Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ittit.i.r ItHIMMHIIIIHtttllMI'"""
Dorit try to hide your &ce when people look atywr
Although that unsightly skin eruption is conspicuous it mav be .
vercome with Resmol Ointment. Decide at once to give'the
fcealmg medication of this ointment a chance to correct your -trouble.
West and speedier results are obtained by the joint use
v5tS'ji nd Resinol Ointment. This soap contains in a
modified torm the same soothing medication as is embodied in
the ointment. The combined use of the ointment and soap
FfrM trials mat seldom fails to relieve other annoying
iiMmnt,wriuKui- skin disorders on the body and limbs.
. nti, Bmtltmm, At J. .... ' .
All drunhta Mil this rap ind ointment.
Travels Of The Regiment
Which Made Oregon Famous
The 162nd regiment- trained 27,000
men for trench duty. The old Third
Oregon was mobilizod at Vancouver bar
racks March 27, 1917, under wilonoj
John L. May, who will return to this
eitf Monday with a detachment of the
rogimont now being mustered out at
vamp Lewis.
After Ycarjtajiy Is Corn
ffUnk Now About th Tun to Com
i...i j i E !, J " fe.i-. .,';,. '
When yon hoM In your arms your tiny
pew infant, b sure that you can feel that
before its arrWal you did all In your power
to le to It liappy pre-nnlnl Influent-.
SclentlnU say tint tlie thought and feel
Ins of tlie txiMctant mother iretly affect
the health and dltpualtlon of the future in
fant For over half a century thousands of worn.
sJ who have used tho time-honored rem
edy, Mother's Friend, lay that they entirely
ax-aped nauaea, nervnueneaa and that pe
culiar dlfttrceain Xuellnf to umiat where nv
tore li unaided. They thin preserved a
wonderfully bright and happy dlspoeltlon,
Th cli reflects ao markedly upon the unborn
Dy the rcimlar mm of Mother's Friend the
ycle ro mad and kept enft and elnitlo
to readily yield to nature's demanil for er
tMiulun without the usual wrenchlnf strain.
Hie nerve are not drawn upon, and a
oinequenee the cxpectnnt mother la calm
and aereneand the nights are not dlrturbed
with nervous twitching, and the crlaia la
ne of Joy and hniplncii.
Write the llrmlfleld Refiilator Company,
JJept K, I.mnnr DulMlna, Atlanta, Oeortfa,
for their Motherhood Bunk, of vnlua to every
ynman, and (ret a bottle of Mother'! Friend
""? roar druaalit and begin a treatment
hat wlU brlDg real results.
.From Vancouver barracks it went to
Camp Withycombe, having been federal
ized and having had its name changed
to the 162nd regiment on'August 5th.
Shoving: away from Camp Withycombe
on Boptombor 12th it arrived at Camp
urocne (Cnarlotto, W .(J.) on October
2 and after an intensive training there
proceeded to Camp Mills, N. Y., from
where the trip to Trance was com
The jaunt across the briny was under
way December 12, the men embarking
at nouoKen. one section arrivod at 8t
Nuzuire, Prance, Dec. 27, and the other
at Liverpoole, England, on Christmas
day, 1B17. All eventually anved at Bt
Aignan, Contrcs and Bordeaux, tho for
mer place being headquarters for Dist.
So. 4. of the first depot division.
The baud of tho old 3rd Oregon turn
od iu their instruments at Camp lix.
"It seeing a pity," said Liout. Schur
last night. "We had one of the best
band in Europe and it received favor
able comment wherever wo wont. Uuess
when, wo get reorganized wo will have
to dig up instruments for tho men.
Officers are Transferred.
''When we entered upon our work as
part of tho porsonncl of the 1st depot
division the old 3rd Oregon was 'gut
ted,' ag it were, rructically every of
ficer and every non-commissioned offi-
cor wus transferred to tho depot divis
ion, while tho privates were from
April 20, 1018, on used for replace-
witli the first and second divisions.
Muny of them are now plowing up
daisies or wounded for they wrote Ore
gon history at Chateau Thierry, St. Mi
llie! and on otlior battle-fields."
Councilman and Mrs. Honrv J. Tay
lor narrowly escaped death when their
automobile was struck and demolished
by fneight train Tuesday at Pendlo
" 1 v.
ii Another Cluster of Bargains
- That will be of profit to tfiose of quick
action. They can't possibly linger at these
prices. -
Our clean-up of Lace Curtains, a few weeks
ago, went with a rush and many late comers
were disappointed. We now offer our entire
line of Net Curtains at deeply cut prices.'
These curtains range in size from 36 inches
'by 2 1-2 yards, to 48 inches by 3 1-2 yards.
There are about 4 dozen pairs in widely as
sorted patterns worked with plain braid,
Battenberg braid and insertions, also cluney
lace and insertion trimmings. White, cream
and ecru wonderful curtains at these
$2.35 Curtains $1.60
$3.35 Curtains $2.25
$4.25 Curtains $2.85
$3.25 Curt&ins $3.50
$6.35 Curtains $4.25
$6.70 Curtains $4.45
I Corduroys:
Light blue, pink, tan and putty, 36 inches wide. They
are washable and make suitable lounging robes and
splendid Spring ccats for children at the very, very
low price of, yard 75c
Boys Suits:
A lot, just 20, of 3-piece long trouser suits; sizes 12,
13, 14 years, including some blue serges at less than
the price of linings and trimmings $2.20 to $5.00
The vesper services at the T. W. a
A. were resumed for the spring' sea
son yesterday afternoon. Those in at
tendance were fortunate in listening
to a splendid treat dramatically and
musically. Mrs. Iceland Fortor, post
graduate of the Emerson College of
Oratory, Boston, delighted her hear
ers with a splendid interpretation of
The End of the Task," one of the
short stories found in Bruno Leasing 's
book, "The Children of Men." The
story pictured a seeae (from the lives
of Russian Jews living in a great city
Mrs. Porter's rendition of the story
was vivid and real, portraying alter
nately the joy and pathos found in the
uvea of the extreme poor. As a reader,
Mrs. Porter's work is characterized by
animation, ease and naturalness and
her experience on the Chautauqua and
lyceum platforms has given her poise
and authority
The musical number on the program
were groups of songs sung by the Sa
lem ladies' quartet, Mrs. Liconia reter-
son first soprano, Mrs. Arthur Bahn
second soprano, Miss Margaret Hodge,
first alto. Miss Xcna (Belle Tartar aec
ond alto end director. Misg Dorothy
Pearcte, accompanist.
Friends and former pupils of John
Claire Monteith will be interested to
know that April 11 has been chosen as
the date for the concert at which John
Olairo Monteith, baritone, will be as
sisting soloist in Monmout. The con
cert will be given by the music de
partment of the Oregon state normal
school under tne direction of Miss Ma
rie Schuette, who will direct the pro
duction of 'Tho Mound Builders"
(Paul Bliss.) The concert was origin
ally (planned for early in the season,
but owing to conditions was postponed
until this time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vsrnel D. C. Beach
fVlro-inii "Mnne.fee are ftiiendin? sev
eral dny at their country home, Wal
iln Hills, near Salem. Thev wilf return
to Portland early this week.
Mrs. V. A. Elliott and Mrs. William
Brown will bo joint hostesses for the
Thursday afternoon club, at tne nomc
of Mrs. Brown, 590 State street.
One of the most charming events f
the junior social set was the dancing
party given recently by Mr. and Sirs.
William Esh in honor of the sixteenth
birthday of their daughter, Dorothy.
Pussywillows and ferns formed the dec
orations, nd delicious refreshments
were served. Those invited wcro Miss
es Francis Ward.. Mona Sehaum, El
sie Victor, Maryle Hunter, Kita Clag-
gctt, Mnry West, Jeanetto Jones, Mar
garet White, Caroline East. Florence
Exli. Frank Brown. Acel Eoff, Frank
Chapman, Frank Deckdbnch, Harold
Moon, Lowell White, KcnnolV Bell,
William Oosser Tncodbro furvinu,
Qoodin and Malcolm Smith.
Mrs. H. Haid and daugnter, TJsona,
lef tfor Portland today for a woek's
visit with friends. Wlulo they are there,
arrangements will bo made for Miss
Haid enter tho nurses training school
at St. Vincent's hospital.
Among the Salem society folk who
a"re visiting in Portland this week, are
Mrs. M. iN. Chapman and Miss Oda
Chapman. ,
Mrs T A T.lvealev Vina (rnnA in f!fllt
ifornia for an extended visit.
ft W ft
Mrs. Eoderick Miles who has been
-ifs free
There's one for your home. Just send
at your name and, without any obliga
tion on your part, we will mail you this
instructive publication.
Every man, woman or child interested
in gardening should have this practical
book of loo pages profusely illustrated.
Complete lists of Morse Grand Prize
Vegetable and Flower Seeds.
Morse's Garden Guide will be ex
tremely helpful in the raising of flowers,
tree, plants and vegetables. It is the
most complete and comprehensive man.
ual of Pacific Coast gardening ever pub
lished. Don't delay send for your
copy today I "
&fi Crftww far Yrtrt Opmwf
tf tie lrvt W rl it lit ITtrli
7ii Front Street, San Francisco
Flown Lftrft Grdn Try Mowt
a. i.oofe 1I.IUI iru4 Wait rortui.l Oanw.
l-riMcoUftttioo.fSiKnc.il "" "" ''"
clJint bMMiful knpn. . kt oc
kcll) Scinlilluw. m .,,. Ik.
Mone1! Sc(hi Ik ftftckrtt t W m! mryvkci
ring r asnions
Women's, Misses' and Children's
Outer and Inner Garments
The correct styles for the coming season are clearly expressed in every article of fem
inine wear included in this showing and practically covers , all the smartest and most
exclusive of the designs which are firmly favored.
Box Siits ...J24.7M50.00
Tailored Salts $22.48 $49.50
Capes . J $19.75 $34.75
DOLMANS . $24.75$57.50
Silk Dresses $14.75-$47.50
Crepe Dresses ....... J $34.75 $50.00
Serge Dresses . . .$16.48 $34.75
Lingerie Waists $ .98-$ 7.50
Georgette Waists $ 3.98 $17.50
Crepe Waists $ 3.98 $12.50
Silk Petticoats..... L.$ 3.98 $12.50
Children's Dresses .$ 1.98$ 3.98
Novelty Sweaters . $ 4.98 $14.75
Women's Neckwear 35c $ 2.50
Slip-Oa Veils ................. 10c $ 2.50
Phoenix Sils Hosiery In All The New Spring Shades
1 Salem merchants have a reputation for -selling good quality of merchandise at most
: reasonable prices.
Look over our line and see all the lines shown in Salem before deciding.
! This store features quality, style, and workmanship at popular prices.
Make Your Selections Early.
U. G. Shipley Co.
Liberty St., Between State and Court
visiting t the home of Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Miles, has returned to her home
in Portland.
A. Brown of Kalkaska, Michigan, is
visiting at the home of his nephew, W.
K. Brown.
The Young Ladies Sodality of St.
Joseph's 'church met yesterday morn
in(f after early services. Plans were
made for St. Patrick 's day entertain
ment to be given in St. Joseph's hall
next Monday evening. ,. .
Mrs. W. M. Hamilton has returned
from a two weeks visit with friends
and relatives in Seattle.
A meeting of the Salem War Moth
ers will too held tomorrow (Tuesday)
afternoon in the Commercial elub audi
torium A full attendance is desired.
Tho North Salem Women's elub will
meet at the home of Mrs Frank Pur
vine Wednesday afternoon. Miss, t!r"
nclia Marvin will give a talk on her
work on the Mexican border and there
will bo a number of musical numbers
on the afternoon 's program. Dainty re
freshments will ibe ee-rved and the af
fair promises ta add to Mrs. Purvine's
reputation as a charming hostess.
To Cars a Cold in One Day
(Tablets.) It stops tho Cough and
Headache and works off the Cold. E.
W. GROVE'S signature on each box.
The (bridge crossing the White
nn. ViV.ft ft. TTn.lflrwnn l.a n n
HTtt,mmfmm4mHmHffHT44mHtm ' GS!l!:JIinn3nnilJini?I3nCEll demned.
A number of properties in the Stay
ten vicinity have been told in the past
ten days. Some of the deal mado by
Geo. A. Smith, our local real estate
man, areThe-Budolph Kusv farm of 150
acres sold to Joseph Hendricks; the
Johnnciderer farm ef 107 acres sold to
J. A. Wonrms andthe Trotter corner
to E. T. Mathieu.
A eouple of other farms have been
sold, hut details are ret unobtainable.
George has been working over time the
last month at is evidenced by the sales
he has made. He reports that he has
several other buyers with whom he can
d0 business providing he can get good
farms for them at, prices that seem
right to them. Mail.
Investigation Of All
Courts-Martial During
War Has Been Ordered
Washington, March 10. Investiga
tion of all courts-martial during the
war has been ordered. Judge Advocate
Genera Crowder in a letter to Secre
tary of War Baker has stated that the
inspector general of the army will pro
ceed with tho work immediately.
Crowder defended the system of court
martial, replying to charges of cruelty
mado recently by Brigadier General
Ansell, for a time acting judgo advo
cate general. Army officers taken, from
all walks of life administered military
justice during tho war, Crowder. stated.
and penalties fixed were authorized by-l
Secreary Baker, writing to Crowder,
stated that whilo he was confident the
faults set forth in criticisms do not ex
ist an investigation, is nccesary to re
assure families of all men who fought
in the war.
Crowder in his letter to Baker charged
that Ansell had obtained appointment
as acting judge advocate geuoral from
the chief of staff without the know
ledge of cither Crowdor of Baker. Crow
der was conducting tho selective draft.
San Francisco, Culf., March 10.
Tong wars are passe, a.d the gun and
hatchet method of settlii.g Chinatown
disputes will not be tolerated, tho po
lice commission is informing; aft Cnmes
societiee today. Any outbreak will re
sult in a heavy guard snrrounding the
quarter, detaining all Chinese while
every nouse and cellar is scarciiew lor
Should see that the whole family take
at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, puri
fying system cleaning medicine this
spring. Now is the time. Ths family
will be healthier, ha-ppier, and get
along better if the blocd is given a
thoro porifying, the stomach snd bow
els cleaned out, and the germs of win
ter, accumulated in the svstem, driven
away. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
is one of the very best and surest
spring medicines to take. Get it and
see the difference in the whole family.
Their color will be better, they'll feel
fine and be well and happy. J). J. Fry.
weapons and tho owners of these ar
rested. Ihe announcement followed settle
ment by a Chinese peace commission
of the trouble between the Bing Kong
f.nd Hip Sen tongs, which threatened
a bloody war.
The Albany home guards have dis
banded as a military organization.
Falls City, Ore., March lG-Dtily
Capital Journal In printing the casual
ty list for Marion and Polk counties
you missed Private George Otte, Co.
M. 361st infantry, killed October 5,
1918,, whose homo was in Fulls City.
There has been
no raise in price
This economical table
beverage continues to
be the logical resort
of the coffee -drinker
when health or oth
er reasons dictate a
change .
Not a Bit or Mste