i THE DM'. v CA FT? a- ToimNAr ufm opfcov FRIDAY, MARCH 7. 1919. &ss iAf vi .-J I? tStaSmmU It a . Obsessed v;iih the b? idea cr prelecting those Et homo, father cfien omits tho essential protection cf his rr.oct vita! asset strength. V,i UN; is as beneficial to the hard-working man of business as it is to the growing child. Scctt's imparts ths quality to the blood that enables the body to thcit taces every business-man that or keeping up with the wear and tear on the "body. Scott & Bowne, Bloom CeM, N. J. 1 I Beef Pot I Roast (Boiling Ml .-S ft ?tf Vi'-lfSi 'VT if T-bonc steak 20c Sir loin steak .....:....,..-....18c Round steak ...ICc Liver 5c I 6 . 1 . . " :, "V : . - v ' .- Till i 1 1 I ill I'll M M II MM J (Photo by Jcukg MISS OLGA G-EiAY '!nr of last yoar's Elks )laj", "Tho Man From Home,'' v,!io will ajvpear iu Kiicling mgrmio rolo in the Salom Io(tge s 191!) ottoniijt, "Otticw (jUu Grand theater Wednesday and Thursday, Mrch 12 a:id 13. UE liOLL IU OKI THIS KIOTHE I PLAYWILtBE TAKER - AND DAUGHTER BY NISS OLGA'G&AY : : ".' ',r-. . : . i EoCeCrossIiSon 1 . Established 1884 , " ; J. '.. , "Meats of Quality and Flavor" Appeared Last Year In 'Ian fei-Ifee" Making Bis i iiosde.,-.. -j Thoro i9 pvotwhly mftre'roal d'an-.nt- 1 io talint In Salam than in any other town of its size in tho country. This is probably because histrionic ability has had a .bolter clmnco to dovolop liore than in most other 'daco3. livery year tho E!ki show commltteo goes over tho town with a flno tooth' contb and pidis out tho iitartioulm' play thev nre staging that year, ami as a result of. ilus "selective gcrviee" prociss they Eolh Made Well by Lydia E, PiiikhaiiiV Vegetable Compound. Ctoclo, Ala "During the Change of Life I had hot flashes, was nervous, run down, and had sick headaches for two or three daya at a time. I toots Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound and I am much stronger and better in every way than I was. My IVr broke down last lli'T-V i Jne from teaching Kj ifS -.,' school without a hXiZ. f &&ZA.iim-a rent, and she has taken Lydia IS. nnkham s Vegetable Compound and the Blood Medicine with good results. She is much better and a llf V r t.: j T j- ... avo.rturimr the . l:t f v-s. yeacmnfj nwana i give your nieaicme vnlnnn i... if . i j , ' tne praise, xou are welcome to use lM.'LMd'l.r.??,!' ayers this fetter for the benefit of otJiersuf- 'bo rarely oquallod oven on tho iirofes- sionnl g)ao. Of all tho 'brilliant array of Sslcia thespians who have trod tho local boards in tha annunl Elk produclions, none lmvo ever Aurnnssed the work of faring women." Mrs. F. A. Gaines, it. k. xmo. 1, btooie, Ala. Women who Buffer as Mrs. Gaines did should not hesitate to give this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial, as I the evidence that is constantly beiner Mi, OVa Gray, who will appear in published proves beyond question that vho loading ingenue rolo of " Helen i tliis grand old remedy has relievedmuch Burton " in the 1919 Elkg .piny "Offi- ! suffering among women. For confidential advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of their forty years' experi ence is at your service. AUTO PLUNGED INTO RIVER. one: mtemw&m&( Produce at the Highest -Cash Market, Especially EGGS APPLES RUTABEGAS TURNIPS CARROTS PARSNIPS d Y Try our Bear Brand Hard Wheat Flour. Every Sack Guaranteed Farmers Store ; or ooaii 4 Phone 721 i cv 270 North Commercial St. ccr Odd," which i to be sta;;ed at the Ciiaud uu Wednesday and Thursday eveniiius March 12 and 13. Miss (!rn.v ' developed into a really reinarliable ae.ress while she was still , iu high i school hwe, and last year she nippeared i i or t tm tirnt tnno in an Elk produc- turn, when tho local lodge staged thoir Portland, Ore., March 7. Mr. and 'WW ofionm ,'Tho Man I'Vom Mrs. j. H. Norton of Hood Rivc 0 llomo." In that play sho made so pro- , , . . .. . . . .. . Inouneeda hit that when the Elks decid Plu"B,,d '"to .' Sandy river in their I'd upon "Officer tilit!" as their ulav automobilo last rjight. Mrs. JNortoii ;for this year Miss Gray was imiuoili- wnB drowned, but her husband swain t uieiy eoieetea as the exact type for ashore, tho 'girlish heroine of Augustin Me- Tho accident ocurrcd 20 miles oast ; Hugh s famous melodramatic farce cf Portland. The machino was travel- comedy. ing r.t a slow into of speed but went As ' Helen Burton" in "Officer into tho Mi-earn duo to a defective joim miss ur.iy portrays cno of the ttoaving pear. i most delightful characters that any au- Lthor has ever written into a comedy. She is the iiieorriuiblo niece of "Mrs. 'Johm Burton" (Mrs. Walter Spauld ing) and when the play opens sho is preparing to elopo with" a famous pic ture crook (Oasar 11. Gingrich), who han persuaded tho poor child that ho U Travcra Gladwin (James Mott) tho owner of the most famous privaiu col lection of paintings in tho world. Glad win is supposed to be away in Egypt when the curtain rises. Tho villianous croik has moved right into the real G'iul win's hi. uw. He plans to have the wilding ceremony in Hie urivuto art gallery, and g-'t away with the pictures and the girl before anyone discovers that he is a fake. Thingi prepress nice ly until' the real flhdwin suddenly nalko in Then the aunt s'iows up with a warrant for Gladwin V arrest for abduction. Th"n comes tho police forco with Mnyor Albin in charge, ana with Ben W. Okott nn.l Geeiyo tlnder bringing up tho rear. Then things be pin to happen for Helen, and the au dience never stops laughing until tho final curtain falls. It is not too onr'y o remind thca ter goers thnt the B!ks show every year plays to capacity business, and tint the-o i a limit to Aie number of peojde the. Grand will hold. There will be only two performance s as usual, and the s at gak for both Wednesday and .Thursday eveningj will , open nt tho Oyora Hcnse l'hermnc.y r.t 9 o'clock! ou Tuesilay, March II. The prices will, be tho !ine as in former year;. ona ' dollar for all sa's outride the gallery : , and the.so who intend seeirg the: play should make theit reser-atiuus as early ag poss'iblo on Tuesday. H How Many of 'Your Neiqrtors Drink J POSTUM You knowof someibul mbydo ihetj drink it? It's because coffee disacjreas w3h thern. . KgxI time a wakeful nkjht crnervous ne53. heart-fhiler or sbmach (Murbance IrcoffeexJrmk Think cf Fbstum 16 OUNCES MAKE A POUND 100 CENTS MAKE A DOLLAR We are making the Meat Trust disgorge $2,500, and we are saving you $2,500 every month by the way we are fighting them for fair prices on meats. Are you saving your share of this money every month? THINK! And think hard! What caused the difference in prices of 60-days ago' and now. We think that our fight with the Meat Trust has done it. What do you THINK? A FEW SAMPLES' Of PRICES SIXTY DAYS .60 BY THE TRUST Loin steak, lb 32c T-Bone steak, lb 35c Pork Chops, W 35c Shoulder Pork, lb '. ,...30c Loin Pork, lb ..35c Leg Pork, lb 35c No. 5 Lard .; .....$1.55 Cottage Roll, lb 38c Picnic Hams, lb 28c Bacon, lb 55c Hams, lb 42c Boiling beef, lb -18c Pot Roast, lb 23c THESE ABE THE POICES WE SELL AT TODAY- COMPARE Them with "the prices you -used to pay and help fight Salem's MEAT TRUST to a finish. One of the TRUST markets on Court street stacks a counter of scraps and advertises them as boil and roast. Try to pick out a good piece ofmeat and ask the price of that. Would you tr;ade there and help defeat yourself? We hope not. We are making this fight for YOU. STAND BY US. Trust methods are being used to beat us. ' Any DIRTY trick will do for them, but we want to lick them on the square with your HELP. 15c 18c 20c Shoulder, Steak, pound ... Round Steak, pound Loin Steak, pound T Bone Steak, pound Boiling Beef, pound 2 -2c Pot Roast, pound J5c Liberty Steak, pound i - - -16c" Sausage, pound ,.............20fj Beef Liver, pound .........gg Beef Tongues, pound ..'-12 l-2c J Veal Chops, pound 20c Mutton Chops, pound 20c Pork Chops, pound .........252 Shoulder Veal Roast, lb..........:....5c Veal Stew, pound jgg Leg Veal, pound Leg Mutton,, pound Leg Pork, pound .....25c Pigs Heads, pounds gc Bacon Butts, pound -'-25c Fresh Side Pork, pound 25c Shoulder Pork, pound Shoulder Mutton, pound . Salt Side Pork, pound 17 l-2c 25c THESE PRICES BY THE WHOLE OR HALF Best sugar cured bacon, lb 35c Best sugar cured hams, lb 34c Best sugar cured bacon backs, lb 35c Best sugar cured cottage rolls, lb 32c Best sugar cured bacon butts, lb 24c No. 3 Pure Lard gQc No. 5 Pure Lard JJ 3Q Best sugar cured picnic hams, lb 25c WE ARE BACK OF YOU! ARE YOU BACK OF US? a El Cfl . - Eh. U enune aaiem 1V1EAT TRUST ' ' ' , ' ' '''' t ' 16 OUNCES VIAKE A POUND ' 121 South Commercial St., Salem Oregon. P. O. ROGOWAY, Mgr. Phone 104 100 CENTS MAKE A DOLLAR n We have forced prices down to where they belong now. Meat was cheap- p er on foot 60 days ago than now. Why did they take the money out of your pockets by overcharging you before we opened "here, and what would they do b to you if they could GET us now. THINK! - " t 1 1 t 11 4 1? I 1 JWWI WANT ADS PAY "TSMEBXXSSSaB