1 PAGE SIX TflE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 10. 1919. I cftlliilKtll I '41 ins? aaa ilia -vAatar STAGE WBCOS ST LAST TYn Po" A-s'-l'ii'A Vnr Incf a,,s'1 a sliorlaw of physicians nurs- UC VWi iiliSv4.aA.il 1 Jl LdMjrs were almost impossible to obtain W,n,lA. Vf.L 17T ,ne np"Xd on tne aru trade was un- iiayenicer, . ivuicn Was expected overwhelming, and to , I A 1 nfl'Ms demand they responded noblv. Ko- rcstpsned 0a Account Uii,ai! w v Th fnfl'TTfa F,1ffT!Tf Ic'tho prescription counter. Wholesale in- imuud LUvSiC, ibiWn,K!,:st3 elrd th(,ir 8akm(,n off the road to help fill orders hundreds wir jed os to ship Vick's Vape-Kub by the quickest route, regardless of expense. Picked Up Oa The Street Eli?, Now Re-Instated Gcsd Darag Use Menth Of March. OVER ONE MILLION JARS OF VAPORUB PRODUCED EACH WEEK. It is with pride that wo announce to the drug trade that the shortage of Vick's VupoKuh, which lias lasted since Inst Octi'ber, in now overcome. Wucn January 1st, wo have been run- null; uui lamniuhrt ivyt-uiv inicu Him nu .,,,.,. 1 ..:... 1 n.nm A TSEMINDOUS JOB TO INCREASE OTJR PRODUCTION In this emergency we have tried to do our part. We scoured the country for raw materials our traffic manager spent his days riding freight carg in we shipped raw materials in carioad lota 'by express and pleaded with man ufacturers to i nc reuse their deliveries to us. But it wa a slow pro-cess. Some of cur raw materials are produced only in Japan supplies in 1hi3 country were low and shipments required three months to !ome from the Far East. Then we had to recruit and train skill ed labor. Wo 'brought our talesmen in- P. M. GREGORY 'I am going to completely remodel the interior of my building within the next two months, putting the offices in the front part j and all the. ice cream apparatus tnd storage in the rear. I have built up the VTeathcrly ice cream business in Salem to such an extent that I am now doing proetieully all tho freezing in the city, and doing it more economically that the retailers themselves. There are hund reds of gallons called for every week during the winter, while in. tho summor it become a tremendous business. This s a big market in Salem for During influenza epidemics spray the nose and throat several times a cay with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. It you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defease against "Flu" germs. Chest celds and sore throat lead Stop them once with U izard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c If not satisfied, return the bottle and' bci your money Hack. Ever constipated or have sick head lehe? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30c at drug, lists. Guaranteed STATE KUEEKEWS. half mi.-i.ij ""' , n- : ..i l,: i , , , . . , , , 0 i' ii. niii-iiii u ill n iiiuciniici , ituu J.U.iL Ct it HU Bl!ll't-(l ine UFBl- (II uui lia'k orders, and retail druggists, therefore, are no lunger requested to order in e'nall quantities only. NO v"E5TBER DEAL EE-INSTATED This deal, which we had expected to fiut on lust November and which had to managed to install it on Christinas (lay, so as not to interfere with our daily production. , milk and cream." MISS MARVIN, of the state library "You would be astonished to see tho euormuus rango of distribution of books from the state library. Here are stacks of applications, coming from every part of the sttae from villages over in the sagebrush of eastern Oregon and the "tali timber" of Coo. count v. and es pecially the Willamette valley towns. These loans of books make ui) a lurm-! part of the work of tho library force.' The crowd that thronccd the univer- and they cover very conceivable branch ; sity gytsjiasium Saturday evening were v. m.n.miwu, biiiIU; aim iccniucai re- treated to o .11,11. mere are very lew calls tor tieuon. SALEM iili GUIMT ra ciif iip 113 JAES OF "VAPORUB EVEET ' MINUTE IAY AND NIGHT liy January 1st we had everything ;( a range of basket ball that ran frntm. ..n .. .1....: 1 1 iL- . i, ... . , . ... ...... ..i.. .auuoiiiu up hi me proies- L i this way the state library sinnnl In.a ,q v :.,i.. i is supplementing the public libhorie, to j pa,sed around wore worth the price of .-- treat extent and proves a most valu-1 admission fide asset to the id ate." j Tho ev;ng opened with fte COMOj. ATE ENGIN'EEE CUPPEK-Tho w n T'Z' IL" " , n- t J v m J n "111 OIUI Superintendent Churchill of the do pnrtment of public instruction, is in Clackamas county, this week, visiting the schools. E. T. Carlton, of tho de partment, has just returned from a tour of Sherman county where he found the schools in an exceptionally good condi tion, with fully 98 per cent of the grade schools going into the high schools. Incidentally he found evidences of rubber-tired prosperity among tho farmers of that section, wh0 aro all on high gear because of the govtrrjnent price on wheat. The office of secretary of state is to day sending out eopicg OS B. m. 36 to along with these were vocal selections by the University Quartette, and a program of instrumental numbers by tin Websterian Orchestra Late in the even ing the young ladies of tht University served light refreshments, consisting of fruit salad, ice cream and wafers, to about 2.30 persons, the company includ ing representatives of the hi;;h school. The tournament throughout has been marked by the most cordial feeling among the valley teams, tho rivalry was of the friendly sort, and it prom-1 ises well for the future relations among j the schools. all county clerks, as a notice to them ef. to how such a rumor got to Illinois, the specitl election to be held on June though it nuiy be the easterners i.av 3rd, at which time nine proposed meas ures will be placed before the voters for their approval or rejection. This is the only' notice of the election that will be sent out. At a meetin? of the state highway commission in Portland last Saturday, bids were opened coveri ig the con tsruction of fonr units of stato high way. The section between Albany and Jefferson was awarded to A. D. Kern & company, of Portland, on a bid of $168,827.5(i. The section of the John Day highway in Grant county was a warded to tho samo firm on a bid of $111,246.15. All bids on the section botween Grave Creek and Wolf Creek, confused Oregon with Idaho, where fc-n effort was made to amend tho primary law. He assured thn eastern official that no attempt hud -been made to chnngo the primary k;w since its en actment in 1904. Percy A. Cupper, stutp engineer, left yesterday for Medford to inspect tho Medford iriation district. This dis trict comprises some 0,000 acres of land lying in the vicinity of Medford, and it is proposed to secure its water supply from the Big Butte creek. Tho district wr.s organized in 1917, and has voted bonds to tho amou nt of $1,500, 000. Mr. Cuppft also expects to go over . the Rob-uc River irrigation district, til ia Josephino county, were rejected on 5 leins in that vicinity, account of new legislation providing for hard surface work. Another call for bids will be made for that unit on the basas of hard surface. All bids were also rejetced on tho Yamnlll-Nos- tucca highway and will bo readvcrtised. Tho public service commission is in Portland today in conference with ad ministration authorities with regard to cooperation in tho matter of public utilities. . The office of secretary of stato was' amused and interested by an inquiry from the Illinois secretary, asking if the Oregon primary law had beon re pealed. Secretary Olcott is puzzled as This morning Governor Olcott wa9 in conference with Attorney General Brown, District Attoriwy Geo. Neuner, of Roseburg, and Adjutant R. H. Grin steadt, of the Soldiers home, ia that city, with- regard to the manngement of the home. Tho situation was merely outlined in this conference, and another hearing of the management will to neM in the governor's offico Friday morn ing. - F. R. Afbognst, who arrived in Van couver Monday from Sun Francisco, will have chargo of tho war camp com munity service in that city. r f d aa goli0 Ellt'aJ lik0 the iandle of a jug. the Newberg f.j of ,h Willamette valley 111 tho matter team leading from the beginning, f 1 0! irrigation is due partly to tho fact though fouls and wild throws marked 11 lie ni)s! mined 011 account of shortage of ! ruy to put on our night sunt, umi;Ui Vait.iliisb is re-instated for tho month ! since then our laboratory has been run-il0 rf March. This allows a discount of 10 ! ning day and night. To iced our uuio crcmt on shipments from - jobbers' ! fatic machines, .which drop out one ntuck of miantities of from 1 to a nmiureu aim lony uirce jars or v ain 't tllla 1k"'" impossible to drill into the work of boti. teams. The game re- Vru.-Ki, 0 per ceni (it tins ilifrount is al lowed by the juliber and 3 per cent by us. 1 W'e advise the retail' druggists to place their orders immediately, so that the jobbers will be aide to get prompt shipments to thcni. Rub a minute or one million and eigh- mr.m ui iiieso larmers that li-rtga v.O'.'.ld ba a benefit to tlicm.- They I'.ro bb.ieKsed with the idea thai because mi 1 falls over practically a period of iiiuu mouths in the yenr the ground has ample moisluro for their rropa. It is suited 111 a scuro of 3$ to 13 in favor of New-bent. Was S-arpy Game. This wns followed by the champion ship finals between Salem and Jfc Minnvillo, which proved a racy, snappy, spectacular game, in spito of the fact production J'igures 13,028,St"(i jiirs of VapoKub manufactured and distribut ed since last October one jar for ev ery two families in the entire United States, THANKS OF THE PUBLIC DUE THE EEUO TRADE DUHINO THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC The thanks of the American publio are certainly due' the entire diug trade retail, wholesale end manufacturing fur wlmt they accomplished during the recent influenza epidemic. The war During the influenza epidemic, Vick's VupoRub wu8 used "as an external npplicn'ion in connection with tho physician's treatment, and thousands of people, tin able to obtain a doc tor, relied on Vick's almost exclusively. -Uterally millions of families all over the country, from California to Slnine, and from the Great Lake to the Gulf, have found Vick's VapeRub tho Ideal home remedy tor Croup and cold troubles. ty tnouxnmt - woeuy, Jius required- a , ;,.,t. lImt ,1()y ,IOVO difficulties to face tovee ot I'-'"!"- " 0 J" l " -iii the nittller of drainage; but it is, that -ftlcm was feeling the effects of a ' ' a t.L-ct that a lurgo area ot tlio valley, worker.--, served ,000 meals during ttic , -., ,.,.i ,1,..,!.,. ,1 .,.,, 1 ,,,., ,, hundrod per cent more crops. There nra very few surface crops here that would no? be benefitted by limited ir- month of Jamuiry alifui 13 MttHON JAES OF VAPOEUB DXI-.ISIEUTED SINCE OCTOEEE I ligation. Why, we have less summer An idea of the work we havo aect m-lini Jail here than in some seciiuii3 of plished this fall may be given by 1 rcupp-.i.f' iLjj WILL GET AT TRUTH co:iGiio Investigating Committee In cluded Mayor Ole Hanson And Judge Ben Lindsay. other hand, if American interests or any other inlereiita lire fostering revo lution there we want to know that also." Olo Hanson, Seattle; Judge Ben Lind scy, Denver; John Iliisseett Moore, Al ton B. Parker, Frank P. Walsh and others. It is planned that one member j will devote several hours each day to ueurnig Testimony. ''The clock is about ready to strike in Mexico," Prentiss declared. ' We have learned from absolutely reliublo sources that largo amounts of amniuiii tiou, arms and war materiul are being imported from east and west. Also that shipments aro crossing tho border de spite, the embargo 'Tho lull of the past four years lias been duo tutirely to the inability of the several factions to secure guns and mu nitions. With all the nations in the world overstocked with fighting imple ments, the Mexican outlet will not be overlooked. Consequently the firo works aro scheduled to begin soon.'.' Tho committee will make their find- truth about Mexico and our citizens j injrs known to the foreign relations there And indications are that some committee of congress and to members very unpleasant things are going to bojof the house and senate. The state de rliselosod, both for the Mexican gov-; partment will also bo furnished with rrnmeiit and for private interests opor-1 copies of testimony given, eting there, 'Wo are not trying to embarrass the "It it is true that American citizens administration in any way," Prentiss re being deprived of their rights and stated. "'We hope to develop the facta, their property confiscated by respon-1 to work In harmony and co-operatt witn mblo or irresponsible authorities in and to establish friendly relations with Mexico, we want, to know it. On tho Mexico." Arizona and New Mexico. So far as the iiui'lV.su is concerned, this is an and country in July and August. But drain age is as important s irrigation" MR. DONET -"It is true that tho war period has tended to tin 11 atten tion to utility education. Tins i8 es pecially truo of the technical schools. But 1 bolievo tho sentiment' is swinging back toward a libera -education. 1 have had young peoplo express them selves to me, and they show a desire to make their lives coue.t for some thing more than money; I ngroo with you that this is the" commercial era-, and the stress of life la tremcnuous; Jnit tho opportunities for the man with a liberal education aro greater today than ever before; if you want to see the ultimate effects of a strictly utilitanu- education you have only to look at Ger man. It is not only materialistic but absolutely degrading in its tendencies. The technical schools will show strong tendency toward specialization but institutio ,.a like Willamette will adhero to tho old standards." Now York, Mar. 10. The truth about Mexico, iu order that the United States limy adopt some definite policy in re Cnrd to thff future rtlutlons with tho southern republic is tho object of hear ings to bo held here next week before the Mexican committee of the council cm foreign relations. "We are going to tear the lid off", Mark Osmand Trentiss, manager an nounced todav. Wo want to learn tho reparetor Sp I iring By giving your house a fresh coat of paint with our PURE PAINT, on which we are maikng a SPECIAL PRICE for this week only. And of course you'll want to re-tint your walls. We are also making a SPECIAL on KALSOMINE in all shades as well as on our WASABLE WALL COAT PAINT. Sec us before you buy FALLS CITY-SALEMLUMBER CO. 'Everything in BuUding Material" Phones: West Salem, 411 Salem, 81;' 349 S. 12th Street CAUSTIO CRITIC "No, I'm not a iiiembor of tho Commercial club, and I can't say how the big drive is coining on. Personally I'm not So mighty op timistic about it, although there isn't anybody uuy more interested in the thing than I am. a big membership would mean sunn thing financially, but if tho organization is not utilized by the membership, what good is it. They have a mngnificout equipment up there mid somo of tho best bruins in tho city. and it ought to bo the center of every thing that's doing. You go up there at some of the public meetings and you will find a splendid, intelligent audien ce absent. I dropped in on a Business Mens' Lcaguo meeting one time and tho attendunco was so i frequent that they had to gather around the fire place to keep from losing sight of each other. Comnarod with the whole membership, it looked liko a minority report in a town caucus. What's the matter with them t I'll tell you what's tho matter with them with tho whole social fabno of Salem. There s so many tarnul organizations in this tow.: male, femalo, nondescript and innuc uous that you can t find places on the calendar for half of them. You're overrun with lodges and clubs mid so cieties and dinky little circles of one kind or another till you ecu t focus public atte .turn on auv one thing for moro than a half a nuiiuto at a time Beliovo me, if this town ever gets any where it's cot to tie itself down to three or four grnnd organizations and focus ou things that are worth while." BONT LEX A COLD KEEP YOU ATM 2 Dr. King's New Discovery almost never fal's to bilnj qf'.ck relict Small dosts ones la 8wr."!a and t!;st thrst-tcarirj, lung-splittirj cr.-jh en ja!ts down. Another cla:s snd a hct tsth before jumping into bed, & pod sb-'p, and back to norm;! ia the morning. Dr. lunj'a New Discovery is well known, lor fifty years it's b;;n r:Iijvins coughs, colds and b.-onchial attacks. Vor fifty years it h:t been sold by drugsuu everywh;ri. A reliable remedy that youyoursclf orany member of yourf.mlycM takj safjy, 60c and jUfj. Train 1'hoidStu trtSorn lioiyJia Help nature take its coisrs?, not with a viobnt, habit-forminj p:!fz tive, but with gentle but c;.-:ain and mtural-laxative, Dr. JSi.i r'j New Life Pills, Tonic in action, ;; Lviiates th lax bowels. So! J by -jit. 25c hard game in tho nfrernoon With the exception of several personnl fouls, the playing was good throughout and for a time the teams were very evenly match ed with Salem leading. A number of long-distance threws on . the part of Latham, Grant. and Staley brought ap plause, and the lightning ball passing on -the part of tho local team-brought a lot more. The first half ended with' Salem' leading 'by six points, and the game wound up with a score of 26 to 17 in favor of Salem. Thero followed an orgy of applause school yells and congratulations. For 'he second time tho championship cup is handed to Salem and will now remain in their possession, in additionHo the championship-shield. 1 Fine Team Work, The victory ef tho Salem team was foreshadowed in tho semi-finals played in tho afternoon between Salem and Corvnllis, in which tho local team put tin some of tho finest work of thn en tire tournament, walking away with (C score or 41 to ii in . im,. hq alom toam was as follows: Forwards, Staley and Gregg; centor, Latham -narris. Gill Ashby and Socolofskv. Following the tournament, which may bo set down as one of tho best in point of interest in the history of the institution, tho visitors wore gathered at haton Hall as tho guests of tho uni versity at a reception, entertainment and "teed", such as Willamette is not ed for, the festivities and hilarity last ing until about. midnight. The corridors ami aiiQirorium wcro taateruiiy decorat ed with festoons and streamtrs of cropo paper, daffodills, ivy and overgroons. In tho lower halls there was put on a series of comedy " stunts " by the jun iors, sophomores and freshmen, that created an endless amount of fun. and COURTEOUSL In the case of E. C. Nnftzer against M. L. Jones and wife an intorlocutory decree was entered in whuh tho plain tiff was adjudged the owner in fee simple of 12 acres, an undivided in forest in 157 acres in Tp. 6, south of Rango 7, West. The court appointtd as rofercos B. B. Herrick, E. M LaFore and Job Sknife to partition the land and set out tho 12 acres. Thomas P. Hunt has asked the court for the custody of his seven year old daughter. Several year ago he was divorced from his wifo and she was given tho custeoyof the child. Now So claims she is no' tho proper perion o hnve custody of the child. Mrs. Hunt 'ivc-3 at Vancouver, Wash. jourka! $n m W. E. Mosbv has sued William P. Sotak. alleging that Setak practiced fraud en him in the exchango of 'ads. The plaintiff alleges that prior o February 21, 1 ! 19, he was the owner if tho Wl 2 of the S E 14 and the V, 1-4 of the S E 1-4 of -section 35, Tp. 7, south of Rango 1, East. That efnk claimed, ho owned 320 acres in Malheur county, four miles sou'h of "t. Idaho. Also that Setak set ferth in the trade that 230 acres of the farm in Malheur county was first bench and and thn' 50 acres had been irri gated. That -ItMUaeres was rencert, that he barn on the place was worth $700 and that the wheat averaged 31 bushels the acre. That there had been 3.00n mortgage on tho place but that ""8 hud be-n o pood tha half had Wfi paid off He also alleges that V plained he had lived four years on the Malheur county farm but that as two of his children had died of I i iKZii viure. he could not live 'm it any longer and wanted to trade, j Mr Mosby alleges that every one of ! the allegations are not true and that he land had never been irrigated, that ' there was no irrigation flume as Se tak said, that tho land did not front n he Snake rivtr, -that no wheat had bp"n raised on it and that the land was 300 feet above the level of the river. TV Marion county land traded in was wrth S.SOO Mosby claimed and that - 8tik would not 'radc back when he discovered truo conditions, he brought f i the court to determine what was right. 11 We Fay Cash f W. ,i "NJ . v; v a we ray c-asn . .i I ill Li'" J - S ii iaa'l- I JUST ARRIVED. I ' '.. i p New Gray Hanan shoes, the latest thing in jast a f h and pattern, every exclusive shade at '. s!) i JJ h ; b fa . t5 T3 New Field Mouse Hanan shoes; one of the newest styles to arrive from the New York market $1 2.00 The new High Low Oxford jn white, black, brown kid and brown calf, the sensation of the season New high low black' kid pump which is creating such a sensation in the east at $7.00 White Kid Oxford, the most perfect shoe for full dress that will be shown this season $9.00 Hundreds of other new models in black, white and brown, in all widths from triple A to D, and all sizes, at the very lowest prices, considering the high quality. . Do not forget our repair department. We use only the best leather and the best workmanship in the city at the lowest prices. DUX MX OIL SELBYSHS HANAN SHOES We Pay Cash for Liberty Bonds SHOE 326 Stale St. Next to'ladd 4 Bush Bank WITCH EK BOOTS BALL BAND BOOTS FOX PARTY POMPS We Pay Cash for Liberty Bonds" 'T"I.' a3