Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Journal New. Today Ads
Bate pet word New Today:
. Xch insertioa - 1
a week (6 insertions) ,. 5a
One month. (28 insertions) 17a
The Capital Journal will not be re
pensible for mora than one insertion,
Mm errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead jar advertisement the first day
' St appeart and notify im immediately U
-moot occurs.
Minimum charge, 15e.
' WANT HI) Secondhand linoleum at
once. 1601 Center Bt. .: tf
WANTEDiWhite Rock cockerel, pure
bred. 929 Mill St. 3-5
WANTED Job driving Ford truck.
Phone 2510J1. 3-4
FOR KENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 482 6. High. 3-6
SPOB SALE Team, weight 3000 lbs.
L. M. Wilkerson, 290 W. Miller. 3-6
iOK SALE Pure bred canary hens.
2590 Fairgrounds road. 3-5
WANTED Let us gimonize and grease
your car 320 N. Com. St. 3-5
544 Stato St. Opp. court house.
.WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room mod
ern bouse. 559 care Journal. 3-4
JFOR SALE Buggy, wagon and 92 ft.
of 7-8 cable. Phone 73F13. 3-4
POR RENT Modern rooms with board
461 N High. . 3-4
FOR SALE Good, thrifty Logan tips.
Phone 65IFU5. 3-6
FOR SALE Good table potatoes,
$1.25 per sack Phone 86F22. tf
FORD for sale cheap. Just been over
hauled. Phone 85SJ. tf
"WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
ny kind. Phono 1576W. 3-16
WANTED To let us wash and polish
your car Phone 1260, '320 N. Com.
St. i 3-8
FOR SALE New Zealand Red rab
4its pedigreed stock. Call 1625 Hall
,' atreet. - .3-5
i WANTED a rot " 3 furnished housekeeping-
roomg .close in, reasonable,
for family of 3. O 4 care Journal 3-4
3CIDDILIB aged woman- wanted as house
keeper for elderly couple in country.
Phone. 1671 J.. -.3-4
FOB HAMD-fiix room, 3 story house,
and garage on State street; for in
formation call Main 1185. tf
MSOHARGED soldier wants work by
;, hour or by day.. Address Myrtle ho
tel room 15. 3-8
BARRED Rock eggs for hatching,
from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15
K H? Pickens, 305 S 14th St. tf
ONTON seed, Oregon Yellow Danvers
for sale, $2.50 a pound. Phono 4KP
11 or J. I. Bliven, (Jervais, Or., Rt.
3. 3-20
FOR SAL Baled wheat straw $9
" at barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid
dle drove sohool. 3-28
BARGAIN Six room cottage, nearly
FOR RENT Modern upper flat, close'
in. See B. B. Flaming, 250 or 785
Court. Phone 124 or 92. tf
ADMINISTRATORS why pay 5 per
cent when you can get Col. W. F.
Wright, auctioneer, Turner, for 2
- per cent. - - 3-6
LIBERTY BONDS If yon must dis
pose -of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masorto bldgi tf
FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room
house with garage to trade for auto.
Ooll 1644 or 2028 in mornings, tf
FOB SALrj j. vxls snaft governor,
sarins and boiler complete, cheap.
Box 268. Turner. Or. tf !
WALL PAPER 15 oents per double roll
upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf
WE PAY highest cash price for eggs,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Oo, 171 a High St. Phone
1400. tf
AS GOOD as new, gas range, good
heating stove, water heater, retail
ored overcoats and suits, at hair
price. Tne Capital Exchange, 337
Court St. Phone 493. tf
314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore.
FRESH cow for sale. Call 954. 3-4
FOR SALE Twin Indian motorcycle,
cneap. rnone St'a evenings. 3-5
FOB SALE Flemish and New Zea
land does, or will exchange for chick
ens. Kt.; 2, box 81. 34
FOB, SALE Lot 2, block 2, Salem
heights, $300. Liberty bonds accept
ed at par. Inquire 1695 N. Fifth. 3-6
FOE SALE Cheap, good work team,
will trade for eattle. Phone 89F23,
Bt. 5, box 125 on Maeleay road, tf
LOST on Wallace road, near bridge,
one weed chain. Finder please re
turn to 439 Court St. Reward. 3-4
iiFOB SALE House and tot, 54x164,
iVl DiocKs from State, 259 S 19th.
FIRST CLASS baled clover hay for
sale. Keppinger, Gervais, Et. 2, box
1. 3-5
WANTED Experienced grafters at
Fruitland nursory. Phone 111F21, Sa
lem Jit. 6. tf
HIMALAYA tips, 500 for sale. W. O.
Franklin, Rt. 1, box 11. Phone 52'
14. tf
GROCERY stock and fixtures muBt be
. sold within 30 days, easy terms, 1890
a 12th Bt. tf
EXPERIENCED man wishes 'position
as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd &
-Bush reference. Phone 6G4. . tf
FOR SALE 1916 Ford touring car,
fine running vjrder and new tires, or
trade for roadster. Phone 2510J2. 3-4
IF INTERESTED in contracting acre
ago for green string beans for scan
ning purposes. Apply Oregon Packin
Co. Phone 220. 3-
FOR SALE A very fine new piano,
' low price and easy terms. Call or see
Lj. lu Miller at Marion hotel. Phone
2010. .: 3-5
WANT to tent nice house of six rooms
- strictly modern, furnished or unfurn
ished. Call L. L. Miller at Marion
hotel. -. . . . , 3 5
ONION1 seed for sale, Oregon Yellow
Danver, half globe, tested end guar
anteed,' $2 per lb. John R. Macy,
Brooks, Ore. '. tf
A BARGAIN Lord's Oregon, 1 ws
i and complete set of session laws
annotated to date. A 142 care Jour
. nal. 3-3
OHIOTEBNS wanted, highest prices
paid. Heavy hens '. 28o: light hens
27c; fancy veal 21c. Cherry City
Feed barn. 3-6
7 BOOM modern house, good location,
four lots value $3500. Will sacrifice
for cash or trade for acreage.- F. b.
Wood. Bayne bldg. 8-4
WANTED Up to 200 White Leghorn
yearling hens in good condition, uive
number, location and price. Address
W. H. Swank, Aumsville, Or. 3-7
FOB SALE Neat five room bungalow
good location, $1350, take bonds or
ear part pay. F. I. Wood, Bayne
bid?. o-
FOR SALE White Leghorn and Ore
gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba
by chicks per nunoreo. oo o
13th St.
WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
run for salo, at a "bargain Willam
. ette VaUoy Transfer Co., 171 South
Hiirh St. Phone 1400. tf
FOR SALB Hatching eggs, White
Lieghorns, neavy layers, so per iuu.
$1 per setting of 15. Fair View Poul
try Farm, Salem,- Or., Bt. 7, box 48.
' 9-17
229 State Street
If you want to buy or sell a
car come and see me.
Stu dp-baker, 6 or 7 pass., perfect
will take small car in trade. .
Dodge, big bargain, $650.
Maxwell, almost new, bargain
Buiek roadster, $325
- Paige touring car, big bargain
Studobakor, perfect condition $300
1912 Cadillac, good shape $400
Elgin, good as new $1123
Ford touring, perfect, $9T5
Ford bargain, $350
Phone 362
. . ... ..
FOB SALE-Old fir $7.50, ash $7.75.
Call evenings 11S1M. 3-7
YOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale.
675 Brooks Ave. 3-36
WANTED lYoung man 17 or over to
. break in as bell boy. Apply to Man
ger Hotel Marion. 3-5
WANTED Desirable housekeeping
rooms or furnished house. Phone 814.
WANTED Housekeeping t work in
private family. M-41 care. Journal.
EXCHANGE 14 section in Lake coun
ty to trade for Salem property.
Phone 1178 after 7 p. m. 3-10
JUNK WANTED Rags, rubbers, tools
furniture, clothing and junk of all
kinds. Phone 493, 347 Court St. 4-7
FOR RENT Nico," clean, modern
housekeeping rooms,' 4 in suite. Enf
quire 246 State St. tf
FOR SALE Choice grain hay for. sale
at the Farmers Feed barn, a High
street. . tf
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred
Rock also White Indian Runner
duck. 2035 Fairground road. 3-10
YOUNG woman desires position as as
sistant in light house work or as
companion to an elderly lady. Box
312, Independence, Or. 3-6
ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon
Yellow id-robe DanveTS, guaranteed,
$2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervais
Rt. 3. Phone 48F11. 3-20
MULES, HORSES Car load good
young teams, the hloeky Ibullt heavy
1 boned- kind, also several span heavy
moles, wall arrive in Salem on. or
before March 9th. Guarantee given
- with every horse or mule from re
sponsible parties. 3-6
FOB SALE (Complete sawmill with
dry luln, edger, planer, timber and
, logs. Capacity 15 M.- All machinery
' in good running oondition. Fisher
. Lumber Co. No.' 3, Silverton, Or. 3-6
FOR SIALE 5-year old Jersey cow,
when fresh will give 5 gallons a day
J. J. Longoor, Jefferson and S.
Com'l. 3-4
I FOR SALE Choice lot 100x165, cor
ner, three locks from state nouse,
fair house, any reasonable -offer con
sidered. F. L. Wood Bayne bldg. 3-4
EXCttHANGB 200 acre farm well ln
. cated,- main road $75 per acre, take
small farm part pay. V, h. Wood,
Bayne bldg. 3
FOB SALE Clover hay $25 per ton;
clover -seed! 50c -wr lb; apples $1.75
t ner fcushel. Bt. 6, box 51, Phone 23
F21. !
WANTED Span of bay or brown
mares about 1300. Must be good or-
, chard horses and sound. Will pay
cash. Must be cheap. W. H. Harris,
Washington hotel. 3-5
FOR SALE 6 lots, 8 room plastered
house on pavement, with water,
bath, hot water touk, electric lights
on S. High St. Price $2150. Write Rt.
8, box 40, Salem. 3-10
FOR SALE 34 Studebaker wagon,
A-l condition, 1 set double harness,
1 good woTk horse, -weight 1200
pounds, and 12 head shoats, weight
75 to 90 pounds, at a bargain if tak-
. en at once. J. C. Coffey, Bt. 3, box
192, 1 mileg west of Liberty. 3-10
FOR aALE-Two pair of ' Gurnsey
fowlg $2.50 pair; a good Old Trusty
incubator, 300-egg capacity for $10;
fine store counter 18 ft. long and 4
fine glass sho'w cases, also 150 raw
'hide chairs, 6000 ft. of No.-1 clear
seasoned rustic, 4 and 6 in. for any
of above phone 19F3. R. R. Ryan, tf
MUST be eold at once. 7 room bunga
low, full cement basement, furnace,
full Dutch kitchen, plastered tnru
out, well finished, furnace heat in
every room, block from pavement,
8 blocks from university, also gar
asre. bam. some fruit. Price $2250.
' Socolofskv. 341 State St. tf
FOR SALE 5 room residence at 1309
Waller St. 1 block from car and 1
block from Yew Park school, hard
. finish, cloc'tric lights, bath, a barn
and a large lot for $1200, $400 cash,
remainder $10 per month.
I also have a 4 room rcsidenco, well
located near car on graveled St. for
$550, cash.
You will have to see these proper
ties at once if you expect to get
404 Hubbard bldg.
A 7 ROOM house completely modern,
on Court street, $3650.
A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good
lots a daisy, on Capitol street for
A 7 Toom bungalow on Fairmount
avenue at $3500, bag good new gar
rge. A large brick bnilding on North Lib
1 rty street for sale or rent, at a bar
gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th
St. An extreme bargain. Make me
cn offer. 8
A large house on Summer St, close
to state capital. What will you give
A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty
St at $1600.
A good 7 room house, all in fine con
dition and quite modern, only one
block from good school. $1500.
If you are looking for bargains see
me at once. G. W. Laflar, insurance
man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf
WANTED A few loads of good ma
nure. Phone 1204. S-5
WANTED Man experienced in tile
painting. Phone 8F22 evenings 3-6
RUGS etaaned 35o per rag Phone 16.
..Ij. JU JBuekner. 4 4
TWO - men wanted for Loganberry
work. Phone 752. 3-6
FOB SALE 5 pass. Ford for sale, all
good tires io. 11. JcV Uoneeteele,
Ferry A Com '1. ; 3-6
WATTED (Intelligent Christian . wo
men, for very light housework. In
quire at Peoples Cash Store. 3-5
FOB SALE Some good milk eowe,
some fresh with calves and others to
. be fresh soon. See or write Ross Con-
dit, Aumsville Or. 3-4
WANTED Giopd second! hand Ford,
1916, 1917 OT.ASIS model, it must be
a good buy for cash. See or write
Ross Condit, Aumsville, Or. 3-4
WANTED Woman with small boy,
would like position as housekeeper
"for - a respectable gentleman. Call
2356 N. Church St. a-5
LOST On South Commercial St. or on
, south side of State St., $10 bill, tind
er please leave at Journal office
and receive reward. 3-4
WANTED An experienced window
cleaner. Apply at once, Portland
Cloak & Suit Co., Court and Com
mercial Sts. 3-5
CLOSING out my entire stock of Eng-1
lish White Leghorn pullets nd
breeding hens. Rt. 7, box 75. Phone
92F11. 8-6
FO RSALE One sorrel Belgian horse
colt, 3 years old, heavy boned; one
driving horse, 7 years old, one sin
- gl harness and cart. Phone 36F14.
FOB SALB 5 acres of bearing cherry
orchard, roek road, Price $1300. 5
acres all cultivated, new 5 room plas
tered house, rock road, Price $1800.
W. H. Grabenhoret & Co., 275 State
street. ,
FOR SALB Good 7 room modern
house, pared stTeet, 2 blocks from
state house, Price $3S50. Good !
room house, paved street, Price 800
W. H. Orabenhorst 4 Co., 275 State
" street.
WANTED To buy from owner,' for
cash; -or rent with privilege of bu
J ing if neighborhood and location
suits; modern home with garage, on
. pavement; must be bargain. State
full particulars. Address 57 . care
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore-
,T?on Grape camp No.1360 meet eTery
' Thursday evening in MeCornack hall
"Elevator, service. 'Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recor
,'der, (Mrs.. Melissa Persons 1415 N.
4th Bf Phone 1436M,
FOB SALE 10 acres of Loganberries
. 4 miles from Salem, Price $2500,
$1000 down, balance 6 per cent. 5
. acres all cultivated, three room house
well, some fruit, 814 miles south,
Price $950; . $350 down, balance 3
years 6 per cent interest. Good 5
room modem house located in south
Salem, Price $1600. $500 down, bal
ance 6 per cent interest. If you want
to buy, trade or soli, see us. W. H.
Grabenhorat & Co., 275 State street.
W Iff MB.! g, lllMitm WjPW
Fair Ground
Corner Silverton Road and
Pacific Highway
Repair Shop
Ford work a specialty
All work guaranteed. Let us
give you an estimate on
your work
When yon use Journal elassifi 4
ed ada s-et what von went thm
to they work fast.
-. ' . 1
Value are already beginning to ad
vance More real estate has changed hands
during the past few weeks locally than
for the past two years.
The days of "snaps" in Salem city
property are numbered.
No matter what your taste may be
nor what size your fiurse, I have some
fine Salem homes to offer you.
The following half "doien residence
properties are offered to you as being
really good bargains in their, individ
ual class.
One of the best buys in town is pic
tured below. , It is newly decorated
Six rooms and strictly 'modern. Good
basement and furnace. Fireplace and
cozy don. Large entrance porch. Very
attractively designed both inside and
out. Two 'blocks to cnrline. Beautiful
ly situated. $200. Half cash,
Another attractive bungalow of 7
rooms is shown in the next cut.
Practkally new. Strictly modern ex
cepting basement and furnace. Inter
ior neatly arranged and convenient.
One block to ear eleven blocks to state
house. $3000. Will sell ou very asy
For real value the following proper
ty cannot be beaten in the city.
Eight rooms and strictly modern in de
tail. Mlany built-in conveniences and
domestic aide. Substantial electric fit
tings. Ono bloek to ear and school. In
first class condition throughout. $3250.
Owner will sell on good terms. -1 - ?
Those desiring a smaller home and'
close in could do worse than own the
A real cor-y little home. Only five
blocks north of the post office. Large
lot with good garden and fruit. Strict
ly modern excepting basement and
furnace. Surrounded by fine homes.
$3400. Owner offers good terms.
For cither an elderly couple or a
couple "just starting" Ithe following
little home Bhould make a strong ap-
Only a half block off 8. High street
on Electric avenue. Two large lots and
considerable fruit. The view is delight
ful as the property is so high. There
are three rooms; finished throughout
in white enamel. The price is $1500,
only. Excellent terms can be arrangoit.
To a handy man this property offers
many opportunities. It is a new ibuiW
ing. If you should domro a really first
cIubs homo, close in you should see diis
4 .0
Eight rooms and practically every
known modrn convenience. A brand
new house, and thoroughly well con-
si ruct'd. Tho interior arrangements
will satisfy the most fastidious. $5500.
Before you buy, whether city subur
ban or farm property see my list. Un
questionably, the largest In Salem.
"Just real estate"
215-216 Masonic Building
S 'iit)t WILSON MmilNED
1 I ' i t'' I (Continued from page one)
C.w. H
EUR - ,'
Mrs. M. Ranger, special representative of the
Butterick Publishing company will be with us this
week, demonstrating Butterick Patterns, and mak
ing a SPECIAL offering on the greatest monthly
publication in America:
No home can afford to be without this clean, in-'
spiring and helpful magazine. Come in and meet
Mrs. Ranger at our Pattern Counter. '
Don't Miss These
High Grade, Quality Merchandise. See our Court
street Windows. i
You can always do better at
mako ihe league document a party issue
and go before the country in an ag
to call no extra session of 'congress
on the peoples' decision.
The president's friends say this is
agreeable to him and they believe that
if necessary he may even stand for re
election. In 1020 with the league of na
tions covenant as the issue.
' Subject f or Conjecture.
What he will do now directly to the
resolution and signed document' present
ed by Senator Lodge was the subject of
much oenjocture today.
.He is reported extremely bitter about
the action of the republican leador, be
lieveing it may have serious effect
abroad. That the president will eonntcr
with a strong reply when, he speaks,
together with former President Tal't in
New York tonight, is accepted as cer
tain. It wijl be hig last appeal to the
Americans from his own shores before
his return for the peace conference.
From 5:15 to 6:15 o'clock tho presi
dent will stop at Philadelphia to pay
his visit to his little grandson, Wood
row Wilson Sayre.
Will Leave by Morjilntr.
The president's party goes aboard the
Gcorgo Washington after the presi
dent's address at Now York, but the
time of sailing depends on tide, it was
said at the White House, If conditions
are favorable she may" slip out of the
harbor during the night. It is certain
that the big ship will "shove off" by
early morning.
In tho president's party will be Mrs.
Wilson, Former Attorney Gregory, who
will act as Official counsel to the presi
dent; his physician, Hear Admiral Cory
Grayson and his staff of personal
etenographcrs and clerks.
Although the president has beon
working at top speed, not all of the ex
ecutive business has been cleared up.
Ho will work on the train enrouto to
Now York, but on the ocean trip the
president expects to rest as much as
New York Awaiting; Him.
New York, March 4. With plans
completed, New York, from tho police
department to the militant suffrtgiats,
is waiting to welcome President Wil
son when he arives tonight to make
hi, final appeal in behalf of the lea
3J VUfi-l" I
gue . of nations before leaving ;for
The president's brie four hour stay
will be crowded with action. Abram I4
Elkus, former ambassador to Turkey,
and Cleveland H. Dodge, with 500 plain
clothes police, will meet him at- tho
Pennsylvania station at 8:15 o'clock
stnd escort him to the Metropolitan op-t
era house,
Here the president and ex president
Taft will meet privately, . The recep
tion committee is 'seeking to have them
appear upon the stage arm In arm. It
is probable, however, that they will apS
pear simultaneously from the wings.
Taft, following Alfred Smith, will
speak at 9 o'clock. : The president wilt
begin at 9:45. The George Washing
ton is waiting at a Bobowen pier -to
sarry the presidentia -party back to
France. Elaborate precautionary meas
ures have been taken by the police
foree. Before the hall is opened every
corner will-be searched. : - , '
Under the leadreship if Miss; Aliee
Paul, the suffragists are all set for i
biir demonstration. ,. Police declare j
will fail.- - .
The cry "no beer, no work" is eharjf
ed to Gorman propaganda by William '
H. Anderson, superintendent of thej
New York Anti-Saloon league.
The safo arrival on tho north coast)
of Alaska on (November 7 last of Stor
kcr Btorkorson, the Arctic explorer,
and hig four companions is announced.
The national convention at Bio Ja
neiro, by a vote of 130 to 42, nominat
ed Senor Pessoa as a candidate tot
president of Brazil.
of the stomach has upset many a
night's rest If your stomach is add
disturbed, dissolve two or three
on the tongue before retiring and en.
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodneM of Ki-moiJi guaranteed by
and Company Present
ing the original novelty
The best Athletic Entertainers
that have ever visited Salem
- fiiirrfii n 1 1