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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1919. PAGE SEVEN YM MOVING PICTURE I1IILI8 BAniES Macfeise Gun Operators The Journal New Today FECIAL I f H Aids JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTEIENT IS THE BEST SELLING HI IN MARION COUinY TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINQ BATES Bate por word -New Today: Xach insertion - - 1 m veek (6 insertions) 5e One month. (26 insertions , 17e The Cai'ital Journal will not be re sqwnsible for more than one insertion, !or errors in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately i rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. WAOTBD Secondhand linoleum at once. 1601 Center Bt. tf FOB SALE Cheap, fine Estey organ. Call 170 North front St. - 3-3 WANTED A few loads of good ma nure. Phone 1204. 3-5 WANTED White Bock cockerel, pure bred. 929 Mill St. 3-5 "WANTED Job driving Ford truck. Phone 2510J1. " 3-4 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 482 S. High. 3-6 X)B SALE Team, weight- 3000 lbs. L. M. Wilkerson, 290 W. Miller. 3-6 "FOR SALE Pure bred canary hens. 2590 Fairgrounds road. 3-5 FOB SALE A-l clover hay. Claudo Kamsden, Pratum, Or. 3-3 WANT FID Lot us gimonize and grease your car 320 H. Com. St. 3-5 WANTED Few pigs from 50 to 75 lbs.' Phone 84F4. 3-3 BABY CHICKS FOB SALE 544 State St. Opp. court house. tf .WANTED To rent 5 or ) room mod ern house. 559 care Journal. 3-4 FOR SALE (Buggy, wagon and 93 ft. of 7-8 cable. Phone 73F13. 8-4 FOB BENT Modern rooms with board 461 N High. 3-4 WHITE Bock eggs for hatching. Phone 93F5 or 403B. 8-3 FOB SALE Good, thrifty Logan .tips. . Phone 6SF15. 8-6 FOB SALE Gvd table potatoes, . tl.25 peF sack Phone 86F22. tf FORD for sale cheap. Just been over hauled. Phone 858J. ! tf WANTED To buy cattle and calves, any kSnd. Phone 1576W. , 8-15 BOGS cleanad on (floor, S5e per rug. Phone 16. L. L. Buckner. 8-3 WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, veal and large calves. Phone 1425 - M. 8- BABBBD Bock eggs foi hatching, from fine winter layers, $1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 805 3 14th Si. tf ONTON soed, Oregon Yellow Danvers for sale, $2.30 a pound. Phone 48F 11 or J. I. Bliven, Gervais, Or., Bt. 3. 3-20 FOE SALE Bialed wheat straw $9 t barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid , die Grove school. . 3-28 FOB SALE Modern, six room house close to car line and school. Bargain ifor cash. Address B M H care Jour nal. 8-3 BARGAIN Six room cottage, nearly FOB BENT Modern upper flat, close' in. See B. B. Flaming, 250 or 785 Court. Phone 124 or 92. . . tf LIBERTY BONDS If yon must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masoole bldg. tf FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings. tf FOB SALii i vxl3 scaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. tf WALL PAPEB 15 cents pec double roll - upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. .' tf - NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Bt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and hrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. 8 3 WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co, , m a High St. Phone 1400. AS GOOD aw new, gas range, good heating stove, water heater, retail ored overcoats and suits, at half price. The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. tf 5-Fl-1L0iS-6l WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WEAL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. 314 Masonic Bldg. FBE8H cow for sale. Call 954. 34 FOB SALE Twin Indian motorcycle, eheap. Phone 8F23 evenings. 3-5 WANTED Boar4 and room by two young ladies, closo to state house preferred. 88 care -Journal. 3-3 FOB SALE Flemish and New Zea land does, or will exchange for chick ens. (Bt. 2, box 81. 3-4 FOB SALE Lot 2, block 2, Salem heights, $300. Liberty bonds accept ed at par. Inquire 1695 Jf. Fifth. 3-6 FOB SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Bt. 5, box 125 on Mseleay road, tf LOST on Wallace road, near bridge, one weed chain.. Finder please 're turn to 439 Court St. Beward. 8-4 MUST sell at once almost new, model 90 Overland, a bargain. Call at 162 North Commercial. 3-d WANTED To let us wash and polish your cars. Phone 1260, 320 N. Com. St. 3-8 FOB SALE! New Zealand Bed rab bits, pedigreed stock. Call 1625 Hall street. " 3-5 WANTED 2 or 3 furnished house keeping roonig close in, reasonable, for family of 3. 04 care Journal 3-4 MIDDLE aged woman wanted as house keeper for elderly couple in countrv. Phone 1671J. .. , 3-4 FOB SALE Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. , tf DISCHARGED soldier wants work by hour or by day. Address Myrtle ho tel, room 15. 3-8 WANTED To trado .good single, rub ber tired buggy and harness for good milk cow. Phono 37F5. 3-3 BATCHING EGGS Bhode Island Bods. If you want ' 'color and eggs. ' Grote, box 55, Bt. 2, Salem. 3 3 YOUNG lady wishes position as assist ant in office or any kind of clerical work. 8482 care Journal. 3-3 WANTED--Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt 6. tf HIMALAYA tip's, S00 for sale. W.' C. ' Franklin. Bt. 1, box 11. Phone 52F 14. tf WANTED To rent a modern bunga low with range installed. Telephone 617 - 3-3 GEOOEBT stock and (fixtures must be sold within 30 days, easy terms, i890 a 12th st. tt EXPERIENCED man wishes position as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd & Bush reference. Phone 664. 'tf ADMHN3STBATOBS why pay 5 per cent when you can get Col. W. F. Wright, auctioneer, Turner, for 2 por cent. 3-6 WB HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a "bargain Willam- ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf FOB SALE Hatching eggs, White Leghorns, heavy layers, $6 per 100, $1 per getting of 15. Fair View fonl try Farm, Salem, Or., Bt. 7, box 48. . 3-17 WANTED To buy on installments, modern house within walking dis tance of state house, must havo 4 bed rooms, can pay $500 cash and $40 per month, including interest. W. A. Liston,' agent, 484 Court St. 3-3 CAMPBELLS AOTOEXCBAfXE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS If you want to buy or sell a car euuie uu sot ud. . Studebakcr, 6 or 7 pass., perfect 1 will .take small car in trade. Dodao. hie bargain, $G30. Maxwell, almost new, bargain Buick roadster, $325 Paige touring car, big bargain Ford, fully equipped, demount able rims, $500 Studebakor, perfect condition $300 1918 Cedilla!, good shape $400 Elgin, good as new $1123 ' Ford touring, perfect, $3T5 Ford bargain, $350 Pheae 362 Salem, Ore. FOB SALE House and tot, 54x164, 1 blocks from State, 339 B lth. 3-27 FIRST CLASS baled clover hay for sale. Keppinger, Gervais, Bt. 2, box 1. 3-5 FOUND Lady's gold watch. Owner identify same and pay for ad. Call at Journal office. 8-3 WANTED Black Siberian hares and Guinea pigs, will buy or trade camera, rifle. Frederick Doerfler, euv-rtan, Or. - 3-3 PLACE of 80 acres in eastern Wash ington, for sale or trade; some im provements. Will soon be under ditch. Address M-3 care Journal. 3-3 IF INTERESTED in contracting aere ago for green string beang for can ning purposes. Apply Oregon Packing Co. Phone 220. 3-4 FOB SALE A very fine new piano, low priee and easy terms. Call or see L. L. Miller at Marion hotel. Phone 2010. .3-5 WANT to rent nice house of six rooms strictly modern, furnished or unfurn ished. Call L. L. Miller at Marion hotel. 3-5 ONION seed for sale, Oregon Yellow DarfTer, half globe, tested and guar anteed, $2 per lb. John B. Macy, Brooks, Ore. tf A BAMGAIN Lord's Oregon Laws and complete sot of session laws annotated to date. A 142 care Jour nal. 3 OHIOKjENS wanted, highest priees . tr l no.. 1 .. paia. neavy nens &o; ugut uvnn 27c; fancy veal 21c. Cherry City Feed barns. 8-6 7 BOOM modern house, good location, four lots value 3&W. win sacrince for cash or trade for acreage. F. L. Wood, Bayne Wdg. 3-4 WANTED Up to 200 White Leghorn yearling nens in gooa eonaitaon. oiw number, location and price. Address W. H. Swank, Aumsville, Or. 3-7 FOB SALE Jsat five room bungalow gooa location, siaou, uute minus car part pay. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 3-4 FOB SALE White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs ft per sewing. u by chioks $10 per hundred. 768 8 13th St. -l WANTED To buy 5 or 8 room house within 10 blocks of university. Give description, location, terms. Answer 8486 care Journal -8 MULES, HORSES Car load good young teams, the bloeky Ibnilt heavy boned kind, also several span heavy moles, will arrive in Salem on or before March 9th. Guarantee given with Avfirv horn or mule from re- fmnrinbla Dartiies. 3-6 FOB SALE (Complete sawmill with dry kiln, edger, planer, timber and logs. Capacity 15 M. All machinery in good running condition. Fisher Lumber Co. No. 3, Silverton, Or. 8-6 WANTED To exchange a good seven room house with modern convenienc es exceot heat situated on paved street. Cash for a ipruno orchard up to $7000. Price $4000. W. A. Liston, spent. 484 Court St. 3-8 MUST be sold at once, 7 room bunga low full cement basement, furnace, full Dutch kitchen, plastered thru nut. wall finished, furnace heat in every room, block from pavement, 8 blocks trom university, aiso jrar age, barn, some fruit. Price $2250. Socolofsky 341 State St. tf USED CABS Studdbaker truck, this car is in per fect working order with cord tires, electric lights, starter, etc A bar gain at $.550." Can be bought on terms. Maxwell roadster with delivery body on bacq, $250. Just overhauled, etc. Auburn touring car; can guarantee like a new car, $250. Highway Garage, 1000 S Com!. tf FORCED SALE Bsie I a bargain in 20 acres of land near Aumsville if taken at once, for $750, $500 eBBh. Owner has an invalid wife and must sell and has cut the price from $1200 to $750 ' for quick sale. BAHRAIN NO. 2 76 acres, 66 in cultivation, 6 acres nice timber, good farm buildings, water piped to house and barn, to trade for 20 acres unincumbered, near Salem for equity Purchaser to assume mortgage of $4500. jou n scon 404 Hubbard bldg. A 7 BOOM house completely modern, on Court street, $3050. A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a- daisy, en Capitol street for $.;ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, hag good new gar ege. , A large brick building on North Lib ( rtv street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me tn offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to stato capital. What will you give me , A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty flt at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine con dition and qnite modern, only one Mock from good school. $1500. If yon are looking for bargains see me at onee. G. W. Laflar insurance man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf WAiJTED Girl or woman for house work is smalt family. 1465 Mill t- 3-3 FOB SALE 1916 Ford touring ear, fine running order and new tires, or trade for roadster. Phone 2510J2. 3-4 FOB SALE 5-ycaf old Jersey cow, when fresh will give 5 gallons a day J. J. Lonfeor, Jefferson and S. Con 3-4 FOB SALE Choice lot 100x165, eor ser, three blocks from state house, fair house, any reasonable offer con sidered. T. L. Wood. Bayne bldg. 3-4 EXCHiANG-'B 200 acre farm well lo cated, main read $75 per acre, lake small farm part pay. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 84 FOB SALE 20 small pigs, one Poland China boar, one No. 7 (simplex sepa rator. B. Bowae, Turner, Bt. 3. 3 3 FOB SALE Closer hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50e tct lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Bt. 6, box 51, Phone 23 F21. . tf EXCHANGE 320 acre wheat farm, near Medicine Hat, Alberta, 240 aereg steam plowed. Price $20 per "acre, will exchange for improved fruit tract near Salem. 92 care Jour nal. 3-3 WtANTED Span of bay or brown mares about 1300. Must be good or chard horses and sound. Will pay eash. Must be cheap. W. H. Harris, Washington hotel. 3-5 FOB SALE Two pair of Gurnsey fowlg $2.50 pair; a good Old Trusty ineubator, 300-egg capacity for $10; fine storo counter 18 ft. long and 4 fine glass show eases, also 150 raw hide chairs, 6000 ft. of No. 1 clear seasoned rustic, 4 and 6 in. for any of above phone 19F3. B. B. Byan. tf WANTED to exchange 210 acre with good farm buildings. 110 acres 'in cultivation and in crop, a full line of farm machinery, cattle, horses, hogs, turkeys, chickens and 100 sheep, for Salem income property or ranch property up to $15,000 bal ance on your own , time. Trice $20, 000. W.-A. Liston, agent, 484 Court St. " , 3-3 We Pay tah fof mn, Til ORZ MhfeMasarfWt Cav, Froat ana AalMoy Sa L""jFar vahM boy aw sped! I 1M DIAKCCO I It's hmtlftd Stmm mt a Eugene E. Smith To Talk On Mvuwiicii Is Lsbcr Eugene E Smith, the labor leader in the late house of representatives, will be heard again in Salem. At a meeting held" yesterday at the Central labor council rooms it was de cided to extend an .invitation t0 nr. Smith to deliver an address in txuem, to start a. general campaign of educa tion along certain ideas of voluntary mediation in labor troubles. In many of his long gpeechcg before the houso of ' representatives Mr. Smith advocated mediation as a rem-' edy for bolshevism. He claimed that if eapital would shoy a proper spirit to mediate all troubles, thero . would be no Bussian bolshevik in tho labor eonneilg of the state oif Oregou. Mr. Smith claims that the conserva tive element of labor unions is oppos ed to radicalism and that by a right system of voluntary mediation, there should be no more strike troubles or no more radical element attempting to control labor unions. A committee was appointed to ar range for the appearance of Mr. Smith in the eity. This committee included Fred C. Sefton, C. II Gram and Thom as M, Newberry. They announce that Mr. Smith will be here next nJay evening and that he will speak at 8 o'clock in the house of representatives. The meeting is open to the public and especially those interested in labor troubles. 162D MEN COMING WEST Portland, Or., Mar. 3. Colonel John L. May, commander of the 162d in-, fantry, passed through Montana yes terday with 273 men of the regiment bound for Camp Lewis without pass ing through Portland, according to tel egrams received here yesterday by Mrs May and by William Beidt from the eolonel. The men will be discharged soon after arrival at Camp Lewis and will be sent to their homes together through Portland on a special train, ac cording to advices received by tho. gen eral reception eoTrrfuittee. Another unit of tho I62d infantry, cofroprising 173 Oregon men, is duo to leave Camp Dix, N. J., today and to arrive in Portland about Saturday, War time administration of the Pan ama canal zone was ended Tuesday, when an order was promulgated turn ing the government back to the eivil authorities. Thoiipt He Was Using Nov Kind Of Gun. By FRANK J. TAYLOR. (United Press Staff Corespondent.) Berlin, Feb. 3. (By Mail.) Battles between Spartaeus rioters and govern ment troops in the principle streets of Berlin had to stop several times to enable an American movie man to set up 'his earners. The movie man was a chap in uniform who had been taking pictures of the battle front in northern France. He followed the Yankicg into Coblenz, and then set out for Berlin to comploto his eeries of pictures there. He arrived just in! time for the January fighting, Eyewitnesses tell with amazement how this move man took his reels of revo lutioning in Berlin. Perhaps his most daring feat was to get the details of the machino gun engagement in Wilhelm strasso from both angleB. The movie man started out cranking it off from the Brandenburg Gate side of the street,- near Unter den Linden. It was a pitched battle and macnine gun bullets were raining horizontally both ways. From his position ea the second story of a hotel the Yankee got the movement end of tho action ex tremely well. Then he decided to take the other side. . Shouldering his camera ho wa'k forces. Noticing his uniform both sides ed out onto the street between the two stopped firing, while the American leisurely crossed the street and.'set up his camera. When he had got behind it the shooting began again. Another time be was cranking his camera, from a second story window overlooking a lively engagement, when the Spartaeanis noticed hira. Thoy thought ho was operating a machine gun, and. a. rain of bullets whizzed around him. He finished his picture fend moved the camera out. The Yankee movie man has a charm ed life, according to the people who saw him. Resolution Of Anoreciation For Jas. A. Wilson Adopted At tho annual meeting of members of the Salem Commercial club, held a few weckg ago, Jameg A. Wilson, who was accidentally killed Friday even ing was elected a director. In testimony of the appreciation in which he was Held by the Oommcicial club, the following resolutions were adopted today: ; ' -It has pleased the Almighty God to remove from our midst your beloved husband, our esteemed 'friend and co worker, James A. Wilson. While the loss to us is great and he will be miss ed from our counsels, yet the greater loss rails npon yonrseix. The board of directors of the Salem Commercial club, of which your hus band was prominent worker, at a special meeting called for this purpose, passed a resolution of condolence, and sympathize with you in your great loss We have always found Mr. Wilson cheerful under difficulties, always ready with kindly advice and his Judg ment excellent. We know the commu nity which we represent will sharo with you and us this great loss. SALEM mM'MBi3AL CLUB. , Bobt. C. Paulus, President. Theo Both, Vice President. W. M. Hamilton, Secretary. B. O. Snelling, Director. Luther J. Chapin Director. P. E. Fullerton, Director. I. Greenbaum, Director. E. H. Choate. Director. D. W. Eyre, Director. Frederick D. Schmidt, Director. U.OfO.QumtetToPlayFor Championship This Week Eugene, Or., Mar. 3. With first hon ors of tie iNorthwcst intercollegiate conference tucked safely under its belt as a result of tho double victory over tho Oregon Agricultural college five, Friday and Saturday, the University of Oregon basketball team leaves to night for Berkeley, where it will bat tle for the Pacific coast championship against the University of California quintet in a three game sories, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friduy. Although his team hag been defeated in only three of its 13 conference games. Coach Dean Walker has noth ing to n.y regarding the coming con tests, other thun that "California is no easy proposition." Standard List Of Stock Marltct JBins To Rally New York, Mar. 3. The Evening Pun financial review today says: There were further indications at the beginning of the new week that tho standard list of tho stork market was receiving atten'ion which tcr'"d to bring it more ncarl yinto line with the specialties which have been so buoyant of lute Events over the week end were of a sort to bring about a resumption of activity in trading and of advancing wen after the comparative lull of Friday and Saturday. Gains of more than a point in such shares as United States Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, Am erican Can, American Sugar Refining and other representative issues, inelud irir s'1" -"1 of the ' " able impression. There was the usual fireworks mong 'he specialties. Kelly Springfield was a goo dperformer and Continental Can also. BEYAN STILL ILL. Washington, March 3. William J. Bryan is still confined to hig room here by a bad cold and will be unable to speak tonight at Camden, N. J., his friends said. NNOUNCE Mrs. M. Ranger, special representative of the Butterick Publishing company will be with us this week, demonstrating Butterick Patterns, and mak ing a SPECIAL offering on the greatest monthly publication in America: "THE DELINEATOR" No home can afford to be without this clean, in spiring and helpful magazine. Come in and meet Mrs. Ranger at our Pattern Counter. Don't Miss These cQff LADIES' KOSE , EMBROIDERIES . FLAXONS High Grade, Quality Merchandise. See our Court " street Windows. You can always do better at li ' J-LGOOEl State. House Notes Superintendents J. C. Conley of Wal lowa, C. E. Mulkey of Coos. W. W. Austin of Grant, and S. S. Duncan of Yamhill will spend several days in the city this week, grading examination papers for their respective counties. Wiiford Allen, of the Industrial Ac-' eident commission, ig absent from his office this week, having beea laid aside by an attack of illness. State Engineer Cupper and Superin tendent Bennett of the banking depart ment leave tomorrow for Hood ifiiver to take up the matter of an issue of $156,000 in irrigation bonds with which to finance an irrigation district which wag formed last year.. Mr, Cupper will go on from there to visit the Ocfroeo and Tumalo irrigation projects. Secretary A. H. Lea, of the stato fair boaird, is in Portland today on business in connection with the state fair. Commissioners Buchtel Williams and Corey havo gone to Portland in com pany with Attorney Oomral Brown to confer with the state commissions and attorneys of Washington and Idaho with regard to the increased railway tariffs. They will alro take up the mat ter of federal control of the wires. In the closing rounds of business of the legislative session Secretary of State Olcott was the subject of a res olution commending him for the cour teous and very efficiont service ren dered by him and his assistants dur ing the assembly. Geo. H." Diuisford, superintendent of th enpitol builoing, also came in for "honorable mention" by the ways and means committee for the excellent condition in which tho builiiing had been maintained. Among the more important bills just i i clldi c By giving your house a fresh coat of paint with our PURE PAINT, on which we are maikng a SPECIAL PRICE for this week only. And of course you'll want to re-tint your walls. We are also making a SPECIAL on KALSOMINE in all shades as well as on our WASABLE WALL COAT PAINT. Sec us before you buy FALLSCITV-SALEHLUMBERCO. ' Everything in I 349 S. 12th Street n Vr t I : i f r I f i n H if - If " if h enngs signed by the governor is that appro priating money for the Oregon national guard; for an appropriation of $45, 000 fo-livestock sanitary board; for an appropriation of $25,000 for thw Pacific International Livestock . expo sition; for an appropriation of $15,000 for the state humane society; for aur appropriation for $75,500 for bounties on wild animals; for an appropriation of $38,000 for the stato dairy and food commissioner. 3 Fair Ground GARAGE Corner Silverton Road and Pacific Highway . GENERAL Repair Shop Ford work a specialty ,A11 work guaranteed. Let us give you an estimate on your work irWf iaiiimnwnr-irii rn rMiiiMirt'ii'iro' ivi uJi nig Building Material" Phones: West Salem, 414 Salem, biJ WENT "- Sv , : icoodg uny I