TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919. PAGE NINE EVERYBODY IS MOW FIGURING . iriGGE TAX In Order te Be Helpful to Public, Internal Revenue Bureau Has Every Available " Officer in Field. it n if tt If -roxtS'" m.7"l. l -tiIg ft 9 i jl """SaSSr-'-! I competition and are established stand- . 11 KBIEH m square dealing ill I jijiigjg U'.7 with the growers of the hjj! I OfSi3? 1 Northwest for more than a li I li--Sf quarter century has developed It' I i il-ipur present splendid equip- fe I J "vppSpS nent n organization. Th.it m I ill -vk"'"' -J is our guarantee that we cap ZJ iLpHKMWMA w you to your profit ft f IliSII OREGON GBOW1T sesds and plants Improved varieties of cur own introduc tion have stood the test of timo and . competition and are established stand ards in 'the coast markets ' The following big successes are our original introductions: Earliest of All and Pride of Multno mah Potatoes, Golden West Sugar Corn, Oregon Yellow Danverg Onions, St. Val entim Brocelli. Sfcadeland Seed Oats, Oregon Yellow Dent Corn, New Oregon Strawberries, Riverside Giant Rhubarb These have won largo . returns for grower'! THEY WILL WIN FOR YOU! YOUR HOME GARDEN carefully planned and planted, will give you de licious fresh vegetables for your table and for canning, of a quality that you cannot buy. Help reduce the thigh cost of living and increase the surplus food for export to starving Europe. OUR 1919 CATALOG AND PLANT ERS' GUIDE is the standard reference for Growers of the Northwest, lia.ing the best of everything for Farmers, Gardeners, Homo Owners, Poultrymca and Bee Keepers gives reliable infor mation and is a safe guido to your pur chases. , r MARK ''X" the lines in which you are interested. ( ) Agriculture ( ) Ochard ( ) SmaEFruits ) Poultry ( )Bees ( ) Stockraising Cut out and return to us, or drop us a postal and your name will be placed on our mailing list for our special cata logs and valuable and interesting liter ature. ' PORTLAND SEED CO.. Portland, Ore. MllliliilllMililli alms - SI a m N;i Mat 'awa9 'aaMsMMMaMiur 3 ..laftSfiM, - Stock Market Animated For Saturday Session New York, March l.r-Tho Now York "Evening fiun financial review today jays: Trading In today's stock market 'wm protty animated for a Saturday short gossion, but numerous cross curernts im parted a highly irregular trend to prices and prevented any verv ououn-j -f -t .'he tc. ic-n spots1 i.i.'':. ikV t?fpf.!; ll 0 now I It, I t n,-w .f.t-1 nt 151 -'-la Kt. l';; .":i'' ig for merly occupied toy The 'Farmers Cash store. I wks American International Corpora tion, which went through 63. Banking interests are supposed to bo buying the stock. One of the ousMinuiug .weak spots wag American Linseed. United Cijjar Stores was bid up fairly woll, but the tob&ccog as a group are In clined to heaviness. Steel ruled frac tionally above 02. Beading was tho fenturo among the rails, that issue crossing 83, or nearly nine points above the low of tho year, touched on Janu ury 21. The oils wero again under prcB sure. Marien Preferred was nearly" firm. ' Three masked men held up about 20 mcmibero of the American club at. Aber deen Monday, taking cash estimated at $2000. . . - ; For Coated Tongue Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Bloating, Gas, Bilioumeii, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, take the always reliable rOLEYJCATHARTIC TABLET! jTher clear the bowels, sweeten the stom ach and tone up the liver. Do not gripe. 'J. E. Colyer, 103 Labor Temple. Lot AnSelat, Cat.: Alter 56 jeiri'ezpirietice with ill font od klndi ol cathartic remedlea, I Sot wiie to ,f oley Cathartic Tablet!, sad they ate the beat I ever used. ' J. U PBRBY, Druggist JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY i mmm.mmmmmm;;;;;uuu;IUUv4v;:: I HUDSON ESSEX HAYNES AUTOMOBILES THE THREE BEST CARS ON THE MARKET EVERY SALE MAKES ANOTHER SATISFIED OWNER COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER TAKE A RIDE WITH US AND LET US PROVE THEIR POINTS OF . SUPREMACY. It tt M oMson - ii $ actof s THE ONLY TRACTOR THAT MEETS EVERY REQUIREMENT ' ASK ANYONE WHO HAS OWNED AND USED ONE -THAT'S THE U PROOF. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW SO AS TO BE SURE 'OF DELIVERY l - . VV HEN WANTED. . . . SEE THE POWER PULLY ATTACHMENT MAKING AN ALL THE YEAR AROUND MACHINE Valley M otor Company Lji iLALh, blKEET SALEM ORFOON ELBERT THOMPSON, MANAGER ' t'ttittnllMtt,)itiiliiiiniin. i......... 'imtiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SEVERE PENALTIES IF YOU DELAY BEYOND MARCH 15 With the due Onto for Income Tnses only a few weeks away, the collection of this fnr-reiu'liiug tux on 1918 in comes has started off with a bang. Everybody Is figuring Income tax. Payments aud sworn statements of income must rench Internal Revenue office on or before March 15, und there are severe penalties for dellnauency. Residents of Oregon are required to make their returns and pay their taxes to Milton A. Miller, Collector of Inter nal Revenue, Portland, Ore., or to any of his deputy collectors who are now doing free advisory work on Income Tax. "Pay your Income Tax by March 16," Is the slogan of the Internal Rev enue Burenu, which has sent every available officer Into the field to help the public to understand the require ments and to prepare the returns. Who Must Make Return, It Is estimated that many thousands of single and married persons in this section of the Uutcd States who have never before made annual returns are required to do so this year. Income tax returns must be made between now and March 15 by persons who come under the following classifi cations: Auy unmarried person whpse 1918 net Income was $1,000 or over. Wid ows and widowers, divorcees and mar ried persons who are living apart from their husbands or wives, are for the purposes of the Income Tax classed as unmarried. Any married person living with wife or husbnnd whose 1018 net Income was $2,000 or over. The income of both husband and wife ihust be considered, together with the earnings of minor children, if any. t Revenue Bureau Offers Aid. Each person In the United States who Is In either of these classifications must get busy at once If penalties are to be avoided. lie should secure a blank Form 1040 A for reporting net Income up to $3,000, or Form 1040 if his net Income exceeded that amount. Forms are being distributed by Collec tors and their Deputies, also by banks. By following the instructions on the' forms a correct return can be prepared at home. If a person needs advice or aid, the Deputy Collectors In the field will furnish this without charge. The new Revenue law places the In come Tax duty on citizens and resi dents. The Iiiternul Revenue Bureau Is sending Its men to work right with the public to get the tax and the re turns in. With active co-operation every tax due March 15 will be paid and every return required by law will he in the Revenue offices on time. Exemptions Allowed. A single person Is allowed a per sonal exemption of $1,000. If he Is sup port lug In his household relatives who are dependent upon him he may claim the status of the head of a family who linn the same exemption as If married, A married person who lives with wife or husband Is allowed a personal exemption of $2,000. The head of a family Is entitled to claim a similar personal exemption. An additional exemption of $200 is allowed for each person under eight een or Incapable of self support who was dependent upon and received his chief support from the taxpayer. - A husband and wife living together are entitled to but one personal ex emption of $2,000. If they make sepa rate returns the exemption may be claimed by either or divided. Accuracy Required. Absolute accuracy is necessary In making up Income figures. Any per son who is working for wages should find out exactly bow much he received during the whole year 1018. Fees, bank Interest, bond Interest, dividends, rents received and all other Items must be reported correctly. Mere guesses are not accepted, for they are unjust alike to the taxpayer and the Uoverhruent and defeat the proper ad ministration of the law. I hp1 fir i JMr --t 1 J ""laiiiiiiiiiiifr 1 --j;r 1 lili'l ilia"" " i J ' if n n v i r We Have ovei to 151 North High Street TO THE BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE FARMERS CASH STORE , Our business has grown to the point where we were compelled to get Larger and better quarters. .We wish to thank the public for their splendid pat- , ronage that has made our business possible. We have been complimented time and time again in the way we have conducted our business and especially our service, and in our new location we will be in much better position to serve our patrons than we have in the past. , When we started in business February 5th, 1918, with the famous Chevrolet line of automobiles we fig ured that ' A SENSIBLE CAR AT A SENSIBLE PRICE" PROPERLY SERVICED was in demand, and V our sales since that date show that we were right. For . we have passed the 250 mark and have just nicely com- 1 menced. We will add several hundred to this amount before the present year ends. We want you to meet us at our new location and even if the place is littered up from workmen remodeling, eventually we will restore order out of confusion and welcome you and take care of your wants .better than ever. ; . . . bileCo. F. G. Delano Phone 97 A. 1. Eoff 151 N. High St Across the street west from Court House Distributors of Chevrolet and Scripps-Booth Cars and Republic tires. it Hie Capital Journal Daily Market Report Grain Wheat, soft white $1.90 INCOME TAX 18 TRULY POPULAR. . "The payment of Income taxes takes on a new significance which should be understood by every citizen. The taxation sys- tern of this country Is truly pop- ular, of (he reople, by the peo- pie and for the people. Every citizen Is liable to tax, and the amount of the tax Is graduated according to the success and for- tune a tt nlned by each Individual in availing himself of the oppor- tunitles created and preserved by our free institutions. The method and degree of the tax Is determined by no favored class, but by the representatives of the people. The proceeds of the tax should be regarded as a national Investment" Daniel C. Roper, Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue. The famous Chevrolet line of auto mobiles are now located in their new home at 151 iNorth Pigh Bt,, just across the street west from court house Salem .Automohile Co. toatr) eaiq otg IpeqJ3 jo) Smop w tpy 4WMpIMfl'JinovntJI plL, tlfl JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Wheat, lower grads oa sample Oats 7075e Hay, cheat , $24 Hay, oats Z9 Barley, ton Mill run . Butterfat Butterfat 4sro D0 50 Creamery butter .. 5960c Fork, VeU and Hutton "ork, on foot ....... 16(31(5 e Veal, fancy S02to Steers .. . 7(71 Cows -., - 47e Spring lamb . 12 Ews.. - .4MW Lambs, yearlings . 1012e gZf and, Poultry Ejri;g, cash- .. -84c Hens, live . 2527e Old roosters '- , ,.,' 1S Chickens . . 5 tfegetawes Radishes, dor. Sweet potatoes .. rota toes - Onions, local Cabbage. .. Turnips .... Head lettuce Boeta 40 . 4 3-4(SSc $1.50 Parsnipg . . Cauliflower. 2 dot. easo Cocoanfftt ... .. 1.65(2 2Vimt 2ay 3.75(a.5 3e 3 ......... 1.75ffiS mu Oranges . j M-SOWS Lemons, box $5&9 Bananas Vt Florida grape fmit, ease $fl(?S7.5 Black figs lb. . WtiUHt White figs, lb 19(fC20 Package figf per bi SO pkg 46W Honey, extracted 204 Betaa frtcas Eggs, dozen ......... 38c Creamery butter . 61 e !ountnr butter .... SOIane Flour, hard wheat . 2.S5(&3 Portland Market Portland, Or., Mar. l.-nButter, city creamery 5859e E'ggs sdectod local ex. 40o Hens 3032c Broilers 40e Ocose 1720e Cheese, triplets 8132o t I i it DA1L7 UVB BTOCK MASXEX Cattle receipts 29 ' 't one of market steady Ilest steers $13.5014.50 Uood to choice steers tll.7512.7ff Medium to good steers $10.75(a-L1.75 Fair to good stoors 9.50(a)J$.75 Common to fair steers t.5O(ffi9.50 . Choice cows and hoifors $10.50(5)11.50 Good to choice cows and heifers $8.75(29.75 Medium to good oowa and heifer $7.75(5,8.75 Fair to medium cows and heifew $8;o.7 Oanncm $B.505 Bulls rd) Calves $9.50(ffi 14.50 Stackers and feeders i"10 Hogs ; Receipts 337 Tone of markot steady ; Prime mixed $17.25(a)1750 Medium mixed $17(4 17.25 Rough heavies $15.25 13.50 Pig 13(-15 Bulk $17.25 Sheep " Receipts 1274 Tone of market steady Prime lambs $1414.50 Fair to medium lambs $10( Yearlings $10U Wethers 9(t8lb Ewe, $fi.50(a O.50 Goats $5.50(a)6 Farmers Predsce Ccsposj VtA for your produce today: 21c for top veil . 19e for top hog. Hens, all weights, 27e 160 a Elgh Bt Pica 19