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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1919)
SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1919. SaUgJMgl Hound- PAGE TEN ,. mimii i M;ttM; ;;;;;??::: r;;!!!!!!llllt! t m i ' 1 1 1 ' I Hill! ' 1 1 1 1 tTttTi 1 1 y I JUST A WQRB-1 To call your attention to an exception ally good line of In a splendid assortment of colors, ma terials, and at prices that will be to your interest to stock up now while you have a greater assortment to se- select irom USONA SILKS, PLAIN COLORS : 49c STRIPED USONA SILKS - 69c TUSSA SILKS : - --69c and 89c- CHINA SILKS : - - 79c SILK POPLINS 98c $!-49 and $2-15 CREPE DE CHINES - - -- 60 MESSALINES - . - - $1-49 and $1.98 TAFFETAS ..' .". ., -- -' $1-49 $L79 and $L98 GEORGETTE CREPES ...........?....r . :.................$1.79 WE KEEP QUALITY UP AND THE PRICES DOWN Incorporated 7 rrrv irw VI H .Mill vs w." I. an von ma i take death comes. CtOl Wefc CJeuga 0- Phone 120. a" Mocked early to avoid the rush, at old location, 4Uo Court et. u. u. x-unwui " prop. 3 12 Putrona of the troblic liDiary who are especially interasted in the European situation, will find in the reading room a number of copies ot tne --vommuii wealth Eeview," the organ of the Uni versity of Oregon, which contains a most instructive article on the self determination of nationalties by Dr. Rebce, along the line of bis recent lec ture in this city. Masonic tf We buy liberty UmOs. 314 oldg. o Baby chicks. 644 State Bt Phone 400 president Doey, of Willamette, has recently received a wire from a group of former university boys who hod just arrived in Now York on thoir way home from Franco. They are members of thc 163nd infantry and will land at Camp J Lewig very shortly lor weir oincm. , discharge. AU were well and , have j come throuen tne service i ious consequences. The message wt signed by Atterbury, Baitlett, Collins,; Gilbert, Uuard ana roiiocn. i Artificial teeth, have expert plate j man, w.h over S3 years experience, at my office. Dr. 1. X. Beeehler, den tist, 302 U. 8. Nat.' Bank bld. tf We ley liberty bonds. 814 Masonic j Mdg. u Colombia river smelts in any quan tity. Fittg Market. tf o The county recorder's office is the rool fcnrnnintpT a. to real estate condi tions in Salem and Marion eounty.When there is nothing doing in the recorder's office, real estate matters are slow. But there is something doing in real o.tntn rliirincr in rpfll estate duriUZ tllO past six months and tho evidence is in the largo amount of work being done in the way of recording deeds, and in cidents in the releasing of mortgages. Never in the past five or six years has the recorder's ottice ucen go ousy aa n is how in recording transfers of real estate. A vance bliovini of Shipyard Workers To . Poll Back-To-Work Vote . Seattlo, "Wash., March 3. Seattle, Ta oma and Aberdeen shipyard workers approximating close to 40,000 men will poll a Imek-to-work voto cominonclng Thuvsilav on terms to be arranged tt ft joint Metal Trades Council mooting in Keattlo tomorrow. This line of action was decided upon a mooting of Tacoma, Seattlo and Aberdeen strike officials held in T&- Mrs John R. Roberts who was Ber. nt-.vsrtni nr!fli ih n rB. irttlultt1 ltllllroil ill fl 11 f am nhl 1 ft HCpI Cimill Vt;il lUliy null mvj ' " ...j... " ervution that I'acino Coast snipyaru uoni .iriuny evening, is rujioncu iu ue workers bo assured first of proper rep reannt.ntinfl at the shinvaru wnco con- feronco to be huld in "Washington, D. (J., March. 17 tn. - Denial of charges contained in a let ter road in congress rocontly to tho condition of American troops in Italy is made by Brigadier General Charles G. Treat. The Sps.- rest in ir today very comfortably. She is s tiil at tho home of Mrs. a. strong whero sho was 'tnkon immediately fol lowing the accident. Regular meeting of Ilodson council Xo. 1, E. & 8. M., this evening. Special business. A full attcmlance is request vt liv nnlni. nf tlin Tlirin.A T!K TViftflter. i Visiting companions welcome Duo to our rapidly increasing lunch trade we find our present equipment incaja'ble of taking caro of the business in the man ner we should like. To better our equipment and thus give better service we will close our lunch business beginning Tuesday morning for a few day3 to re model our kitchen. Several new gas ranges, siteiim tables and other conveniences will bo add ed and we shaft double the ca pacity of this department. Wo linvn fnutid. since estab lishing our lunch service that it complies more to tho noeds or, the peoplo of this city. TV fiirltim- mpAf 11m desires of our customers we aro making this change in order that we may continue in our old standard of service to our patrons by giving immodiato satisiactory sorviva F. G.Myers Ladies' Spring W. M. Smith, county superintendent of schools, announces that he is arrang ing for a teachers' institute to be held in Salem Saturday, March lata. ir. Carl Gregg Doney wiH be the principal speaker for the occasion. This insti tute is one of a series to bo hold in the county to take the place of the annual institute that was postponed. Teachers from all parts of the county are ex pected to attend. At a recent meeting of the directors of the Y. M". C, A. the matter of a tem porary secretary was again, brought up, and it was Imaiiy ucciuea to seiem T.iant TTiiir fi. Eichter. who will serve until the board has secured a permanent man. Lieut. Eichter1 has had some ex norinnp.n in T. M. C. A. activity, serv ing as a field secretary in the army at tlin i-.amns at Fort Casey, Wasli., ana bt Vancouver barracks. -He is a rormer student of Willamette university, go ing fioni here to the Oregon Agricul- and Suits New shipments direct from New York manufacturers are arriving here daily. In buying direct from the manufactur ers we save you all the- jobbers and commission men expense. LADIES' COATS $11.95 to $35.00 LADIES' SUITS $11.90 to $35,03 MEW SELF "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & CO, Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store it S 548 State Street Formerly Ward's Drug Store Stand A.J.BUSICK.Prop. IT WILL PAY. Following is sample of my prices: Large Crisco $1.90 aui til 1016. There is such a quiet boom going on office in real cstato circles that vory few peo ple realize that something is reanj nap- penning to the real estate market, ana specially to farming lands, said a real cstato dealer today. Androw L. John son had $6,000 in his pocket irom wmc.i he was willing to part it no couiu lum tho citv. Alter looking over, the town for a week or so he finally found B. A. Shaver who was willing- to sell hia hom....e on North Medium Crisco .95c Business Mou Farmers , Please Read This Announcement Special Commercial Club Dinner Marion Hotel, Thursday, March 6, 6:30 p. m. MR. CHARLES COOLIDGE PARLIN Director Bureau of Commercial Research , MR. WILLIAM BOYD DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING (Saturday Evening Post Both of Curtis Publishing Company: (Ladies Home Journal (Country Gentleman ' 1ITI ?J . "kT . i liars vvmte XNome soan. ..large bars 23c 5 bars Crystal white soan 27c 5 bars Ivory soap ..30c Holly milk, per can 14c 11 lbs. saw Seeded raisins, nks ...'.....13c 2 Arm and Hammer Soda 13c Quaker Oats, lge pkg ... 29c Jell O, pkg 10c Try this place. You will be surprised at the saving 3 T I it opic:. Marketing of Farm Products A Rare Treat Offered Marion County Men Through Messrs. Parlin and Boyd's visit here in connection with the 1919 PHEZ and APPLEJU ($100,000) Advertising Campaign to be run in the Saturday Evening Post. Get a Ticket At Once And Be There! DINNER $1.00 DO IT NOW! Tickets on sale with the following: . T. BARNES . COMMERCIAL CLUB , D. W. EYRE P. E. FULLERTON -PATTON BROS. MARION HOTEL ... . ROBERT PAULUS FREDERICK SCHMIDT college, whore lie graduated in 'Cottage street for $0,000. The deal was I snnn m:L(le and tho record nf sale is no w officially filed in tho county rocordor's Eitfitfiiii'"" 4c WHEN IK SALEM, OBEOON 4 tftop Bt . BLIOH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Btrictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Businoss District i Save Your Eyes Wrong glasses are worse sometimes than none. If in doubt about your present glasses or your eyes, REMEMBER: We will examine vour leyes thoroughly and DR. A.McCULLOCH Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. i i Y The training school at Chehallis has received an appropriation of $150,000, including $60,000 for a gymnasium and shop. L FEAELS cAn attractive cfE showing In several lennths end ot a wide range cf prices. Identical in t''"t, size and matching wiih (jfnuine oriental pe.'tls of fsbulous vtlue. You will be fascinated by La Tausca Necklaces, the "touch su preme" for feminine costume. HARTMAN BROS. Jewelers & Opticians . 5 mm A Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office. 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating hfitu'non Viom an A PnrHfni1 "Wo filer maVo DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sellSee Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. 1 L.M.HUM i art of Yick So T021 Cines Medicine ul Tea Ot. t Hm medicine whiei wiQ tmi I ' Ul lii 1.-11 c wuic I any knowm diseaae. upn Snndayi from antu 8 p. m. tta n.i it I Salem, Oregc. Fhoaa It a, a, 181 J I."