Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 03, 1919, Image 1

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Wculhcr Report
Oregon: Tonight- and Tups- :
, "(lay fair, cooler east portion,
tonight, gentle : northwesterly;
' winds. ........ .
(25,000 EEADEE3 DAILY)
Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
. in
J! J r : I j-
-if t r I
Many G. 0. P. Senators Term Victory Of Liberty Loan,
Bill As Their Party's Surrender.Today Closes Sixty
Fifth Congress With All Records Broken For Money
Spent, Unusual Lars And Work Left Undone.
By L. C. Martin
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Mar. 3. This is the
last legislative day of the sixty fifth
congress. . , j
Beth .houses will remain in practic
ally continuous session from today un
til noon tomorrow. .
Tho final hours promised to elima
fittingly the work of the war congress,
which has broken all recorils for mon
ey spent, unusual laws passed and work
left undone ' ...
Interest centered" in the senate as
to how many appropriation bills the re
iuiblicaii.) would1 force over to the ex
tra session.
Tho general impression among both
democrats and republicans early to
day was that tho army and navy, agri-
culture and District of Columbia appro
priation bi!ls would fail of passage.
Republicans Reticent
Republicans we.ro reticent. They re
fused to aunouncd plans, pointing out
that republican ranks are not com(
lotely united as to wJi-at should be
Whilo" tho spirit of "fight the- pres
ident" .is strong in some republicans
others today wore a "what's the uso"
eKpre9sion, due, tlioy 8aid, to what they
termed their party's surrender on the
victory loan bill, regarded as the only
measure failure' of which might mean
lan extra session. I
.Failure of republicans to unite in a'
determined filibutor against tho presi
dent 'was regarded by Some as throw
ing away the fruits of the victory
gained at tho polls last November,
Tho flcnnto today lm.s before it the j what they wish them" were urged to
deficiency bill .providing 750,000,000 j day before the conference- of mayors
..for the ra ikon da and about 126,000,- anlj governors jointly toy President
000 for miscellaneous purposes. Demo-Wilson and Sewotary of Labor V.il
ratic lenilers expected this bill to pass t son
cut admitted today it is the only one
Cf the rcuia'ininsf siipph- bills which
they are at. all hopeful about.
May Force Issueg
The legislative situation is full of
Ivos-srVilities, observers pointod out, and
inasmuch us the deficiency bill is not
generally expected to occupy nearly
I1 the day nnd a half which remains,
it. was predicted in some quarters that
nduiinistratiou leaders might decide to.
force n 'issue with republicans on all
the 'bills.
In that effect, if republicans carry
out tho threats they made Sunday
When they yielded on the victory loan
lill ,t''iey will filibuster. Many of them1
liave views on the league of nations!
which they have so far refrained from!
oxpressing. Senator Sherman, Illinois, I
lias already announced he will devote
several hours to discussing it.
Senator Harding said he- might talk
on tho league in connection with the
naval bill if it is, called up. Senator
liaKollntte also intimated that ho has
few observations to submit if the oc
casion warrants.
Bills Echeduhd to Tail
, Aido from the departmental appro
priation bills, which are apparently car
tain to. fail, Secretary Lane's $100,000,
000 homestead for soldiers bill; Smith,
of Georgia, Americanization bill, pro
lading better instruction for aliens tn
American language and customs; tho
(Oonbinued on page two)
What's become o'. th' ole time should
jer braces covered with little pulleys
rtiiat squeaked ever' time you moved,'
a muscle! Ther'i alius plenty o' har-i
Inony where nobuddy'a got a chance.
Abe Martin
- - .
M Confer
CEC2 Of (lOveriicrs-MayGrs
.la White Koase.
Secretary Of Labor Mercs
Ore Solisiicn Is Cc-riinna-tbaOfPrfucBrJIdsg.
, By EOberfr J. Bender
Washington, Mar. 3. Opportunities
for the workers 'to malt their lives
warning oi uois.'iovist attempts iu
Seattle and elsewhere to overthrow the
existing order of things, the labor sec
retary acciarea mat no ciountrv "owes
a man a living," 'but "every country
owes lum an opportunity to earn a liv
ing." Bolshevist outbreaks have responded
thus far to the appeal of reason, he
said and added "the outlook is bright
aftf.r wo provido proper emplovment
fluring 'ho next few months.
iiuilding Activity Necessary
Ifc urged resumption of building afi-
titics throiigtKiut the nation.
President Wilson invited all the gov
ernors and mayors to a buffet luncnoon I
in thn state dining room at I p.
"We are certain," Secretary Wilson
said, "that these disputes were mot in
dustrial or economic in their origin,
but were woll planned- and deliberate
attempt to establish tho soviet sys
tem of government in the' United
States. They desired to put. into ef
fect here the bolsheviki doctrines of
Many Now Out of Work
Turning to the problem in employ
ment, the secretary declared that ap-
r.n.n.iu jr.A nnn n,,4. I
jrti I ijtjv,vuv ijnru mo uuV uut "i i
Willi u lit: in piii Jill-li i iiiuiciiniliJI
because men in industries are
tain 'as to future prices.
"Tho war has kept out 600,000 for
eign laborers annually; shipbuilding
has taken 700.000 nnd at. least one
million men will be in the army for a
Addresses m
Tl f ,i 1 . , , o 7 - v 1 v. j,u. -' j ' juf. ATx. ntw kyi WtJWllj jx .1 Ultiulim, - kj U I ,S L'
put bock on a peace time basis thoe
I Raymond Atterbery, of Salem; and Corporal Orlan E. Hallowell, of Portland, arriv
wouid be a shiortago of tabor." ling in New York from France on the cruiser Pueblo. All are members of the 162nd
One solution, he argued, was for the .n for, fry nf tllP Slinspf DiviQinr.
government to continue normal pub-j VHc OUIiScC UlVlslOn,
lie building,
Stales and counties and
cities should continue such work also,
he said.
Appearing suddenly before the as
sem'blcd state and city executives au
hour before he was scheduled to speak,
tho president expressed his complete
confidence that through the coopera
tion of states and cities with tho gov
ernment, adequate moans would be
found for restoring industry to a prop
er basis.
"We are more fortunate in respect
to this great problem than the other
nations of the world," he said, "and
can approach the subject with complete
iim i;uni cn-Jiti Willi uuri-iuil BUliea '(
men and contact with Kuroocaa reo-
i)lc. he said, hid convinced him that,
all nations arc "at least learning ' j
that, the worker is the basic element ,
to be considered in all business." I
The president regretted he would be
unable to deliberate with the oonfer-
ices because ".nothing deliberate is per
Imitted since my-return."
"With the aid of Secretary Tumulty,
I have been trying to do a month's
work in a week," he said, "and I
hope it's not all badly done. !
Urged Wide Discussion
fid urged the conferees to indulge
1 a Wide scope of discussion. Saying
that success would not attend the con
(Continued on pago four)
Sunset Division Veterans Photographed On
Landing From Cruiser Pueblo, Feb. 22nd
t V . ,
- X 1 " t V , - V ,
A ft K : s : V "
(Copyright, Iatornauonal Film fe.rvice)
Left to right: Lieutenant Franc's M. Bantajpf Solera; Lieutenant Louis IL Compton,
also of Balem and Captain Conrad Stafrin. of Dallas. .'Ore'sran:. all offer nf -t.hp W
Infantry of the 41st Division
nieblo lrom F rance.
w. i,? n. t V " I. iter s "X. f--' 06-4? J
I - " . t I
II S-S, . .it i" . . , A i . . i
Pww fP 'V "1 f,l- "Iff
Left to right: Sergt. M. Helgerson of Dallas; Sergt. W. M.
Kenneth Hastings, nf Pnft.lanrl Rjvo Mm'nr T. M PnWncnn nf XtncA. e4
mmm laws
Legislature Passed Measures
This Year Making Construc
tive Program Possible.
limi.- i 1 t: . ,,,,,,
Tbe W' assembly for 1919
enacted a group of educational acts
which will make possible a program for
the betterment of rural, elementary and
hiidi sehnnls cxeeeinir flmi if nnv
period in the history of Oregon,"
ssys buperintendent of Public Instruc-
tion J. A. Churchill, In a summary of j
; the educational bills.
"The five most important acts wero :
those providing for the acceptance ofoa the street' 80 DianJr new c"tabllsh-.medical
the Smith-Hughes act for Vocational j mcnts projected or so many extensions
Education the establishment of Part- of old industries as in the sixty-day
Time schools: a minimum sslurv nf 7f!
per month for all teachers; a minimum
fund of 620 for each school district;
and raising the per capita tax for
(Continued on page three)
t , ,
'4 -tj N
arriving in New York with
Skce First Of Year Maay lpt
Enterprises kd Interests
. Tho satirical individual who has been
characterizing Salem as "a nice quiet
old town" may be interested to note
that at no time in recent years has
there been so many business ehanges
oeriod iust closed. Probably a mmrter
of a million dollars would not express
'the nmnnnt invnlvi1 in all Mia nr(ii.i.t
ele-jthat have been initiated and are eon-
(Continued on page nine)
the regiment on the cruiser
(G.ipynght, International Film H.rvico)
Bartlett, of Salem: Sergt. A.
Asion? Kjiaes Of Pietarcing
Ksrtliwest lea Is Captain
New York, Mar. 3 More than 4,-
000 officers and enlisted men arrived
horo today on the transport Great
Northern and the cruiser Frederick,
both from Urest.
The organizations On the Great
Northern were as follows:
3t!th field artillery, 58 officers and
10i!U mon acmposing the field and staff
headquarters and supply company,
detachment and
B, C and 1), men from
Mcado, Lee, Jackson. G
batteries A,
Camps f)ix,
(timter. Tnvkir nd Shnridji-n and tha
regular army; IS detuche.t officers of
the KHh fi. A. (". ff'anin T)evf,nV. two
casual companies, five casual officers
. I .
(Continued on page two)
Preliminary Peace
Terms for Germany
Taken - Up Today
Conditions Under Which Economic Blockade Is To Be
Modified, Will Be Put into Effect Immediately Af
ter President Wilson's Return To Paris. Foch Rec
ommends Destruction Of All German War Materials.
Workers Are Dissatisfied,
However, Wiih This Half
Way Measure.
(United Press Staff Corespondont.)
Berlin, March 3. The German gov
ernment today partly recognized the
In a frantic effort tho provent the
general strikes from becoming a nation
wido revolution, the cabinet issued a
proclamation, admitting social and eco-j
nomic control of industries bv the work
men's councils, but promising stringent
punishment for further disorders.
The workers, dissatisfied with their!
"half way measure," wore insisting on
full political recognition, threatening
an uprising within a week that will be a
power to overthrow the government.
A general striko in Berlin appeared
imminent today. Tho bourgeoisie coun
cils threatened retaliation Btrikes. Pa
trols hero havo been doubled. . .
Hiots are reported to bo continuing
in Leipzig and Hallo. In Munich a
number of casualties resulted when
troops ousted Spartacans from several
industrial plants.
-loud oar mm
Was Result -Of. Machinists
Mm ksisliiig On Satur
day Half-Holiday.
San Francisco, March 3. About 9,000
shipyard workers wero "locked out"
in bay city yards today.
The lockout spread to the buy point
yard and in Kast Bay cites copper
smiths, sheet metal workers and rig
gers' unions went out when the mach
inists' union members were formully
discharged for insisting on tho Satur
day half holiday.
Nearly 7,000 mon gnthered at tho As
sociation athletic club during tho morn
ing. The sceno resembled tho old cur
striko days. Hundreds were unnblo to
feet to the hall nnd crowded in front
of the club rooms, whero the machinists
union has established headquarters
Protest meetings wore held during he
morimttr and shortly before noon Presi
dent Ed Noland and A. F. Beckmeyer,
business agent, issued statements that
tho union would stand pat on tnotr do
mnnd for tho 41 hour week.
Tho Metal Trades Association of em
ployers is also determined to stand pat
on the question of refusing work to
the men who refuse to work Saturday
afternoon. j
Ttiimnra nra mirjnnfr flint manf 1iin.
vrd union mitrlit ha nut bpfnre t h
, . ... ,,
k in sympathy with the
end of the wee
much inists,
, . ... . .
The shipfitterg union will meet to-
morpw night to take a strike vote and
sheet motal workers will vote on strike
. i i.. rn n i i
next Friday night. They will demand
.. a . ;s ,. . .
tho Baturuay half holiday after April
, . , .
lst, when tho Mney award agreement
.'. ' B
exPlro- '
Telegraphers Union Strikes
As Soon As Officials Order
Portland,' Ore., March 3. Tho Port
land council of the Commercial tele
graphers union of America has voted
to strike as soon us orders are received
from the international president.
The council met Hunday and so de
cided. Resolutions which were adopted
declare that Postmaster General Burle
son has failed to keep his promises and
that the United States telephone and
telegraph administration has shown con
tinued hostility toward organized labor.
The principal grievance cited by tho
council was tho alleged failure to re
instate discharged members and fulfil
wage agreements.
Similar strike votos were taken Sun
day in many other cities of tho country.
A great deal nf enow has fallen in
the Ciise-nde and Coast mountains in
Lane county this month.
(United Tress Staff Corespondont.)
Paris, March 3. The supreme war
council today takes up terms of the pre
liminary peace to be imposed upon Gcr- .
many. At the same time, it discusses
conditions under which the eeoiioitiio
blockade of that country will bo partial
ly raised..
Conditions under which tho blockade
is to bo modified will, it was under
stood, be reudy to be put into effect
immediately after the return io jtaris
of President Wilson, Premier Lloyd
George and Premier Orlando, true eep
arr.to peace terms probably will bo com
pleted by the first 'of next month, tSftir
which details of the treaties wdtU Aus
tria, Bulgaria and Turkey wili be dis
cussed. - : i
Make War Impossible. .! .
The,. military and naval terms to bo
included in the preliminary peace pact
will render Germany absolutely power- ,
lpS! to make war, it wtn .K&nied from
authoritative sources.
Marshal Foch's report, submitted ob
Saturday, was said to include destrue-
tion of nil German war materials with
the exception of arms for a few divis
ions, which will be left for pcaco duty.
Tho allies will also be given the super
vision over all German munitions lact-'
Tho imvnl conditions are said to In
clude surrender to' the allies of prae-
ticv.llv "H that remains of the Gonnna
r.uy; Tho units to be turned over will
be the battleships Oldenburp, Tliurin
gen, Oiitfriesland, Heligoland, Pos.cn,
Weetfalen, Rheihlnnd, and Nassau; the
light cruisers Pillau, GrimdeiiJS, Regcns
burg, Stvaslnnd, Augsberg, Kltburg and
Stuttgart; 42 modern destroyers and
fifty modern torpedo boats.
Stop Ship Construction.
Warships under construction will be
broken up. All German submarines,
submarine docks nnd tho famous Kiel
tubular deck -must bo surrendered or
destroyed within two weeks after tho
treaty' Is. f'gnd. ..Similar work In the
rroeess of construction must be broken
up within tluvo months aner pence is
concluded, though the materials may be
os-d for pracrful purposes. ., .
The German nuvul craft already in
terned in allied harbors will bo formally
seized. . They may bo destroyed, al-
(('ontiniied on page two)'
Ccrarcd Daring PL'c Re
ception Given To General ;
Yon Lettow
(United Press Staff Corespondent.)
Berlin, March 3, American officers
were the target for a hostile demon
stration by Herman civilians today.
iluring tho reception to General Voa
Lettow, former German commander in
Africa, the officers were quietly watch-
M n
the pnrr.do from American head-
lounrters in the Hotel Adlon. ine
H ..,., hoaau tn hUa nd.
'shout at them. The police experienced
' . ' .
"at -.f '
t. Durin tf.hfht tTtZ
tion several civilians rushed at General
" . , . , ., , .j
Harris' automobile, which was stantt-
" . ' - , .,. ,
lng unoccupied at the curb, with tno w-
. . ,. ,. ti,.i.-.....t
tention of demolishing it. Polieenieat
i rBA.
Tho Americans as well as other allied
officers were compelled to remain ie
gido the hotel all afternoon. The mis
sion ordered all allied officers to keep
off the streets until further instructed.
Representatives of workmen's coun
cils were holding a convention this af
ternoon to consider whether the recog
nition offered them by the government
is sufficient. It is understood they were
hesitant about tho use of force.
In Munich it was reported that Spar
tacans and socialists were wrathfully
waiting for each other to begin hostu-
New York, March 3. Ruling prices
in liberty bonds on the New York aiark
ct today were as follows:
,3-1-2 's, 99.60, off. 04; first 4's, 94.04,
up' .54; second 4's, SU.W, np A; first
4 and 1 2's, 95.06, up .04; second 4 and
1 2's, 91.10, off third 4 and 1-21,
95.22 ,off .12; and. fourth 4. and 14,
94.00, off .08.