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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 6. 1919. PAGE THREI ' S3 A n Economical, e Favor e i Silljs is essentially a Spring fabric and pres ent indications point to its wide use this season. You may be sure of finding here the silk . you need for every purpose. Our broad, carefully selected stock are the best that are offered you hereabouts to choose from. We have a special lot this week, 36 inch fancy plaids' in all colors. ' 416 State Street coming EVENTS March 7. (Mid-year graduat iH exorcises at high school auditorium.- March 9 Christian Science lecture opera house, 3 p. m. arch 11 K. W. Montaguo address bofore Six O'clock club, M. E. church. March 1213 "Of ficor AGO" at the opera house. Elks bene- ' fit. March 20 lem Symphony concert, opera ksusc. March 30 Turn clock for ward one, hour, 2 o'clock a. m. , o NOW OREGON THEATRE "Mickey" will dig a hole in the heart of everyone who sees her, where her charm will linger and live forever. . Wanted fat hogs, cattle and calves and stock cattle; will ship this- week and pay tho highest market "price. 0. W. Emmett. Phone 1425M. ' 3-6 Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank: of Commerce Wdg, rooms 407,408. tf P. E. Garrison, Just recently discharg ed from the navy at Seattle, is here for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Garrison, 1096" South Commercial street. Ho will return to his former position with tho Portland Raiiway Light and Powor company. He has ibeen employed with this company for 12 years. s We bay liherty sends. 314 Masonic wag. , Notice investors, a few choice lots in' Bend, Ore., as low as $73.15. Easy terms. 66 care Journal. 3-6 -o County School Superintendent W. M. , Smith has been appointed county his- torian to aid in souring the names of I everr man in MariSn county who was i in the services of the country during AS Around Tows I These Cars Will Be Sold at Auction Dodge 5 Passenger, Good Condition Chevrolet 5 Passenger, Good Condition DON! FORGET THE TIME SATURDAY, MARCH 8, AT 3 P.M. SALEM AUCTION CO. 157 South Commercial Street Delightful, Light Place d Silks i per yd. tho late war. Today ho is sending out to tho teachers throughout the" county, letters asking the number of men from each school district who were in the war. When he has this information from the teachers,, he will send them tho proper blanks and questionnaires which are to 'be filled out by the men who were in the service, or their par ents. By working Carefully over each school district aided by tho teachers, it is thought that the ammo of no man who was in the war will .be overlook ed. - ' Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. will run auto trucks to Ohoinawa dunce Fri day night leaving Musonie Temple at 8:1 5p. m. 3-T Dance, Sat. Mar. 8 4 miles south at Query 's hall at Livesley station. M. B. A. Orchestra and management. Comei. A good time assured. iiuncn 11:30. The first danca in the new hall. 3-7- We ley liberty bHg. 811 Jlaaonic tf As the French hand was something i over an hour late in getting from Med ford last night, the waiting audience was entertained toy several piano solos by Prof. T. S. Roberts and by w,mo duets played by Professor Roberts and F. E. Sanders. Mr. SandoTs is professor i of music, at the Oregon state school for tho blind, succeeding Prof. Roberts in that institution. Oobmbte river tett8 In aay aun tity. Fitts Market. tf Attention, Junior Guild cooked food salo Sat., March 8, Salem Hardware store, Stato street entrance. Charles E. Archerd implement Co. has some good White seed oak for sale- 3-8 A recruiting station for soldiers will bn nnce more established in Salom, ac cording- to information received by Postmaster August Huekcslein this morning. The war department recruiv jing office sends word that authority lor re-eniisting in me regular mm; has been granted toy recent law and that tho department as preparing to open recruiting stations where stations were formerly established. No date was set for tho time the station would be opened. Artificial teett, kav vrfert plate Mea, w bvsr IS yrart experience, . r office. Dr. V. IL Besehler, den- u. 302 U. S. Hat. Buk bide. tf George Vick is home from Kansas city where he was called by the I'ord- to Trade-; cor Spring h: : k 1 i .. ,fi...ii I i r i . M A . - X ' Phone ; 877 son peoplo to meet with other Fordson agents from all iiarts of the world, lie brings the news that the Fordson plant is now turning out about 11)00 fact ors a day. Also that tho firm of Vick Bros, will continue as Fordson distrib utors for the ent.iro state of Oregon and for the southern part of Idaho. For the Idaho territory the allotment is 230 tractors up to next August. The price on Fordson tractors will remain the same, $975 delivered m Salem. As to tho rumor that Henry Ford Kfas working on something different in the way of a touring car, jur. vicb. saiu thero was a number of rumors, tout the big men from the factory would give the agents no definite information. However, there was a feeling that some thimr startling was likely to happen about next summer in that line. While back east, Mr. Vick had the pleasure I of going through, several rem Kansas "u ' h milc in a snow bound country. Big dance Woodburn armory Friday night. Truck leaves 0. E. depot 7 o'clock p. m. Round trip 25 cents . o Big dance Woodburn armory Friday night, Truck loaves 0. :, F... depot 7 o'clock p. m. Round trip 25 cents Economize, ket your hats cleaned and Weked farly to avoid the rush, at old Ueatiin, 495 Court fit. C. B. Ellsworth, prop. - 3-12 , o " -Last night a large class of girls too; part in tho gym work conducted by Coach Mathews of Willamette, after a strenuous hour on the floor the girls took a plunge in the Y. M. C. A. tank and came up smiling. Coach Mathows expects an even larger class next week. Free round trip to the big M. B. A. my w .!:,,! r,r,rnrintim,s. i Jit : a m. Bettor music, dcsi iiuor aim ut. Pep from start to finish. Don't miss it If ; Baby chicks. 544 State St. today. tf "The toot" ie U you can do when sratk cm-. Call Webs & Clough Co. Paoas la. tf The onion market is excited all of a sudden, The Texas crop is a little late and he same is true of the California crop and all of a sudden it was dis covered there was a shortage in onions. In Oregon it is said there is but 25 car loads. Hence within tho past week the market price wholesale, has jump ed from $1.50 a bushel up to $3.75 and $4 a bushel. With this high price, mar ket men predict that the consumption of onions will toe materially reduced. It has been noted that when any of the old standby food soars a little too high, the good ihouscwifo just refuses to buy. Confetti dance at Hurst hall tonight Admission 15o. Knights and Ladies of Security. o i Free round trip to the big M. B. A. dance near Chemnwa tomorrow night. Autos leave Oregon Electric 7:30 p. m. Bettor music, best floor and ranch. Pep from etart to finish. Don't misg it o A somewhat new experience wag in ' store for the thousand or two people Who went to the armory last evening to hear the famous French iplayeTS. I They were met at the doorway of the, ! armory by a soldier with a gun. J. his ,boy permitted the people to drift in I by twos and threes, even when there I was no special crowd standing in the eilitoule. As a result a ' number of . people and at times, quite a crowd ex pending out on the sidewalk, were. i obliged to stand out in the ra n, before : being permitted to got on the maiae. j o ! Some people say they do not like i Charlie Chaplin, but judging from the I crowds last night at tae t,iocrty, tnese I folks are in a mighty small majority. !And then atftcr seeing him in "8houl !der Arms" one of his greatest efforts, it would have to be a most awfully grouchy person who could not gt a dozen hearty laughs, especially when Charlie U camouflaged as a" tree and properly dmindsters the knock out to intruding Germans. And then the scene in the dug out, half filled with water, introduces something entirely new in the movie picture stuff. It's a great I movie and those who remember Char - aance near vnraawa wmwrruw .uiguu - , - , . h rlitrn. Autos.lcve Oregon K.ectric .Jttf 2 Picked Up Ca Hie SireeT, IVAN MAETIN "I had pretty good luck with mybillu in tho legislature, though I regretted I couldn't-get the bill on .fins out of the committee, put ting the gasoline standard up to The oil companies fought that hard, and, they fought U in a dirty way, too; just as they did similar bills in Wash ington and California. Among other things they put up fake telegrams here to make it appear that the other states were opposed to Bueh enactments. I have a letter from Chas. . Johnson, superintendent of . weights and meas ures for California, and he shows that the oil companies adopted the same ob structive taetics there, lie goes on to state that- no concern on earth is so much a law to themselves as tho oil crowd, who proposo to obstruct or cir- cuvent all regulation In California there was an attempt to make a minor change in the production of distillate, which would have increased the pro duction cost one-half mill to the gal Ion. The oil companies threatened that if the regulation, was enforced they would add two cents to the cost of dis tillate. JOHN GEAEEE "I am already making preparations for tho baud con cert season of 1919. I expect to have most of the old players back and hope to have some new ones. Steelhammer will be back from the shipyards tojfakc tho lead. Those of the boys who have been playing with tho army will be in good condition to take up the work when they get back, for in the service they not only play military and rag timo stuff, but are mndo to handlo classic and grand opera numbers in their camp concerts. HAROLD COOK. "We are planning to organize ono troop of Boy Scouts from the older boys of tho city from 15 to 18 years old and arrange; for a program of hikes, athletic and camping Btunts that will attract the class who havo got a little beyond the "kid" stage. With five troops in the city and a lot of business men behind the movement wo hopo the Boy Scouts will bo one of tho livest things in Salem. All the 18 year old boys who make good in tho work will bo elegible to become assistant scout mr.stcrs." ICONOCLAST. "If I had a boy in high school and ho was set to block out a samplo state constitution, and he mado such a ball-up aB there is in the Oregon nnnatitntinn n t.n tllfl ffOVOmor and , nf tn tkn him nut of Bnd t him to ci10ppinj, wood and say "hero goes nothing." uro- , t Wn 3(10 fin. giees of latitude for its darn-fool leg islation, and this is one of the funniest kinks in tho whole business. I don't know this man Olcottj he may be as broad as Irish brogue and as clean as Sunday school fruit punch; but as long as we 're trying trj run a democracy and not an autocrayi I claim there isn't any logic in shouldering any one man with the prerogatives and the income of two offices! to say nothing of the chan ces to play politics. And the funny thing is that neither Olcott nor the bu preme court seems to know exactly how the thing stands. ' AGENT COLEMAN. of the Federal Enmlovment Bureau " Thero has been somo doubt as to whother the federal employment bureaus should be continu ed this season, for there has been strong opposition brought to bear upon the bill LMUVAUlUiL v l'''-'.'".v.w-.. II 1M - - r - , tinnrtimit UHS JjrUVl-U O. .u.uau.u nV , tho past yeaT ana i8 jusi no liuporumi. now diirincr the re-construction period. There i a constant inquiry herb for farm hands, loggers, etc., and many calls, for places, including a numDer irom re turned soldiers. I have just received a copy of a telegram sent by Director General Densmore, at Washington, to Wilfred E. Smith, the state director in Portland, which reads: 'While urgent deficinccy bill with employment service nnnrnnriation failed of passage today, there is every indication that funds nnncRorw t.n carrv .ervice to end of 'fiscal year will be available as well as funds for next year, auvitra ju. force accordingly.' lie Chaplin in the slap jack days will find a Ghapldn or an entirely uu ent 'order of comedy. Among those who . returned home ,:ti, t,o Bflth nrtillerv. were firstclass privates R. Clearwater, P. Whippel and W. C. laatson or ouiem. i ;" tion was given a big reception in Port land yesterday. ; Business men of the city are taking quite an interest in the banquet to bo given this evening at the Marion hotel at 6:30 o.' m. for two distinguished eastern business men. These men are Charles Coolidgo Parlin,-director of Commercial Research, and William Boyd of Philadelphia, who is director of advertising with the Curtis publi cationswhich includes the Ladies Home PUT CREAM IN NOSE '- AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. Ton feel fine in a few moments. Tour cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head . will clear and yon can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache no hawking, snuffling, mucous discbarges or dryness; no strug gling for breath at night Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this, fragrant, antiseptic cream , ( TOnr nostrils, let It Mnetrmt through every air passage of the head; soothe J nd heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief eoraea instantly, It U just what every sold and catarrh sufferer meeds. IXuil ttay stuff ed-np . - and miserable.' .... i i him v 0 1 (S Journal. Aa the Ladies Home Journal uow receives $7500 a page for ono is sue of the 'magazine, it is felt by bus iness men here that Mr. Boyd should havo something of interest to" say as to the valuo of national advertising and why big business will pay $7500 a page juKt for one issue of the Ladies Home Journal. As the Pheasant North west Products Co. of Hnlom is ono of tho ibig advertisers who is willing to pay this figure, ibuttineBs inen aro es pecially interested. o The Rev James Blvin, formerly pas tor of the First Congregational church is now at Coblenz, tiermany, with the American army of occupation. He is doing religious work with the Y, M. C. A. delivering addresses in the camps along the Rhine. A few wocks ago he spent some time in a viBit to the camps of tho 91st division. o Sheriff Keedham reports that taxes are conning in pretty regularly at the rate of from $8000 to $10,000 a day and that this amount shows a very sat isfactory payment for this time o1 year. The penalty of ono per cent a month will, not 'be in effect until April 5. ' 0 When Bon F. West, county assessor receive the returns from all his depu ty assessors and has time to tabulato a few figures ho will know just ex actly how many acres in the county ire devoted 'to tho raising of Loganbor ries, walnuts, ptars, peaches, applet, prunes and in fact, not only all fruits and berries 'but the number of acres devoted to regular agricultural pur-, snits. He is now waiting on the office of tho state tax commissioner for the necessary blanks to send his deputies. The state legislature passed a law that required county assessors to secure all this data and to keep tho information on file in the offices of the county as sessors. Heretofore there -has been no l absolutely accurate record of tho num ber of acres devoted to tho raising or the several fruits and berries that aro making a world record for Marion county. Last summer county fruit in spector B. H. Van Trump made a par tial survey of the fruit interests of the county and from his work, it was found that the fruit interests as well as berry were much larger in the county than had been generally supposed. Hence tho bill was put through the recent leg islature ly which the great fruit and berry interests of each county in the state may oe accurately estunaieu. ysil ca : llli 111 r (,1 W J(W fl5l! W W i. W, fl .TOff w " 8 l. '-'- - J N" : '" ' :; H Ions-last- bars in each . package. The bigfiest value in refreshment you n possibly buy. A BENEFIT appetite and tion, find the "price is 5 cents. 101 W tri r r fl. While there la considerable talk now adays about tho salaries of stato offi cials and .tho attempt of tho lato legis lature to boost the income of several stato officials, it might be well to hark back to tlie- time when the state eonsitution was adopted in 1859. At that distant day $1500 a year was con sidered enough fur a governor. $1500 a year for tho secretary of stato and tho stato treasurer was held in such low estCKSm that ho was givon only $800 a year. But th? early legislators felt more lifbernl -towards the supremo judges and put them on tho pay roll at, an annual salary of $2000 a year. Tho supreme judges are yet the high est paid state officials es they are now allowed $5250 ft year, the governor $5000 and the secrotary of etato and state treasurer ench $4500 a year. Unit ed Btates senators and representatives in congress are each paid $7500 a year. Mothers! An Appeal For Your Children Look back at your childhood days. Remember the physic that mother insisted on castor oil, salts or cathartics. How you hated them. How you fought them. IIomj you dreaded their after-effects. That was all wrong, but then nobody knew better. iWith our children it's different. The day of harsh physics is over. IWe don't force the bowels now ; we coax them, ) iWe have no dreaded after-effects. 'And the dose is a candy tablet. " Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply (don't know what they do. The children's revolt isi Well-founded. Their tender bowels are harmed by them. The modern way is to give a gentle laxative mora1 frequently. To keep the bowels always active. The best method is Cascarcts. . Cascarets are candy tablets. , - Children love their pleasant taste. They cost only 10 cents a box, with full "directions lor children's dosage at all ages. Babies tool Jive Cascarets, then don't worry they never disappoint. to teettt., : diges The Charlie Chaplia p'cture at the Liberty lias proved o .popular that the management decided today to run con tinuous from tho timo tho theater open jed at. 3:80 this afternoon until 11 o'clock tiinight. This will give those jwho want to got in at any time thiat evening a chanco to get in early and 'avoid the crowd. Tho seating capacity of the theater was taxed to the ut most several times Jast evoning. o Health Officer Pemberton reports that there has been no records of com municative diseases in the city during the past week, with the exception of ono diagnosed as chicken pox. The outbreak of small pox at the mute school is being cleaned up easily and no indications of further spread. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY IfeKJUi Afis Ml SMMttl M '