Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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688, HARCH 12-13
a car of rare charm
and able
YOUR first impression of this present day Maxwell as it
passes you on the street is one of decided beauty.
Your first ride in it, whether at the wheel or in the
tonneau, tells you of its rare charm. .
But after six months you find a new admiration for the
Maxwell. You find it shuns the repair shop, that it runs and
runs and runs and never stops running.
Then after a year is past you develop an enthusiasm for It
that dictionary words don't seem to fully describe.
And then after you have had it for more than the average
life of a motor car and you find it far better than even the
Maxwell salesman said it was you search for the reason.
This is what you find: "
For 5 years Maxwell cars have been built on the single
chassis plan. To date 300,000 have been turned out on this
plan. Each car better than the other. Each one better look-
ing than the other.
There have been more than 1000 refinements in the
Maxwell, but never once have the Maxwell executives swerved
from the original program.
You conclude that reliability was designed "into" the car
and built "into" it, and that a policy of 300,000-all-alike is the,
soundest kind of reason for writing your check for a present
day Maxwell.
Mr milet per gallon
litri tniln ttrt
V.HUll I
James Kelt, Director, From
ises To Dj?:icr.te Successes
Of Past k Salea
Plays may come and plays me. go,
but once a year in Salem there comes a
threatrieal event which overtops every
thing else in the sphere of. amusement.
That is the annual Elk's plav, or
"Elk's show," as it is usually called.
It is the king pin of tho local thetitri
cal world the one h'te show which
everybody atfends us a matter of
One of the first things the Salem
lodge did back in the early days, vras to
put on a play. - It was a good show.
It played to capacity business. Ever
sinco that time the Ellis have staged
an annual play. Each year the play
has been better than ever before, and
'each year it plays to ;vs a big an audi
Icnce as the theatre will hold.
All of which is merely by way of
announcement that tho Elk's produc
tion for this year is ready. Eor two
weeKs tno all-star east 01 anuereu
f - ' ' i
I if , . - . i ;
i : ;
f- ' - . V
(Photo bv Jenks)
One of the local thespians wht will
appear in Elks play '"Officer 606''
Should Oregon
pay the mother for eacK
child bora?
Should Motherhood be insured by the State ? In England
it is done and it must be recognized here. The progress cf
.society and the wastage of war demand it Is it possible
that such a law will be passed ? Is there a legal as well as
a moral basis for it? What form will the payment take?
This vital problem is discussed
with startling illumination by
W. L. George in March Good
Housekeeping. It crystallizes one
of the most important issues in
human life. t .
This is but one of the features
appearing in March. Read as
well " The passing of the Kings"
by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
She tells brilliantly ond intimate
ly of the fluttering cf flags and
the gaiety of trumpets which
have marked th Coronation of
kings, and the jun!-heap of brit
tle crowns and sceptres which
has followed them. The author
of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" gives
a vivid picture of the royal per
sons she has seen.
In the same number is James
Oliver Curwood's tale of the
North-West, " The River's End,"
and Ida A, R. Wylie's very
charming story " Tinker Tail
pr." Among the additional con
tributors are Kathleen Norris,
Ruth Sawyer, Dr. Harvey W.
Wiley and Arthur Somers Roche.
Over' fifteen pages of fashions,
and an equal number devoted to
Good Housekeeping Institute
Full of live, helpful suggestions.
Get this big copy to-night
Mayor Baker TeQs Council To
Go Back Home For Problems
Washington, Mar. 4. Governors and
mayors attending the White House con
iferenoe were told today by Mayor
George L. Baker of Portland, Oregon,
that they had better go back home
and find what their problems were."
The Many Mysteries of
(By L. W. BOWEF, M. D.)
You can take an onion seed and a
pansy Beed, land plant, them side by
Side in thp same spot of ground. In one
ease, you get an onion, with its pecul
iarly strong odor, and in the other you
get a flower of rare beauty. You can
plant a poppy seed and get opium (a
ilanBcrous. h:.'bit forming drug), or
you can plant a rhubarb seed and get
something that helps constipation. No
scientist, "living or dead, can explain
these mysteries of Nature. Behind the
invisible lifo germ in each seed is
hidden the deep secret that nobody un
Bakef did not mince words. He de
clared that with tho exception of Gov
ernor Cox, Ohio, apparently none of
the members of the conference, realiz
ed they were confronted with a real
menace and that thoir states and cities
were vitally concerned.
Baker declared that none of the
speakers has had the "old nerve" to
say what they felt. He charged that
'an insidious underground propaganda
was in operation ana mat
"Wle Ritchie" Gets Knock
Out From Little Dan .Cupid
San Francisco, Mar. 4 Gerhardt A.
Steffen, well knownas "Willie Ritch
ie" is en route to New York foday
with his bride, who was Miss Ethel
Pierce of San Francisco.
The marriage event last night was a
campaign" was in ope". . j , riie a8 waB the announcement that
the onlv government official who nadi"u'i"""' " "...
admitted it was Secretary of Labor "Willie Eitchic" would not again ap-
Governor Sproul, of Pennsylvania, bit
terly assailed the administration for
what he termed "too over-loving gov
ernment care and supervision."
Governor Cox, Ohio, advocated as
one aid to stimulating resumption of
work, a "sweeping reduction in freight
rates on road materials "
Carl D.' Great, To Accompany
President Wilson To France
' ' I Portland, Ore., Mar. 4. Six nl! star
Carl D. Groat, of the Washington j events are booked for the For land
stuff of the United Press will acrnm- boxing commission's 'smoker litre to-
ppnv 1 resident ivnson io xraiifw . morrow nignr
will be a member of the president e
near as a boxer.
feteffen expects to establish business
relations with a New York firm to rep
resent it here.
Golf sticks instead of five ounce
gloves for "Willie Ritchie" said Mrs.
Steffen. "and he plays a migiity goou
eame. too."
New York photographers b'iouM
wach for Mrs. Steffen for she is look
derstands. Everything growing out of personal party, leaving on the ('eoTgcj
,tho ground seems intenitca tor some use Washington Wednesday, uroui in.
in establishing natural conditions. Dr. been with the United Pres.T for nix
Pierco of Buffalo, N. Y., long since years, his assignments including tVe
found out what is naturally best for i Washington, New York, Chicago Sar
-women's diseases. He learned it thru ' Francisco'and Dallas bureaus. Since
treating thousands of cases. The result 1 1 9 , embracing the period of the Un
of his studies was a medicine called Dr. ' ited States' participation in the world
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This ) war. he has been in the Washington
medicine is mad 3 of vegetable growths bureau in close contact with President
that nature surely intended for back- j Wilson and members of the cabinet He
oche, headache, weakening drains, bearjwin bC in touch with the United Press
dng down paini, periodical irrcgulari-, by wireless during the trip and will be
ties pclvie inflammations, and tor tho with the president until his return
snaiiy disorders common to women in,fr0m Europe.
nil aors of life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite a
Prescription is niadc of lady's slipper
root, b5ack cohosh root, unicorn root,
blue cohosh root and Oregon grape
root. Women who take tins s'.andanl
remedy know that in Dr. Pierce ' Fav
orite Prescription they are getting a
D t-ir. ; mn irimd that drug
gists everywhere s?ll it. . passed yesterday by the assemblv over
Favorite Prescription ghould havo the j the veto of Governor Boyle, was brought
full 'cos fidnce of everv woman in Am- lip , the senate today ana main c
oriel because it contains no alcohol , special order of business for next Mon
snd bo narcotic Br. , Pierce knew, j day afternoon.
when he first mado this tiandard med-1 Supporters of the bill claim thev
icine that whiskev and morphine are nave enough votes m the senate to f ol-iniuriou-v
and so he has always kept;low- the lead set by the assembly. .
them out of his remedies. Send i"c j
3)r. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo,
IN. for trial py. Tablets. I
To Cose Uu On Monday
'Carson Citv. Nov., Mar. 4. The 2
i round boxin2 contest ' bill which war
thespians have been working nightly
under tho. direction of James Mott, who
stneed the last two big Elk successful
'Get ltich Quick-Wallingtora,-' anu
"The Man From lfome," and en Wed
nesday and T)i,ui'4' evenings,. March
12 and 13, the cuituin at tno unuiu
thearto will riso on the 1919 offering,
''Officer 606." 5
Following, are tho fifteen characters
in the new" play and the local' 'stars
who will play them:
Travers Gladwin, a millionaire tut col
lector. .... :. James Mott
Whitney Barnes, iiis very best friend
x Carl Hinges
Batento, his Japanese scrveant, ....
E. Cook Patton
Police Officer Micbaol Phelan, iSo. 000
....Georeo C. 1j, Snyder
Alfred Wilson, a famous pictuio crook,
Oscar a. umgiicn
Thomas Watkins. Gladwin's former but-
ler A. L. 1'rasier
Captain Stone,, of tho New York po-
M "I A 1 t.l n
iicc muvoi . Jiiw"
Kearney, a plain clothes man
"iJUnny " meiring
Sorgeant Hyan, of the ponce lorco
ben yv. uicoti
Sergeant O'Hura, another one
Dan F. Langcnbuig
Two more policemen (real ones) do
tailed bv Chief Varney
Helen Burton ....Miss Olga Gray
Mrs. Burton, her auil? Jlis. Walter
Sadio Small, a fried of Helen
....Miss Flou'iice Cartwright
A gliinec ut this cast will bo suffic
ient evidonce to anybody who has fol
lowed former Elk plays that "Officer
060" will bo plavcd by actors who
know how to put over good comedy.
Most of the old offenders, liko Cook
Patton, Georgo Snyder, James Mott,
"Bunnv" Mdirine.ar.il the Hon. Ben
Olcott, will be sceu In tho parts wlucn
are peculiarly suited to their well
known thespian talents. Mis Olgn
Gray, who made so pronounced a hit
in last venr'a play, "The Man From
Home," hus'evon u better part in "Of
ficer 6fl." Dan Langenburg and Al
Fn-.aer, two other veretuns of the Elk's
dramatic department are also present
at their annual come back. Tho new
Failure Of Army Bill To
Slow Up I
Washington, Mar. 4. Failure of the
army bill to pass icongress mcans to
tcnt'ion of a great many soldiers much
longer than had been planned, Secre
tary of War Baker announced today.
Ho characterized the situation as dif
ficult, but said the war department
would' not bo seriously embarrassed as
io finances.
Tho bill provided for a regular ar
my .of 5(tQ,000 men, which Dakr said
was to have been enlisted at onco to
replace men who enlisted or were draft
ed for the war. The number of sol
diers who will be held in army by
failure of the bill was not stated by m.w eorigress is called at onco.
Baker although .he said only 40,000 ol-1 tho rr.ils naturally v, uro tho KardoU
diets nro enlisted for longer than tho i
emerirtuicv. ' - .
Mini affected includo tliso in th.,A.
E. F. and those at horns camps. '
Close Of Congress Caused
Drop In Rates h Market
New York, March 4. The New Even
ing Bun financial review today says:
Wall Street got pretty well worked tip.
hit. Ki!ttdi:ig,wluch has twen cxeep :oa-
ally well liouglit 'in the pust few nays,
dropped 'nearly four pi'.i!;t3 to below 81.
Southern Pacific sank below par" and
Union Pacific below 130. Canadian Pa
cific lost nioro than two points and New
Haven, Northern Pacifi.; and Pittsburg
and .West .' Virginia aoum two points
euch. Baldwin Locomotive suffered a
lofts of uver thrco points. ,. ,
Yienun.' Mar 3. President Biota,
when the Sixty Fifth congress wont ; strongly gunrtled. was inaugurated to
out of existence at noon today. With ( day at the initial mooting of the now
tho deficiency bill left uncnactcd and -t parliament which had been aummonea
the railroads, in consequence, without by. the national, assembly, '
T.,r Afit,.i,; i in'fino alinne fr hi stars include Mrs. Walter Npauuung
eiiiragement with George Drew, the and Miss Florence Cartwright, and
,.n,.,-nA finn Prnnfison tmtttpr. iMiion!? the men are "Kink" Hinges,
George Ingle of Seattle will have n! Oscar Gingrich, and the man who mado
real fisht in front of hira when he the "flu" famous, Mayor C. E. Al-
faces Alex Trambitas, wno is confident bin. '
of wiping out the two victories Ingle "Officer Ofad' is a meloiliaiinc larce.
has chalked up against him. . lit has nil tho thrills of a blood-andi
Sid Mitchell is another mitt man who thunder plav coupled with all the laughs
is expected from Seattle today. He isj0f nt. mmi farcical of farces. It is
lined up against Kid Herman (probably the most' unique play on the
Other bouts will be staged by Billy K,,,e t the present time, nud is ono
ascott and Bud Kidley, Hector St. , thc lll0st su(.cesful that tliathag been
John and Joe Gorman, Billy Nelson and
Jack Waguor.
''Terrible om of Eciem contracted
wlio nerc briyj-tonghtditeam for ten
yenrt, wttt; lilf ctn ipeciilnta. Both
Irgt in trriijls condkioo. AlnMt s
n-;vi..i w k. It took iuit 0 bottiMof
D. P. D. to tifiir up Uiiidweaae.'
Tit fi the late testimony of prominent
Bew.ftp.iper man. We tiav eeo to many other
tufTerer relieved by thif murveiouj lotion that
tve freely offer yon a bottle on eur perfonal
rvarantec Try it tod . tfc, 9dc and fl.ou.
IML loUooibrSlPtseasei.
J. C. Perry',
prodnced in thif, country. It scored u
continuous run for nioro than year
and a half at the Gayety theatre, New
York, and up till last senson. it was
pla.wed throughout thc country y tour
New York road companies.
The scut sale for both performances
will open at the Grand' Theatre Tues
day morning, March 10. The The best
scats will cost one dollar, as usual. Tho
rest well be four bits.
Iondon, Mar. cede letter from
Edward DcVai ia Sinn Fein leader
who pfscuned from Lincoln prison, read
at an Irijh menttng here, risked that thc
Irish should defer judgment on presi
dent Wilson, as he ''will bear -J-elttivd
in mind at tho crucial moment."
Getting Back
to Norntal
froni disturbin
physical condition
is helped wonder
fully By includind in
the dietary a hearty
daily ration of
a delicious food,
CM . . &
ncn m enerAwaue
including those vital
mineral elements
so essential to A
health and vior.
TiereWa Reason