Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 06, 1919, Image 4

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Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address AH Communications To
AIJEM 136 8. Commercial Bt. QBEGQN
., , . .... S5.00 Per Month..
Daily by Man, per yr-
Per Month...
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribuns Building.
' W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Oai Building
... . Tnrni eirrior boys are instructed to put the papers on the
?t7Xr icr XfnS thV iBses you, or neglect, getting th paper
tarrier has missed you,
U the only newspaper in Balem whoee circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
most illogical is the argument that it wiU lnteriere wiu
. r T . nl- vi-i tr r
S critTcs ob ect that a LatitfAmerican dispute o
antKmerican state What, then, becomes of the
"TseS'd answer is given by the New
EeP"Those who raise such questions have f orgotter i that
the Monroe J-t
Doctrine in the law of nations. . - - T jPaffue
This seems to be the precise siUon The Le ague
iJ, nian really represents the fulfillment ot tne
of Nations plan reaiiy i p maintain it
M-r2 SJtVof t5 the European powers.
Consenting to the principles n-
yolved and agreeing to neip eniorce wwu
. ...i:i?oH 7ia would like to see a
put in their time T!SASS.
ffii&ftffi to important factor in future
Tn i letter from Sweden in which he sets forth his
w forX SSuctofthalast offensive on the
St&orff says: -In the rest and quiet
ISch have been denied me in my native land -isn t that
tat like a militarist toflgA'Z
land, when, thanks to his doctrines, all the rest ot tne
world is in an uproar.
The Junior Red Cross recently launched a children's
health tournament throughout the country and the little
folks are hard at work competing for buttons and badges
to show to a wondering world that they have attained
the various ranks of knighthood involving the completion
of certain health tasks during the periods of two, five and
fifteen weeks. " ' - ; . , ,.,,
Probably many distracted mothers will wish that an
enthusiastic public would leave their children alone, but
it is pretty good for the children. No child who has put
in a period of fifteen weeks in the observance of certain
laws of health himself, and in helping those around him to
observe them, can ever go back to his former state of ig
norance as regards cleanliness, infection and contagion,
though his first enthusiasm may wane.
And what could be better than to have children cm
th fnr rpenrrls in cleanliness and health? It is a bet
ter education than all the "three R's" can give them.
Children cherish responsibility. It gives them a de
lightful feeling of importance, and nothing better can be
done for tne neaitn oi ine worm uuui iu maw ic uum
ren feel that it is in their hands. , '
The brave little knights are startmng out to search
for their good-health goal. It behooves the old knights
to set them a good example, to speed them in their search.
f!1PTYiPTireau is back in his nlace as
A J. lliAVA
presiding officer of the peace conference, having recover
ed from his recent wound. During his long career many
nersons have tried to kill the "Lion ot trance" nut none
have succeeded.
rrUrt Wisvn til-Tin rA Tint. fiVhf in thft war are working
J.UC liiClA YYiiW ..,... V V 1 J-J
overtime now investigatinng the methods of those who ail
fight and win it. . '
T linfl "somewhere heard that oae of
the great joys oi married life lay in
its surprises. To be able to say and
do things at a moment's notlee, Instead
of arranging and calculating evcryming
in advance.
I do not agree,
i The surprises of y warned life have
...i. u Jntfo nnt manv of them.
Thines done at a moment's notice have
not turned out as gaticiacim",r s
might. No, I do not believe that I like
surprises 0f W , T
I thought of Mr. Frederick as I pre
awfully plain
lookuig, there was no denying that, let
ui. ruu nalnulated. to inspire con-
j,-, v. T,u;tl,,w liin annerance nor
his manners could have been of much
uso in making him tne very
i Tl.tif li was ruirECdly hou-
XUUU Ufl una, -. . ,,
t.Ai nnuition. I woudoreu liliy
etn, 0"o r""'" , :
what it was he wauited to see mo auouu.
awitchod off the
Ub -----
light and had lain. down, I forgot that
there was any sucn person o
An Immense Acreage Needed
lo insure A ouppiy tor
The Local Company.
To the Farmers in the Salem District
For several moirthg we have been
conducting an a&tve campaign aiming
growers for the purpose of securing a
very large planting in strawberries,
raspberries, (Loganberries, gooseberries
and currants. We pointed out the enor
mous profits to the producer. The re
sponse has been very encouraging. We
have booked large orders for tips and
pkmlj and -our stock is almost exhaust
ed. In another month spring will be
here and igrowers should make prepa
rations to get their ground in shape for
rla Yi t.in,fr mw Arnnift.
r" - o" w
Our jelly, jam and preserve plant is
in tun operation, But wo musi nave
Berries of everv variety to Keen us oc
cupied all tho year around. We per
sistently pointed out to growers the
enormous profits to be derived from
small fruits, how it would add value
to your laud and how it was possible
to make the Willamette valley famous
as the createst berry district in the
United States. The opportunity, not
alone to make largo prolits but to put
fhi W41Inmnti v,uUmr nn .tho mnT). Praia
entirely with the progressive growers.
almiit Wa VlBVfl ftllVftdv Rlfnt lOVed"
i(i400,000 in advertising your products;
I :nninri 41 in thia ihnfli-
n,. lvava Aaltt.h) 1 ahfiH An AXtnfiive
isystom of selling jellies, jams, and pre-
., , . 1.1 A nm
iserves tnrougnuut i" wunu wiu uw
appeal to the growers to furnish the
(necessary fruit, which is so essential to
(mutual success.
Let us -briefly outline the market
thev exist' todav and the
Lacraage which we are willing to con-
L BtramhftrrfnK W will AOntnaat for
Jlthe-1919 croip at Mi cents per pound
(wtticli is equal ro ?ouu jui
irate of 30ft eratos of 18 pounds each
of the Wilson variety planted on good
., m, . um.. -1 . .XT- lOI ft ..a
. '(SOU. ino-' JVtieriwrjj tu. xm, a n
The- next day .'wag unpleasant o I nA very tardy variety,, has yielded as
busied myself about the apartment,, do-.(high as 600 crates per acre, but sets
i , :iUl ttii. mirintv nrA limitl-rt. and While
(UA IJU. .v. " ,
(we have sOme on hand, we are unable
Ito- furnijsh them in large quantities.
(This is an ideal Strawberry en sandy
loam iground and we urgo you to gei
,.t,i nnwinn -thorn. Wfl will contract
!1000 acres of strawberries commensmg
iwith 1919 or l'Jau antt running tnrougu
itho life ot tne piant.
i PaunhBrrtPM ,Wn will contract the
(yield from 1000 acres of raspberries of
.(. phiit vnrjntT for three or five
HUC wuia."V. V - 'J "
years, To growers who have raspber-
iries in nearing we wm yaj 072 w
iper pound which is equal to $500 to
$BUI) gross per acre, ovaia louuus
or grain. Doesn't itl
1 ' Logatibonies When we speak of Lo
. i-hink aif TjOJIL Aimsri-
liea's famous beverage, and PHEZ, Am
erica's famous rure juice 01 mo w
ganberrv, then we think of Loganiber
,ry jellies, jams, and preserves for
.i,(i hro ia a dnnstantlv increasing
Ms gray eyes, nut 11 it was tnero, 11 idemanu. we can use me pruuuk
was already gone when he began to jioOO acres for five years at prices
vaV :i,;,,i. mill tiAt. iklnO tier acre, when
'Your husband is a young man ,plntcd on the right kand of land, lhis
compared to me. He is a very smart jg one of the Willamette valley 's best
young man too smart, I am. afraid, I .berries on account of its ptoductave-
ness ana long me, ulot '
If your feet are bard to fit yon will always find
, as equal to the occasion. The proper shoes fit-,
ted to your feet means satisfaction and comfort.
ins little odd ioba that alwaTS wait
for a rainy'day ta.be done rather, for
a housewife to have the gnt to. Attack.
AH the morning J kept thinking of Mr.
Frederick, wondering what he had to
oil rri TTn nnillA tlrnmntlv H. 3 n'ftlnftk.
At first he seemed a bit awkward, and
l, oegan to tuinn no was just mailing
a social call. But there had been some
thing in his manner the night before
which precluded that. Ho had an ob
icct. I would try to out him at ease.
then he would tell me what it was.
So I chatted about the play wo had
seen and other things until suddenly he
stopped me:
''I have come here this afternoon
tn sav mimntliinff.. and. beinir a blunt
man, I am going to sy it."
" xes, Mr. rec-ericn, l Knew you naa
some purpose in calling."
He looked at me keenly, 'and I thot
l detected a Dioam or admiration in
Mayer's Genuine
Shoes & Julietts
NO 14
Mayer's Martha Wash
ington dress shoes, fine
kid uppers, medium nar
row, plain sole, medium
height heel, a real com
fort dress shoe. Sizes 3
to 8, C to EE. Price
' v;;; $5.75'.
in BuiHtence. Mv thought vecreu think vou have creat influence with
to Noil and the business which had tak-ni m. you mllgt hove. You aro a sen
en him' to Boston. That buBiuoss about ; sii)iei jevci headed woman. Hold him
Then, all hot
WU1CII UO wa bu Bvv-.v. .
suddenly, Blanche Orton poppod into fast. ? .. .
my mind. On tne uay aitor uut x ao not, urge am i0 mane
dinner party I had decided to dismiss money!" . ,'; .
all jealousy of her as f utile But justj jj tut you STe extravagant. You
as a porson who thinks above love live, you dross, you entertain as I
considers tho possibility of being in wonldn 't , f eel I could afford to do;
love cuds by loving, so the person who yet I'll gamble that I'm worth ten
ponders whether or not he has cause timeg ag mUch as: Forbes your.hus-
for jealousy onus Dy ueconung juuiua. nana, i am interestoa in mm, nun m
By Watt Mason
Forget the grief of yesterday ; he is the greatest bore
I know who buttonholes us on. his way, to talk about some
bygone woe. Forget the grudge you've held so long
"trinst the gent who lives next door; it's doubtless true
you're in the wrong; his head's entitled to be sore. For
get tho chances you have missed, forget the hopes that
proved a frost; there always is a chance, I wist, as good
as any you have lost. Forget your princely pedigree, for
ret the blue blood in your veins; get out where common
mortals be, and match with theirs your stately brains.
Forget the grandeur of the past if you re reduced to low
estate- get lown to tacks anl hustle fast, and keep your
winning sidle on straight. Forget the dark unpleasant
things; we. all have troubles of our own; we love the lad
who smiles and sings, detest the one who sheds a groan.
Forget the ailments you have had, the mumps, the gland
ers and the gout; forget the truss and liver pad, and talk
of tractors, tripe and trout Forget all weary things that
bore, that keep men yawning as you spiel; spring gladness
when you have the floor, and tell how dad-blryned good
you feel.
Hn I once more suffered the pain of
iealousv of Blanch Orton. Onceiore I
m Jl . VT . I 1 t. A 1
recalled every rord or praise nou u
ever spoken of her. I had writhed
,.,i,.. i .Mulliul whjit ho had said about
her bei"E ftblo to influence business
mou where I could not, I lett into
writing Moil to come homo at once that
I was jealous; and ho must come aim
tii ,ii' hnw hn loved mo. ana mane me
forget that Blanch Orton existed.
strangely, however, my last waning
thnmrht wns of Mr. Frederick, and a
sleepy wonder regarding what ho wanted.
You naturally feel secure when you
know flint the medicine you are about
to take is absolutely pure and contains
no harmful or rmrtit producing uruga..
Srneh a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and bladder
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence if maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It i wiemtifieally compounded from
wjetablo herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
tcaspoanful doses.
H is not recommended for everything
Jt is nature's great helper in reliev
ing and overcoming kidney, liver and
bluddVr troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. -Kilmer's Sntimp
Root. If row need a meMieine, you sliouM
have the bot. On ale at all drusr stores
"in lioMlo of two sist's, medium and
However, if you wish first to try this
great, preparation send ten centa to Dr.
Kilmer ,('.. Binghamton, N. Y, for
a sample bottle. V lion writing be sure
and mention tho Salem Daily Capital
TAppointed Military Gov
' crnor Of Santo Domingo
v...yr . ......... .
: ' V
I. f , t .
i f ' "
I . - - " :
.,""; !
-j " .-
,.ho 1S vara old anil Still produc
,ing bumper crops, vvo can nunngo iv
-.!., vbMi -wiili atu'onfi vigorous
plants at 15 per 1000, through grow
ers, if your oruer is iia;eu ui um,c
Gooseberriea and Currants Tlieao
much neglected but splendid berries
are again. toeing sought after and grow
ers who have large or small patches
jttxuiM irivo them caref.ll attention.
i.Thcre will bo a good demand for them
.this year and tor years to come.
Let. us again impress upon you the
.importance of the industry. The Ore
gon legislature which just closed pass
ed an extensive and comprehensive re
construction program to take caro ot
our returning soldiers, sailors a-nd ma
rines and develop tho industrial and
commercial wealth of Oreigon and the
.'fruit and .berry industry is out anuui
l.er link in the chain of wealth and
progress to Oregon. Wo aro doing our
part and are presenting opportunities
which we feel certain will coutiibuto
to the well being and happiness of our
Wa will be pleased to nave vuu rn
us on the subject. Io it now.
Louis Lachinund, Mgr. Green Fruit
Department. ,
i n. -ni.nn TOftl,! "Re-nrefienta'tive,
u, u. r;- --
w;t fnr nur new iiooklet. wnicn
is full of information on Berries nd
JHow to Grow Them. Sent free upon
request. -
Eoar-A4mi.rl Xhomu Snowden,
mho haa been detailed mm military
governor of the repflbilo of Santo
Coming o, and m military rpra
wotaUve of the United States in
ilAUl. .Admiral 8nowdea has been
joa duty tn the office of B&vsl op
WaUon tn Waahincton.
you. There aren't enough steel-sharp
young men floating around for him to
mako a bungle of Mb business life just
because he is in a hurry to nil ms uas
et with golden eggs."
'Rnt Mr. Frederick I don't under
stand. I have told him that he would
make himself ill, but ho only laughs at
jien. I never have urged nun to cxiena
lii business tn eivo me luxuries, even
th0 I have accepted them gladly. I
am afraid I don't understand why "
" Ho wonder you don t nut you win
when I lell you that no young man cr.n
make money as fast as he does, in the
wny he makes it and do it honestly.
Someone is bound to suffer. Forgive
mo. but I had to tell you so you could
make him fall a halt before it is too
late. Already he is looked upon a- bit
suspiciously by conservative business
NO. 63.
Mayers Martha Wash-
ington . Juliett slippers.
Elastic sides, fine kid
"uppers, turn sole, med
ium toe with patent
scolloped tip up the
front- Size 3 to 8, C to
EE. Price
$425 .
With rubber heels $4.35
' , ' NO. 61. C:'" v:; :;
Mayers Martha Washington, two-strap slippers. This :
is a very dressy looking house shoe, fine kid upper,
turn sole, plain toe, small pearl buckle trimming.
Sizes 3 to 7, C to E. Price..... $450
We carry a full line of Mayer shoes in kid and gun
metal for Ladies and Misses. The new spring num-;
. bers are beginning to come in.
240 North Commercial St. ,
ladaigliSiteiiiUAaJiiri -iiiiiiiimiiiiiiliritm.ii.iniiifciiraiiwifiMJ:
- ' ... pj
i Y A nT Y
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