THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1919 PAGE TEREK CORNS FEE GffPA!NLESSLY There's Only Ono Genuine Corn Peeler That's "Gets-It" There's only one hnppy way to get rid of any corn or callus, ami that's the painless peel-off way. "Gets-It" is the only corn remedy in the world atoms was RAVE TO THE LAST saiy-FiFrasEssiON (Continued from page one) REPUBLICANS SET (Continued from page one) drop of 'Oeta-If Corn .1 doomed." that does it that way effectively, thoroughly. Why get down on the floor tie yourself up into a knot, and have to fool with "packagey" plasters, greasy ointments that rub off, sticky tappe, digging knives and scissors, when you can peel off your corn or callus in one completo piece, peaceful ly and surely, with magic, simple, casv "Gets-lt"! It takes 2 or 3 seconds to , opply "Gets-It"; you uso 2 or 3 drops find that's M. "Gets-It" does the rest! Get rid of that corn pain at once, so that you can work and play without corn torture. He suro to uso "Gets-lt". It never fails. "Gets-It", the guaranteed, money back corn remover, the only sure way costs- but a trifle at a"y drug store. Manufactured by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's best coin remedy by . C. Perry, D. J. Fry. LEGISLATIVE EXTRAVAGANCE CONDEMNED BY NEWSPAPER. (Bosoburg Daily Eoview.) After a hang-over of nearly a week tho Oregon Legislature has at last ad journed. Former legislatures of this state have been severely eriticlsod but apparently nono have ever been so uni versaly condemned as this one, Here tofore the citizens of the state have often felt relioved whon the legisla tive session ended, but this time they aro both burdened und indignant. Al most without exception the mombors were pledged to the strictest economy, and owing to tho enormous burdens of the war thoso pledges should have beeu rigidly adhered to at tms time. Yet scarcely had tho session, opened when they plunged into tho wildest orgy of extravagant apropriations in the history of the state. Tho policy which seems to havo dominated througout tho ses sion may bo summarized in that historic phrase, "the public be d .". After being pledged to a reduction ol the numerous boards , and-cojnunssions ex ist! ng in this state, whon the first real step in that direction came before the legislature for action tho bill was "hi lariously kicked to death," as was re porluu from the state house at the tiuio. Sevcrui other consolidation bills were not brought up for consideration, showing the contempt of tho members for their pre-election pledges. Howevor, it is the enromous impro priations and the air of contempt for to taxpayers of the state that has prob ably aroused the greatest indignation. . While it is well known that the people of tho fttiic aro anxious tor good roads and are willing to providp a reasonable, and even liberal amount of funds there fore, the attaching of an emergency clause to tho $10,000,000 road bond issue aroused no small degree of chagrin. Ore gon has managed to exist lor sixty years with what roads it now has and lias several million dollars of road funds unexpended at the present time. Hence by what stretch of the imagination can it be hold that there had suddenly de veloped on emergency threatening the pence or safety of the state if the statutory 90 dr.ys were allowed to elap se befuie the measure went into effect in the regular course. Two years ago the people of Oregon voted a bond is sue of $6,000,000 for good roaas, and perhaps would not have now invoked a referendum on a $10,000,000 road bond issuo if it had been presented in the right way. Howover, when the legisla ture assumed the altitude of '.'the pub lic be d i ," a widespread sentiment of resentment was aroused and this in cludes a large number' of substantial citizens who worked hard for a favor able vote on the $6,000,000 road bond issue. In like manner the emergency clause was tacked on a number of other measures where no real emergency ex isted, thus further showing the con tempt of the legislature for the rights of the people of the state, and also mak ing a veritable farce of the emergency clause. Two more big bond issues, one for $5,000,000 and one for $2,500,000, are IT TAKES GOOD SOLES tojtp "George Wentworth, a letter carrier here, has worn a pair of shoes with Neolin Soles four months and two days. His route is twenty miles a day. This test made at our request, proves the wearing quality of Neolin Soles to our satisfaction." From Lothrops Famham Co., Dover, N. H. Only Neolin Soles will stand up under a test like this. People who are ' hard on shoes will save money if they buy them with Neolin Soles. These shoes come in many styles for men, women and children. Have Neolin Soles put on your worn shoes too. Any good repair shop will apply them. Remember they are " made by Science to be comfortable and waterproof, also. Manufactured by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear ail other heels. Details Of Mis Death Told la Letter To His Mother From Cosraacdsg Officer. Mrs. F. A. Baker is in receipt of a letter from Lieutenant George L. Good- ridge, who commanded the company of j which Aubrey Jones was a member ati the time of his' death. The letter is as follows: - "Aubrey joined our company just be fore the Chateau Thierry fighting. I was in command 0f the company then and remained in that position until af ter tho armistice was signed, so that I knew him very well. ''During all the fighting Aubrey did his part well. He was afraid of noth ing and all the other meeu looked up to him. I do not remember a time that I met hira that he was not smiling, no matter' how terribly trying the condi tions. He was a friend of everyone and everyone liked him. "In Belleu Woods, which is north of Verdun about 20 kilometers, tho Bocho put over a small counter attack on Oct. 28 and drove back some of the men from another company who were trying to hold the line, The companios were vcrv smell at that timo, so small that a batallion was not so strong as a full strength company. "I went to where our batallion was staying in support and called for volunteers to help get the old lino back again. I was nearest our own company at the time and Aubrey was the first ono to reach me with his French auto rifle ready. "In a few minutes we were rushing tho line, Aubrey beside me. A mach ine gun bullet struck him and ho drop ped. I could not-stop then but just after the affair was over and the line ro-taken, I went back to look for him and found him lying whore he had fall en with a bulct through his chest. .''As the fire waa too heavy there, he was not buried till two days later when, Chaplin Eollins and Father O, Conuor buried him with prayers in a little cemetery near whero he had fall en. 1 "Aubrey's personal effects wore til probably taken bv the c.linnlnin nnd sent to the personal effect department' wnere tney will be sent to you. "I will SCO the c.hnnlnin ntirl if T am ablo to find out anything about his enects i will lot you know &t once. , "Your son was a bravo man and be sides my knowing him so woll, he at tracted my special attention on several occasions by his actiong under fire. I should havo promoted him had ho only come through this action, lie was cit ed iu orders three different times for extraordinary bravery in action, "Aubrey was a straightforward and bravo little man at all times wnn i leel that I cannot praise him too much. I havo of ton overheard tho men in the company and regiment with' whom he associated, speak of what a splondid man he was. ' 'I wish there were more like him. I wasted to write you earlier, but wo were not allowed to precede the official government casualty list and I delayed writing not knowing when you would be notified of this sad happening." ' and a third one when Miss Rankin rose to reply. Hiss Bankin Replied "I am sorry to leave you before tbf women or this nation are enfranchis ed," Miss Rankin said. "With you, who are to be members of tire sixty sixth congress, I leave the greatest trust, the enfranchisement of women." Doorkeepers handed out admission cards as -souvenirs and with a grand rush to the senate and house restaur ants on, everyone but a few weary members, too worn to eat, forgot all aeout ine sixty firtn congress. Among those who culled for a few minutes chat with the president be fore he left tho eapitol were Chairman Hurley, shipping board; Sherman Whip pie, Boston attorney; Justice Bandeis, Representatives Heflin nd Small. Took Leave at Capitol About 200 eapitol employes and news papermen clasped his hands and bade him good bye. The president also took leave of his cabinet. "Good bye and good luck," shout ed the crowds as the president smil ing broadly left the room. "Thank you," he answered as he stepped aboard the elevator. Every time he was spied by thou sands pouring from tho senate galleries he was greeted with tromendous hand clapping. The president reached the wliite house on his return at 12:30 for lunch eon before going to the train. Signed 22 Bills President Wilson before going to tho eapitol signed 22 congressional bills, the most important being the act providing for'the fourteenth decennial census; the fortifications bill; tho bill providing hospitals and snnitorium fa cilities "for discharged sick and dis ablcd soldiers, sailors and marines. The other bills wero of a minor nature. McXary, Nelson, Norls, Kenyon, Jones and fall in the present senate, and Cap per, senator-elect fro Kansas, and Elk ins, senator elect from West Virginia. Of these, opponents of tho league claim Kellog, LaFolletto, Jones Tall and Eikins and possibly Nelson are op posed to the present draft of tho con stitution. MeOuinbcr and Norris are definitely with the administration. Ken yon said today he had answered hund reds of letters from uis constituents by saying he had an open mind and will return, to Iowa to discuss the lea gue with his constituents. Until he has done so, Kenyon said, he could not at tach his name to any pledge, either for or gainst the league. Capper could not be reached yesterday. Eikins is to reach Washington today. Claim Six Democratic Votes. In addition to these, the republicans claim at least six democratic votes. Reed and Gore are known to be defiant against the proposed constitution, Democratic learders today admitted they did not know of the republican plan. Senator Lewis, democratic whip, was maniftestly surprised when he en tered the chamber and learned what had happened. ''If I had been there," said Lewis, whose term ends today, "there would have boon something done about it." It wa9 late yesterday when republi cans finally decided to go through with the resolution which has .been, under cor.sideiotion for some time. Represen tative Medill McCormick, senator-elect from Illinois and Senators Lodge, Knox and New wero the most active in ob taining tho pledgos. They planned to spring the resolu tion about 8 o'clock this morning, but to set it b' fore the country earlier, do cided to et at midnight. Fberfcau Gets Sarcastic. Send tor Sherman, in an early morn ing speai-h on the resolution, sata: ' The ti.'taiutii.'i introduced by (Sena tor Lodge will be a signed souvenir for tne president to take with him to Paris. It will give tho fcay and light hearted Pari.-iaui some iilomiation on what public seiiciiueut u and will snow them that there- is txUiu opposition to the league," Sherman said t' t if President Wil son Wilson was correctly quoted in a public sttaemeut which said he favor ed hanging his opponents he would "require forty-five individual gibbets to be erected iu Washington aud forty five separate executions this morn ing." "If this languauge Is true, the presi dent must have absorbed queer ideas in Europe. These word3 Bound like kings and executioners. If the report is untrue the publications should be in vestigated; if it is correct, an investiga tion is necessary anyway." HAZEL (SEEN NOTES- (Capital Journal special service.) Hazel Green, Ore., March 4. Jack Fasett who is from Washington, spent last week at the Chapman home. Phillip Pietrock. of Stavton. who re cently returned from France, spent Sun- j day with his sister, Mrs.' B. C. Zielin ski. Herman Folz, of Jordan, and Miss Anna Wright were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Zeilinski, Ounday weok, Merlo Chapman u-rived home last week from Hampton Roads, Va. Mrs. Mabel Fassett and little son are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman. Wendell and Kenoth Bartlett of Wa- conda spent Sunday at the U. B. parson-1 age. Mrs. Daisy Baily returned from Port-! land last week. Grandpa Potorson is visiting rela tives in Shaw and Stayton this week. Miss Rosie Ziolinski who has been PLANS FOR MARKET M PROGRESSING D WW Committee Agrees that County Roads Should Extend Cn!y To City Limits. The market roads location committee of the movement now on foot to pave 100, miles of market roads in Marion! county within the next five years met , this morning at the Commercial club with the following present: Hurley Moore of.Woodburn; George Hubbs of Hilverton; Jos. J. Keber. of Mt. Angel; J. P. Feller of Donald; J E- Smith of Pt. Paul; W. A. Taylor of Macleay; H. L. Downing of Shaw; George Keeteh of Starton; Theodore Roth of Salem; Da-1 vid H. Looney of Jefferson and W. M. Hamilton of Salem Besides the committee which is to determine tho location of this 100 miles of market roads, a large number of en thusiastic road boosters were present from almost every part of the county, coming here to confer with the road location committee I This committee spent the entiro day on working on the tho problem of road location. After it has made its selec tions, tho report of the committee will be referred to the general road com mittee for approval. After the general committee has decided definitely on tho program and road selection, the entire home for two weoks returned to tho Salem telephone office Saturday. Walter Wynouth visited at the Bit chcy home recently, Tho infant Bon of Mr., and Mrs. Luk inbeal who was ill, is improving. Tho U. B. Juniors spent Sunday at tho parsonage. matter will be referred to the county court. ' To Prepare Petition. After a full discussion of the road committee, centra: committee and tho county court, the next move in the way of securing market roads for Marion county jrill be in the preparing of pe titions calling for submitting the mat ter to the people. This will be done in order that the matter may be vetcd on at the special election June 3. ' It was the consensus of opinion of the road location committee that all cities should care for their own roads and that in laying out the proposed 100 miles, the roads wero to extend only to the, city limits. Never before has any movement for good roads received such general ap proval of men from the different parts of the county. There is a feeling that unless the county does build market roads, it will not benefit from the im mense amount of money to be spent for the great highways. With the market roads connecting these highways, it is felt that the average fanner will have a hard surfaced road from his doorway to any market in the county. As one of the committee expressed it, this is tho day of good roads and Marion county does not intend to be left behind in the procession MABVELOUS ATHLETES HEBE. Professor Kantho and company who opened their two days' engagement at the Bligh theatre yesterday are per forming some of the greatest feats of manly strength that has ever been dem onstrated before a Salem audience. They will give a free exhibition in' front of the theater this afternoon at 4:15 and again at 8 p. m. when they will haul three of the largest auto trucks of the Larmer Transfer company down the street by ropes held in their teeth. At this evening's performance thero will be a lively boxing demonstration between one of the members of the company and ono of Salem's liveliest boxers. submitted to vote at a special election t0 be held on June 3, Tho former in cludes appropriations for a big lot of expenditures that could not be bo put over on account of the slx-per cent tax limitation:, but which involve pet meas ures in so many parts of the state that it mav require & large amount of hard work to prevent its adoption, as appeals to "patriotism" and every other device will doubtless be resorted to by its ad vocates. Apparently, instead of devising means to cut down public expenditures, every effort seems to have been made to get more money out of the taxpayers. Such at extreme was reached that even tho $10,000,000 road bond issuo may prove unsalable It seems to be based largely on an automobile license tax, and this of course, is subject to rcpo&l by a sub sequent legislature if it is not knock ed out by the courts sooner on account of being so radically inequitable. Another measure which may be look ed upon ns one of defiance to the peo plo of the state is the so-called fish and gamo code, which is said to have been lobbied through by the manipula tions of the fish and game commission. This measure attempts to give tho com ission practically autocratic powers ov er the fish and gamo of the state, with I authority to change open and closed seasons at will in whatever districts they may may see fit, and to fix their own salaries and those of their em ployes, It is stated on high legal au thority, so we are informed,that this law is unconstitutional, because it at tempts to confer what is practically legislative authority upon a commission created by the legislature. With the several proposed bond issues and other appropriations voted during the session, approximately $25,000,000 have been imposed as public burdens upon the people of the state. Only a few years ago a great howl went up when the legislative apropriations reached to $4,000,0(10 during one sesion. What will be the outcome of the present orgy of extravagance and apparent defiance of tho peoplo of the state remains to be seen. Many do not hesitate to say that it has become intolerable and a radical change is predicted at the next general election. t Th Journal Jt Departmnt will print you anything in th stationery line do it right and nsvc you real money. Ills ARCH is a month of heavy work for the kidneys.; Exposure to sud den changes -of temperature, with chills, colds and influenza, all tend to ' ....... ' . ; ... 1. ' , . .... i throw an extra burden on the kidneys. They fall behind in keeping the blood stream pure and poisons, that well kidneys normally throw off, accumu late and set up disturbances in various parts of the body. That is why March is apt to find you feeling tired, irritable and half sick. Don't wait for worse troubles to set in If you suffer constant backache, headaches, dizzy spells and irregular kidney action, you've good proof that your kidneys are demanding attention. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills today. Doan's are helping thousands and should help you. Kead in Salem C ases: Mission Street ' High Street S. Thirteenth Street Mrs. G. H. Deacon, 1498 Mission street, says: 'It has Joseph Wint, retired blacksmith, BG8 High street, says Mrs L..M Drager. 909 South Thirteenth street, says: been a long time since I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills, "My back and kidneys bothered me. My kidneys were din- ''I can conscientiously say Doan's Kidney Tills aro a but speaking from past experience, I can say they are a ordered and my back was weak. Doan's Kidney Pills soon reliable medicine for kidney disorders. I have tnken them at medicine of merit I had a dull pain across my kidneys put 1110 right." different times when I have had a dull, tired feeling across and at times it was very severe. After I had taken Doan's Over three years after Mr Wint said: ''My opinion of my kidneys and when my kidneys haven't been acting rcg- Kidney Pills a few days, that disagroeablo ache disappear- Doan's Kidney Pills is just the same today as it was when ulurly. Doan's havo never failed to give mo quick relief, ed My back and kidneys have caused me but very little I gave my first endorsement. I haven't had any kidney It is only once in a great while now that I have to use a trouble since." trouble now for several years and I give thern the credit kidney medicine." ! for bringing such lasting results." UtSwt N. Church Street SlaleStreet J. H. Pen ton, 1405 Lee Street, says: 'On several oc- p nrown) retired farmer, 1499 State street, says: casions a cold settled in my back across my kidneys causing Elsie Keuscher,' 1203 N. Church street, says: 'Sev- "Hard work had weakened my kidneys and I often felt nnin unA PTtenn Wn .nir t t ' eral years ago I suffered a great deal with rheumatic pains tho effect in lameness and soreness across the small of my pain and extended into my loins. I knew that my kidneys ,b J mi moro or , throngh my wholfl body. t ba(.k. Finally my attention was called to Doan's Kidney were to blame and started using Doan's Kidney Pills. I a(.n(,d all ovcr. My kidneys were congested and irregular Pills and I got some. The backache and soreness eutirely found them just the thing to rid me of tho pain and disor- and I concluded they were the cause of the trouble. I took left me.' dors." Doan's Kidney Pills and they stopped that pain In myback Over ten years later, Mr. Brown said: 'I am ready to Over four years after, Mr. Penton said: (I have never and I have been troubled very littlo since. When I have confirm any time what I said in my former statement, ro- found a more reliable medicine for backache and kidney dis- noticed my. kidneys needed attention, I have used Doan's garding my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills I still orders than Doan 's Kidney Pills. Whenever my kidneys Kidney Pills for I have found they have always helped me. consider them a medicine of morit aud they always do good egt out of order Doan's soon put them right." I couldn't recommend a better remedy." work when I take them." 1 !TV 0 I Every Druggist has Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Born Co Manufactoring Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. i r " O -g nefllHlpoles ! , , ; i ; ; : : ; : . .