4 PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. There was a large attendance of the fcunurr at the supoor served by the I'rebyterian ladies last night iu .the parlors of the First church. The mouu wag plain 'but substantial nu the 8 vice excellent. Approximately 1 guests were served during the eve ning. The supper was a feature of the Now Era movement, which is about to Ibe launched iiy tie Prcs'byterian k-hureh throughout the nation. The af Iternoon session, designed especially for It he ladies, wa addressed by Mrs J. t AleMiehael of Portland, president kf the Presnytenal Alissionary society. lloUowiiijr the supper, there wore stir tins addresses bv Rev. Bruce J. Gif- tfen, of the church at McMinnville, and Iby lr. Seeley or rortlana, rieia ne fretary of the Home Missionary soci ety. These zeutlonien spoke itmefly but lempihatically upon the gigantic needs tor the reconstruction ipenod, urging es pecially that the church must adopt now methods and attain a broader vis ion in order to meet the problems ot Hue hour, The objective of the national body is to Tai.se more than $13,000,000 ifor home and foreign missionary and fcenevolunt work, Srollowing the ad- idroeses thero was a conference of pas ions and churches, in which several ot the churches of Marion and Polk coun tieg were represented. The union revival meetings at Cot- it aj6 uour Center, street, are still in .progress and Dr. Poling is speaking to large audiences Ho will speak again tonight at 7:30 and also Sunday night 7:30 Everybody should hear him be fore he leaves again for the east. o The road leading out of South Com- tnorcial street in Salem to Jefferson is to be straightened out, broadened end located go us to conform with the lo cation of the Pacific highway as sur voyod by the stato highway engineer, The standard width of the road is to ,l 00 feet. There are also some chang es to bo made in tho road in the road district adjoining and up to Jefferson la order that all may le done logally and according to proper procedure, no ticcs have been postod at the county court announcing that hearings on the proposed changeg will bo lield at the court house 'Friday April 4. Money may now be Bent to .Belgium through tlio post offico, according to announcement mado in a late post of f ice bulletin. The money order business with Belgium was suspended in Au- Fresh from your own garden this Com' , bination Salad! Crisp lettuce, juicy toma toes, weet peppers, onions, radishes, peas, string beans and all the other salad vege tables! You can raise fine ones in your own garden when you plant Morse s California Seeds. There's dependability in ail of Morse's Seeds. They are pedi- !;reed, true-to-name, full of life and very important to you) acclimated to the Pacific Coast. That's why they produce o satisfactorily. - Morse's Seeds are worth their cost and more. Sold by dealers grocers, florists, druggists, etc. -everywhere. C C. MORSE & CO. - Svedtrrowtrs fcr 45 ytara SiU FrancUco, California flniMISSIIijM rreoaretor By giving your house a fresh coat of paint with our PURE PAINT, on which we are maikng a SPECIAL PRICE for this week only. And of course you'll want to re-tint your walls. We are also making a SPECIAL on KALSOMINE in all shades as well as on our WASABLE WALL COAT PAINT. Sec us before you buy FllliCMlEHLUiaCO. ' Everything in Building Material" Phones: West Salem, 411 349 S. 12th Street "?sed up the growth and iProsperity of Oregoiu" ' t j i ffco )JSJfA. - " JSr?feiJa3vM I fill NUTMARGARINE is a pure, wholesome and nutritious product a delicious spread for toast, bread and biscuits, and fine for cakes and pastry. The rich oil from the meat of the cocoanut, churned withva generous quantity of pure pasteurized, sweet milk and just enough salt a Pacific Northwest Product strictly a Quality Product packed in paraffined odor-proof cartons. Your Grocer can supply you. Union Meat Co.; North Portland, Oregon. gust of 1914 when the Germans over ran the country, but now that rthi;igs are onca again quiet in that country, uia international postal service has been established again Money orders may be purchased here. They are sont to the U. S. oxehiiime offices in Wow York mill l-rt.WTltfnn intn .froiirto" flint 'money of Belgium. This exchange of money is made on the basis of ii.la franca for one dollar of -American, mon ey, - '-'.. ' The study hour for- children at the jniblia littary will .be iSaturday morn- igui .oegi niiiiig at iu.ju ciock. mo hlltlfan urlll nnf Anlw IKjv antnwdiiniiil ... . . V if I less eonstantly from furred, coated ton with atones but. will be given soma, ..A . , , h Lieut. Fred gtiver cf the 65th artil lery, well known in Salem, has just ar rived in the city for a brief visit with friends. . o r- . J. W. Feathers, formerly of this city who has Ueeu employed at tho 8t, Hel ens 8hipyrd during the past year has I UJ inuRw. w m uu ui.- plates guiiuf into a small inanufactur ing Ibus'lncMs liere in company with K. S. Van Aernan of Portland, v ; , . 0' ' '. " " ' The uuiaua exhibit of bird houses placed in t.ho window of Meyers dry goods store iby the. boy scouts, has been passed upoa .by a conimiMoo composed or Mrs. -iom Ray, ivi.rs. jm-uioh nioy- era and Mir Irwin Griffith, who award ed the prio to exhibit No, 2, the work of Harold nucolofsky. Prizes Offered For Best Liberty Loan Slogans nn JVanclnoo, Mar. 7. The liberty loan publicity committee has received over MOO letters from all parts of the Pacific slopo containing proposed slo gans for the victory loan. The three ibost slogans will win priz es 'of t;iO, 20 and f 10 The committees today sent, out an appeal for more slogans designed to sell 'bonds. Salem, 81 :J li Spring "COSTS LESS TASTES BESV- that's "UMECO." tAmca Catarrh Of The Stomach Is Dangerous Thousands Have It and Don't Know ,lt," .Sayg Physician. Frequently Mistaken for lu- - laigestion How to Recognize ; and Treat.. ... ' -i. Thousands of .neei.lo .,ffer n.nW 4 .. 1 T tfremient vomiting, ruiiiblina in stoin .inch, bitter eructations, gns, wind and (floinnch acidity and call it indigestion when in reality their trouble is filue to gastric catmrrli of the stoniuch,". 'Write iNew Vorlt physician.:"' ; f Catarrh of the stomach .is .dangerous liceau.so the mucous membrane lining of of h,()Km ' Mw th(l surfac0 so tua tne Btomactt is taickened and a coating , digestive fluids cannot ; mix with the food mid digest them. This condi tion aoon .breeds deadly disease in the tormented, uiiiassimilated food. The Mood is polluted and carries tho infec tion throughout the liody. Gastric ul cers are apt to form and frequently an ulcer is tho first sign of a deadly can- ,,. In catarrh of the stomach good and safe treatment is to take before meals a tenspoonful of pure Bisuratcd Mag nesia in half a glass of hot water as hot s you cmi comfortably drink it. Tho hot water washes tho mucous lrm the stomach walls nud draws the blood to tho stomach while the bisurated mag nesia is an excellent solvent for mucus and increases the efficiency of the hot water treatment. Moreover tho Bisur iitcd Magnesia will serve us a power ful ibut harmless antacid which will neutralize any excess hydrochloric ac id that may be in your stomach and dweeten its food contents. Easy, natur ul digestion without distress of any kind should soon follow. Bisurated Mitgiiesin is not a laxative, is harm less, plensant and easy to take and win bo obtained from any local drug gist. Ion 't confuse Bisurated Magne sia with other forma of magnesia, milks, citrates ,oti, but iret it in the pure biaurated form (powder or tab lota , especially prepared for this pur pose. Telephone And Telegraph Strike To Occar Any Thr.e l'ortliiinl, Ore., March 7. Local offi cials announced today that the girl op erators and linemen of the Tucific Telephone and Telegraph company and the lioymen of the telegraph companies will probably strike simultaneously. Inteinntioiml officers are expected to order tho walkouts on the Pacific coast lit any time, and it is intimated that tlio workers will leave their jobs with oni a minute's warning. liuilroad telegraphers, it is sall, have promised not to hnndlo commercial buii lu'ss in the vont of a strike. A region o-f GrapeMs end cream con tains compleie ii ounshment for e body s needs 1 i l , j; '.SPOKANE 4ND PQRfLAND 'fji ''' s; f- V ' ' . . " ' '. - I. M. T. Dunegah of 'Dallas was in the city yesterday registered at the Bligh. Chris Schueibcl of Oregon City was in 'Salem- yesterday to attend the funer al alt Governor Withycaunbo, Representative James Stewart of Fob ail, who is now making hit homo at C'orvallis wag" in tho city yesterday. O. C. Chapman; e.ditor of the Ore gon Voter, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. ueorge Harbison, who formerly lived at Highland, loft yes terday for Outlook, Washington, where they will make' their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babcock of Sheridan! rV istctred (tod'.Tiy at the Bligh. Mrs. W. T. Wright, wifo o' the cash ier of tho Roaoburg National bank, is visiting her niece, Mrs. McGeorgc, in this city. Mrs. A.' J. Oile and Mrs. R. Eaton left this morning for Salem after a visit in this city at the homo of R. Ij. Oile. Mrs. Gile is the mother of the local prune dealer and Mrs. Eaton who is visiting from Canada, is an aunt. Roseburg News, New York "AU he could do was one step and goose step and bo did that over my feet," Ida Mayes, Baton Rouge nurse, returning on the Levithan said of a German prince she met at a Coblenz dance. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA Mr. G. Satterlee WILL SELL YOUR FARM OR FURNITURE SALES At the right price or will buy same. THE FIRST TWO SALES WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE. "JUST TO GET ACQUAINTED" . Phone 1117 Or CaH at 157 South Commercial Street L. r,-.- . BMM0T WATIE1 iOHT FEIE11IG3BIT Sayt glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons, . i If you wake up with a bad ta3te, bad breath and tongue is coated; if your head is dull or aching; if what you cat sours and forms gas and acid in stom ach, or you -are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling just right, begin inside bathing. Drink before breakfast a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphato in it. Thi8 will flush ,the poisons and toxins from stomach, liver kidneys and bowels and cleanse, sweet en and purify the entire alimentary tract. Do your insido ibathing immedi ately upon arising in the morning to wash out of tho system all the previous day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. To feel like young folks feel; like yon felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with lnody im purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which Ts inexpensive and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder should begin this inside bathing beforo breakfast. Oleomargarine Makes economy a double pleasure; a table treat; delicious on toast and bread and on steaks and vegetables. You'll like it right from the start. Composed of pure, carefully select ed ingredients and churned fresh daily with pasteurized milk. The most noticeable differ ence between Columbia Brand Oleomargarine and fane creamery butter is the price and it's in favor of users of OleuuiarRarine. I'neked in waxed, odor roof - cartons. U. S. Gov ernment inspected. UNION North Portland, Oregon TAKE Call your h H . : AT ONCE. Then take the earliest opportunity of conveying to said dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of these This Man Talks Like It Was a Ford. Hood River, Or., Route, Mar. 4. vaugban Motor Works, Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs: Am having fine suc cess with the little old bag. Aver age ten ricks to gallon of gas; al so' cut 300 ricks at 4 l-8c cost per rick. Going some for an old riff. Respectfully yours, J. J. MM'NEMACIIEB. VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., f Main Street Portland, Oregon. Most Housewives Prefer Crown Flow Becaust it is always de pendable; not good one time and poor the next, but ALWAYS good. Crown flour is as nearly right as the best wheat, modern machin ery and expert milling knowledge can make it. Every household should use this splendid flour. - A A Ml . a irai win convince you. NOT BLEACHED. Canital Journal Want Ads Will "THE THRIFT SPREAD" 1' MEAT CO. INVESTIGATE ' , nearest dealer for information LABOR SAVERS r A Gasoline" Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that saws up to 25 cords of wood ' per 'day. ' f "' : NOTE: Wt) also suggest that for good results you should specify a VAUGHAN - Drag Saw. , For further details address fTlieSignOf Good Qualify . I I SHOULD BUY GOLDEN ROD CERIALS Because The Quality is Excellent. Their Cost is Reasonable - Thoy are s Home Industry pro duct. GOLDEN ROD BULL- J INGCO. Cereal Millers and Poultry Food Manufacturers. rOKTLAND, , OKEGON Get Yea What Yea Wast 3 JA yv wa m