Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 08, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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oat fi? r
7 Wt
Will Do
(iTl)15 ID)
f ot -To
The Ford Motor Company have instructed
us to sell the genuine Ford Parts to any and
every reliable Garage who will pledge their
use in the repair of Ford cars. The gen
uine Ford Parts are absolutely necessary to
the owner of Ford cars that he may get full
service from his car. We carry them and
so, we hope, in a short time will every re
liable Garage. We solicit your service busi
ness because we have the Ford Methods,
the Ford Parts, the Ford Mechanics and the
Ford prices. .Incidentally, would be glad to
get your order for one or more Ford cars.
Vick Bros.
260 N. High Street
Salem, Oregon.
. ----
r4 -,-ri
Doyle Johnson Dies
quarters, which was then located in the
town of Charpontry, France, which ia
clou tutrih Verdun. Tn the iIjivh ho-
Ifl (IV'-fCMC HfllRbll ' 'a tholittnck'we wero forced to live
o uv,rsa; nujiiUi in shiillow hoU9 and it w?s while lving
i jiu one of these holes that he was woun-
(Woodburn Independent,) j ()n(, Ag t10 gag wa9 vcl.y bttd that
Morgondorf, Germany, Jan. 30, 1919. niht and we had many caua?aes from
I)car Mr. Johnson.! Yoilr letter of it, it is likely (lint thin is what caused
Doe. 30, asking for particulars of tho M dalK. Burial was also .nude at
, , I , T , j i i ., ! Choppy, and as it was then several miles
death of Payio Johnson, received today,; M gmva shoulJ b(J
.having been sent me by Captain Hun- wt,n marked and recorded. The minibor
dcrsoa. ' . jof the gravo mey be found by writing
Corp. Johunon wat woundod shortly to tho "Ornves Registration Hervicc
nf n,.K Re-snoctfully.
2. and died tho same dav after having JOHN Cf JuNNESS,
been moved to Field Hospital N. 3, 'Hgt, Section Leader, Big. Boc
then located at Choppy, in the Yordunnf., Amex, P. France.
t Sale Of EiIis froJuctioii
Starts Tuesday Morning,
'Officer SCC," Augustin MiHueh's
melodramatic - farce - comedy success.
which the Elks will nmrlnca at
tho Grand on Wednesday and Thurs
day o--'rings. M.-.rch 12 and 13. is a
I "crook play" in which about half of
,the cast are supposed to be members of
.the New York police force. The play
taK.s us naiuo from tho official number
01 one oi the patrolmen of the squad,
Miciiuel Photon, No. 6H6, who is one of
the central figures about which the eye
Ionic action of tho comedy revolves.
In tho Elks production of the play
tho roio of Michael I'helan will be por
trayed by George urtis Lee Snyder,
than whom there is no bettor actor out
sido the profession itself. Ana Jt may
ls0 le stated that there aro very, very
few professionals who have anythfng at
uli on our own George.
The gonial Mr. Snydor has appeared
so often in Elks shows in tho past, and
his local reputation as an actor has been
.sn long and so thoroughly established,
that no Salem theatre goer necd8 to be
told that he is funny on the stage. . All
you have to do is to give George a
part that is supposed to bo funny, and
he will put over 100 per cent of the
laughs, with a few more for interest.
Wow Michael Phelon in "Officer
d'ii" is just ubout tho last word Jn
laughter. Thore may bo' possibly one
or two cbaractorg in tho whole range of
Our service means this to you. First, that we
will thoroughly instruct you how to get the most out
of your tractor how to operate it properly so as to
avoid troublehow to make all minor repairs and ad
justments so that only on rare occasions will you
have to call for help.
Then when you do require help for repair work
or parts you will find us ready at a moment's notice.
Our stock of parts is complete, our mechanics
are experts.
Fordson service is delivered to your farm.
' To own a .Fordson means that you own a dur
able, dependable, economical tractor that will serve
you every working day in the year.
The Fordson Company make it durable and de
pendable. We keep it so.
Valley Motor Co.
260 N. High Street Salem, Oregon. 237 State Street Salem, Oregon
. There are two big factors to consider when you
are buying a tractor both equally important the
tractor itself and the service rendered.
A tractor wThich is standing idle because the ser
vice station is far away or because the dealer hasn't
the proper parts is a poor investment, no matter how.
well the tractor itself may be made.
Fordson Tractors are selling by the thousands
every month and are giving universal satisfaction all
over the world because of this:
The Tractor itself is made as durable, depend
able, efficient and economical as the best engineering
skill, the finest materials and workmanship can
make it. '
And added to this, wherever a Fordson Tractor
is sold, you will find parts and service as quickly and
easily available as the kerosene you put into the tank.
Vick Brothers
Wooster, Ohio Catherine Wcrtz af
forded a week's excitement toy start
ing seven "mysterious'' fires in her
homo: Hho liked to see tho fire depart
ment in action, slio explained.
: On the night of Sept. 25th this Divis
ion roliovcd tho 35 the Division to car
ry on an advance north of Verdun and
rust of the Argonne. As previously
planned, the Division was to resume tho
attack tho following morning, but ow
ing to the condition of the roadg it was
impossible t0 got tho artillery In posi-,
turn und everything else in readiness un
til tho night of Oct. 3. For tho period
from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4, tho infantry -"" 1 "
ws forced to wait 6n otlior elements Constipntbn, Sick Headache, Bilious-
aid while waiting whs subjer-tod to hoa- nets, Dlonting, Sour Stomach, Gas on
, .,. , , i, -i . .u- o. I. II . .111. in e.A
or frageswi
vy, shelling and occasional shell gas at
tucks. It was during one of these at
tiveks of both gas and explosive shells
tlint Corp. Jillinson was wounded in the
right knee by a largo shell splintor. Ilo
was Immediately taken to a dressing
Ktutio t ami before daylight wns in an
nmbulnnro to the field hospital. That
Kns tho lust that was seen or heard of
him until notice i;f his dentil.
Corp. Johnson was with n detail from
, the Hignal Section to regimental head-
the Stomnch, Bad Ureath you will find
tto!hin4 better than 'that wholesome
Never disappoint. Take one tonight
mid icel better i;i the morning.
Cccrfle Jenncf, fSnti Antonio, Tosaai "Foley
Cathartic Tablet! hive proven tj bo tho boot
laxative I ever hnvo tnken and t recommend
them for canallptV.Soa aod biliousncs."
J. 0. TBKKY, Druggist
I'JIk play "Officer b'UU." iran(l
Who plays one of tho cops in tho 1919
theater, March 12 and 13
Of beautiful 1919 wall papers now on display
And plain effects in all the new soft tones
In conventional, floral and bird patterns, ceiling
papers in
Shaded to. suit every conceivable tone in wall
or border.
All papers from the cheapest" to best are figured and
Priced Remarkably Low
modern, comedy characters that aro as
good as Michael 1'holan, but nobody
seems able to recitll just what they arc.
It is eertiirn that no part in any play is
moro nnitfsing than this character-.. Tho
miinlior of laughs that part contains
Clin bo definitely determined. It is
simply n matter of arithmetic. In tho
performance aro lnuglia in a part that
aro counted, and tho ratio between the
numbor of laughs and the numoer of
lines in a part dotormiuos its comody
vnlue. In the "timo plot" for "officer
Olid'' llio part of Phelan is credited
with 111 laughs.' Tho part contains 96
speeches. Therefore Fhelnn is mpposcd
to register one laugh and a fraction
every timo ho opens his mouth,
Those who have seen nnydor perform
in previous Elk shows, liko tho "Man
Krnm Home," which wns h'st year's of
fering, or ''Got Uich Quick Wulling
ford," which tho local lodgo staged the
year before tlint, tho on on' ; ' nt
will be apreciated that in "Officer
mil!" George has tho very best part in
which ho itu ever appea,red. it will
bo a case of outsnydering Snyder, and
a treat which no lover of roal comedy
in think of passing up.
Tho seat salo for tho 1919 Elks show
will open at tho Opera Hmiso riiainutcy
Tuesday morning, March It, at 9 a. m.,
when rcsorvutio ts for both performan
ces may bo maile. To those who nro
particular about, getting tho seivts they
want the yearly adminition is given
again, that annual Klks shows nlvvr,ys
play to cnp.'icitv business, ano that res
ervations should bo made as early as
po'blo titer the seat salo s'nrts. As
in tuimer yea'rs the prices will bo E8
conlj n;d ono dollar.
v "trzzs . ...
COLD G01! Ii
first Dose ef -Tape's Cold
CcKipoed" Relieves All
Don't stay stuffed-upl
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Tapo's Cold Compound" taken ev
ery two hours until throe doses arfl
akon will ond grippe misery and broak
up s sovero cold cither in the head,
chest, body or limbs..
it promptly opens clogged-up nos
trih and air pascsagCB; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves
sick headache, dullness, feverishncss,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness anl
"Pnpe's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores. It acts
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causos no inconvenience. Don't accept
ARM 5,909
(Coutiaued from page one)
Riikaii Will. Hired Q.I vonrs. two
I 'months and 28 days, died Saturday,
March 1, nt the home of Mrs. Henriotta
Will of thi8 city. The funeral wns hold
Monday at the residence and burial was
at tho Aurora cemetery. Kov. L, S.
MoclieJ conducted tho services.
Miff Will was born in Bavaria, Ger
many, Iec. 4. 1825. She came to Ameri
ca in 1839 with her parents, fivo broth
ers and three sinters. They imiilo their
W t 1 ' Iw and then mov
ed to Missouri In 1863 they crossed
the plains and arrived at Aurora on Oct
5, 1863, which place she has sinco made
hor homo. All of her brothers ana sis
ters have preceded her to the great be
yond. Misa Will has been failing gradually
for many months and has been given
the most tender care. She was a woman
greatly loved and respected by both the
older and younger generations Aurora
The Insurance amounts to ten thonsand
dollars and is divided cqualy between
tho father and mother, and will be paid
in monthly Installments covering a per
iod of twenty years. The official nu
tico slates that TrivEto Chase died on
May 28, 1918, whilo serving a a mem
ber of Company L, 28th infantry. From
privato letters it 1ms been learned that
he was killed by shell fire at the bat
tle of Can.tigny.--Dallas Itemlzor.
North Commercial Street
Official confirmation of the death of
Private Orlcy P. Chase, formerly of
Company L, was received this week by
his father, City Marshal Oliver P. Chaso
and his mother. Mrs. N l'in C'.hh", in
the Bh.w of blank- '- ut
to secure the young soldier's insurance.
"In times like these when economy
ia so essential, I know of no better
way to save than to have the entire
family shod with Ncclin Soles,"
writes a F.Williams, Rochester. N.Y.
In his letter Mr. Williams tells of
a pair of Neslin-soled shoes which he
has worn constantly for four months.
"The soles still look like new," he says.
You, too, will tliink there js no
better way to save, hen once you
have trijd shoes with these long
wearing, comfortable, and waterproof
soles. They corae in many styles for
every member of the family. And
good repair shons carry Iseolin Soles
for re-soling. They are made scien
tifically by The Goodyear Tire & Rub
ber Co., Akron, Ohio, who also make
Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to out
wear all other heels,
fleolin Soles
IntelUitlha. U.S. ru. Oil.
sixth division 2,397; Soventh division
1,546; Ninety second division 1,399;
Eighty first division 1,062; Sixth div
ision, 285; Eighty eighth divsion 63.
Number in Hospitals.
On November 11 the A. E. F. had in
hospitals 193,448 men, General March
stated. By February 20 this number
hud been reduced to 81,231. Army sui
cides wore loss than the proportion to
civil life, as revealed by census statis
tics, ho said. Up. to February Zl army
suisides totaled 339 of which 193 wcro
in tho United States and 146 overseas.
General Pershing has been authorized
to start enlistments, it was said. As
men enlist for tho regular army they
will bo assibned to the A. E. V. to ro
loase men onrolled for tho emergency.
Tho 33 camps originally designated
for demobilization camps have been cut
to 23. Tho regular army camps at Fort
Bliss, Fort Oglethrope and Fort Russell,
are also to be used Cs demobilization
camps. The ad-interim appointment of
Col. K. E. Noble of the medical corps to
brigadier goneral was announced. The
"Sonato failed to confirm Noble's ap
pointment when it was adjourned.
Collego View, Neb. An attempt to
lower the high cost of living was cost-
lv Snrnriserl ill till Ret of robfoillflt
farmer's hen roost, the thief fjed leav
ing his overcoat containing $70.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Mar. 8. -Fred Hottiflger,
(brother of Chas. and Frank Hottin
ge and Mrs. Joe Ditter, died at the
home of the latter near Tumsville Wed
nesday.' He had ibecn sick for somo
Fred Koe.k, who has Wen on tho sick
list for several days, is reported im
proving. Mrs. E. W. Hobson is visiting at the
W. H. Ho'bson home.
Several from Stayton were at Sa
lem Wednesday evening to hear the
French army 'band, and report it a
great treat.
Mr. and Mra. L S Lambert attended
the funeral of Gov. Withycombe at Sa
lem Thursday.
Miss Mary Rock hag returned to
Mrs. Margaret Whyte of Astoria it
vi. 1.4 ... ..jae. -us. m.zsifen.
I W. A. CHileK haa purchased the
Mrs. Theo Gehleen residence in the
west part of town, new occupied Jy
' J. C. Mayo, and expects to move into
it oon.
A'bert Frank of Stayton, and John
Highberger of Sublimity both of whom
i have been in France, returned homp
i Thursday, and are both sure it is good
I to fee home.
Bud Drvden, brother of Mrs, V. A.
Goode .arrived in town Thursday for
a visit He arrived home from France
but a short time ago, and his friends
are glad to greet him.
Mrs. Ben Gehlen and children "vis
ited friends in Lebanon this week.
: Miss Anna Baker, daughter of E. O.
Baker, and well known to many Stay
ton people, was married tho 15th in
Bollinghanv, Wash, - to Geo. A. Nichols
of Wellesvillo, N Y. .
; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask of Sea
side, Ore., aro the parents of a daugh
ter, born Feb. 19. Mrs. Trask was for
merly Gladys Hill of this place, whore
she has many friends.
D. M. Doll and wifo have opened
i their new general store in tho Young
I North Smith is home from Bremer-
ton, Wash., where ho went with Ru-
sell Streot. Ho' says he had no diffi
: culty with his prisoner.
Tho funeral of Robert Tracy, who
wa9 killed' near West Stayton Monday
j by a falling telephone polo was held
' at Turner Wednesday, conducted by
: Rev. Warren, of this place. Tho de
ceased was 22 years old, and leaves a
father and brother.
MrB. E, C. Caldwell returned Thurs
day from a visit with her son at
Brownsville. .
Mr. and Mrs.- J. P. Wilbur nro vis
iting .in Portland.
i fcC' 'Jw Makes
r Vrx Rk;. Li'Sl
rfr by causing- sood digestion
S and regular bowel movements
tains nothing harmful no alcohol
table properties. Especially recom
mended tor teething lime.
At o'f druggists
Overland Advantages
In appearance, performance, comfort and price,
plus Overland service, mean lasting satisfaction in
the use of your car. .
. Model 90, F. 0. B. Salem, $1145.00.
Fred Kirkwood
Distributor for Marion and Polk Counties
Phone 311-246 State St. Salem, .Ore.