Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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fctdLmWiiitiH T fm - r.rr-iiii rif HV r nuns ar '
HtTAflf ll
Do Your Bit To Help Entertain the Home
Coming Boys
8:30 P. M.
March 5
The services of this noted band of French Herces were engaged and paid for
by 70 Patriotic Business and Professional Men of Salem.
Every Cent of the Proceeds Goes to the Mother's Club of Salem
Tickets now on sale at Geo. C. Will's, Hartman Bros., C. B. Clancy's, Patton
Bros., and P. E. Fullcrton's.
SEAT PRICES $1.00, $1.50, $2.09
(Continued from page one)
- rsj
(Continued from pago two)
that everybody Boon on the strcots af
ter six o'clock in tlio evening shall bo
uliot without warning
The above dispatch, unconfirmed
firm any othor nourco, would indicato
'.t' or Tonsilltis, garble as
CjL with warm salt !
water then apply J'Fa
"YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30 6071.20
that -the revolutionists have succeeded
ia forcing dissolution of the national
assembly which constitutes the legis
lative branch of the present govern
ment. .
, The rioting in Berlin shows the inde
pendent socialists wore unable to carry
out their declaration that no violence
would accompany the generul strike
called lato yesterday.
' Radicals Continue Strong.
Copenhagen, Mar. 4. The anti-government
in Uonmairy continues una
bated, despite the government's "na
tionnli'Mition " propaganda, it was said
in dispatches received froan Berlin today.
Strike Last Night
Berlin, Mar. i. Following a special
caucus lato. today independent social
ists ttitrjounced the general political
strike against the present government
will -bo callod at 8 o'clock tonight in
stead of Wednesday morning.
The independents demand politicai
recognition of tie soviet and over
throw of the Schoidomann cabinet.
The government announced "there
will too no compromise with terrorism"
Thero was ovory indication that the
strugglo between tho proletariat and
the bourgeois) will not go to a finish.
Tho people hero thig evening appeared
unperturbed by the latest turn in the
political situation.
station ho gave especial attention to
the study of the dairy interests W h
Elected Four Years Ago
It was in 1914 that the ambition of
his life was gratified that of becom
ing governor of the state of Oregon,
suceeedirjg Oswald 'West January l,
Even before there was thought; of
this country becoming involved in the
great war, Governor Withyeombe was
a strong advocate of preparedness and
in all his addresses throughout the
state he urged the formation of local
military companies and the training of
the youth of the hijih schools.
He was a member of the Sigma Chi
fralrenity. Ho was one of the board: of
trustees of the Oregon Academy of
Sciences and of the NorthwestWool
groworg association. He had been pres
ident of the Northwest Shoep Breed
ers association and of tho Wool Grow
ers association. He was given the de
gree of master of agriculture by the
Oregon Agricultural collego and had
been an active imcmber of tho grange
and of the Elks lodge.
EPd Dictated Biography
Some time ago while discussing his
j at seeing vregon develop irom an agn
ail cultural standpoint anil his hones for
el ! the future, the lato chief executive
it i was naked for a brief biographical
r sketch of his life, and he dictated and
-V approved the following statement:"
.'3 ! " Wna tinrn nn a tnnnnl farm -in Knfr.
f 4 land and my father taught me the dig-
of ago I began doing general chores
and milking cows morning and eve
nings. After "Bottinjg through public
school my father purchased me a nice
saddle horse upon which I rodo three
miles to a preparatory school. It was
then I learned to admire a good sad
die horse and I have never lost that
love. At this school, in addition to the
general studies, I specialized under
tpecial tutor iu veterinary science.
Settled on Farm
"In 1S71 I came with my parents to
Uregou and, settled on a farm near
Hillsboro. J, did my first plowing on
this farm in the spring of 1S72. 'la 1873
I purchased a i'arm ou my own accord,
which I, operated, (personally for about
Ij years. At the name time 1 practiced
as veterinarian in rortland once a
week, doing the chores in the morning
and ruling 17 miles and reaching
.Portland by 9 o'clock. Horses were
brought from Astoria, The Dalles and
Albany to Portland. The practice de
veloped so largely that 1 either hail
to give up tho farm or the practice, and
finally secured a man to run tho farm
and moved to .Portland. During my
term on the farm my days were meas
ured by sunup and; sundown, from 16 to
18 hours a day,.
'In 1889 I fas appointed state vet
erinarian and '.held this position for
nine years, when I resigned to accopt
the directorship of the Oregon Agri
cultural college experiment Btation.
"While on the farm I was a breed'-
er of Shorthorn cattlo Cotswold and
Shropshire sheep and Berkshire hogs
" Drifted into politics because of my
admiration of Thomas H. Tongue, pro
moted his candidacy for state senator
and afterward for congresj, and re
gard Mr. Toiigire as the greatest states
man Oregon has ever produced."
Proclaim Marti&l law
Copenhagen, Mar. 4. Martial law
ha8 been proclaimed in Berlin and its
4 3
i .. . ni.7i ..ij U i
w lii! iMii 10
SLA iMfese'
k W J 49
Tomorrow, March 5
Sale start at 2 p. m.' sharp and 7:30 p. m. Come and get shoes for the
whole family. Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters and Underwear for Boys, Hats for
Men, Laces, Silks, Caps, Dolmans and furs for the Ladies.
tioki Co.
G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer
157 South Commercial Street Phone 1117
suburbs, according to dispatches ro
ceived from that city today. Military
Governor iNoske has assumed exocu
tivo powor.
Urge Besigntion
Chancellor Schoideman is being urg
ed by many majority socialists to re
sign and form a coalition government
of majority and minority socialists in
order to avert possiblo succoss of the
new revolution, it was reported in di
patchos from Berlin today.
m mm mm
m muiiiLiu huh i
Stop eating meat for a while i'
your Bladder is troubling
When yu wake up with biclraehe saJ
Jul niry in the kidney rejion it sen
erally weans you have ka euting too
much meat, says well-kMwii authority.
.Meat fH-ms uric acid which orerworks
the ladaeys in their effort to filler it
from i blood and they txcome sort of
piuulncu uud Iuew. Vh your kidnej
Ijet sluggish aud clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels; re
moving all the body's urinous waste,
else Juu have backache, sick headache,
dizzy spells; your stoiUJch sours, tongue
'a coated, and when th westher Is bad
you hiive rheumatic twinges. Ihe urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, ckumela often
get sore, water scalds and yu are obliged
to seek relief two or three times during
the sight.
Kither consult a good, reliable physi
suui afooce or get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad dts; take
a ubli-cpoouful in gl" of water be
foro bieakfast for a lew days sad your
kidneys will then act f This fawons
salts js made from the acid of grapes
sad Umoa juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations te
deaa and stimulate sluggah kidneys
also to neutralize acids in ue urine so il
Bo longer irritates, thus euoVoj bladder
Jad Salts is a life avr for regular
meat catr" " is fcipMire, cannot
injure ar s a ;ciightful, efferves-
wat V" -.iT drink.
am Flavored fi
The Encyclopaedia Britannica says
about the manufacture of smoking to
bacco, " . . on the Continent and in
America certain 'sauces are employed
. the use of the 'sauces' is to improve
the flavour and burning qualities of the
leaves." Your smoke-enjoyment depends
as much upon the Quality and kind of
flavoring used as upon the Quality and
aging of the tobacco. Tuxedo tobacco
uses the purest, most wholesome and de
licious of all flavorings-r-ciocoafe
That flavoring, added to the finest of
carefully aged and blended burley to
bacco, produces Tuxedo the perfect
tobacco "Your Nose Knows."
Try Thii Teti Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the
palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then
smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince
you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we. will
let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment
" Your Nose Knows "
J jK-" fit Have you tried Tuxedo in the New Tea Foil f ii
1VVCQt, ? j'j Package? It has many advantages Hand-' 1
t m jiiK1 V ff 'erfit the pocket. No digging the tobacco J
L'iv&y t Vv if out with the fingers : Keeps the pure fra If
f ?i SLj W V grance of Tuxedo to the last pipeful. Not 1
O qu'teasmuchtobacc Q
f , XAC7 The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette
; .. v . , . - .-y - VSk. ft - guaranteed 6jr
(Continued from page one)
''Out of consideration for tho mem
ory of Governor Withvcombc the sec-
rotary of stato will not actively assume
me auties or cmer executive until after
the funeral of the lato governor, unless
an emergency should arise which would
make it imperative.
.Legislative bills left undispesed of
will be filed upon the expiration of
the legal time limit of five dnvs, with
out any action being taken by tho sec
retary of state as governor "
Olcott Becomes Governor
With the death of Governor Withv-
comoe, Ben W. Olcott, secretary of
state becomes governor, as the people
of tho stato have refused to urovide
for a lieutenant governor.
According to the constitution of tne
state, Mr. Olcott will not only become
governor but will retain his position
as secretary of state. The legal author
ities of the state claim that should he
resign as secretary of state, this would
automatically carry with it. in the cir
cumstances the office of governor.
However when tho present term of
Mr. Olcott as secretary of state expires
it carries with it the "office of govern
or. In other words, Mr. Olcott will hold
the office of governor and that of sec
retary of stato until Jan. 1, 1921
Mr Alcott has twice been elected
secretary of state after serving an ap
pointice term under Governor Oswald
He is a native of Illinois, horn at
Keithsburg, October 15, 1872. After
graduating from the hiyh school, he
entered business life in Chicago. In
1S91 ho came to Palcm and was employ
ed by the firm of William Brown & Co.
Later he entered tho services of tho
Ladd & Bush. bank.
For six years he was cashier of a
bank at Keithsburg and in 19C4 joined
in tho rush to Alaska, going to Nome
After three years spent in Alaska, he
roturned to Salem, going into 'he state
land office with Oswald West and later
receiving an appointment from Gov
ernor Chamberlain to handle the interest
of tho stato for the defunct Title
Guarantee & Trust company.
During the campaign of Mr. West
for governor ho acted as campaign man
ager and on tho death of secretary of
state Benson was appointed to that
position by Governor West.
-Assistant Secretary Roosevelt an
nounces the? sale of the great Lafay
ette wireless station at Bordeaux to
tho French governmnct for $4,000,000
Permanent prohibition in tho Tana
ma canal zone is proved in a bill pass
ed Wednesday by the senate and sent
to th house.
Charles (Piez of the Emergency Fleet
corporation declares the government
will not yield to any of the demands
for increases of pay over war time
L.VIV1 lAi O
A Calcium comrxrand tliat vrtll brlnif r
lief in many acute and chronio cases.
Provides Id hanilft form, a boslo rem
edy highly recommended bv science Con
tains no harmful drkgs. Try thorn today.
' 50 cents a box, including war tax
For salo by all dr-mrsM
Eckmao Laboratory, lliiliuicliihia
"BaES Dependable
fel&j "Red Crown" is straight-distilled,
JSt?3 all-refinery gasoline. Look for the
rep? 1 Red Crown sign before you fill. - it
wnj (California)
KA VO. S3:.."-- J? f. ., m- I
f Quality
R. H. CAMPBELL Special AgU Standard OU Ca, Salem