-Roomed House, Piano, E!e-santFamitireandFaraishmgs i I MarcSi 14 1 neay. At 10:30 A. M. SHARP H 246 KORTH COnAGE STREET MRS. JAS. WILSON, F. N. WOODRY, OWNER, THE AUCTIONEER, Phone 330. Fkae 510 Or 511 1 L.M.HUM are of fdi h Toil :'h'ne- Medicine and Tea C Hat nindV.m which will mt nr known dlseate. 'V-ti fiondayt from II a M. mill p. m. 'SS aoutfc High St People are expected to go right on saving iby tho purchase of war savings stamps and for the purpose of stimuiat ing thrift and incidentally he'ping the government, the executive committee lor this county lias been organized through the appointments of W. M. Smith, county superintendent of school -On this comtnittoo are E. T. Homes, A. A. Lee, Hal D. Patton, August. Huck ostein, Ben F. West and VV. M. Bmith. It is announced that no drive will be -matte but the committee will work to have war savings societies formed-in every school district in tho county. Tho slogan is to bra "Save 25 cents a week" -Letters will 'bo sent to employers of labor asking their cooperation in put ting Ibefore workers tho proposition of saving 25 cents a week and investing in war savings stamps. Last year Marion, county purchased $972,000 worth of pavings stamps, this figure being S2 : per cent of its quota. As a whole the 1 slate of Oregon went over the top on ' war savings stamps. I Although she is 76 years of age, this; ' did not prevent Mrs. William C. Boone from applying- for a divorce and get ting it this morning. In her petition for a divorce, sho stated they were married 12 years ago and that in 190!) he deserted her. They lived about four miles south of Salem, on her farm. Af ter thoy decided to separate when he left in 1SW9, he went to livo on his own, farm just a few miles south of the city and sho remained on her own farm. The petition for divorce states that all property rights had been settled, as each had farms. No alimony was asked and eai-h will pay their own expenses incurred in the suit. When the cane was called this morning, Jlr. Boone let it go hv default. , OREGON TAXI AND TRANSFER CO. Have added one 2-ton O. M. C. truck to their equipment and are now able to handlo anything that conies along. WE ARE NOW READY TO TAKE CABB OF YOTTR ELECTSICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE SEEET WELCH ELECBIC CO. Hop wire and ail kinds of hides. Before you sell-See Us. Phone 39S. 271 Chemeketa IAPITALJUNKCO. jlkscasnMV2IMM The CAST George C. L. Snyder, Miss Olga Gray, Oscar B. Gingrich, Misi Florence Cart wright, Jnnies Mott, Mrs, Walter Ppauldinj;, Pea W Olcott, Carl Hinges, E. Coolie Patton, Bunuy Meiring, A. L iVsser, Dan Langciiherg. Mayor C. K. Albin. The Elks Announce Their Annual Play for 1919 o in an nsK Grand Theatre, Wednesday-Thursday, March 12-13. : U$!icr See Page 8 Today Journal SEAT SALE OPEXS TOMORROW .Morning 9 O'clock nt . Opera House Pharmcy Phone 1159 Tickets 50c$1.00