THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919. PAGE-SIX A I t iViUT upon the heels of the lulu Liberty Loan campaign there will be a sixtii--not a loan 01 billions to Uncle Sam, but one of millions for God. pno hundred twenty millions of dollars is the sum to be raised. In the campaign to be waged every man, woman and child in America will be reached and people in every Inhabitable part of the glube will be affected. , Only a world converted to the prnc tieal application of Christianity can be considered a world safe for democracy this is the big idea back of this great world movement originated and further ed by the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Dr. S. Earl Taylor, originator and present leader a layman, by the way of the movement, has explained it all this way: "The world cannot be reconstructed by a formula. No mere agreement among diplomats can heal the wounds of war. No Intcrnntional constitution, however perfect in Its phrasing, and no mere economlo revolution, however sweeping in its scope, can bring about the universal reign of peace and good will among men. Such a peace is the fundamental aspiration of every human heart, but it cannot be realized through force, it cannot be realized through gov ernment and it cannot be. realized through law alone. World democracy can and will be realised only through applieu Christianity' and nothing but faithlessness on the part of the Chris tian church need delay its realization now." More Than Religious Movement Christianize a nation and you democratize it; it Is this belief that is stimulating this great world-wide move ment, a Christian movement, a church movement, a strictly religious move ment; but one which will soon compel the world to attach new meanings to the words "church" and "religion" and "Christianity." This new movement has something of the spirit of the old American "revival" ana something o( the fervor of the ancient crusades. The movement took its name from the centenary of the founding of the Methodist Missionary society. It has been endorsed by every interdenomina tional conference which has had It under consideration. A complete survey of every field has been made by the Methodists and the campaign Is to be waged with almost military strategy. The main objectives have been mapped out The sinews of war are being raobilizei The armies are being trained, not under the hit-or-miss volunteer system, but according to the principles of selective service. The Methodist section alone, including the Southern branch, will be financed with $120,000,000. Layman Suggests Idea. The movement in its Inception was not cccclsinstical. It was democratic. Dr, S. Earl Taylor is a Methodist lay man. That name won't be repeated often if Dr. Taylor can help it, He is not a sclf-advertlser. Personal honors do not interest him, any more than have the urgent appeals from several com mercial institutions to leave his mission ary work and devote his talents, at many times his preftnt income, to their business interests. Actual achievement in the service, of his Master is his one measure of success. His official position is executive secretary of the Joint en tenary Committee. Although a graduate of a divinity school he refused ordination. He wanted to become a lay missionary, but because of illness in his family, he could not go abroad. "I have always believed in missions," he has said. "I have always believed in the great mission of the Christian Church. That mission is to bring the whole world to a knowledge of Jesus, and if thn mission were too great for the church to perform, the Master would never have Intrusted the Church with its performance. "So far, the church has not carried out its mission. But today we have more reason than ever to have faith In the church. The church Is awakening. It takes no prophet to see that It' Is beginning to realize its mission, and millions right here in America are now consecrating themselves not merely to lead a better life' according to the old and Inadequate Interpretation of con secration but to give to the cause of world redemption and world democracy their full share of organised service. Same Old Gospel Preaehed. "We are not preaching a new gospel. We are offering no amendments to the teachings of Christ His plan of salva tion was complete. The difference be tween the awakening church of today and the eminently respectable and emi nently futile church of the past Is In our fuller realization of the meaning of out Master s message. "Yesterday, it was customary to think of the church as a harbor of refuge. It is a harbor but a harbor has vastly greater uses than to furnish refuge from the storm. It Is a port of em barkation In the Master's service. It Is a place to take on food and fuel and to get our engines overhauled. Its main object Is not to thelter os from the. storm, but to equip ns to deliver the goods. "Yesterday many good people " thought of the church as an institution to give comfort to the dying and pre pare the souls of those who ask forgive ness for the Day of Judgment and the unknown life beyond. Today we are beginning to realize its greater mission. For individual sin it still offers the one and only remedy, but if it is to -'be a power In the world that is, it must apply the principles of Jesus to heal not only the individual but the social life. "The American Church has hereto fore had a remedy for drunkenness, but only this year has it abolished the organized liquor traffic Heretofore it has offered to each seeker an adequate remedy for wilfull idleness, but it did not attempt to solve the unemployment problem. It has L :ld out a remedy for personal greed, but it often seemed in different to those social" abuses 'which led to extremes of wealth and poverty. It has taught kindness to servants, but it has not thrown itself in any organized way into the modern workingman's struggle for a living wage. It has theoretically "taught the universal Fatherhood of God, but not until the present time did it enlist body and soul in a war for world democracy. Bold Labor Program Adopted. "Six years ago the Methodist Epis copal Church of America adopted a definite labor program. It boldly a sr sertcd the right of the workers to em ployment, and their right not only to a living wage, but to the highest wage that industry can afford to pay. It sympathized with the aims and aspira tions of the modern labor union, but it went further in Its labor program than the unions could go. It demanded Jus tice and something more. It demanded that the problems of employer and em ployed be worked out under the In spiration of Christian fellowship, and that Industry be organized, not to sat isfy the individual thirst for wealth, but to extend to every one the highest op portunity for joyful service. "The Methodist Episcopal Church," he said, "is the only church which now has missions in every country on earth. We are not afraid of any situation we can possibly find In any foreign field. Our missionary society is not afraid of Wars, famine or plague. We are not afraid of hostility or repression. The v' only thing we have to fear the only thing that can now stand in the way of a completely suecesnyri campaign is indifference on the part of the church at home. "The American Army,' with all Its splendid spirit and indomitable will, could have accomplished nothing in France if it had been deserted on the feirMH 'home front." Exactly the same situa tion exists with us. The world may be brought to Christ in our time, genuine world democracy and human brother hood may be achieved, and the era of war and industrial strife give place to permanent peace and good will, if the churches of America consecrate them selves to this achievement." World Needs Surveyed." The first main objective of the cen tenary drive is to .equip every Methodist mission, at home and abroad, for 100 per, cent efficiency. Forty million dollars has been appropriated for each branch of the work, and the exhaustive survey tells in detail just where and how the money is to be spent. "The Christian religion is the only religion which answers the need of the day. It is peculiarly the religion of the present, for it is the religion of dynamic democracy. It is the only re ligion which can satisfy In these days of social upheaval. Jesus spoke to the common people and the common people heard Him gladly. He was bitter in His denunciation of caste and privilege. He proclaimed a world for those who serve their fellow men, but a world to be gained through the application of love and fellowship instead of throne.!) violence and hatred. "Poor suffering India needs such i religion. Her hundreds of millions are the despair of democracy today simply because her. religion is a caste religion. Christianize India and we will democ ratize India. I realize that the very suggestion will shock and scare many servitors of special privilege, lut there can be no compromise on this funda mental Christian doctrine. Either we are for Christ or against Him.' Either we are for democracy or against it. A Christian world will be a democratic world; but only through Christianity will democracy be made safe." Big Prayer Drive Planned. To start the drive the Methodists hare organized a Fellowship of Inter cession "td release the prayer power of the church." Tens of thousands have enrolled in this fellowship, each pledged to devote a certain period each day to prayer. Next, there is a "stewardship drive." One million American Methodists are wanted to join In this. For five years they will contribute one-tenth of their income to this Christian work. $ "Enlistment for life service" is an other feature of this program. The drive will call for a new army of mis sionary workers, and it is intended that this army shall be completely trained and utterly devoted to the cause. Soon there is to be a nation-wide financial campaign to obtain pledges for the necessary $120,000,000. For this and other purposes, American Methodism has been divided into twenty Episcopal areas id epch area into con ference, district fjb-district groups, each with its re:?,)jL'le leader. In addition nil ela'ooate publicity i program has been mapped out.. News papers and magitdnes, church and secular press, labor and trade, class publications in f;rt every kind of publication' wKieh be reached upon the basis of legitimate news appeal, will be utilized. No ratr its of letting Amer ica know that the drive for world wide Christian democracy is on will be over looked. To Eijroll Speakers. An army of :. 00,000 "Methodist .Min ute Men" is being recruited, largely from the men who did similar service for Uncle Sam. Dr. Christian F. Reisner, pastor of Grace Church, New York, has been released for six months to organize this division of publicity. Dr. Reisner began the work with prayer and faith--and advertising. Al ready he has more than 80,000 ",Metho distMinutc Men" mobilised agd the re sults have exceeded his most optimistic expectations. . .... . There' will be two of these "Minute .Men" in 'every Methodist church in America and for cvcrychurch with .more than 200 members there will be an additional man for each 1C0. One of their chief duties will be to present the centenary work through five-minute speeches. They, will speak in churches, Sunday schools, in theaters, motion pic ture houses, public entertainments, everywhere. A special magazine called "Missiles" is being issued for the use of .these men alone. Its one purpose is to furnish ammunition to the speakers. The "Methodist Movies" will be an Interesting feature of American life soon. The committee has a staff of ex perts in every mission field, rnd it is in tended to familiarize every American 'with the life of the oppressed every where. Rut the picture campaign aims to do more than that It alms to bring the thought home to every one that all men lire brothers and that the agonies . of war, ignorance and oppression can be remedied only through a Christian democracy of the world. This stupendous movement did not originate with the official machinery of the church. "I am glad it started in the Metho- distThnrch," said Dr. Taylor. "And I nm glad it started from the rank and file. The Methodist Church, historical ly, has been the church of the common people; and if it is to be a power in the life of the world it most always remain just that We are not looking to the wealthy for the $120,000,000. We are looking to the common people, the plain Christians and plain .Americans v.ii; believe in Continuity and Ainei kaninit so heartily that they are willing to give their tithes to extend these blcssipgs t. the world at large." Emal-.asis Placed on Service. The "Methodists have not forsakei their Methodist creed. .In this move- ment there is no attempt to slight tilt fundamental doctrine of the Atonement nor that of justification by faith. But undue emphasis will not he placed npcr. . doctrine. The emphasis will rather be. upon Christian service and upon re ligion of the heart. It should be ex plained that there is no competition tiv day in .foreign missionary work. Wherr one denomination is adequately cover ing the field, the field is left to that .lc nomination, and all the other ehiirilici recognize its institutions us the expres sion of Christianity. The old systein of church extension in the rural communities will largely be abandoned. Instead of building little : meeting houses, to be opened once a week when weather permits and u $'.'100 a yea? pastor can be supplied, an effort will be made to build large institutional churches in the charge of competent and well salaried executives, not merely-as ... places in which to sing hymns and pray, but as a general headquarters of coui-j munity service. These churches will be open continuously; will contain libraries and agricultural exhibitions, moving pictures,, a first aid hospital and every possible aid to the social and educa tional life of the adjacent territory. Anything, in city or country, which per forms social service will be considered ; a legitimate part of Methodist mission ary work. "This year," Dr. Taylor remarked, "the churches of America abolished the saloon. We are jubilant over the vic tory; but if we do not do something more than jubilate, our victory will be hollow one This victory has brought us face to face with new responsibilities and the churches of America must not be slackers. We must fill the place of the saloon in the Nation's social life. The churches must be kept open seven days a week. They must attract and inspire and render useful service. Mrf and more, at home and abroad, lire great masses of God's children must tie shown that it is the function of tie 'Christian Church to serve their nce.U, nut simpiy 10 issue noiy pronounce ments. If we do not answer these human needs at home, the million vela ' have been deprived of drink may be ex-, .pected to turn to other forms of vice and if we do not rise to our present op portunities in the world at large we can not claim the promise of peace on earth end good will among men," L 1 . . I .