Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 06, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion .. 16
M week (6 insertions) 5e
Oae month (29 insertions) 17c
Ths Cs&fa Journal will not be re
STpeagibls for more than OAS insertion,
tat error in Classified Advertisements
ad your advertisement ths first day
It appears mad notify us immediately if
Mrror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c.
WANTED Secondhand linoleum at
once. 1601 Center S$. . tf
Today 544 State St. Opp court house
PIANIST and saleslady. F.
worth Co.
W. Wool
tf HOB RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 1510 State. 3-0
"WAJfTEID Man experienced in ilo
draining. Phone 8F22 evenings. 3-6
BUGS cleaned 35a per rug Phone 16.
h. L. Buekner. 4-4
TWO men wanted
work. Phone 752.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 482 S. High. 3-6
HOB SALE Team, weight 3000 lbs.
LM. Wilkerson, 290 W. Miller. 3-6
HOR SALE Good, thrifty Logan tips.
Phone 65F15, 3-6
3POK SALE God table potatoes,
(1.25 per sack Phone .86F22. tf
FORD for sale cheap. Just been over
hauled. Phona 853J. tf
"WANTED Young male canary,
drees 1158 N. 'Commercial St.
WANTED -Acreage near Salem. Ad
dress DeiVoe, Baker Apt. 645 Ferry
. 3-12
8JQAISD and room in modern home,
near state house. Phone 1354R. 161
S. 14th. 3-12
ffV)R SALE Cream separator, good as
new, 800 lbs. per hour capacity. E U
oars Journal. 3-8
WAiNTED To let ns wash and polish
Tour car Phone 1260, 320 N. Com.
at. - .... 3-
IK)R aAIMSix room, 2 atory house,
and! earaga on State street: for in
formation call Main 1185. tf
MSOKABGED soldier wants work by
hour or by day,-Address Myrtle ho
tel room 15. 3-8
BARRED Rock eggs & hatching,
from fine winter layers, $1.50 fo 15
K H. Pickens,. 805 8 14th St; . tf
FOR S&LB Elated whleat straw $
at barn.. Telephone 13F4 near Mid
dle Grove school. 5-28
FOR RENT 'Modem upper flat, etose
in. See R. B. Fleming, 250 or 789
Court. Phone 124 o 92. tf
MY 1919 breeding pen of 30 W. Leg
horn 2-rear old, heavy laying strain,
$1.25 apiece. John Bailey, Rt. 9, box
55. ' 3-8
ADMINISTRATORS why pay 5 per
cent when you can get Col. W. J!.
Wrieht. auctioneer, Turner, for 2
ner cent. 3-6
LIBERTY BONDS If yon must dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masomo Wda, tf
TOR TRADE A (rood.: neat 4 room
house with oarage to trade for auto.
Ooll 1644 or 2028 in mornings, tf
OR SALjs i xl3 tnaft governor,
engine and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268. Turner. Or. tf
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Score, 179
Commercial. tf
"WE PAY hiffhest cash priee for eggs,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
irangier vo, in a, xuga ou iu
1400. tf
AS GOOD a. new, gas range, good
heating stove, water heater, Tetail
ored overcoats and suits, at half
priee. The Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. . tf
IFOR SAIE Health andeautv. cause
; symptoms and treatment of almost
- every known disease. Home treat
ment simplified for everybody. Reg
ular price $1, samples full size, this
month only, 26 and 50 cents, 376
Belmont, , . ,- 3-8
314 Masonic: Bldg. , . .Salem, Ore..
BOARD and room
Phone 1074.
at 1120
FOR SALE! Boston 3 Star eomet. In
quire 483 Stat 8t. 3-11
TRAILERS for sale and made to or
der. 271 D St. . 3-12
YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale.
675 Brooks Ave. 3-36
SHINTO-LING and roof repairing. C. C.
Kays, Phone 1802. 3-11
WANTED Small potatoes for feed. M
S. Lang, Phone 35F25. 3-12
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any kind. Phone 1576W, . 3-15
1917 FORD car in good condition,
cheap. Inquire Will Music store. 3-7
WANTED To exchange two fine resi
dence city lota for light automobile.
Phone 1147. 3-12
FOR SALE House and tot, 54x164,
1 blocks from State, 259 S 19th.
. 3-27
FIRST CLASS baled clover hay for
sale. Eeppinger, Gervais, Rt. 2, box
1. - 3-5
WANTED Ex-perienccfl grafters at
1 ruitland nursery. Phone 1111 21, Sa
lem Rt. 6. . - tf
HIMALAYA tips, 500 for sale. W. C.
iTanklin. Kt. 1, box 11. Phone 52'
14.. tf
GROCERY stock and fixtures must be
. sold within. 30 days, easy tonus, 1390
S. 12th St. tf
EXPERIEN1CED Wan wishes position
as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd
Bush reference. Phone 664. tf
FOR SALE CHEAP 1915 Studebaker.
4 cylinder. A-l condition, $550. See
Jones, 162 N. Commercial St. 3
WANTED A woman or girl for gen
eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap-
Tly moraines 890 Oak St. tf
FOR SALE 5 pass. Ford for sale, all
good tires $375. H. i. Bonesteele:
Perry & Ooml. - 3-6
FOR SALE Lot 2, block 2, Salem
heights, $300. Liberty bonds accept
ed at par. Inquire 1693 N. Fifth. 3-6
ONION seed for sale, Oregon Yellow
Danver, half globe, tested and guar
anteed, $2 per lb. John B. Macy,
Brooks, Ore. - - tf
GHJOTJBNS -wanted, highest prices
paid. Heavy hens 2Se; light Bens
27c; fancy veal 21c. Cherry City
Feed barns. " , ' 3-
WANTED Up to 200 White Leghorn
yearling hens in good condition. iHve
number, location and price. AddresB
W. H. Swank. Aumsville. Or. 3-7
FOflJ 8IALE White Leghorn and Ore
gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba
by chicks $10 per hundred. 7ts o.
13th St.
FRUITLAND iNursery, Salem, route 6,
box 138E phone 1HF21. We have the
Roman strain eratted Franquet wai
uutg and also a few more Italian
Drune trees loft. J' 312
WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
run for sale, at a bargain Willam
ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South
Hitch St. Phone 1400. tf
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, White
Leghorns, heavy layers, $8 per 100,
$1 per sotting of 15. ir view row
try Farm. Salem, Or., Rt. 7, box 48,
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
. ear eome and see me.
Studebaker, 6 or 7 pass., perfect
will take small car in trade.
Dodge, big bargain, $650.
Maxwell, almost new, bargain
Buick roadster, $325
Elgin 6, will consider property in
exebango .
Maxwell roadster $275 '. '
1917 Maxwell touring, almost new
big bargain at $575 '
Paige touring car, big bargain .
Studebaker, perfect condition $300
1912 Cadillac, good shape $400
Elgin, good as new $1123
Ford touring, perfect, $375
Ford bargain, $350
Phone 362
1; New Today-; Ads
FOB &ALE-01d fir 7.50, ash $7.75.
Call evenings 1181M. - 3
WANTED Housekeeping work, in
private family. M-41 cara Journal.
FOR SALE Ford trailer, in good con-
rtion. Phone 1496. 3-8
EXCHANGE) section in Lake coun
ty to trade for Salem property.
Phone 1178 after 7 p. m. 3-10
OTK WANTED I&gs, rubbers, tools
furniture, clothing and junk of all
kinds. Phone 493, 347 Court St. 3-7
FOR RENT Nice, clean, modern
housekeeping rooms, 4 in suite. En
quire 246 State St. tf
FOR SALE -Choice grain hay for sale
at the Paimera ieed barn, is. tiign
street. tf
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred
Rock also White Indian icunner
duck. 2035 Fairground road. 3-10
WANTED iSewing by the day by ex
perienced seamstress. Phone 6S4M.
FOR SALE One black, four year old
horse, 1250 weight, broke double.
Price $65. 2015 N. Com'l. 3-7
HOUSEKEEPER wishes steady work
in country. Write Mrs. lowning,
1613 iN. Front. - 3-7
NORTHWESTERiN Nursery, Rt. 6.
... . i- ci I
J) ruit trees, roses aua suruos, operam
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. tf
YOUNG woman desireB position as as
sistant in light house worn or as
companion to an elderly lady. Box
312, Independence, Or. 3-6
ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon
Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteea,
$2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervais
Bt. 3. Phone 4iui. . o-v
MULH8, HORSES Car load good
oung teams, We Dioeay ronin neavy
boned kind, also several spaa heavy
moles, will arrive in Salem on or
before March 9th. Guarantee given
with ATarv horse or mule from re-
annnmbla rj&rt&ea. 3-6
FOB SALH-JOonrolets sawmill with
dry kiln, edger, planer, timber ana
logs. iApacity is m. au mscnmorj
in. Pood runnina oondition. Fisher
Lumber Co. No. 3, Silverton, Or. 3-9
FOR SALB-jClover hay $23 per ton;
clover seed SOe Ter B; apples 1.70
ner bushel. Rt. 6, hox 61, Phone
F21. ..- i- ... V
FOR SALE Orw sorrel Belgian horse
eolt, 8 years OiQ, eeavy ooneu; irao
driving horse, 7 years wo, one sw
ain Wnnwi unil flart. Phoma 36F14.
LOGJANBERRY plants for sale, J. P.
AftninwaMi IBrooKS. KJT.. rnone oo
r 1 . '
WHITE Rock' eggs for hatching. Phone
FOR SALE 6 lots. 8 room plastered
house on pavement, with water,
bath, hot water tank, electric lights
on S. High St. Priee $2150. Write Rt.
8. box 46. Salem. 3-10
FOR SALE 314 Studebaker wagon,
A-l condition. 1 set double harness,
1 eood work horse, weight 1200
pounds, and 12 head shoats, weight
75 to HO pound9, at a oargnm 11 lai
en at once. J. C. Coffey, Rt. 3, box
192. ltt mile west of Liberty. 3-10
FOR SALE Two pair of Gurnsey
fowl. $2.50 pair; a twod Old Trusty
ineubator, 300-egg capacity for $10;
fine store counter 18 ft. long and 4
fine glass show cases, also 150 raw
'hide chairs, 6000 ft. of No. 1 clear
seasoned rustic, 4 and 0 in. for any
of above phone 19F3. R. R. Ryan, tf
MUST be sold at once, T room bunga
low, full cement basement, furnace,
full Dutch kitchen, plastered thru
out, well finished, furnace heat in
eveTy room, block from pavement,
8 blocks from university, also gar
age, barn, some fruit. Price $2250.
Socolafsky. 341 State St. tf
FOR SALE 5 room residence at 1309
Waller St. 1 block from car and 1
block from Yew Park school, hard
finish, electric lights, bath, a barn
and a large lot for $1200, $400 cash,
remainder $10 per month.
I also have a 4 room residence, well
located near car on graveled St. for
$550, cash.
You will have to see these proper
ties at once if you expect to get
m e scon
404 Hubbard bldg.
A 7 ROOM house completely modern,
on Court street, $3650.
A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good
lots a daisy, on Capitol street for
A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount
avenue at $3500, hag good new gar-
A large brick building on North Lib-f-rtr
street for salo or rent, at a bar
gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 21th
St. An extreme bargain. Make me
an offer. 8
A large house on Summer St, close
to state capital. What will you give
A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty
St at $1600. .
A good 7 room house, all in fine con
dition end quite modern, only one
Wnok from irnfld Srhool $1500.
If you are looking for bargains see
me at once. U. w. jaiiar, insurance
man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf
WANTED Man and wif on farm,
permaMct. Call 4F2 or Rt. 8, box
48. . 37
FOR BALE Small bungalow cheap;
term,. r will trade for car. 620 8.
18th Bt 3-7
ITALIAN prune trees for sale, reason
able. Twia Hill farm, R. P. D, Tur
ner, Or. Phone Salem 49F24. 3-11
FOR SALE Cheap, n improved lot; a
good investment if taken at once.
Inquire at 1520 N. jFront street. 3-12
CLOSING out my entire stoek of Eng
lish White Leghorn pullets and
breeding hens. Rt. 7, box 75. Phone
92F11. 3-6
FOR SALE Bpaii of mules, good
heavy harness, brand new wagon. Rt.
5, box 123A, near Rickey school
house. 3-5
FOR SALE 3 dosen fine Barred Rock
hens, 6 fino Barred Rock roosters.
Hens $1.50 each roosters $2.50 each.
R. I. Ryan, Rt. 6, phone 19F3. 2-7
BEAUTTFTJL home at sacrifice, one
acre, all kinds of fruit and berries,
on pavement, not far from school
and state capital. Owner, Phone 2440.
WANTED A position in grocery or
dry goods store, or to cook tor some
hospital or institution where there
i9 no othw housework. Can give ex
cellent references. Address M-51 care
Journal. 3-6
HORSES Will arrive at Skipton's
sale stable, 448 Ferry St., Salem,
Mar. 6 car of Camp Lewis horses,
heavy boned and blocky, some well
matched teams, 2400 to 2600 lbs.,
guaranteed as represented or money
back. W. S. Pemberton. 3-11
FOR SALE Well improved 10 acre
tract, close in, will take good modern
residence property as part payment.
See W. H Grabenhorst & Co., 275
Stats street. ; 3-7
FOR BALE 56 acre farm, good house,
barn, well, first class fruit Jand, au
cultivated, rock road. Price $85 per
acre. See W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co-,
275 State street.
FOB SAIiH 63 acre farm, nearly all
under cultivation; good house, barn,
located 5 miles N. E. of Salem, Pries
$145 per acre. See W HLGrabenhorst
ft Co, 275 Stats street 3-7
FOR SAJLB (Fine 7 room modern house
and two lots located on the corner
of Stats and 14th street. Priee $7.
500. W. H. Grabenhorst 4 Co., 275
Stave street. , " 3-7
37 ares, 17 in 5 -year old prunes, 16
aeres in cultivation, balance- partly
cleared and good pasture, on rock
road, feneed, 4 miles from Salem,
. $130 per acre.
50 acres, all cultivated, tho best of
valley loam, good house and barn,
4 indies from Salem, $160 per acre.
This is a snap.
160 acres, all cultivated, well tiled,
fenced, the best of improvemenes,
rock road, close to good town, in fin
est portion of the country, $125 per
Have several very fine prune ranch
es at very reasonable prices.
Have several large stock and grain
ranches to exchange . for smaller
ranches near Salem.
For best buys- see
Bayne Building
Plumbing and Water Systems Installed
by GRABER BROS., 141 Soutn UDerty
St, Phone 560. Also agent Jor Pair
banks-Morse Gag Engines.
sTjrfjl-'f-Wi V J
Fair Ground
Corner Silverton Road and
Pacific Highway
Repair Shop
Ford worjc a specialty
All work guaranteed. Let us
give you an estimate on
your work
fl f M&lWW8WBWI61SSiSSfct&
r4 '
Held Acdience From First Of
Star Spangled Banner
Last Of "Over There.1
- From the first majestic strains of
The Star Spangled Banner and the in
spiring La Marseilles to the playing of
the only great late American, war song,
'Uvcr There, the famous French band
which played last night to 2,000 people
in the armory, had the closest attention
of all. And not only that, but it had
the most enthusiastic approval of alt
as shown by the repeated encores.
Aud then the audience was in a won-
derfuly fine humor evon if the eoncert
did not begin until along lomrds 10
o'clock, as the men and director were
truly French and lived up to the aver
age ideai of what a French band should
The director, famous on the battle
field as well as a graduate or tho Con
servatory of Music at Pans, was there
with the correct French gestures and the
swaying and the emphatic beating of
time a. hi famous musicians were led
up to the fortissimo passages. For
even the man who is such a musical
barbarian as to be unable to distinguish
between an American and a French
national anthem, could not but feel that
the French players were something
, Wouldn't Give Encore.
Musicians are temperamental and not
supposed to be guided by tho ways and
customs of the average individual.
Hence . when Georges True was not
quite satisfied with the Eranich &
Bach grand piano, an instrument u. un
usual beauty of tome, he reiusuu 1.0
respond to an encore and refused to
appear on the program the second time.
But Georges, he of the rounded musical
forehead and temple and the true look
of the musician, was such a fine pian
ist that the audience goodnaturadely
forgave him, eveu if it did give him
the most enthusiastic encore of the
The audienee was given a program
most appropriate. Instead ot going in
to the long heavy stuff, Bach and Bee
thoven and guch, the eonauctsr present
ed a program mostly of military airs
and selections played on the battle
field. It pleased the immense audience
as there was truly a dash and a fine
spirit Ba truly French.
And now the Salem Unit American.
War Mothers will have sufficient xunds
to properly prepare aa appropriate home
coming for the boys of Company M who
were overseas, There is credit due to
the patriotic and energetic business men
who brought the band to the city and
who due deep infto their pockets in or
der that the entirs receipts 01 tno eon
ert should be given to the War Moth.
It was fine eincert imd now more
than ever we al! love the French. Vive
la France and Vive the Freneh band.
WANTED An experienced cook. Ap
ply at Y. W, v. A., iaa JN. unaeny
St. tf
(Capital Journal Specfal berviee)
Cloverdalo. Mar 6. Miss Ethol Craig
who is teaching near Talman spent the
week nd here. '
Geonze Garner and famrly, living
north of Salem, " spent Sunday at the
home of J. D, Craig.
Mrs. F. A. Wood tpunt Tuesday in
Elmer Hennis returned to the train
ng camp in Wyoming, leaving here
Leonard Farris was given a bra sur
prise Sunday when all his schoolmates
camo in to spend tne day ana enjoy
,the Wlj Ibirt'hdsiy dinner with him.
Those present were Mildred Schifferer
Carl and Bcnnie Wiper, Doual Town-send-and
Leonard Farris.
Mrs. Jano Morris died at hor homo
Saturday evening following a brief ill
ness of about three woeJts, during
which time her daughter, Mrs. Grace
Thomas, has been at her bedside con
stantly. .
She was laid to rest in the Odd Fel
lows cemetery Monday afternoon,
funeral -services ibeina held at the
housa. She leaves three daughters, Mrs.
Grace Thomas of Cloverd'aie, Mrs. Ju
lia Simmons of Silverton and Mrs. Eva
Humming and a son, Niiwton Morris,
of Spring Valley, Polk county, and
host of grand children, besides, many
other relatives living near here,
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Fairfield, Mar. 6. Mr. and Mrs.
Congdon of Eugene are visiting this
week with their daughter, Mrs. E. B.
Smith, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. W. Mahony and fam
ilv w re giiets at John M-aVthalers
iFeb. 23. .! P
Mr. and Mrs. John Iml&h visited last
iFriday with the lattT'g parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos Hnjyill, at N'orlh Howell.
Howard Bliven is tho possessor of a
new Chevrolet car.
Ralph DuBette had the misfortune of
losing two of his fine cows Saturday,
from being foundered.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ballweber, who
were employed on the Tom Ditman
ranch, removed to their home near
Monitor. j
Miss Gladys Lorett spent the wecki
end with relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ' J. Miller, and '
little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John(
Imlah visited the auto show in Port-:
land Saturday and Sunday, and were
joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Casny of MeMinnville.
Miss Margaret Marthalcr spent the
w,"- k end with her parents. -
Supervisor Mrs Fulkerson visited
Miss Nellie Marthalcr ' school
M.is Gladys LoTett 's school Mon
day, oui'e a n'-nt little sum was given
1... 1,a .olinnl ttiltlren tnr 4ha ArTYian.
3 ian relief fond.
The nameplate of two of the SPECIAL LINES of
CORSETS we carry. A corset to fit every figure.
(See display in Court Street Window)
Special Offer
The graetest magazine for the home published.
Come in and take advantage of the
Given by Wm. M. Ranger, the Delineator's Special
You can always do better at
" If! -al IW1 '
9 f'f W V T"1
The legislature just closed exceeded
all reeords of bills passed, although lag
ging behind the three preceding ses
sions for the number of bills introduc
ed. The number of bills finaly passed
was 436 out of 821 introduced, or over
50 percent pased. As to the number of
bills; In 1917 886 bills were introduced
and only 427 passed, while in 1915 830
were introduced and 349 passed.
The high water mark for new bills
was the 1913 session, when 971 were in
troduced and 389 passed. The follow
ing statistics on the the sessions from
and including 1909 were prepared by
deputy secretary of gtate, Krozer:
Senate bille introduced 1909262;
1911, 307; 1913, 338; 1915, 315; 1917,
318; 1919, 299.
House bills introduced 1909, 3B5; 19-
11,418; 1913, 515; 3917, 5fi8; 1919, 522.
Total bills introduced 1909, 627; J
11, ,725; 1913, 971; 1915, 830; 1917.
88: 1019, 821.
Total bills passed and filed in the
office of secretary of state 1909, 233;
1911,275; 1913,389; 1915, 349; 1917, 427;
1919, 436. '
"Last year I purchased a standard
make of shoes, and in sixty days the
soles were worn through. I had them
re-soled with Neolin Soles which
lasted me six months in the same
service that wore out the other soles
in two," writes E. A. Lancaster oi
Lancaster & Company, jewelers,
Creeneville, Term.
Mr. Lancaster's experience with
Neolin Soles is not unusual. Millions
of people can testify to their long wear
and economy. To reduce your shoe
expense, buy Neolin-soled shoes. You
can get them in many styles for every
member of the family.
Neolin Soles are created by Science
to be comfortable and waterproof as
well as long wearing. Good repair
shops carry them. They are made
by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.,
Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot
Heels guaranteed to outwear all
other heels.
fleoliii Sales
A new feature of 1919 War
Savings Stamp aotivltieg Is tbe
stamp of $100 denomination,
which will probably be placed on
the market this month.
The f 100 stamps will be about
ths size ot a Liberty bond and
will sell for $82.60 if put on sale
In February. The pries will in
' creaso 20 cents each succeeding
month until the end of the year.
If you want your corsets to
wear be sure they fit And
for correct fitting don't
make the mistake of select
ing a size too small. A
smart, daintily contoured
figure is never the result
of crowding but skillful
designing such as found in
the lines of corsets we
Berkeley, Calif., March 8. Team
work by the University of Oregon quin
tet won last night 'g basketball game
from the University of California, by a
L'score of 39 to 37. After finishing a
poor second in the 'first half, the visi
tors tied the score in the second half,
and won in an additional five mlnuto
period. Durao starred for Oregon.
p,,) '
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