Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 03, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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of all-wool materials
Our showing of Cashmeres, Worsteds, Serges,
Tweeds and Cheviots is complete.
Come in and get the Color you want and the
suit made like you want it.
Every suit guaranteed satisfactory as to qual
ity ,style and IT WILL FIT YOU.
It Is Conceded Faat It Will Be
Hard To Establish Res
pcnsibuty Higher Up.
426 State Street
Salem, Ore.
Deals In Real Estate
J. B, Needham to Bobert S Shaw, 40
acres in O. & C. section 35, 9-2 E.
B. A. Shavor to A. L. Johnson, lot
' B and part of lot 3, Cottage street ad
dition, Salem. '
Emma Minton to Q. L. Suthorland,
lot 6, block 9, N. Salom.
.Leslie (Jade to J. J. Kraffs lot 7 and
part of lot 8, Yew Park addition, Salom
F. H. Garland to M. J. Pirtle, part
of lots 7 and 8, block 27, Salom.
J. H. Herriain to Madie M. Fake,
lots 30, 31, 32, Smith's fruit farms.
H. Shaw to Henry Nuens, lot 40,
Ewald fruit farms.
: W. W. Hall to Mrs. F. E. Abbott, lot
11, Hull '-a homo tracts.
Beulah R. Badliff to John D. Ander
son, lot 63, Orabenhorst addition.
O. O. Steven to H. O. MoCall, part of
;lots, 26, Allen's addition, Silverton.
Should see that the whole family take
at least 3 or i doses of a- thoro, puri
; fying, system cleaning medicine this
spring. JNow is the time, une tamuy
-will be healthier, happier, and get
alone better if. the blood is given
thoro purifying; the stomach, and bow
els cleaned out, and the germs or win
tor .accumulated in the system, driv
m away. Hollister'g Rocky Mountain
Tea is one of the very beat and surest
(Spring medicines to take. Got it and
see the difference in the whole famir
ly. Their color will be better, they'll
feel fine and 'be well and happy. D. J.
Try. . -
A movement toward cooperative
marketing of the local cherry crop has
pcen launched at The iaiies.
In the divorce case of E. N. Erick
son against Mary Erickson, the de
fendant has filed answer in which she
alleges' the following: That Mr. Erick
son had been too familiar with Mattio
Lolaud, whom they had raised as an
orphan girl. That she had been forced
to work in the kitchen and that he
would not allow hor to stay in the oth
er part of the huuse. That when she
demanded he should choose between
ucr and Mattie Leiand, that he refus
ed to choose nor would he give her a
property settlement. That when Aliss
Uuaud did go to Portland, ho iuuuced
her to return to Bilverton. Mrs. Krick
soa states they hav;e been married 3B
years and through strict economy,
they have accumulated $15,000. Kho
asks the court for an alimony of $75
a month as sap is now too old to go
enf end work. , , , . ...., ,'
Sergeant Don Sargent, In much of
the artillery fightinz In France, has
arrived at his home in La Grande.
5, f
- i
The Stat land board hag 'brought
suit against Carrie M. Swarts, foreclos
ing on a loan of $1800, dated June i,
19i6, none of -which has been paid.
The funds loaned wero from the rre
ducible school fund and loaned at 6
per cent, .
Damages to an oak tree' are vuiued
at $500 and a suit asking three times
that amount has been, filed by Jiarry
Li. iBancroft and wife against the tiun
nysido Mutual Telephone company. The
complaint .states that Mr. and Mrs.
Bancroft are the owners of 10 acres in
ouuuyside fruit farms iNo. 8, that last
February the defendants wrongfully
cut and mutilated a largo oak shade
tree, cutting and breaking its branch
es, doing the tree $500 damage.
Marriage licenses have been issued
as fallows: Henry Komann of Wood
burn, ago 24, a farmer, to Freda Hug
of Mt. Angel, ago 19. They are to be
married March 4. Joseph P. Muller, a
farmer 28 years old of St. Paul was
granted a license to marry Mary An
derson of iChampoeg.
Granges Indorse Measure
To Pave Marion Roads
The stand taken by the granges of
Marion county in regard to the issuing
of bonds for market roads is well get
forth in the report of a committee, ap
pointed to confer with Pomona grange.
The report is as follows:
'The committee . of the Pomona
grange advise us that they believe that
the grange will .endorse a measure as
''That bonds to the extent of $840,
000 be authorized by e vote of the
people with the understanding that not
to exceed $200,000 worth of these bond
are to be sold by the county court In
lii.ii tor the purpose of beginning the
paving of the Marion county marke!
roads, and further that no additional
bonfls be sold by the county con nn
est they find they will be v.nabb ti
complete the paving of one hundrec
miles of these roads within five ypan
from the funds that they mav be ablf
to raise from direct taxation through
channels already legalized.; ;
"Furthermore, that it shall be man
datory upon each road district to pre
pare ita road beds for hard surfacing
with its pwn funds as far as possible."
The report is signed by lieorge Kreel,
Jag P. Feller and J. E. Smith.
Senator Onldrr of Now York has
jrritten tJ Secretary Baker, asking
that women be decorated for bravery,
as well as men. Among those mention-!
ed by him are Miss Gladys and Irene
Melntyre, the Doughnut Girls. Both
spent many months at the front with !
the overseas unit of the Salvation Ar-J
"y- . I
Copyright, Underwood & Underwood j
A new feature of 1919 War
Savings Stamp activities is the
stamp of $100 denomination,
which will probably be placed on
tne market this month.
Th,e 100 stamps will be about
the size of a Liberty bonl and
will sell for $S2.W if put on sale
in February. The price will in
crease 20 cents each succeeding
month until the"end of the yes?.
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
(Copyright, 1919, By United Press)
Paris, Mar 3, The greatest grand
jury indictment- the world has ever
seen will soon be returned.
The commission investigating the re
sponsibility for crimes committed dur
ing the war was expected today to sub
mit its report by Saturday, the true
bill will contain hundreds of names,
ranging from lieutenants to officers of
the highest rank. Against each will be
charged in detail the crimes he is al
legm to have committed against hu
manity. If the present purpose of tho com
mission remains unchanged, the name
of Wilhelm Hohenzollern will lead all
tho rest. But. at the same time, the
United Press was authoritatively ad
vised flint it has been practically con
cluded that it will be impossible to
visit direct punishment on the former
kaiser. Men like General Ludondorff
and Field Marshal Yon Hiudeuburg are
likely to escape for the same reason
although it is possible to establish
their responsibility as the men higher
up, it is impossible to disregard the
fact that all their acts can be defended
on the ground that they were carryng
out the policies of the state.
Military Governors Punished.
The highest ranking officials deemed
certain of being punished, are the for
mer military governors of various cities
and districts who had arbitrary author
ity over the lives of enemy citizens,
and who abused their powers or allow
ed subordinates to do so
These, of which there are hundreds,
will be tried beforo an international
tribunal which the commission will
recommend be formed under sanction of
the league of nations. This tribunal is
expected to sit for tho next several
years, hearing evidence in individual
cases, passing judgment and fixing pen
alties as each case is completed.
May Be Permanent Prosecutors.
A pormanont prosecuting committee
is also planned.. In just what manner
warrants will be served and arrests
made, has not been determined, how
ever. When the commission's list is
turned over to the peace conference, it
is expected it will be kept secret until
as many as possible are arrested Later,
tne names and pictures of those not
found will be furnished to tho rogues'
galleries in all countries. The commis
sioners are confident that practically all
the accused will be rounded up event
ualy and be compelled to face the tri
bunal. Some arrests have already been
made, notably a number of Turkish
officers, who are being held under the
court, and are ready to hear their
cases. "
' We have some knowledge of the at
rocities that had been committed but
tho detailed evidence placed before us,
made our blood run cold," one mem
ber of the commission said.
('One is Inclined to Bay at first that
men of that kind should bo boiled in
oil, but it is better for t' e world that
they be given fair trials and the most
impartial justice. That is our purpose."
On account of greater profits, many
orchardUte of Hood Biver are planning
to increase their pear acreage this year
"Sunset division" passed into his
tory Saturday when its life as an or
ganization ended "with demobilization
at Camp Dix. i
Thusak,0n Wba Measure
De?de4-Ch3ed 'End
Olympia. Wish., Mar. 3 The Lamp
ing soldier reward bill failed to pass
the senate this morning by one vote.
There were 1 vctcs for the measure
and 1 against It takes 22 votes for a
constitutional majority. Magnus Thoin-
le. fit Kvprott. nn whnm thn irmtaat i1t.
jpended, at the last minuto voted 'no"
after promising to support the meas
ure. The last minutes of the histcric con
test were tense.
Vote had been delayed until today,
following receipt by Lamping of the
following telegram from Thomle, sent
from Seattle Saturday: "I have jus1
returned from San Francises. Sorry
unable to get to your assistance. If nec
essary postpone vote on soldier com
pensation bill until Monday and I will
help you.'
Said He Was For Bill.
Whoa Thomle arrived at the senate
chamber this morning he was called
into the cloak rooms by Senators How
ard Taylor of King county and Joe
Smith of Everett. They are organiza
tion leaders who bitterly opposed lump
ing. Just before Thomle stepped out
of the senate he leaned over to Lamp
ing and said: 'I ain all right George
I I'm with you."
A call of the senate was demanded,
and doors locked. : But Sergeant at
Arms Dan McCuss failed to bring in
the group Lamping, Metcalf and
other supporters of the bill went to the
cloak room. Heated arguments waged
there for fifteen minnies.
Thomle, face flushed, finally came in.
The roll call began and when Thomle 's
name was reached it was hnown that
his vote would decide tho fate of the
He hesitated and asked, huskily:
''Mr. President, what are we voting
on" - - . . j
''The Lamping bill," said Carlyon, j
"I vote no," Thomle answered..
' ' i
DIED . $
i ; " r i i
it v , ; j
Lillian Gi.sK iru,
.p 'W- GRIFFITH v5
The GieatestThindiALifai
nag m Liie
' Then besides there's i
our friend.
Fativ Arbuckle
"The Sheriff'
They liked it better
Camping Out"
C .
' t
' ...i
MAEVIX In one of the city hospit
als, March 1, 1919, Alvin Marvin, at
the age of 80 years.
For a number of years ho has been'
a cook at hotels in Sulem, and in for
mer years for boats on the river ser
vice and on Pullmans. As yet no funer
al arrangements have beon announced.
Tho body is at the Bigdon company,
MEACHAM- In thr.ity. Boy E. Moa-
cnaim, Aiarch-VWift,
The body was sopt to Eugene 'for
burial, by Webb & i'lough. He is sur
vived 'by . scvonal relatives living in
Eugene. "
WEIJIjEB At tho tuberculosis hos
pital, March 1, 1910, Wenzcl Weller.
Ha is survived by a wife and son
living in Portland. Tho body was for
warded by Webb ft Clough to Port
land for burial. ,a, ' '
W'ATKINS In a city hospital March
2, 1919, John Watmns at tne ago of
45 years.
He was not married and has no rel
atives living here. Funeral arrange
ments will be mad? as soon as word
haa been heard from rolativcs living in
Idaho. .
Quick! Eat Just Oce Tablet Of
Pape's Diapepsin For In
stant Relief.
When meals don't fit and you belch
gas, acids and undigested food. When
you feel lumps of distress in stomach,
pain, flutuoncc, heartburn or head
ache. Here is instant relief No waiting.
Just as oon as you eat a tablet of
Papc's Diapepsin never fails to make
digestion and stomach distress ends.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
l'apo's Diapepsin never fail to mnkc
sick, upset stomachs feel fine at once,
and they cost so little at drug stores.
Jaccb Koch and his 9 year old daugh
ter were killed in an automobile acci
dent at Bitzvillo, Wash., Sunday.
Road Work Dane In Marion
County In January $7553.33
The following road work was clono In
Marlon county during tho month of
January, ltfia, as shown by tho re
cords in the county clerk's office.
Macadamizing. $240.37; , graveling,
sinus os; briclgos, iui.bu( general re
pairs, and miscellaneous $4(i:!4.34; new
tools and .machinery,'-. $12.85; patrol
man's salary $1030.1 9; paving, $44.00;
total, $7558.33. Number of yards gravol
hauled.' permanent worlt, f HI (.number
of yards gravel hauled, repair work,
778 1-2; number yard of rock hauled,
3(13; volunteer work, men, 35: teums
Hundreds of bills asking that cniV
tured German cannon be given to com
njunities throughout tho country have
been discarded by. congress for this
For heing drunk and having liquor
in his possession, Tony Dcnich was
fined $225 amdi costs at Centralin.
M:iyor8 of incorporated towns of
Uatil!a county are asked to declare
March 4 a holiday that everyono may
bo enabled to voto on tho good roads
bond proposition.
Charles N. Rich, sr.n of Mr. and Mrs
Xelson Rich, who served in France with
tho Fourth engineers' and was tm'lly
wounded in the 'battle of tho mamf,
has returned to his homo at Prosser,
Prayers for tho recovery .of Govern
or Lister, now in a hospital at Sttil
acoom, have been asked for next Sun
day by the ministers of Spokane.
N. K Burnett, convicted at Olympia
for killing liis wife and two children,
has been sentenced to imprisonment
for life . ... , ...
Hurry .1.- Ebcrhanl has brought suit
against W. P. Murphy, former shi'riti'
of Vttkiina county, for $10,000 for lalite
impri.' jr.'Tueiit. ,
rolmrd .T. 1). ,Wals n. lato eomimmd
ing ctli.cer nf tho Kifh y treond i fan
try, .haR been- RSRtgne.t to re'.ruiaiig
duly t. Belittle.- .
Mrs. h, A. Qillette ef Pendicle bus
received word thst her son- 'four has
jusi arrived at Mempevi -News, Vu.,
with a i-om.pany of wounikd n-en.
Tf a bill expected to ho f-ussnd by tha
Washington scniite in a few days be
comes n law, county and precinct offi
cers will' hold office until K"-2. ,
Jackson Matlock, aged 59, a doseennV
ant of one of the curliest ,regon pio
neers, died a 'Crawl'onisviile U r
linyn ago. - , .
The homo coming reception tondured
the returning Doldiom aud suilurs ul
Hcapipooso last Kuturdny night proved
a groa-t mcu'csa.
The Original
For Infanta and Invalid
. J.
am- e Copyright National War Garden Commission
A National Garden Day every year for the Soldiers of the
Sofl u urged by Charles Lathrop Pack, president of the National
War Garden Commission of Washington. "Let the millions of
gardeners have a holiday to inaugurate the home food production
can-paign," says Mr. Pack. "Let them march to the furrows of
freedom, say oa April 6, the day we declared war on autocracy."
SSSS!tAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade j
Of our Store Forecast the Ear
liest Fashion for Spring.
m we are pleased to announce
early showing of attractive
- Sprjng Suits in Tricotines, Ser
ges, Gabardine and smart black
and white check.
; Smart dressers will appreciate
this showing of street dresses;
many in combinations. cf mater
ials bringing out very beautiful
effects, others with decorative
effects at the belts, while some of
the dresses are worn with long
hanging ends.
State Street
H ft i w
is itwl-
fef-l'A v..