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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1919)
-AGE FIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1919. vV 6 Beix-ans .tfv- hot waTer GXL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Pided U? Ca lie Street I i. ... W-.-JKl.-m.!, I - J. .- -ft '-;., j ,1 Jj, ,'i , ;, , :k n i m It . r.. ' ' 6 If' in il a m j i a . i si rrencii mim Dana i tl e P. Do Your Bit To Help Entertain the Home Coming Boys ' ednesday, 8:30 P. W. S. PITTS Royal Chinook is bring ing a royal price to all right now 43 cents ft pound; I 'ye seen the. time when it sold for 10 cents. But to offsett this wo are selling smelt as low as three cents a pound by the box. There is an imcmuso demand for the smelt right jnow, us it's the cheapest thing on the . ni.irlri't. Diirln kA . il. A4 T.l b.M " m.4.j- me uiuiiiu ui. xeuru- : ary we probably averaged in onr mark Jiet 11,000 pound8 week, or omeiuinc ud pounus ior tno montn, Jirm- I ; ers come in hero and buy them un by i til Ithn I.t .u t..: i- ' . fl ( uv.-, jiui luiriu iu uriiiu 10 carry mm neiu tnrough the whole season. Thev E I ta i tl'" mo t,10.v are better in the salt than ! f 1 t'.i I w1lel1 f rosn- ue farmer who put up I I March' 5 ..v uvvtuttii: lii iiiv Ull tM'.I.lllIIH 1.(11(1 i Kt ' mB-that he Iia(1 smoIt that hKd becit rVsI'mne: for a yar and were as eoou as' P-i ieuttinir un tho hirrhwavs. thp n ffivo tho Willamotto TrunsfiT Com li-X Z . . . . . ... . r ' r; I ciou i ior aoout (foo worth of work in fJi P'an 3 &3 y (The services of this noted band of French Heroes were engaged and paid for by 70 Patriotic Business and Professional PIcn of Salem. DO YCUR PARTENGAGE YCM SEATS TODAY Every Cent of the Proceeds Goes to the Mother's Club of Salem "THE HERO MOTHERS" Reserved Seats on Sale at Armory Box Of f ice liking a stretch ,,f road near Brooks. There's a mighty bad piece of highway mere ami our hoys spent one whole night working on it. If there's any body that's making good their wcar on the country roada it's our company. We're taking produce right from tlie farmer's door into tho market a two cents above the price paid by tho com mission man." f t'hatchorics in California at present. 0. N. Needham. There may fco a lot of people going out of the poultry Intsi ' hut loro is just as many going Into it, judging from the number of orders for baby chicks. Most or the orders come from people who are tak ing it up as a slide line, and the major ity of them testify that they are doing wen in spite of tho high cosw m itied. ni'i uacs yaru -poultry colony is going to oe a great fad tins season, and the fact that so. manj1 huve quit the busi ness makes the 'chances all the better for thoso who stav by it. We aro get ting most of our stock from tho bia LATE BELETINS. Portland, Ore., March 3, Charles performance. Exit Eosen, although Hon is cagod. , o Jersovvillo. 111. Tim hnttnm f,ll nut JJnst bought n , bottlo of Florida water of tho marriago market hore when Jus- for his bath. It smclled s0 good he got ' of tho I'oaco VanPelt announced ut and drank somer-too much. He is' W"'J,IR' to perronu marries tor in jail - Bruttleboro,. Vt. It was some Dartv A he?! belonging to Mrs. Bert S. Miller, clucked when fed as though calling a brood of chickens. .Ten rats answered tho cull. Snn Francisco. Borne goofl soul In returned soldiers with charge Chicago. Pearl Johnson's clothes won her widar recognition than she figured ivrriK, lows, xnrow a scare into the' when sho got u suit to bo a "hit at i'residio by sending tho boys of box ofa party." Bho was arrested for shop fudjre. Ten doctors have been busy for lifting, a week but can find no trace of poison. ' o ' . Braintroo, Muss. When a truck load tM Iraiicisco. I naccustomed to vlo- of hay caught firo, Robert Hortc calmly Iin music ar.d Jilikmg even the best,! drove it to tho nearest firo alarm box a I.on suddenly emitted a deafening and pulled the alarm and waited. Tho roar when Max Eosen begun a practice firemen did tho rest. ORE THROAT -C or jonsnicis,0jargie . 1J with warm salt water then apply Vicii'sl Ik. T&VJVTTT:." YOUR BODYGUARD"-30C. 6020 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY i U 11 u ; ' X.- .te rJU. .ssL fib Htf l D. A. White. Sweet clover is no new experienco in this section. We have been selling the seed in small quanti ties to tho farmers for several years, but fow will .bother vith it, since it is only good for a' clover crop. Just now we are getting puite a number of calls for the white-blosom sweet-clove,wiutu is a very diitcrent proposition. Those who have tried it say that you could hardly tell it from alfalfa, and thai thoy have known instances whero cattie would leave the best of alfalfa to cat the swoet clover. There aro hundreds of nores of it in eastern Oregon, and thi-y aro findinng it one of tho best hay crops known. For somo reason the farmers of this 'section are slow about taking hold of a crop of this kind." Iconoclast. I just noticed that some ono was tearing down tho old shack at the rear of Barnes Store, and it's about timo There's a lot moro of the same typo in Salem, and they're a nuis ance an eyesore? a disgrace to thu( city. Do you know visitors always sizoi up the inhabitants of a town by the looks of the buildings f It would be a mighty good thinir for this town if wo had about 250 fires, with the firo-trucks all chained up." Dr. Doney. Willamette University is gradually recovering from tho results of tho war and the influenza and every Mine is running smoothly, though the enrollment is not quite back to normal. We aro looking to & largo influx of new students during the year. I was pleas ed with a testimonial from Capt. V. L. I.loyd, who was recently returned for his dischargo from the army. Ho is a boy who went directly from the univer sity to New York, with no other "pull" thnn his education and his capacity, and i8 now acting as attorney for tho Continental National Bank, of that city. When I asked him as to how much his schooling at Willamotto help ed him in geting into such a position, he stolid that although he came into competition with graduates of somo of tho great institutions if the .ast, he felt that hi8 work at Willamette had given just a little bit the edgo on all of them." Miae Case, of the Pnbllc Library. 3 '4 Arriving each day and placed on sale. We are going to make this the biggest year of all and are going to force out new shoes as fast as they arrive. You can make no mistake in getting these new styles at greatly reduced prices. REPAIR WORK Bring your repair work to our shop and save money and get better leather and better work. Rubber heels at half price on Wednesday THE LOWEST PRICES EVEll OFFERED IN THE CITY, CONSIDERING QUALITY. READ OYER THE FOLLOWING HTREMELY LOW PRICES- 300 pairs Men's Gun Metal lace shoes, all sizes, regular $7.00 grades, both with single and double -soles, to close out j4 95 500 pairs Ladies' Comfort shoes, both in button and lace, flexible soles, rubber heels, regular $5.00 grades, to close out. ;.J3 95 iLiC! Ladies' regular $9 dress shoes, lace only, to close out at $7.95 Ladies' regular $10.00 dress shoes, lace only, to close out : $8.95 Ladies' regular $12.00 dress shoes, lace only, to close cut $10.95 Men's Men's Dress Work . Shoes Slices Men's regular $8 dress shoes, lace and button to close out $6.95 Men's regular $9 dress shoes, lace and button, to close out ....$7.95 Men's regular $10 dress shoes, lace and button, to close out $8.95 Men's regular $5 and $6 work shoes, black and tan, to close out $3.95 Men's regular $8 log gers, black only, to clos. out .. $5 95 Men's $5 rubber boots, most all sizes, to close out : $3.95 Men's, Women's and Children's tennis shoes, small sizes, to close out 65c, 75c. ana 'Joe Odd lots in Ladies' $12 Hanan shoes, small sizes, to close out.................. $5.95 Broken lines of Men's $12 Hanan shoes, to close out , $9.95 Women's regular $4 Kid Julietts, to close out $2,95 Rabkr Esel Day each Wednesday when we pat on new, live rubber 50c heels at One-Ha Price, 25c DUX DAX OIL SElBYiSES HANAN 3S IJMTY BODS CASH OS TDM WITCH ELK BOOTS BAIL BARD BOOTS FOX PARTY PUMPS LIBERTY Wm CASH OR HADE 32S State St., Next To Ladd & Bush Bank r SI .:: . "" """ea a com- jt'rohraan'. gross estate was 919.3S3. is and other deductions cut it Tho heirs are to receive $75.30 I . On Wednesday, March 5 5 n 2 Sale start at 2 p. m. sharp and 7:30 p. m. Come and get shoes for the whole family. Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters and Underwear for Boys, Hats for Men, Laces, Siks, Caps, Dolmans and furs for the Ladies. DONT MISS THIS CHANCE TO GET THESE FIRST CLASS ARTICLES . AT YOUR OWN PRICE. range of subjects. This is ono of the nnparalled plot for an Irish comic od- ed t 4fii 7 ..ji t . , greatest utilities of tho library. Wo era. - Ii 10 i appruisw have just added a new feature in tho The Tri.s .,n.. vle. stttl? comptroller, filed here. . , , . . , . oyyvwicii soar Jtrohma reatuug room a tabic devoted cspeciil- mittoe to arrange for the delivery, but debt ' , " , " , .oiuy sum, a oinn reintter, working down. and causes uf the war and the work of in a m,r1 v.n- '......? . which the reference library is being books-' .Stakes of the War;- by Theo Zns for S in a Zlu, T" C8ta! f A1 u,ed by the students of the high hol;l. Stoddard, is of special itcrert ani iJSXnt ot tu C Troh' "P" T . """"J- - r 7 a "v u,u"-.. . .. a1 accustomed to the Irish, sun- to i,ooi,w. aavs wncn tnere are irom ou 10 u, i. w. uaraer, or tne saiem-bUverton nn-teil nnthinir ti, 7 i." wide 8tftge"There aro reports tnat the tenor, ask theDri.n Tl ; .f..(li 1 ; . 1 ... uu iu ov.-u i f'UK u i" ouvenon roaa pression of the rear exit. is uHMug uy iu pmces, out x am going tudents at work, covering A WaH ! Resistance Emphasis sliould be placed upon the conservation of strength and the building up of a strong wall of resistance against weakness. boh Coo D. CURRIE, Mgr. G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer " ' ' 157 South Commercial StreetPhone 1117 SCOTT 101 used regularly by many, right through the winter, as a depend able means of conservingstrength For the delicate child or adult! nuurisn. . mcnt with tonie-ualitic3 that r rcat in their; ability to 1p irengtnen the body ana in. trfase resistance. nxi&Bownc.iUoomfieldJfJ. 18-21 TWO nf tlin hlil.nmi.) nn;...-i- I 0l'r that IIVr. dnv ml T lin.vo u.. n ,1 . . ... ' lu i . 7 ; " T " " "lr orougut irom Dublin and dis- signs of defects except ,n ono or two guised as flower girls. wcValora wM spo s where ,t is bcg.nning to buckle a warned in a codnote that Februar ittlo. This road is aking some heavy 3rd had bee, set for the date of h7s traffic and if it holds uD it will eo to Mrnn n T,t j. .v ' . , nls show what can be done with low-priced girls started a flirtation wit Who V 7?UDS ,to do thi3 B!:i watc! rur Pvinc." - if ,d I S ltaA' &b hver ni bowels - tiere'o no need of KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy-If You Know Dr. - Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping yo-mg is tc feel Sim Fein Leikr's Escape 1 i 41! - u em.cea irom them from the rear having a saUow ccnirrSe-i -Idark" rin-s gate. Two men cut tath thrn,,.,i. mJ'J.. Cr "F.T!1 barbed wire barrier outside ths Iffic DeLavera. walkini? thrnncrh Fsraalc CA (Uar IVA w5e,h had bPCn opened by the false key' I P cent of all cfcbiess CKk ' ia iiqub5 Utivld IKJI calmly entered a waiting automobile cnv3bowda cad liver. . and was driven awav. Pnmmt iJ Dr. EuwarJi a vdl-'r-.--r- r- 2n raris, March 3. Provisi....onal Irish mediately organized by the wardens, . P-"';f- ." T:.:v!i5 c:m- L 1 . 1 .. -J t: J t, i V.M t3 liver cacl bovrc'.a. wt:-. hi r:xi U v-j patients i'cr yzzrx d'.r:.73 ci.':C.;-:C ':,' .-'5 tbout Lucy23C7 which chouhl to cajoycxl ty cveryo-- t7tonini up the liver em clear i2Z he system cf i!cp-jrit."20. i on win Know Lit. tcwarcr uiive iav lets bv their oliva mlnr. 10c and 25c Del parliament members planned engiu-.wlo were led astray by four automo- cerca tue esacpe of Professor Edward b", packed with Irishmen, which act iah iin; ea 88 deco-vs-each different today. rncn road. San O'Kelley, representative of the Irish republic at the peace confer-, mane tnis pubUc in relating the rBOHMAN ESTATE SMALL. details of DeValora's flight which w; bv d-"e e8t?to kft staged in , way that would ma.e nn i i" . " 7. "". , New York, Slarch 3. rohman, on the Lusitania,-amunnt- bos. All drusgista.