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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1919)
5000 CIRCULATION. (25.000 HEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. W ea&er Report Oregon: Tonight and Thurs day raiu west portion, fair east portion, moderate southerly winds. DISPATCHES SPECIAL W1LLAMTTTE VAL- - LEV SEWS SERVICE. FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 47. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND OT5WH STANDS FTVl CENTS RADICALS WANT TWO HOHENZOLLERNS TRIED B Y PEOPLE'S TRIE UNAL Revolutionists Also Ask Release Of Political Prisoners In Demands Presented To Government British Press Advocates Moral Suppvf Of German Body Now In Power To Keep SpartaciVjrom Gaining Control. By Frank J. Bender. (Unitod Prcs8 Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Mar. 5. Demands of the revo lutionary radicals were presented to the " government tonight as follows: Trial of tho liohenzollems, Von Hin- deiiburg, Ludeadorff aud Von TirprUjed out without waiting for formal ap- 1 tl nl . a .. . . -.T .1 vy a peuii.eo muuuoi. I iinmeaiato release or au pontics! prisoners, including George Ledebour I TJ.1. l( - u.v". ;uwillg 10 llie Oiauriiiuiio irvuonj It-3U1UU Diaannaiuout of all volunteor regi-; from plundering. ' inents and building up of tho red guard. Quick Peace Necessary. Establishment of a political and com- London, March 5. The new revom inereial alliance with tho Russian so- tion in Gormuny, apparently backed -by ,viets. the weight of the prenter part of the The govcrniuenttonight was niobili- I workers and all radicnl elements, had zing republican guards and regulars des- resulted today in growi ig i-.pprcciation Ijite the claim of the radicals that the of tho necessity for speeding conclu governuient force8 had promised to join sion of a preliminary peace, jtlie rebels. - The British press was advocating ' The radicals, declared, however, tnat moral support of tho present German tne rest or tno country is organized ana ready to join tho new revolution, l acing Grave Danger. Copenhagen, March 5. Tho German government is facing its gravest and possibly its final test of authority, it was indicated in the dispatches reoeiv- -.1 1 AJ With disorders growing in Berlin, the general striko was reported to have spread to Leipsig, where Spartacans were said to be entrenched to oppose a leagued forco of government troops ap proaching tho city. Armed classes nave occurred in tno Tiergnrten and Wiemarstrasso at Ber lin and plundering and rioting was said to bo going on in, all parts of the oily. Several units of government troops wero reported to bo wavering in their loyalty and threo additional div isions wero being hurried to the city. Troopa Occupy Depots. Government troops have occupied the artillery depots and warehouses at Span dau, where 47,000 workers aro on strike. The independent socialists aro sup porting the strike and decision of the MINES FORMULATING PLAN FOR RAILROAD TROUBLES CMS ON LABOR 10 fiDf nmiin nr nm iirii(nii President Wilson By Wire- RANKS OF BOLSHEVISM t Few Da , i ' . . Washington. Mar. 5. Director Gen- II 1 ' I P 0ral Hi,1P3-totlay ia formulating plans Mayor Hansen Issues Mate- fr meeting the serious financial tr0U- mnl Tmloir RJUtwa Tn WeB confronting the railroad adminis EIQIU lOaay MZ.UK 10 .ration as a result of the senate's fail- Yesterday's Election.1 ,. ;unXT'm'm, flppr01,ria" i ' ' . He is expected to lay his conclusions 'Seattle, Wash., Mar. 5. Calling on before President Wilson, . by wireless Seattle, labor to purge its ranks of bol- within a few days and the president ghcvlsts and anarchists, Mayor Ole wiil determine the future' policy. With Hanson issued a statement today rela- immediate need of $31:5,000,000 duo tive to yesterday's city election which W'O railroads in rentals, approximate resulted in the defeat of threo 'lab- V 200,0(JO,000 to take up or renew or" candidates. Insane leadership of nlalturi'r bonds, and many millions duo labor's forces in Seattle brought about 'lu(1tri!9.,0" supplies already prorvid the defeat of the three men endorsed fdAh,en; Jnl,tt" '?9, "" for tho city council. ly Ml.0000.000 on hand with which to The statement in part follows: ;. ' Two Courses Suggested a jiw uticau'u i-niituuait'S iiutru liU6 fecl humiliated. Their defeat was not Hrsonai out wss orongut nouot Dy we insane leader of the Ault-Strong-Green soviet crowd. The people of Seattle aro not ready to harken to the disloyal utterances of such carpers as the Un- ion-Record a id the man who edits the ie. " Union labor has repudiated its false tenders. - with or without the government s as- "The voters okehed every act of the sistance. city officials during the strike. The Many senators and some of the rail people of Seattle are ready at any roa,l administration officiialg are coun ting to elect members of organized aellinff the first course. The difficulty of the second course, it is pointed out, (Continued on page five) j is that if the government docs no'. , stand back of the roads attempting to TRIBUTE TO GOV ERNOR WITHYCOMBE. Acting Governor Olcott to day issues the following state ment to the public: As a tribute to the memory of Governor James Withyeombe it is respectfully suggested that all departments of the state gov-, eminent remain closed all of Thursdr.y, March 6, 1919, the date of the funeral. It is far ther suggested that the flags on all state buildings and ar- mories be. placed at half mast for a period of 30 davs from March 4th. ma "2 w. socialists trades unionists as to w."V $x they should join the demon stratiii j expected hourly, Printers employl the Tageblutt, Vosiche Zeitung, "S1 Anzieger, Morgenpost gnj 0tber non radical newsparers walk proval or tneir unions, in one or. tnese papors were able to publish, p00,j is SKi3 to be growing scarcer .... . 11! government, as well as supplying the country with food. Tho newspapers ex pressed fear that unless this was done tho allies would not be able to collect any indemnity. A Spartacan victory, they pointed out, might necessitate iji armed occupation of Germany for n indefinite period. Conflicting reports wero received to day regarding the progress ofthe now revolution. The uprising was to have been signalized by a general uprising in Berlin. The latest direct reports from that city indicated tho strike, call ed Monday evening, was attended by riots in which the Spartacans were at least temporarily successful. Seize Police Station. They are said to have seized the central police station, Later uncon firmed reports said that War Minister Nosko, by employment of largo bodies of troops, had succeeded in restoring order and that the city was still under martial law. No confirmation had been received of (Continued on pnge two) I Turn .,11,1,J10 n-KInt, A m ,j V u I ,1C3, im. u 1U VC ITCH sug gested as a means of solving the dif- !:,, ,.. Trn the railroads tack to private management again, the igovcfnmeut to exercise a form of guardianship pend- ing the readjustment, to prevent !Ol- lapse of any of the systems; or Ifnve the railroads go to tho bank- ing interests and borrow the money, borrow money they may experience great difficulty, and if the govern ment does secure any such loans, it would create a condition where gov ernment railroad bonds would be com peting with liberty loan bonds and notes on the open market. Improvements Deferred Whether one. of these or some other solutirtn is, reached in handling the problem, it is certain, railroad officials, that Improvements and exten sions must be deferred and operating cos!s must be trimmed wherever pos sible. 'Meantime rMoreg bt thousands of railroad stock and bond holders are left in doubt todav as to whether or (Continued on page two) OREGON SOLDIERS OF COTIi ARRIVED THIS MORNINGINPORTLAND tern At 2 Tomorrow Morn ing For Seattle Where An other Joyf est Awaits. Portland, Ore., Mar. 5. Vour offi cers and 472 men of the o9th regiment arrived in Portland on a special train at 8 o'clock this morning. All the sol diers, who recently arrived home from ovorseas duty, are from the states of Oregon and Washiington. The Oregon ians originally belonged to tho Ore gon coast artillery regiment. Tho artillery men 'greeted tho thou sands at the Union station with: "Oui, oui, 'beaueomip de joy, trez been, toot ewect, oo la, fa." This mixture of French and English means tflie Yanks are blamed glad to be home, and a few other overjoyed emotions. Major Marlon in Command Major if. r. Marion of Seattle is in command of tthe returning ..heroes. Tho othor officers aro Captain R. M, S'tith, Seattle, surgeon; Second Lieu tenant R. D. Alvorsen, Everett, Wash.: Second Lieutenant L. R. Woods, Cor- vallis. One hund od and six of the 478 men aro from the state of Washington. The others aro Oregonians. ' Relatives and sweethearts of the ar twiorymcn were allowed an 'hour ill which to visit with the boy at the station, after which the- Yanks formed a parade which traversed .Sixlh street to Morrison, Morrison to Third, and thou along Third to the Auditorium, whero a Ibilgi "dhow" had been pro vided. It was followed by a general pow-wow with a few welcoming speech es. Red Cross workers tho Multnomah guard and band, and Salvation Army g:ir ,s mppearod an the parade, Practic ally nil other Portland citizens were seen on tho sideiwalks or in buildings affording a good view of tho paraders The doors of all theaters ana cluws of tho city wore thrown open to the members of the Kixty ninth during the afternoon. Those who cared to make the trip wore taken in automobiles ov er tho Oolumma highway, ine evening entertainment includes a dance, with music and many eiirlg provided. Tho Sixty ninth will leave Portland at a a. m. Thursday morning lor se attlo where another monster celobra tion awaits tho boys, many of whom hailed from -tho state of Washington. FUNERAL Of (IEH I0W0WAT 2 P. H. Services Will Be Conducted By Dr. R.N. Arisen, Pastor Of Methodist Church. The funeral of Governor James Withyeombe will be held Thursday af ternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Methodist church. Tho services will be conducted by Dr. E ST. Avison, pastor of the church and a friend of the gov ernor. Wallace McCamant, who was ap pointed a inetnber of the supreme court by Governor Withyeombe will deliver the eulogy. The body will lie in state in tho church from noon tomorrow until 2 o'clock, when the casket will be closed, not to be re-openod Tho body guard during the time the body lies in state and during the services will include members of the Oregon Agricultural College cadets. The O. A. C. cadets will act as an escort to the cemetery. The music for the funeral services is in charge of Mrs. Hallie Parrish Dur dall. This will consist of but one solo by MrB- Durdall who will sing by spec ial request " One - Sweetly Solemn Thought." Prominent citizens from Portland and other parts of the state will arrive in the city tomorrow to attend the ser vices. This will include officers of the Oregon national guard and Oregcn guard and Adjutant General C. F Bee be, of Portland. Members of the Su prcme Court and state officials will at tend in a body. Mayor C. E. Albin an nounces that the city officials of Sa lem will attend. Business Suspended. Business will be suspended in Salem tomorrow afternoon from 1:30 until 3:30 o'clock. At a meeting of the di rectors of the Business Men's League of the Commercial club held this morn- continued on page six.) fpllffi LEADERS ORGANIZE KEXT HDUSE OF tEPEESEfOIES First Time Iky Have Met In Majority Caucus Roosa In Eight Years. Washington, March 5. Republican leaders met today to organize the next houso of representatives for the -business of the first session of the Sixty Sixth congress. For the first time in eight years tho republican committee on committees met in the majority caucus room of the houso office building, under tno leader ship of Representative Mann, of Illin ois. Until noon yesterday tms room, was reserved for democratic gatherings. The first business of the cemmitoe on committees, which is made up of 3b" mcmbors, one from each republican state delegation, is to choose & floor leader and a steering committee of which the floor loader will be chairmau. Draw up Rough Program. Tho next thing will be the assignment of various members to tho various house committee and the drawing up of rough details of a legislative pro gram, which the republicans hope to start beforo the next congress is many days old. ' The meetings of the comnnttoe may continue for a week, Mann said today. The one chosen floor, loador will bo without assignment on any legislative committee. Under tho democratic or ganization, the chairman of tho ways and means committee 'was the floor leador, No republican today would ven ture a prediction as to who woulS get the job that ranks in importance with tho speakership itself. Mann May be Floor Leader. Representative Mann, present floor leader, said he will not have it. Rep resentative Longworth, Ohio, is known to be tho choico of Representative Gil lotto, slated to bo next speaker. Others mentioned are Representatives Moore, Pennsylvania; Mondoll,. Wyoming and Graham, Pennsylvania - ,". Committee chainnon will in all prob ability be choso under undor the senior ity ruleby which the oldest republi can on, a committoo in point of sorvico will got tho chairmanship. This leaves littlo in tho way of assigning outside the placing of new members and the de termination of tho proportion of demo crats ami republicans on each com mittee. Tentative republican plans call forj tho meeting of tho more important com mittees, such as the ways and means, appropriations, naval and military af fairs, within tho next few weeks, to draw up legislation for presentation at the re-oponing of tho session. The ways and means committee plans to start the framing of a now tariff bill at the earliest possible moment. LPil, FRISCO ASISTMG1ESS COaVEHEAT'ONCE Conference Of Governors And Mayors Upholds Hin la His Resolution. Washington, Mar. 5. A resolution de manding that tho prosidont "immed iately reconvene conjress to keep it on the job while the country is facing a serious reconstruction period," was In troduced in the conference of govern ors and mayors by Mayor Jamos Rolph, Jr., of San Francisco. The resolution was referred to a committee and action will be taken on it at four o'clock this afternoon. Rolph 's demand has developed a par tisan fight, democratic mayors and gov ernors claiming ho had no right to raise the resolution until it had been acted on by a committee. Called It Gag Rule. Judgo Lewis, Arizona, declared this would bo applying gag rule and tho con ference by au overwhelming vote sus tained Rolph. Kolph also demanded to know why 555 ship contracts of American yards were cancelled and that tho shipping board is still allowing Chinese and Jap anese yards to build American ships. His resolution reads: "Resolved, that we urge the presi dent to immediately reconvene congress and keep it on the job while the coun try is facing a serious reconstruction period; and that iif his message he de mand appropriation for the prosecution of all government work agreed upon by the various departments and now held up for want of funds, such as public buildings, wharves, docks, naval bases and improvements to railroad and other publie utilities. 'Further, that we do condemn as un American the policy of building ships for the merchant marine ia Japan and China and that all such contracts be replaced in American shipyards to give employment for returning American (Continued on page three) PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AGI O! ITS WAY TOPEACEMKuE Send-Off Was Quieter His Time Because Few Knew men ShgPut Out Now York, Mar. 5. The transport Georgo Washington, carrying Presi dent Wilson back to Franco passed Sandy Hook and headed into tho Open sea at 9:55 a. m. today. Sho was escorted by a warship and five destroyers. There was a light mist but hardly any wind and the water was smooth for the start of the president's second voyage to the ipeace conference. Although the progress of the George Washington from her wharf m Hobo: ken to tho Narrows, the entrance into the bay, was quiot and unattended by any demonstration, there was a rous ing sendoff as the transport passed the harbor forts and the wai vessels anchored under tdieir guns. Forts Hamilton, Wadsworth and Hancock cut loose with presidential salutes. Tho war vessels also fired 21 guns, seamen of the ships in tho lower bay swarmed into the rigging, cheer ing, and spectators on the shores wav ed and shouted farewells across tho water. Breakfasted Early The president breakfasted' early end was on deck when tthe transport went down tho bay. His ensign flew from the masthead. New York seemed to be still asleep as tho George Washington passed thru tho harbor, but as the Bhores of Staten Island and tho Narrows were approach ed the cheering and whistle tooting commencod. At about 8.55 tho Georgo Washing ton steamed ipast the Statue of Liber ty, making about ton knots. Her only escort at this point were two tugs, which fussed along, one on each side of her. Opposite the statue sho passed l" "'"" i Vf u ' ,Bti""f t ':i questions asked him by his critics since vessels exchanged tho ttulahon wh.s-J q Four Destroyers for convoy .'..'twwwJ.. . i At the 'Narrows, where the steamer entored tho lower liay, she was met by four destroyers. Two took up posi tions ahead of . her and one on each si do. Tho vessels moored in the harbor fired the presidential siiluto of 21 guns as tha George, Washington came abreast and thoir crews dressed ship. As tho salutes rang out, ships clus tered about, tho quarantine station started their sirens. Those aboard swarmed to tho rails, cheering and wavinlg. Thoro were good sized crowds on both sides of the Narrows. They greeted tho prosidont with cheers and the flourishing of many flags. Seattle Re-Elects Three Of Foraer Council Seattle, Wash. Mar. 5 Regnrdod as a toBt of strength betewwen tho gener al electorate and the labor vote, Seattle has ro-elocted three city councilmen with heavy majorities over thro op ponents supported by the Central labor council. C. B. Fitsgorald, R. H. Thompson and Wililam Hickman Mooro aro the three councilmen re-elected for a three year term by the general citizenship. The voters defeated a charter amend- mont curbing the power of tho health commissioner in fighting epidemics; re fusing to increase council salaries from $3000 to $4000, and confirmed Corpor ation Counsel Walter G. Meier in office. Bond issuo for $2,150,000 for two brid- gos and -a municipal hospital are in doubt. An overwhelming vote was recorded against tho granting of a 25-year fran chise to the National District Tole graph company for a signal alarm sys tem. A Ahelirta fioems like a girl named Goldie alius leads an eventful life. Do you suppose cabaret singors '11 git any applause when th' country goes dry! President Believes People Of Nation Will Back Him In Support Of Covenant Of Nations. Is Willing To Try To Clear Up Points Not Understood By Congressmen, But Apparently Does Not Intend To Amend Or Sep arate League From Main Treaty With Germany. By Bobert J. Bender (United Press staff correspondent) . New York, Mar. 5. President Wil soin is igoing to a finish fight with the senate republicans on (his league of nations covenant. In hiia final appeal to the people of the country hore last night the presi dent declared "an overwhelming ma jority of the American people" favor it. "No party has a right to appropri ate the league issuo. And no party will in (the long run dare to oppose it." This is tho conviction he carried back to Franco with hiin today. Nothing in his speech last night in dicated the president proposed ro amend the covenant or scparato it from tho main treaty with Germany as demanded by tho' senate republicans. No Constructive Suggestion On the contrary, the president de clared that in the avalanche of criti cism launched against the covenant in the senate .there has been ' no coinrruc tive suggestion" and "no counsel of generosity." . ilenco, ho Starts back to Franco to day with no congressional amendment to the covenant in hand end no con cise idea of what the senate republi cans want. There have boon scores of I amendments to tho league ague constitution suggested but not ipassod 'by t'he sen ate and suggestions for two different league covenants offered one by Cum mins and one by Knox but neither taken up for passage and each differ ing widely from 'tho other. Nevertheless, the president 'has tak en with him the main points of attack on his coveMne and is expected to suggest some clarification of articles, wording of which has left the senators doubtful as to their scope. THINK LEAGUE CAN SETTLE ALL ORIENTAL PROBLEMS n. . r S3 ISS1I3 MaE&ieiH Wr Eoasdsg Japan's Twenty One Demands On China. Washington, Mar, (3. Japanoso and Chincso representatives issued a utate- mcut to tho press today agreeing that tho lcaguo of nations will settle oriental problems, but taking contrary views regarding the individual aspirations of their individual countries. Tho Chinese, assorting thoir claims to Kiuo Chow and denouncing Japan's 21 demands on China, openly churgod that Japah prevented China from join ing tlio war in ivii ana luio. Aitor China notified the allies that she de sired to declare wah in 1914, it was charged that she received intimations from a "secret power" that such a move would be likely to "create com plications," Again in 1915, she was pre pared to enter the war, but Japan re fused to assent. Endorses League. Endorsing the league of nations as the biggest achievement of all times, the Chinoso statcmont concluded: "We have known littlo groatness. Maybe much that was lost will be re gained under the international ordor in which wo will be free to live our Lie untrammolcd and uuthrentened by tho type of stato Whoso material greatness is based on, war." The Japanoso statement was Issued by Marquis Saionji in response to a query regarding Japan 'a attitudo to ward the league of nations. Completely Sympatnctic. Japan is completely sympathetic with tho great project to establish peace on a pust, impartiul and firm basis. ' We view tho question as much from tho general world viewpoint as from that of the Far East, where we have been compelled three times in tho past century to resort to arms to maintain peaco. Wo are happy that humanity finally will bo able to get a glimpse, although feeble, of tho new era in which right will definitely triumph over force. "I am "firmly convinced that unina will appreciate our just tnd legitimate aspiration and will come to a complete (Continued on page two) Tho action of senate republicans i recording opposition to the. league at this time "amazes'' but "docs not worry the president," Frionds of tha league aro confident there will foe strong reaction to it immediately, 4i,r ing many republicans who signed tho Lodge "round robin" to withdraw their signatures at some lateT time. If, however, the republican senators srand pat in 1-hei.r opposition, the president, it is said by his friends, will carry tho flight to the polls in 1920 und will S3 inform the peace delegates in. Paris, Tho president leaves for France soinev what fatigued from his strenuous week at home. His weariness was brought into relief last night at the Metropoli tan opera house, when a spotlight was flayed on him. Ho asked Rabbi Ste phen Wise, sitting near by, to go off the gtaige and have the light turned away. In Good Condition The president, however, is in splen did physical condition, according til Admiral Cury Grayson, the president's physician, and a few days rest aboard tho boat, he said, will put him in fine fettle for resuming his conferences in Paris. The president has announced his intention of remaining in Paris until the peaco treaty is signed. Ho believes Hub will be accomplished not hater than June 1 and hopes that the work may be ended by the middle of May.. SEEK MISSING SOLDIERS. London, Feb, 20. (By Mail.)r-Fortuno tollers are reaping a harvest at clan doBtino meetings of relatives of men. still missing an a result of the war. Police are waging a campaign against tho clairvoyants. Advertisements seeking information of missing soldiers total hundrods each day. . .... UNUSUAL SITUATION f ACES UNITED STATES Never Before Has Any Con gress Left So Much Undone As 65th DM Yesterday. By L O. Martin. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Mar. 5. With President Wilson and congress both gone, tha United Btates today found itself facing an unprecedented situation. Never be fore' in history hns a congress lett so much undone as tho Sixty Fifth when it quit yesterday, tho records show. Government officials aro intently seeking some way to prevent serious consequences in muro than one direc tion. Among the things congress loft ardi Money for the Railroads. By failing to pnss tho $750,000,000 railroad appropriation, tho senate, ac cording to railroad administration offi cials today, made it necessary for tho roads to borow money at high rates of interest from privato sources until congress again convenes and meets & $381,000,000 deficiency. Extensions and betterments in servico will have to bo foregone for tho present, officials declared, because there is no money to provide them. Bringing tho Soldiers from Europe. In the army appropriation bill, which failed to pass, there wus an appropria tion of $411,000,000 for the transporta tion of the army. A part of this was for bringing back tho soldiers now in France. Congressmen touay pointed out, however, that tho return of tho army depends more on the speedy fin ishing of tho peace conference than on congressional appropriations. Secretary Baker holds the viow that congress somewhat delayed tho return of troops from France. Provisions for Returning Soldiers. The Sixty Fifth congress adjourned without milking any provision tot tho 1 (Continued on page thre)