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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1919)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1919, HOW OF FORMER SECRETARY STATE SPECIAL OFFERING UNDERMUSUNS SPECIAL OFFERING UNDERMUSLINS SHIPLEY'S EWES TAM LAC 5X N US ' I .V M tt? j By GERTRUDE ROBISOb g Ensign I P, Hofer, who is putting H hi eeond year In the American navy, has been assigned for duty as executive officer on U. a 8 Osborne, a patrol m Chesapeake bay, headqtiar-' . er mvrioM, Virginia Larry " ask ed to bo relieved on his return from the mine laying squadron in the .North ea upon his return to New York but resignation has not been acted ui- i on. Ho is tho younger son of CoL and Mrs. K. Hofer of this city, who have reason to feel proud of liij promotion. The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schrunk at 1213 Center, was the scene of a gay dinner party Sunday in hon or of Miss Ida's bidthday. The after noon was spent in games and music. Miss Buth Tucker favored the party with several solo selections. Those who took part in the merry affair were, Miss Dorothea Tucker, Miss Buth Tuck er, Mis Lucy (Nichols, Alias Clam (fetes, tho Misses Ida, Alice and Bessie Sihrunk, Casg Nichols, Ray Hawthorne, Boy Marohand, Archie Dumas, Edward Dumas. Robert Scbrunk, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marchand, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Behrunk and -Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hchrunk The Junior Guild of St. Paul 's ehurch will meet with Mrs. Homer Smith tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 O'clock, I Tho women in the bookkeeping- de partment of the La (3d and Bush bank were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Bush at a dinner last Friday night, Choice bouquets and daintily shaded candles adorned the table and gave the room an air of elegant simplicity. Clarence Mills and Private Batty of the 8iity fifth, coast artillery, who were released from the service recent ly at Camp Lewis, are Salem visitors for a few days. The place left vacant by the death of Reverend Father Naughton has been lined ty .Father Derouia of Montreal, Canada, rather Dcrouin, who was or dained about a year ago, comes to Sa lem direct from St. Mary's perish in aeaverton. t Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chessinea. who have been visiting with relatives have returned to Portland. Harrv Withycombe, son of Governor James Withycombe, who has been vis iting for the .past two weeks at the home of his parents on C'hemeketa street, has returned to his home in Havre, Montana. His wife will return to Salem for an extended visit before leaving the state. The Chemeketa chapter of the Daugh Here s Glorious Relief From Itching Skin Diseases No More Fiery Pain If You use the Right Treatment First of all, get it firmly fixed In your mind that the fiery, burning and itching that causes such pain and torture, is not a local skin dis ease. True, the skin is tho scene of the attack, but the skin is fed by tho blood and suiters from any im purity in the blood. This explains why you have been so disappointed in getting any real, lasting relief from the use of oint ments, salvos, lotions, or other rem edies applied to the surfuco of the akin. The millions of tiny disease germs which infest the blood keep up o constant attack on the skin, nud are not effected in the least by local treatment. They must be routed from the blood. 'These germs which saturato the b'ood cannot bo reached except through the blood. When you treat, the locnl irritations with local ap plications, you must remember that the blood is feeding fresh new germs all the time, to keep the skin irritated, and until the 'Supply of germs is cut off entirely, you cannot expect any real relief. But S. S. S., the fine old blood remedy, goes directly Bfter the gorms that infest the blood, and puts them to rout. This remedy is strictly a blood purifier, and there is no disease gorm that can with stand its attacks. This is why 8. 8. 8. gives such satisfactory results in eczema, tet ter, boils, pimples, or anv other skin eruptions or disorder. Bv thoroughly purifying the blood, and cleansing it of ovory trace of dis ease germ, S. 8. S. romoves the cause of all skin eruptions, and re stores its normal, healthy condition. ,If you want relief that is lasting, betauso it goes to tho seat of the trouble, get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. to day, nnd take it as directed, and satisfactory results will follow. It is sold by all drug stores. Special medical advice about your own case can bo had without eost, by writing to Chief Medical Adviser, 102 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. tera of the American Revolution may be interested to know that at a meet ing of the D. A. B. in Taooma, Wed nesday, a. resolution favoring the lea gue of nations was defeated. Portland society is rejoicing over the fact that Mr. and Mrs. William C. Knighton, formerly of Salem, are go ing to make their home in that city. For the present they are domiciled at the Campbell hotel Miss Velma Whitaker of Independ ence has been the guest of Miss Julia Michaels for the past week. The La Area club that was to have met tonight with Miss Joy Turner, has postponed the meeting until next Mon day nigut. v REPUBUCANS FAIL TO (Continued from page one) woman suffrage amendment; dry en forcement legislation and hundreds of minor bills are doomed in the senate, it appears certain. Senator Jones, New Mexico, chair man of the suffrage committee, admit' ted today that suffrage is blocked. He cannot call it up because of the rule requiring it to lay a day after it has formally "been cut on tine calendar. Senator Wadsworth Saturday night prevented it being placed there and as the last two calendar days of the ses sion, Monday and Tuesday, reallv are Dut one legislative day Jiones cannot get a vote except by unanimous con sent. The antis would not agree they said. States Must Enforce It Failure of the legislation for enforce ment of the war time prohibition law, which becomes effective July 1, will put it up to the separate states to en force the law, Senator Bhoppard, Tex as, said. There waa a possibility that the $1,- 000,000,000 wheat guarantee bill may not get through as the senate early Sunday sent it back to conference. Vig orous efforts were being made howev er, to push it through. The bouse today planned to take up conference reports on the Indian and diplomatic appropriation bills. Follow ing this, the Lane soldiers' homestead bill is to come up, followed by the civ il service retirement bill, Irish inde pendence solution, deportation of in terned enemy aliens and investigation, of cotton exchangee. The house appear ed likely today ho end the session with a practically clean legislative slate. PRELIMINARY PEACE (Continued from page one) , though French objection may result in modification of this plan. The fortifi cations of Heligoland will be deStroy- tMttttltKmHfWtm Here Are Remarkable Yardage Values if m , u XM THIS is giving i'oiKS Luxuries by the yard below the mod- J est price of necessities. There is hs of dresses and other thinirs that mav rw mad fmm I those materials, to suit the individual taste, at low cost. 1 aaca inducements snould make every machine in Salem I Cotton Suitings and Soiesettes 35c Regular 65e Cottoir Striped Suitings at price of ginghams and full yard wido The lot at, yard . Stic Several pieces of Beach Cloth, regu lar 50c materials, yard wide.:. as Boiesette the fabric with the perman ent finish and one of the' very Ixst ma terials on the market at the price. Larg ely used for shirts, pajamas and many other purposes. Colors are, pink red, green, blue, tan and gray, several shades of each. Width, 32 inches. Splen did buys, all at ,. , 85a Suitings at 75c Wool Crepe and Diagonal Suitings sold regularly at 1.00, 42 leches wido 75o Alan several niAl.ea nf And da(. ton sport stripe, plaid, check and tweed suitings, 43 to 56 inches wide, Jtogular prices wore 1.00 to 11.25 all tn the lot now, yard , 76c PepHns $1.65 Silk and wool poplins, 40 in. wide, Almost complete range of colors, Regu lar prices were 1.85 to 125, the en tire line at, yard : $1 65 Woolens at S1.45 In the lot arc: all wool serges, fancy plaid and striped suitings, Bajah Pop lins, coverts, mohairs, tailor and shep herd cheeks. These are 42 to 58 inches wide and priced at $1.65 to (2.25. The quvlity is excellent and colore good. Any in the lot at, yard W.45 5EST CHOICE NOW Sirs. Patrie Gains Twenty rounds And Health Is Restored, A great many people, especially la dies of eulturo and refinement feel a great reluctance in publicly endorsing a proprietary medicine although they have derived antold benefit from its use, as publicity is more or less dis tasteful to them. To a great extent this is the case of Mrs. D. E. Patrie who Uvea at the Portland hotel, Portland, Oregon. How ever, to use her words, "she feeW that she would be ungrateful and delinquent in her duty if she did not tell others of the wonderful benefit she has reeeiv ed from Tanlae." j White Mrs. Patrie ha. lived in Port-! land a number of years, her forme home waa in Idaho. Prior to his death her husband was one of the most prom inent men in Idaho, having been sher iff of his county several years, and later being elected clerk and recorder of Bingham county. Afterwards he was elected secretary of state and at the same time served as chairman of the central committee of the state republi can party. In speaking of her experience with Tanlac, Mns. Patrie recently said, "1 weigh just fifteen pounds more now than I ever did in my life, and have actually gained twenty pounds since 1 began taking Tanlac. My health fail ed about a year ago. My appetite left me almost entirely, and I didnt rel ish what little I did: eat, and I just felt tired and listless all the time. I was extremely nervous and never slept well, and would jurt lie in bed and Ion gfor day light to eome. I finally decided to take a trip back to Jdaho thinking that a change might do me some good, but I didn 't improve at all. "In a very short time after I began taking Tanlae I could see that ti was going to do me lots of good, and it is simply wonderful the way I improved, j I have a splendid appetite now, and thoroughly enjoy my meals without any bad after effects. My nerves seem to be in perfect condition and I am thankful to say that I get good, sound refreshing sleep every night. It is won derful how my weight and strength have increased, and I can truthfully say that I am as well and strong now as I ever was in my life. I never lose an opportunity to praise Tanlac, and when my friends remark about - my wonderful improvement, it affords me great pleasure to tell them that Tan lae is entirely responsible for it." Tanlae is sold in Hubbard by Hub bard Drug Oo.. in Mt. Angel by Ben Gooch, in Oervais by John Kelly, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, ia Wood burn Iby Lyman H. Shorey, in Salem by Dr. A. C. Stone, in Silvcrton by Geo A. Steelhammer, in Gates by, Mrs, J. P. MoCurdy, in Stayton by C. A. Beau champ, in Aurora by Aurora) Drng Store, ia 6t Paul by Groceteria Store Co., Inc. in Donald Iby M. W. Johnson and in Jefferson by Foshay & Mason. To Our a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININTS (Tablet.) It etops the Cough ana Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. GdtOVE'8 signature on each box. 30. ed. All Baltic defenses will be razed and the Kiel canal wiu oe opened to vessels of all nations. Merchant cruisers and auxiliaries which can be easily converted into mer chant men t will be treated as such. Ger man cables will not be returned and German wireless will be limited to com mercial uses. Hand Over fleet. When peace is concluded with Aus tria her fleet of 12 battleships, two cruisers, ten light cruisers, 19 destroy ers, 51 torpedo boats, 33 submaries and 12 Danube monitors will be handed over. The Turkish and Bulgarian nav ies will likewise be seized. In an interview with correspondents yesterday, Foreign Minitser Pichon said that no official information had been received regarding tho reported resig nation of Chancellor Scheidemann. If it proved to "be true he said, it would materially affect the possibility of con cluding a peace with Germany. He said that the national assembly appears to be ..representatives of the German people, making it the government with which the allies will have to deal. TRANSPORTS BRING (Continued from page one) and 1291 sick and wounded soldiers. On. the Frederick were: Third bat talion headquarters and companies D and 1 of tha 162d infantry, ten offi cers and 271 enlisted men, 81st infair- try brigade headquarters detachment; 96th, 103d, 405th. 835th and 1099th aero squadrons, mobile hospital i04, carnal companies cf men from Tennes see, Indiana and Massachusetts. Three Others Arrive Tho transports Lapland, Yosemite and Polar Bear arrived today. The Lrlnrt carried larse contingent of Canadian soldiers across and disem barked them at Halifax. She brought a few American casuals into New York 1 The Yosemite had 28 casual aboard The Polar Bear, which was disabled on' the trip seron and tewed a short time by the President Grant, brought in four casuals. Other officers were Captain Glenn K. Brime, Salem. Or., and Captain A. A. Johnson, Tiakema, Wash. ADD TRAXSTORT BRTXGS Aracng the troops on board the cruiser 'Frederick was the "lost con tingent" of the Bunset division. These, troops, eoir.pany D of the 162d infan try and 24 men and two officers of company I were lost in the shnff le be-1 fore leaving and did not come acrss with the rest of the 41st division. The 24 men from company I, under command of Captain Grover Todd of Undermuslins Underpriced SOME SLIGHTLY SOILED FROM DISPLAY We have searched through every box aricT removed every article of muslin wear which is the slightest bit prushed and added many others J where we are closing out the linesThere ' are so many unusual bargains that it will be worth your while to take advantage of this sale, for whatever you do find to your liking will be at a price that is less in many cases tnan the cost of material alone. ENVELOPE CHEMISE Lace or Embroidery trimmed ma terials are Batiste, Nainsook and Cambric $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 DRAWERS Marcella styles and regular shapes Embroidery or Lace Trimmings Muslin -and Cambric Materials. 79c, 98c, $1.39 COMBINATIONS Marcella with tight fitting hip lines and regular combination sty les, neatly trimmed and tailored. $U8, $1.75, $1.98, $2.48 CORSET COVERS Batiste, Nainsook arid Cambric ; lace or embroidery trimmed, come with peplum waist line. One Special lot 48c NEW CLOTHES Box Coat Suits Tailored Suits Junior Suits Serge Dresses Silk Dresses FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN Crepe-de-Chine, Waists Georgette Dresses Lingerie Waists Modart Corsets Warner Corsets Scotts Accessories Full Back Coats Dolman Coats Misses Coats Georgette Crepe Waists FULL LINE OF WANTED SHADES IN PHOENIX HOSIERY Feminine Articles Exclusively U. a SHIPLEY COMPANY 145-147 N. Liberty Street QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES A I7cn?a.i's Story En Im Vw4 Ska sw 3 Subject ChsMbirdi Discamtl by Woman el Experience. Women ewrrwhero tell their friends how, tnrootl the use of Mother's Friend, th wonderful pcnctrstinir exterml application, the? avoided suffering sod distress befors the advent of natura l most wonderful evo lution. Mother's Friend t? a remedy which spread rfs Influence upon the eords, nerves and lixainenta involved, rendering- them pliant to readily yield to nature's demand for expaiuioa. The nerves, cord, tendons end ligaments expand without that peculiar wrenching strain, and nervouui so, nausea and nnmtful sensations are naturally avoided wbeu tha nerves and muscles ara relieved and thus are not tort and drawn. fly reaiilar use, tha lower abdominal re clou expands with eaae when baby la born, tba hours are lean at the crisis, and pain and danrer Is naturally less. You can obtain Mother's Krleni from any drut store. It has been used by women frr ever baif a century, and la just u ataiulaiil fi anything you can tUnk of. Write tin Bradfleld Regulator Cempany, Dept. (I, Lamar Building-, Atlanta, Georgia, for their Motherhood Book, and set n bottla of Mother'a Friend today, and thus fortify rouneif against pain and discomfort. Woodtiurn, Ore, and Lieutenant It. Z. Randall, Salem, Ore, are all from Port land. ' The 103d aro squadron, which was formerly tho fsjnous Lafayette eaca drille, returned on the Frederick. It consisted of 11 men and six officers. Right large road graders ordered by the Lane county eourl have arrived at Eugene. Humorist And Famous Writer Died Yesterday Philadelphia, Pa., March 3 Funcrsl services for Charles E. VanLoau, hum orist and famous writer of sporting events, who died here yesterday after noon, after threo weeks illness of chron ic nephritis, will bo held at Wyncote, near here, at noon tomorrow, The body will be cremated and tho ashes sent to his former home near Los Angeles. Shock Killed Father. Los Angeles, Cal., March 3. TTnablo to bear th e shock of the death of his' son, Kiehard vauboan, aged 71, died hero yesterday a few moments after a telegram brought him word that Charles E. VanLoan, a famous writer, had died in Philadelphia. "Oou hearts suffer with yours in your groat sorrow," the father wrote in a telegram to his dead son's wife. Then he slipped from the family circle into his own room and was heard praying softly. A few moments later members of the family went to hig room and found him dead. The funeral of Richard VanLoan will be held here probably Thursday, it was announced from the family home to day. Although, the tshes of Charles VanLoan will be sent to Los Angeles, there will be no double service for father and son. Charles VanLoan lived in Los Angel es for many years, where he was a sport editor and writer. He was born in Ban Jose, Calif., and during his boy hood beat a drum In the Salvation Army at Ban Bernardino. His father was a Salvation Army captain and his mother an adjutant. ture syndicate, for which he is general counsel. Oscar Price, who resigned Sat urday from the railroad adininisra tion, is its president. Price is expeetea to open offices in New York in about two weeks. l. a. irrjLiN home to etjoene. ' Lester 6. Ilulin, of Eugene, who hits boon acting as assistant state treasure' under 0, P. Hoff since the first of tho year, has returned home and will re sume his position as cashier of the first .National bank at Springfield. Eugene Eegister. For Skin Tortures Dont worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra targe bottle at $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eccema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither dicky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Saac Co.. Cleveland, O. McAdoo To Ooen Law Offices la New York April Fifth Sr.ntn Barbara, Calif., March 3. William G. MeAdoo, former secretary of the treasury, wilt leave Santa Bar bara to open law offices ia New York April 3, it became known here today. McAdoo has been in Santa. Barbcra fiineA tia I. ft hia ruul . . Jlnudi. al of railways the first of the year.! His health is said to be muca impruv-j ed by his stay here. ( it;, r: t i. -.. v : - . ' " in rem-mug new JOTK will he in connection with the Prekford- ...... ..... u u ii.i JilUllUB JJIC SHE GOULD NOT STAND OR WOR But LyJia L PyJanu Vege table Compoand Restored Her Health and Stopped Her Paint. Portland InA T kn4 - j i ment and suffered so badly from it that I ni umes i could not I til be on my feet at all. I I I was all ran down and so weak I could not do my house work, waa nervous and could not lie down at night. I took trlnlc from a physician but meymanotheipme. My Aunt recom mended Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound. I tried it and now I am strong and well ogam ana ao my own mm mm work and I give Lydia E. Pink ham s -Mrs. Josephine Kimble, 935 West Race St, Portland, Ind. Thousands of American women rive " ruofc man nero remedy tno Credit fnr health mmiuI j:j m Kimble. For helpful Brjestions in regard to such ailments women are asked town to to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Tha result of ita long experience ia at your service.