Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 10, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    at Pag
Editor sad Publisher
e or i ne
March 10, 1919
It an t r 3w . is fT
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communications To
130 S. Commercial SI.
SENATORIAL OBJECTIONS. t e:i-o hu wife uu
, 7 , . .Tomorrow Barbara finds the Dinner
Concerning tne questions wnetner tne proposed plan? conversation Enigmatic.
erascKirnoN bates
DnilT. br Carrier, per Tear to.Od Per Month-
Diiy by Hail, per year-
Per Month-
for a League of Nations is contrary to the constitution of
the United States, and whether it is likely to "entangle"
the TlnifpH Rtntpc unrhilv in fni-fiem affairs fnrmpr Prps- William Fulton Hodges died at the
-j , ,r, . . lii ii i e- , , , home of bis brother-in-law, Dave Pat-
iaem iaii is praoaoiy as wen quaimea 10 speaK as any toff, .t rnion hui, on March 4th, at
other man in America, He has had the invaluable exper-j,he e f 69 Tear-
1 Jt: 1 V, ' ef: Deceased had beea in failiug health
jr. t ' oj J . lor some naie aaa came 10 inion nut
-! TT. l 1 n lie- - j j j. ;i ! .. . . .......
35! years, ne nas ceen au xus me a aeep siuaent oi inter- some time ago nope aai mi enange
inational law. He deserves a respectful hearing, then,
W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Stoekwelt, Chicago, Peoples Gas Bailding
would be for the better.
He lived in Portland for s
'of years where he operated a ferry at
when he says:
"The gentlemen in the senate who are setting out to fJ-0erHoe7o8rt(,known t"e.,nd
defeat the League of Nations are citing the constitution I I'he funeral was held at Cnion Hill
as fin armiment arainst it. I rpvere and wnrshirt that i0!l March 6- 815,1 "as n ehtrgc of w.
Tie Daily Capital Journal earrier bny. are instructed to put the papers on tle . :.tn,mpnt J ;t : pw fn :f fp Weddk-. of the Biugo CnJeruiknig
wen. U the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper j great msirumenc, ana it IS a new SlOry 10 me U Uie COn-parlors of Stayton. Interment was in
to yon on time, iiadly phone the circulation manacer, as this is the only way ! stitution prevents the people from playing their part in he cemetery at Cnion Hill at ten o'
w ran detercine whetiier or not the carriers are foUowing instructions. Phone j U,..-, npnrP anA order inrl Vinrmir)P;; tn nnr;plvpi nnrl elok-
1 before 7:30 o'clock end a parer will be sent tou by sr-eeial messencer if tho wringing peace ana Craer anQ nappmeSS 10 OUrS61VeS ana, Defeased leaves a wife to monrn hi?
tarrier has missed yon.
(taking away. Mail.
la the only newspaper in Salem whoea circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Cf Circulations
The public has hardly begun to appreciate the road
building possibilities opened by the federal appropriation
recently made by congress. The pestoffice bill provides
$209,000,000 to be distributed among the states during the
ne'xt three years for highway improvement, on a fifty
fifty basisthat is the industrial states bearing no less
than half the expense.
To thi3 sum should be added the funds available from
the original federal aid road act, passed in 1916, which
provided 75,000,000 for a five-year period ending m
1921, and $10,000,000 more for forest roads over a ten-
vear period. .The states have been so little interested in
such help that only $3,000,000 of the original $85,000,000
has been used up, and there remains $KZ,000,000 to add to
the new allowance of $209,000,000.
It is thus seen that nearly $300,000,000 of govern
ment money is available for roads during 1919, 1920 and
1921 and that if the states take full advantage of these
funds on the fifty-fifty basis there will be nearly $600,
000,000 to spend during this three-year period.
An admirable feature of the new law is the liberality
of the terms under which the national funds may be dis
tributed. The government is permitted to contribute to
state roads as much as $20,000 a mile. Moreover, the
law authorizes the war department to transfer, for such
work,-road-building materials which it may no longer
need. The roads to which federal aid is given are tech
nically supposed to be "post roads," but this term is now
made so elastic as to include "any public road a major
portion of which is now used, or can be used, or forms a
connecting link not to exceed ten miles in length of any
road or roads now or hereafter used, for the transporta
tion of United States mails."
It is inconceivable that there should not be an urgent
demand, in every state, to take full advantage of this
unprecedented opportunity for road-improvement. Any
state government that does not take immediate steps to
obtain and utilize its share of the appropriation is shirk
ing its duty.
I the other peoples of the world.
The application at this time of the doctrine of avoid- rrapr f PROW
delaying world peace for a hundred years. The question
at this time is whether the whole great plan of the League
of Nations is to be defeated because we can't get a two
thirds majority of our senate for its ratification."
If the senate dpfinitp.lv refuses for anv reason to L Mr- J. baunv 50!7 Prexei
. , , i . . .,, i Koail, thicano. III., writes Trrell s fiv
give the plan a respectful hearing and register the will i seme institute of New York a m
nf thp nnHnn Mr Tsft. ic nnt thp nnlv crnnrl . Amprifan i'ows:
.i . .1 ' , mi -ii- '"For many years I was a sufferer
inai me senators win near irom. mere are mimonsjfrom Rheumansm, xenraigia and con
with him.
The Oregonian pretends to print an editorial review
of President Wilson's six years in office, and never al
ludes to such memorable achievements in legislation as the
enactment of the federal reserve law, which has establish
ed a real banking system for the country after generations
of haggling over it; of the passage of the rural credits
law, which has resulted already in the loaning of hund
reds of millions of dollars to the farmers at a low rate
of interest and on long time. It had alwavs been talked
about and never enacted into law. Of the creation off the
federal trade commission which seems to handle ''big
business more sensibly than it was ever handled before
by government agencies. These are just a few of the ad
ministrative accomplishments of President Wilson which
the Oregonian ignores by saying that in domestic affairs
the national administration has been weak. .
Having survived the oratorical offensive at Washing
ton, D. C, the League of Nations can probably stand any
thing. ,
The La Grande Evening Observer, published
Bruce Dennis, is now issuing a Sunday Morning edition,
It is a good-sized paper, bright, newsy and well edited, in
all respects. The Observer has improved very materially
in every way since Bruce assumed charge of it several
months ago.
see them. I'll kiss them away." (
Abruptly he said:
"I'm all right! I hate being made
a fuss over. Send Tonko to me."
It was
I would not be offended. He was sen
sitive about his looks, and I should Germanv and Austria-Hunarv
not have mentioned that he had lines
about his eyes. I sei;t the Jup to him
I was all dressed and waiting when
Neil came home. He drew in his
breath in a long whistle when lie saw
"My but you are lovely tonight,
Bab I Come hero this minute."
nA .AnL- ... c l:. .... .
my dress which he said looked as if thc" mt I wwtlnK untU ht -made
of silvery moonbeams, and kissed rf!l 7 ' , . , . . ... , ,
U'bij again and again. -
J 1 "I neve, saw - -look better." He 0WB' 80 Pleaiwu wn Pn. that
held me off, turning me around critical-j" w" llih XTt?T a'-i .
w .T,,ii - tniff,, . ii .. satisfaction that I followed Jeil up tne
Wi. ".. :i t .l.-ii k. .'steis of Blanche Orton s home.
r - - . -- - - "r. -
you these because I didu't take you
with me to Boston.
sriration, and after tryinj many rem
edies I purchased your 'J. B. L. Cas
csde.' Have been ussn it ten or twelve
years and find it most beneficial. All
the above ailment have disappeared
and I now enjoy xccl!ent health."
Yoa can help Nature in Nature's
mcst effectual way by internal bath
ing with the "J. 3. L,' Cawaie," an't
in an easy, non .habit forming manner
keep the intestine as sweet and clean
as Nature, demands it to be for perfect
health. Over half a million keen, bright
healthy Americans testifv to its re
It is the invention of Chas. A. Tvr
rell, M. D., cf New York, a specialist
on Internal Bathing for 25 years, and
is now being shown and explained by
Daniel J. Frv. wholesale druggist and
mfif. pharmacist, Salem, Oregon. They
will be jrlad to give you free on re
quest a booklet by Dr.' Tyrrell, "Why
Man of Today is Only 50 per cent Ef
ficient," which is most lnterestins.
and will tell yoa facts about yoursel
that you have never before realized.
lm ' c
f : -r !
tt. -r t ; j
Arrange to
Attend the
Go Wednesday or
Thursday if pos
sible, as later you
may not get a
Washington, March 8. American
claimj for damages against Germany
and Austria thus far total 7o.000,000-
000, the state deparment announced to
day. Additional . claims will increase
this to some extent, it was stated.
The claims have been filed with the
state department by American citizens
and concerns. They cover tho follow
Death and injury from submarine
warfare, destruction and damage to
American vessels from submarines: los
ses of American cargoes in both Ameri
can and foreign bottoms; loss, or value
equivalent to a dismissal. But " "uu "V"" """""s; .osa. or vaiue
, . . of personal property and destruction
At lu i, f i .1 Ma was un. . .......
and requisition of American property by
Japan is said to be for a league "of all colors and
creeds." That's all right, provided the prevailing color is
white and the dominating spirit is Christian.
X held my breath when 1 saw our
hostess; and then I heard Neil's breath
1 . ' - . . . II v
ni. vii ,.,. i.ti ii l ..; wnisue oeiwcea nis icsia nueo wie
ite string of pearls yon the white ". forw"d ? ,ee J"6 "
satin bed when I Ufted the lid of the taginf be of black paillettea whose
By Walt Mason
Most topics that you would discuss are sad and tire
some things to us; for we are tired and prone to balk at
all the endless streams of talk. We long for silence, nuiet,
peace, and wish the eloquence would cease. How sweet
and restful it would seem if every bore and evry theme
could be by might of law suppressed! Oh, that would
soothe our souls distressed. We're tired of war and pol
itics, of Huns and all their Hunnish tricks, of problems
large and problems small, of Russian freaks and Prussian
gall, of doves of peace and fists of steel, and all the things
of which bores spiel. Oh, for a glen of brosky dell, where
we remote from talk might dwell ! Oh, for some hollow in
the ground, where Windy Jims are never found! Some
hermitage among the trees, where one might live on
bark and peas, and never meet a noisy bore who'd thrash
the moldy topics o'er! We'd think our thoughts and read
our books in sylvan glades, by babbling brooks, where
wordless songs by birds are sung, and never hear a human
tor-giie. For we are weary, heartsick gents; we're tired
of stale 'old arguments; oh, fcr some cavern in the west,
where talkworn delegates might rest!.
box ho gave me.
"Here I'll fasten them on for you,
then I must hustle. Just what you
needed with that gown."
They really were. I flushed with hap
piness and pleasure. What a deer boy
Neil was! I was sure there was very
few like him.
lie threw himself in a chair, and
kicked off I) is shoes in a way he had,
and that always amused- me. For' the
first time that day I had a good look
at his face. Ho looked tired.
"You are overworking. There are
lines about your eye.
shimmering scales wrapped her in gust
ening blackness revealing every move
ment of her svelte body, while being
eniy territory and territory occupied by
enemv forces.
At the outbreak of the war, American
owned pioperty in enemy and invaded
territory totalled about tSOO.uuu.wKl. .
American claims in number ran well
into the thousands, the state department
said. They will be submitted in a form
al statement for reparation by Germany
and Autria Hunsary.
$ Roscdale Notes t
Mr. Wilbur Barnett who has been via-
were famous. Her dark hair was drawn j"" '
and banded low on her
smoothlv back
forehead with a simple jet bsnd. Even
her hands were ringle&s. I suddenly
felt ovenlrevd in my lovely gown; it
locked almost garish, and I thought
ita daintinesj attractive.
How could one hope to eompete with
such artful diplomacy As a human be-
I don't like to ite w 1 w Ws nme
onaote! as a woman i was simpiy a wo
man, with all a woman's pride and
emotions. i
Clearly I should have all I could do
to "keep up mv end" (one of Neil's
j expressions), ao I suppressed ttl feel
ings so far as I could. There was need
C. A. Hndlev is spending the week in
Portland on hrnrch business. Mrs. Had
ley also vent down, on 8uesday even
ing. Mrs. Anna Blaco who has been spend
ing the week in Salem, returned home
W. S. Pemberton is spending a few
days at Cahp Lewis o'i business.
Miss FJlen Pemberton was surprised
with a new piano a few days ago.
. Mr. Wilde and wife visited their
runch here one day this week.
Mr. B. K. Cook and family wh re-
days with Mrs. Walter Pemberton. . I Thompson, R. A. Booth, commissioners.
Mr. Arthur Blinston has been spend-! Portland, Ore., March 6, 1919. ,
mg a lew uays at home,
Mrs. C. A. Cole visited her mother
Mrs. Betta Pemberton of Salem, on
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Arnold have re
turned from California.
Cosrt Basse Notes
An order was issued by the circuit
court confirming the sheriff a sale of
lot 63, Grabenhorsts fruit farms and
lots 1 and 2, block 22, Highland addi
tion, Salem. The sale was through the
suit brought by Beulah Batcliff, against
Levi D. Batcliff and Nellie Pearl Bat
cliff. Lot 63 of the Grabenhorst fruit
farms was sold to the plaintiff for to0
and lots 1 and 2 in Highland addition
to Wni. H. Trindle for 200, subject
to present incumbrances.
S. J. Aieher hiig brought suit against
D. M. Katcliffc for J128.00. He alleges
that March 1, 1919, H. Glerman, of
V.'ooilburn.issucd a check on the First
National Ba-.k of Portland and that D.
M. Bateliffc endorsed it over to 8. J.
Aieher, the plaintiff. The check of
1125.00 came bck as not paid for want
if funds and with it an extra charge of
3.00 protest fees. Mr. Bateliffc had
failed to make good and hence the com
plaint filed.
I he county conrt has approved the
i'.al account of Ed. Blessing who served
a administrator for the estate of Lo
ChuBg Hing. After the funeral expens-
s and a few hills were paid, out of
rn estate of $325, there was found to
remain $21.10. Half of this was legally
lven to the widow and the other half
to be distributed to the followng child
ren: Charley Hing, Willinm Hing, Hen-
vr Hing. Ora Hing, Oliver Hing, Albert
Hing, and Earl Hing. They all live in
! There were three other guests. A
j young lady Miss Marie Wilson an in-
siitid sort of girl in pale bine, and two
Harry! Just Eat Oae Tablet Of uem ia0Ui"iar cteaTe.BHi8
p,., n..Am r- I f eyw were u com as etina ana as pine.
Tape S LsipCpSIa r CI lH- j His kn was Iron pray and thrown back
-l.-l Pcnf from hi, forehead in a tumbled mass.
MOi.l IVCUv.1. jOne almny wondered if he combed it
"' ionlv with his finger. He was about
Ko waiting! Whea meals don't tit mtMam heirfit bn . well built that he
and you beJrh gas, acids. and undigest- Jnolt.vl tail. Mr. Orton introduced him
ed food. Whn yon feel indigestion , 4Mr. Dantiig." The other, tell
pain, lumps of distress in atoaach, :,lrn f indiscriminate Coring,
heartburn or headache. Here is instant;, B,mf,j kBRvbaTO.. TI. fca( nJTn
rlif. I V. .nnV. T ttisnirtit
. him unattractive. Bat be had a- wonder
ful speaking voice low, well modulated
Oraw Up Resolution Of
Respect For Governor
In the course of its reecnt meeting in
Portland, the state highway uiuenng
drew up and passed the following reso
lutions of respect for the late Govern
or Withvcombe:
Whereas the inevitable summons that
must eome to us all has called James
Withvcombe, Governor of Oregon, from
his executive duties that he was so faith
fully performing; from the people woh
trusted and so signelly honored him;
A id frnm hi fnmitv 1a wlinm tin va an
-1 , v .it i B
B" muuul w years tgo, nave tenderly devoted,
recently moved to Camp Lewis wnere Thcr..fnrp. bp it TPolvd W
for all the poise, all the aplomb I pos-ir. Cook has receeived a civil service highway commission, in regular session
'JT1 . ' , asembled, that in his going the state
Misse ehda Bates is spending a few ha8 iMt ot niy Mt its most
- i ,, i i ,,,,,, , ----- . 1 tinguished citizens but one of its most
upright men, fuithful servants and pat
riotic leaders, who abounded in good
works and was especially devoted to
the development of the state In its ef
forts for highway betterment, and
That neighbors are impoverished be
cause of his absence and friends made
If your nostrils are clogged and roar . 'Tw-10 f hU Sf t"'
d is staffed aaJ vC't breathe , Tha hla coffiml89''feels keenly the
us oi; nis support ana counsel in tne
Say Cream Applied in Nostril
Believes Head-Colds at Once.
is staffed and yon cant breathe
freely because of a coil or catarrh, just
Just a soon aa yea eat a tablet of
Pape'a Diapepsia all the dyspepsia, in
digestion and stomach distreg ends.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Pape'a Diaperaia always make :.c1l op-
set stomach feel fine at once and they
cost ao little at drug stores.
ret a email bottle of rw. r.m r.i- work that he placed In its hands, and
at any drug store. Apply a little of That ,,le 'lJy has suitered an nn-
thia fragrant, antiseptic cream into fpeakab!e boTesyvement but gained an
your nostrils and let it penetrate inheritance that enriches and must ro-
thremgh every air passage of your head, main a consolation,
oothintr and healing tho H,- t furttir ..iinj !, ti,c
and cosviacicg. , " , len mucous eiembrane and von fn. olutinns be ,r,a,1 dm, ti, T,.;r,.,i
h lsfMtfimiiSriltatjilnt Rbl iof the commission, a copy be furnished
"I," ' . ' ,. - , , . j . .f ' ham 11 . Yonr nos- the press, and an embossed copv be fur-
"Kvrlmm can talk a bird of fa tree, trils are open, your bead is clear, so aished the familv as an expression of
TVtr,vJ,,,so varb5e tons.- tswkn tio?;' oar ailu:",
I wa wei bettwen the tw urang- " headache, dryness or atrucglins tv. , -'. uu iurluer
era. Neil was ne t. BianeiH. Orton, or breath. Ely. Cream Balm isjnl J J .r t?
Mi Wiln between him and Mr. Bav- offerer, from head eoHs Md. .X'Vi L,
burn. Mr. Ortoa begged t be exensed delist. mST'''
New Fraternal Order Of
SOverton Ores Dance
(Capital Journal Special Se'rviee)
Silverton, Mar. 10. The Knights
and -Ladies of Security, under the man
agement of Mr. Mackio of Salem, gave
a very successful dance in the opera
house Saturday night. This new order,
organized a Utile more than two weokt
ago. is moving a'ong nioely, havirrr a
membership of more thanrfifty mem
!erg at the present time.
Work of repairing the Silver iFallf
Timber company '. mil) commenocd
this morning and as soon as this ii
f;n sh"H, wh ch will require but a few
days, the mill will start. Oprrationa
ceased the first of the year owing to
the heavy snow fall in the mountains
where the camps are located.
Lieutenant Dr. H. W. Stcelharomer,
who has Ibeen in Prance for more thaa
a year, has returned to Silvrrton. He it
undecided a to what he will do in the
future, but it is expected that he will
resume his practice here.
O. P. McLaughlin left this week for
Stockton, California, where ho Hl
reside with his son. Mr. McLatrghlU
received a telegram just before leaving
for the south informing him of the
death of his grandson, Harry L. Eiee,
which occurred in France as the result
of an attack of influenza. Harry Kiee
had made his home with Mr. McLaugh
lin since he was two years old. N
Huns Didn't Get Him
When "Pat" Williams returned
from France a few days ago, having
received his discharge from the ser
vice, he proceeded to "clean up" 01
E. E. JfcLemion, who runs a restaur
ant in the Hosmcr buildimr on Wntnr
street. Mack is said to have remarked
during Wilson 's absence "that he hop
ed the latter would be killed by the
Huns before he could get back. Whea
Wilson -heard of this remark he went
to his place of business and calling Mc
Lendon out of the room punched hint
up pretty bad. Wilson was arrested Fri
day and taken to Salem by the sheriff
where he appeared before the justice
of the ni-ace and enetercd a plea of
not guilty. His hearing was set for
ilonuay afternoon and Wilson waa re
leased on $100 bail which was furnish
ed before the sheriff left Silvertoa
with his prisoner. A warrant coulo sot
be obtained in Silverton, it is said, for
Wilson's arrest, and sentiment seem
to be very much in his favor.
Seniors Put Out Tribune
The senior class of the ilvertoa
high school published the last issue of
tne Mtvertnn Tribune. Geo. Henriksea
acted as editor, Kenneth Toucl assoei1
ate editor. Del AViandter business
manager and the reporters were Vel
ma Moser, Don O'Kane, Glndvs Vikan,
Vivian Browne, Frank Wolcott, Alma
Halverson, Ruth Gregg, Armond Ma
theny and Maude Sayre. The solicitors
received quite a lot "of additional sd
vertising for the special addition and
half the proceeds went to the student
body fund. They did very creditable
Stop itching Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stopburning, itching
eczema quickly by applying Zemo fur
nished by any druggist for 35c Extra
large bottla. $1.00. Healing begins the
moment Zemo ia applied. In a short
time usually every trace cf eczema,
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorous!? healthy, always tree Zemo,
the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It
is not greasy arid does not stain. When
others fail it is thejene dependable
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Rose Co, Cleveland, O.