PAGE SEVEN ounia " Er iHkSm 44- THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1319. T TS -TV T i-i.t si- t m u m JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEETISTNCI KATES Bate per word New Today: - Xach insertion . le m week (6 insertions) 5c Ose month (20 insertions) 17 The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, tot errors in Classified Advertisements ' Bead year, advertisement the first day it appears and notify na immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15e. WAiNTED Guitar, secondhand Phone ' 1415 3-13 baby chicks fob sale Today 544 State St. Opp court house PIANIST and saleslady. P. W. Wool worth Co. tf BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Phone 16. L. L. BuekneT. . 4-4 IX) B SALE Good table potatoes, $1.25 per sack Phone 86F22. tf FORD for sale cheap. Just been-overhauled. Phone 853J. tf WANTED Young male canary. Ad dress 1158 N. Commercial St. 3-7 WANTED Acreage near Salem. Ad dress DoVoc, Baker Apts. 645 Ferry 3-12 HJQARID and room in modern home, near state house. Phone 1354B. 161 S. 14th. 3-12 (FOR 8ALB Cream separator, good as " new, 800 lbs. -per hour capacity. E B eare Journal. ' 3-8 WANTED To lot us wash and polish your car Phone 1260, 380 N. Com. St. . 3-8 A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State St., .Phono 311. Overland service and general repair shop. ; 4-7 TWO new trailers to tbe sold at Wood--ry's auction, Sat. 1:30 p. m., Ferry and Mwrty Sts. 3-7 FOR HMMSix roam, 2 story house, and) garage on State street; for in formation Ball Mala 1185. tf IMSODIAEGED soldier wants work by hour or by day. Address Myrtle ho tel room. 15. 3-8 BABBiBD Bock eggs far hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.5(1 for 15 K H. Pickens, BOB 8 14th St. tf FOB HALB-EWed wWeat straw $9 t barn. Telephone near Mid dle Orovo school. -2 FOB BENT Mote ojrpar flat, dose1 in. See B. B. ISemui 350 or 785 Court.. Phane 124 (. tf Ut 1919 breeding pen of 30 W. Leg horn 8-yeaT old, heavy laying strain, $1j25 apiece. John Bailey, Bt. tt, box 55. S-8 UBBBTY BOHJM M yw mnat die pose of your toads, we will buy them. 314 Massed bldgj tf HOB TBABB A good,, newt 4 room bouse with garaae to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 028 ia mornings, tf FOB SAXiIj i cl8 stvft gflvernoT, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 868, Tomer, Or. tf WALL PAPER. 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren'i Farnituxe Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co, 171 a High St. Phone 1400. GOOD BARGAIN' 24 little rabbits, 3 good does, good buck, pedigreed. Now Zealand Beds. Must sell at once, $30. 1645 Hall St. 3-8 AS GOOD as new, ga range, good heating stove, water heater, reteil red overcoats and suits, at half price. Tna Capital Exchange, 337 Conrt St. Phone 493. tf FOB SALE Health nd beauty, cause . symptoms and treatment of almost every known disease. Home treat ment simplified for everybody, avg ular price $1, samples full size, this month only, 26 and 50 cents, 376 Belmont. 38 PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Always at Your Service" Help of all kinds Furnished Free to Errralovert j. r. aim. d-2U Bonuid Street Portland, Oregon 51-FARM WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. . HAWHNS ADROBETS 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. BOARD and room at 1120 Center. Phone 1074. 3.17 FOB SALE Boston 3 Star cornet. In quire 4S3 State St. 3-11 TRAILERS for sale and made to or der. 271 D St. 3-12 YOTOTCr fresh eow and calf for sale. 675 Brooks Ave. 3-36 SHINGLING and roof repairing. C. C. Kays, Phone 1802. 3-11 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 597 N. Liberty St. Phone 2456W. tf SPRING seed oats for sale. Silverton road, Bt. 7, W. A. Roth. 3-8 WANTED Small potatoes for feed. M S. Lang, Phone 35F25. 3-12 WANTED To buy cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1576W. 3-15 1917 FORD ear in good condition, cheap. Inquire Will Music store. 3-7 WANTED To exchange two fine resi dence city tots for light automobile. Phone 1147. 3-12 FOB SALE House and lot, 54x164, 1 blocks from State, 259 S 19th. , 3 27 LOGANBERRY plants for sale. J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. tf WANTED Experiences grafters at Fruitland nursory. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt. 6. tf FOB RENT on shares, 3 acres of ground to be set to strawberries, Phone 13F23. " 3-8 HIMALAYA tips, 500 for sale. W. 0. Franklin, Ht. 1, box 11. Phone 52JT 14. tf GROCERY stock and fixtures must be sold within 30 days, easy terms, 1390 S. 12th St. tf FOB SALE Double disc harrow-nearly new, 24 18-inch discs. S. B. Bailer Silverton, Or., Bt. 4. 3-13 FOB , SA!LB JFresh milk goat, first : house north of West Salem school house, also sulky plow 3-8 HXFEBUBNICED roan wishes position as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd Bush reference. Phone 664 tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen ; eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St. tf WANTED! Up to 200 White Leghorn yearling hens in good condition. Give number, location ana price. Address "-W. H. Swank, Aumeville, Or. 8-7 BOH 8ALB White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred. 768 S 13th St -! FRUTTLAND Nursery, Salem, route 6, box 138B phone 111F21. We have the Roman etrain grafted Franquet wal nuts and also a few moro Italian prune trees left. -12 WB HAVH on hand a few tons of mill rum for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf FOB SALE- - Hatching eggs, "White Leghorn, heavy layers, $6 per 100, $1 per sotting of 15. Fair View Jfonf try Farm, Salem, Or., Bfc. 7, box 48. 8-17 FOB SALE By owner, you get the commission, 8 room, modern house, paved street, furnace, fruit, berries, garden. 5 room modern bungalow, built in fixtures. Phone 1598M. 3-8 CAMPBELL'S ADTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS ' T wnnf Vinw a flail & ! oar come and see ma I Dodge, big bargain, $650. Overland, good condition, iou Buick roadster, $325 Elgin 6, will consider property in exchange Maxwell roadster $275 1917 Maxwell touring, almost hew ibig bargain at $575 Paige touring car, big bargain Studebaker, perfect condition $300 1912 Cadillac, good shape $400 Ford touring, perfect, $375 Ford bargain, $350 Phone 362 mm A NEW wheel for sale. Phone 1127. 3-10 FOB SALE Old fir $7.50, ash $7.75. t'aU evenings 1181M. 3-7 FOB SALE Ford trailer, in good con dition. Phone 14a6. 3-s FOB SALE Wheat hay, 10 ton. pnone 411 or 1593. F. . Scaler, tl FOB BENT House and 27 lota, Weet Salem, $4 month. 965 N 5th St 3s WANTED Man and wife on farm, permanent. Call 4F2 or Bt. 8, box 48. 37 BARGAIN 148 acre farm, 6 miles out on paved road, $S5 per acre. Jr. JU Wood. 3-13 LOST (Black Hudson seal collar, gold bar ipin attached. Finder please phone 1594 or 152; Reward. J-8 NICELY furnished room with board, rates reasonable. Phone 1578 or call 332 N. Church. 3-10 GBAiFTEB wanted, iNorthwestern nur sery. Phone 111F3. Boyal Anne, Lam bert and Bing scions. . 3-8 FOB SALE 14-inch Joha "Deere sul ky plow, good as new. R Andersen, Jefferson, Or., Bt. 1, box 72. 3-8 EXCHANGE section in Lake coun ty to trade' for Salem property. Phone 1178 after 7 p.m. - 3-10 JUNK WANTED Rags, lubbers, tools furniture, clothing and junk of all kinds. Phone 493, 347 Court St. 3-7 FOB BENT Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms, 4 in suite. En quire 246 State St. tf FOB SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed barn, 8. High street. tf FOB SALE Hatching eggs, Barred Bock also White Indian Bonner duck. 2035 Fairground road. 8-10 WANTED Sewing by the day by ex perienced seamstress. Phone 634M. . 3-7 FOB SALE One black, four year old horse, 1250 weight, broke double. Price $65. 2015 N. Oom'L 3-7 HOUSEKEEPER wishes steady work in country. Write Mrs. Downing, 1613 iN. Front. 3-7 NORTHWEST BEN Nursery, Bt 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices oa oertain lines. Phone 111F3. ' ' tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. 3. 1. BHven, Gervsia Bt 3. Phone 48F1L 8-20 FOB 8ALB dorvw huT $29 per toa clover seed 60s tor lb; apples $1.73 ner bushel. Bt 6, box 51, Phone B3 F21. . n FOB SALE One sorrel Belgian horse eolt, 3 years old, heavy boned; one driving horse, 7 years old, one sin ele harness and cart Phone 36F14. e-i FOB SALE 10 acres, new house, prune orchard, . rock road, . cheap; terms; also 10 acres clear land. Call first house north school house, West Salem. 3-7 FOB-SALE Horses and mules from Camp Lewis, Friday, the 8th, at the Salem Horse Exchange, 554 Ferry street. A. L. Clearwater and Son, proprietors. 3-10 WHITE Bock eggs for hatching. Phone 93F5 or 403E. 3-12 FOB SALE 6 lots. 8 room plastered house on pavement, with water, bath, hot water tank, electric lights on S. Hiffh St. Price $2150. Write Rt. 8, box 46, Salem. 3-10 FOB SALE 3 Studebaker" wagon, A-l condition, 1 sot double harness, 1 good work horse, yeight 1200 pounds, and 12 head shoats, weight 75 to 90 pounds, at a bargain if tak en at once. J. C. Coffey, Bt. 3, box 192, 1 mileg west of Liberty. 3-10 FOB SALE or trade, 40 acres good, rich soil in Washington county, no rock or gravel, 8 acres under plow, 7 acres slashed and burned off, easy to get in cultivation, small house and barn, good woodshed and chicken house, fine spring of water, private telephone line, good county road on place, 5 miles from North Plains. Let me hear from you. Write owner, 305 .... . " . - m 3 'I M. 24th St.. or pnone ium. 0-1 FOB SALE 63 acre farm, nearly all undnr cultivation, good house, barn, located 5 mile N. E. of Salem. Pries $145 per acre. See W H Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State street 3-7 A 7 BOOM house completely modern, on Court street, $3650. A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, on Capitol street for $,;ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount avenue at $3500, has good new ?ar" rge. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me cn offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will yon give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school $1500. If yon are looking for bargains see me at once. G. W. Laflar, insurance man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf FOB SALE At cost, 5 Belgian hares. 2590 Fairground road 3-8 FOB SALE Oood secondhand top buggy cheap. 726 X. 15th. 3-13 FOB 8ALS Modern 6 room house, two lota. CaB 1325 X. Front. 3-13 FOB HAiftB Small bungalow Cheap; terms,. will trade for ear. 620 8. 18th (H. 3-7 ITALLlSf prune tvees for sale, reason able. Tina Hill farm, B. F. D., Tnr aer, Ore. Phone Salem 49F24. 3-11 WANTED By March 15th a 4 or 0 room, modern house, unfurnished. Call A. Chisholm, Bligh hoteL 3-10 FOB SALE Cheap, an improved rot; a good investment if taken at enee. Inquire at 1520 N. Front street 3-12 FOR SALE Eggs for setting, Silver laced Wyandotte and Partridge Book, $1 per 15. 447 S. Com'l Phone 24tfitM. 3-10 FOB SALE 3 dozen fine Barred Bock hens, 6 fine Barred Rock roosters. Hens $1.50 each roosters $2.50 each. B. I. Byan, Bt. 6, phone 19F3. 2-7 HORSES Will arrive at Skipton's sale stable, .448 Ferry St., Salem, Mar. 6. ear of Camp Lewis horses, heavy boned and bloeky, some well matched teams, 2400 to 2600 lbs., guaranteed as represented or money back. W. S. Pemberton. 3-11 FOR 6ALH Well improved 10 acre traet, close in, will take good modern residence property as part payment. See W. H Graibenhorst & Co., 275 State street 3-7 FOB SALE 56 acre farm, good house, barn, well, first class fruit land, all cultivated, rock road. Price $85 per acre. See W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 273 SUte street , . 3-7 FOB BAXjB (Fine 7 room modern house and two lots foeated n the corner of 6tte and 14th street Price $7. 500. W. H. Gmbenhorst fc Co., 275 Stats street, 'T .,' 9-7 DAISY FARM at a bargain, 150 acres six miles east, paved highway, fair buildings, orchard, fanning ivlftter, $85 per acre. 20 acres fine land, all onset plow, main road, 4 miles east, some orchard, lay fine, well drain ed. $3800. 9 aeres S miles out, all dear, $600. One aere near ear line, good buildings and orchard, $2000. 3 roam modern bungalow, $1350. Hare ash buyers for houses, want few (ood houses to rent. Ford ear for sals. F. L Wood, Bayne bldg. 3-10 IMPOBTAjn Did year read the spies did offer mads by I is Pheasant Jforthwest Product Co. in the States man. and Journal of yesterday, of fering to santrw&t for berries If not yon had better read- it, yon can net from $100 to' $250 per aers rais ing berries oa good soil, near Salem. I have some splendid land suitable for stowing berries but do not want to depend) on hired help to set and 'ears for them. Therefore will sell very choice berry land in 10 to 40 acre tracts located 3 miles from Sa lem, for $125 to $350 per acre, on neaSenablo terms. It very choice laud located on a good road, oee me at once if you want any of it JCZJ E SC01T 404 Hubbard bldg. Urarersitj Of Oregon Fire Pacific Coast (fapions Berkeley, Cal., March 7. Adopting labor saving methods, the University of Oregon basketballes are today the Pa cific const conference ehampions, tak ing tw0 straight games from California and making the third unnecessary,- Oregon's superiority was more mark ed than last night's 30-28 score would indicate. Several times the Bears would get off ou an aparent winning otrciik but the northerners would tigh ten up and by superior team work pile up K sum 11 lead. Durno, Oregon's wminutive forward, dciAwnstrafcd a.'m?t uncanny ability in shooting bhskets and hig team mates piryeu to give h:m plenty of chances, ft did : KAMMLER George Lafayette, the 11 : day old son of Mr. and Mrs. J, i I Kammler at their home, 918 Pine ' U Tnet Rnlnm Miri4 (L 1010 The funeral services were held this afiuuoou bud burial was In the Odd! Fellows cemetery. TaytorriUe, 111. The dignity of a "crap shooter" is a thing not lightly to be tampered with, says William Moloskey asking $5,000 for four days jail confinement after he had pleaded jiiiiHy. ' : When Teacher asksd what becomes of all the com ; we raise I said A 12-12 Turkish wash clothwith eveiy $1.00 purchase or more from our beau tiful line of ;-vv Wash O if 5233 Sweater S Inspect display in the No wis your opportunity; if you want to possess .7i K) 1 ii x i i r- i m tt Doll Up, in One of our tailor made suits. Spring is here. Arc you ready for it? We are, with the very latest in Spring patterns and you sret it made like you want it. With Fit guaranteed. SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST. Some $30, $35 and $38 materials for 25 bones. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. Scotch t 426 State Street . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY F6BS Our READY-TO-WEAR SHOWING this season will please the most particular and fastidious dres sers. , . The very NEWEST ACCEPTED STYLES, made up in the HIGHEST GRADE MATERIALS. Court Street Window and note the SPECIAL PRICES. ' You can always do better at XT' Mnn.ttti ff i Woolen Ml "Made To Order Clothing" JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Fabrics New Waists 1 This past week's arri vals has put our stock in a most complete con dition. They baffle des cription. You must see the delicate and dainty touches that gives these waists their distinctive and exclusive individuality. Capes a Sweater of Quality, in Jt 1 M ! tt44ees4 . - Salem, Oregon. I! Store JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I :t :t 4 u I: 1 1 1 n