PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURMau SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5, 1919. Hons of Catarrh Germs Ail Atmosphere is Laden With Germs of The Disease. Every person afflicted with Catarrh releases millions of tho tiny disease (rerns with every cough or sneeze, to that whenever on the street ear or street or other public place you see a person afflicted with this disease hawking and coughing and sneezing, everyone in their vicinity is exposed to the disease. Yon along vrith everyone else will End yourself exposed to the germs of Catarrh several time every ilay. The germs multiply by the acl the air you brcatLa is thick . Ha Vhe.o tiny little d'seaso demons that cause co much distress and suffering. Catarrh is one of the most stubborn diseases, and is always worse in eold, damp and disagreeable weather. It should not, however, be considered in curable, though tbero are thousands afflicted with it who are doubtless read to believe that a cure is impossi ble, because of their experience. But all other afflictions, the main trouble is that Catarrh is en tirely misunderstood, and therefore treated in the wrong way. Because those little germ demons attack the delicate membranes of the nose and throat, choking up the air passages and irritating the tender lining of tho nostrils and bronch'al tubes, t he-average sufferer makes the mistake of GEEIIANRADICALS (Continued from page two) report yesterday that ths national as sembly wa about to be dissolved. Armed classes between radicals and government troops were reported in oth er parts of the country, particularly at ' Palle, whehe the 8partaeans are said to lave put up stiff resistance. Premier Lloyd George was to go to Paris today and was expected to plunge' immediately into the work of bringing it-mout immediate partial removal of the economic blocked" of Germany a first step toward preliminary peace. Pile Cured in 6 to 14 Days druggists refund money if PAZO OfNTMiKNT fails to cure Itching, lUind, Kleeding Or Protduring Piles. Atop Irritation; Scothes and eHai. You can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. BINES FORMATING (Continued from page one) when they wiH be paid interest or div- ' lunnug on xneir uouunB. inc jia.- lunilUB uu nitur MUiulllB. 11HI CHJW,- 000,000 for railroad rentals duo eovers -"- I The Hat it T ' Til Hy the wsy, no other hat quite equals a Derby, either for wear or eiintv ix'iuutuig (juiwiMvs Smart dressers wear them exory where they are vogue in the fashion centers right now. There is a variety ef shapes here, not antiquated but good urret styles worth very much mora even at the factory But, as we do not expect to ever bys, we are closing entire lineat, each KEW CARS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES Jtikt received a new shipment giving us one of the most complete lines in Kalem Pee our own specials, made for us ex clusively from Woolens Selected From our Own Eh elves. These are nobby mixtures and thuds $15 and $235 soft-toned i The prices of eur full line of Caps range from 95c to $2.75 There is excellent choice right now -a, 4 tMtHM4mniinniiMMtM oat in the Air treating merely the symptoms of the disease, and overlooks its cause. You must realize that Catarrh is more than a mere local irritation that stops up your ose &nd irritates your throat and choke up your breathing apparatus. Your blood is saturated with Catarrh germs, and these will continue their irritating attacks as long as they re main in the blood. The only sensible treatment, there fore, is the one which will rout the disease germs from the blood. This is why the most satisfactory remedy for Catarrh is a 8. 8., the famous old reliable blood purifier. 8. 8. has been used successfully for Catarrh for mors than fifty years, and it is the one remedy that attacks the source of the disease, cleans' ng the blood thoroughly, and eliminating from it every trace of disease germs. If you want a remedy that goes di rect to the seat of the disease, begin to take 8. 8. 8. to-duy, and throw away your atomizers and other local treatment that cannot possibly reach your Catarrh. You will be dolighted after giving this remedy a trial, and will soon Gnu yourself on the road to a complete recovery. S. 8. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. Begin its use to day, and write for free medical advice about your own individual ease. Address Chief Med ical Adviser, 103 8wift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga. (Adv.) I ll ; u n(. .l! ., ! .1 A .1,. enty percent of whica, it is said, is ttk neiunla ittnaIAani V. o 1, : I-. uuv fsa ts,ivj U ' niwiB WTUfc UfBUIhltfg 1U This uncertainty, combined with the merit a and extensions may have on frrniArnl HiijaintAea imnrlitinna i tho ! prime worry of the government, it is I Ha i A THINK LEAGUE OF (Continued from page one) understanding with Japan for mainten- ! anee of the general security of the pro gress of eiviliztion in the Far East. "Formation of the league of nations will eontribut essentially to dissipate the current prejudices of men regard ing thier real interests. This emanci pation of human thought will be emin ently salutary, not only for the world in general, but also for each nation in particular. Future union of the oriental world of which the population is more than half that of humanity with the occidental in sentiments, perfect har mony and lasting good will, is a high and sublime vision." A petition is being circulated asking the order of F.I lis to grant a charter for me (iTUlT Or I.IKS 10 a lodge in Chohalis of Hats ft stock any more Der- out the .... JUS 25 IlAl yon forget the .rTenea army band appear at the armory this nunir If win mite it vnn mini it, yon will be passing up one of the greatest opportunities of your life. A copy of the program follows: ' Star Spangled Banner L Marseil laise 1. Aida (Hyra, march and dances) Verdi 2. Phedfe (Overture) Massenet 3. (a) Cavatina Cesar Oui (ib) Polonaise Wienewski Violin M. Alevandre Debniille Piano M. George True Intermission 4. Les Chassc-resses Leo Delibes Horn solo M. Luquin 5. Patforale Doppler Fhite if. Urbain Bauduin Piano M. Georges True 6. (a) Barcarolle G. Faurff (b) Seguedillas Albenis Piano iM. Georges True 7. Le Doux Pigeons A. Hessager (a) Divertisenent (b) Danse Hongroiso (e) Finale 8. Marches Militaircs Franchises (a) Le Ohant du Depart .Mehul (b) So info re. et Meuse ..Rauski-Planquette Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Mathews have as their iguests, Mrs. Mathews' sister and her husband, Lieutenant Allen of Springfield. Ohio. Lieutenant and Mrs. Allen are n joying a delayed wedding, tour, as they were both in the service at the nine of their marriage ana xne ceremony was kept secret. Mrs. Allen was a Red Cross nurse at Fort Biley and iLieutenant "Allen :(aw overseas duty, having been recently discharged at Camp Pike, Little Bock Arkansas, where he was joined by Mrs. Allen, after her release from the service. Dur ing their visit an Salem, which is of indefinite length, they will, no doubt, be the inspiration of many social com pliments. Attorney and Mrs. Louis Tarpley of Portland were the week end guests of Mr. Tarpley parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tarpley. 739 North Liberty street. Another son, Dan Tarpley, ar rived in Salem Saturday, having re cently returned from overseas where he saw service for twenty months with tho tenth engineers, forestry di vision. An exceedingly enjoyable fam- lv reunion was the result of his re turn. His numerous Salem friends, will be delighted to how of his safe arriv- il. Tho Woman's Belief Corps si.srtng will meet Thursday afternoon for a social aatheriraf at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Cameron, 398 North Twenty first street. Mrs. I. L. McAdams, Mrs. VV. Smith. Mrs. A. L. Clearwater, Mr J. L Adams and Mrs S. J Botts will be assistant hostesses for the afternoon. Members of the Tano club were the guoats of Mrs. Clyde Johnson Monday evening. Five hundred wa played and Mrs. L, w. Uloason and .Mrs. timer Daue were the high score winners. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mr. and Mrs. U W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Ul Pat- ton and Mr. and Mrs. . u. rxerin were additional guests of the club. Mrs. Fred B. Bovston, Mrs. Sydney V. Hall and Mrs. Minnie Marcy Bates will entertain the faculty and students of the Kimball School of Theology at CIS OF EU1TISM ill, Jays We Must Keep Feet Dry, Avoid Exposure and Eat Lees Meat 8ta? off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry, eat less meat, Irlnk lots of water and above all take I spoonful ef salts occasionally to keep lown uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous Atxin, culled uric arid, wliith Is gene rated in the bowels and absorbed into e blood. It is the function of the kid irys to filter this ac'l from the blood ind caat it out In the urine. The pores it the skin are also a mean of freeing :he blood of this impurity. In damp ind chilly cold weather the skin port are dosed, thus forcing the kidneys to do loulile work, they become weak and iluggvh and fail to eliminate this uric loid which keep accumulating and cir culating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles, caus ing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism- At the first twinge of rheumatism gt From any pharmacy about four ounce if Jad Salts; put a Ublespoooful in a lass of water and drink before break fast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminat uric scid by stimulating the kidneys to normal actioa, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jtd Salts is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from ths acid of grapes and trtnoa juice, combined with lithia and is used with excellent results ty thou sand of folk who art subject to rheu tatism. Hera you bare a peasant, ef fervescent lithia-water drink which over come arte scid and it beneficial to ywr kidney a we!L By GERTRUDE ,Mrs. Hoy stem's home, 2005 Ferry street many evening (t 9 p. n. a very ae- lieatful program is being prepared. Salem numbers among its visitors this week Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Baxter of Holyoke, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter are stopping for a Drier visit in Hoe Capital city en rout to California. Julian A. Hurley, whose term as state senator has expired, left Fort land today for his home in Vale. Mr, Hurley, it will be remembered, was the youngest member of the senate and characterized his term by marry ing during the session. He thinks that he will be a candidate lor re-election to the next legislature. Corporal James Cripps arrived home last evening having received his dis charge from the service, wirporai Cripps saw service overseas with, the 46th C. A. C. Kim J "V filsunm io ji Tnrtlnrl vis itor this week. During her shay she is aonncuoa at tne noiei roruana. Mrs. Bichard N. Avison was hostess for the Woman's foreign missionary society this afternoon, at her home on 636 State street. Special music was a feature of the meeting. The Royal Neighbors will give a ben efit dinner in McCornack hall tomor row evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m., the proceeds of which will go to the local war mothers' unit for the toome coming of Selem soldiers The price of the dinner will be thirty five tents and evervone is invited to attend. The Modern Woodmen will furnish the fol lowing program: Violin duet. Walter riemrng, koot. Rajnsden. pupils of Miss Joy Turner. Heading, Mrs. Terwuliger. Dance, Myatefle Shipp. Piano solo, Fern Winchell. Beading, Theodore Howard. Piano solo, Helen Bamsden, trupU of Miss Turner. Flag Toast, Melissa Persons Vocal solo, Edna Ackerman. Address, W. C. Winslow. Colds Cause Headaches and Fains Feverish Headache and Body Pains caused from a eold are soon relieved bv takine LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE Tablets. There's only one "Bto- mo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signa ture on the box. 30c. Today's Stock Market Professional Affair New Tork, Mar. 3. The Evening Sun financial review today says: Today's stock market was obviously a professional affair. Trading was in fair volume, but most of it represented transactions in specialties and eertain speculative favorites. It was among such as those thst strength appeared The behavior of the list as a whole was regarded a highly favorable and Wall Street looks for a resumption of a modest upward movement at least af r a week or so, perhaps, of hesitancy. Bails were heavy, of course, but the wonder was that they were not de cidedly weak. There was support given them without question, but there was a notable absence of selling pressure. Business in Hhat quarter was restrict ed and declines were in the mam con fined to a fraction to a point or so A SEW CAPE Sl'IT Blue serff and blue barred velours cloth of a tan around are the ma terials in this quaint little suit. Tb skirt is particularly interesting as It Is cut to be smooth In front and fathered in such a way In the back aa to makt the front of ths aUtrt wins In closely to one's Instep. irrjv- I H4W- 11) Y CTJ ROBISOb ftesinol bandaged aver that skin eruption will relieve it quickly Cease tampering with that painfui eruption. Apply a healing and sooth ing ointment that has the power to sink in and correct the trouble. Kesinol Ointment aided 'by Kesinol Soap usually clears away such affections quickly and thoroughly, SM b? drmggiitt. Far frtt mmfUl wn4 Ktmtl, BmJtmmrt, Md. ?ans Houston, Stationed In Tirgina, Now, Writes He's Glad To Forget France Evans Houston who was formerly with the Capital Journal and who en listed in the Marines shortly after re turning from the Mexican border with Company M, is in this country once more and i stationed at Quantico, Vir ginia. He writes one of his friends here as follows: "Well, I'm back in the TJnited Sta tes and tickled to death to be back. I've been tickled with barbed wire en tanglements, by eooties and high ex plosives but I certainly am tickled to be home and to get rid of all memories of France as far as possible. "We reached Quanticio, Va., yester day and were outfitted once more with marine clothes. You know in the A. E. F. we all drew doughboy clothes and the only thing that distinguished us as the marines was our emblem, which we wore on our overseas caps. "They are' eertainly treating us fine here now say, they feed us three kinds of desert for dinner and they have sug ar, cream and butter on the table every meal. Maybe they saved food at home to win the war but it never got to Franco in any great quantities. ' I'm writiu" tJis -n the 1. M. C. A. where there is an entertainment going on. There is a dyspeptic dame singing something now and the antique damo who ia antagonizing the piano eertainly looks like she had just bit' into a Cam embert cheese by mistake. "Tho performer who preceded her was a conscientious objector who said his song was humorous and it was. But hi rendition was the big hit. Honest I've seen men shot for less, and no joke. "There is a strong probability that I will soon be discharged lor good. I've about had enough of this service and also sufficient excitement to last me a while and there is nothing I want quite so badly as my freedom right toon," "BEST MEDICINE FORWOMEH" What Lydia E. Pbkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio." I suffered from irregularities, pains in my side and was bo weaK at times 1 could hardly get around to do ray work, and as I had four in my family and three boarders it made it very bard for me. Lydia E. Pmkham's Vege table Compound was recommended to me. I took it and it baa restored my health. It is certainlv the beet medicine for woman's ailments I ever saw." Mrs. Saba Shaw, E. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this medicine and wrote this letter in order that other suffering women may find relief as she did. i Women who are suffering aa she was should not drag along from day to day without "giving this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkbam'aVege- ! table Compounri, a trial. For special advice in regard to such ailments write to Lydia E. Finkbarn Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years ; xperience is at vour service. lilllllFllllili m --. i ii n si I I ssaa.a.s mttttttttttTMHtlltttltttttmtHHHTTtHHH Be Comfortable j jand you will be Happy A really comfortable corsetcomfortable from morning till night-is a real blessing to any woman. More than half your time is spent in a corset. You should be particular in its selection. Your Www 1 I We invite you to try on rooms. The trial U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 N. Liberty St. "Where Shopping is a Pleasure" DEALS IK REAL ESTATE. Among recent transfers of real prop erty in Marion county are tue loilow ing: 11 acres in the C. C. Cooley claim, 42 5, from Cora. Giibert to Alice M. Wil liams; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, block B, Gervais, from Clara E. Guiss to Jacob Schok; Lots 6 and 7, Octobock's addi tion to Woodburn, from D. A. Hatfield to the Bank of Woodburn; Lot 4, block 2, Boise addition to Salem, from E. Horton to Lee E. Abbe; part of block DUD FOR EFFECTSJ . OF LA GRIPPE 4 Mr. Geenra E. Iw, UVt Aorta' Franklin St, Brazil, Indiana, baa a word of cheer for sufferers (rem LaGrippe and ita results. , fjqnia w Tafclet For Sell Everywhere Prepare for Spring fei jilt ssW sifwtijSSwssyw mf mfwnw&$ By giving your house a fresh coat of paint with our PURE PAINT, on which we are maikng a SPECIAL PRICE for this week only. And of course you'll want to re-tint your walls. We are also making a SPECIAL on KALSOMINE in all shades as well as on our WASABLE WALL COAT PAINT. Sec us before you buy FALLS CrTY-SALQILUMBER CO. ''Everything in Building Material" Phones: West Salem, 414 349 S. 12th Street ' Salem, 813 health, and consequently your happiness, depends up on it." fIoDl4R.T OUSETS :; " vCr irtvi t s t embody comfort with style f you may have both, but t you will not realize the su- f perb design of these corsets until you actually try one on. i Then you will realize. the MODART at our fitting i fitting qosts nothing. Salem, Ore. 16, Nob Hill addition, Salem, from M, E. Brooks to A. J. Griffith. Dallas, Tex. C. B. Bryant believes women robbed his barber shop. A may sage machine, jar of face cream ami box of dicwing gum were stolen. ' Detroit, Mich. Encouraged by an, award of $300 cgainst the man who blackened his eye. Michael Zabel im mediately got himself two black eyes. He paid $50 fine. I TM A A Wonderful l.sLJlWsil. Remedy Read His Letter 1 have suffered for the last two winters with that tartUe diaeaae, LaGrippe. Hariris; often heard of the great value ef Pa rana, I decided to try It. I have only svkA four fcottiea and I do not now have any bad effect from the Grippe a It baa Just about entirely disappeared, and my general health Is sjoed. I am satisfied that Feruna Is a wea derrol remedy, and I flo most heartily endorse acft recommend it lor LaGrippe," j