THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1919. PAGE THRRE lfi il liSr WEBUY LIBERTY EONDS CAT-3 OR TRADE WEBUY LIBERTY BONDS CASH OR TRADE BAND MS RECEIVED MEDAL FOR IMf! 'HORJE-COtt : MI7I P' MTOPT A M TFIF7 fl k. i ' j NotfolyTki, But All Are Graduates Frcia Paris Con servatory GfMasic The finest aggregation of musicians ever scheduled for Salem will appear on the evening of March 5 at the ar mory. And Ibcsiilcs being ' musicians from the Paris conservatory of music, every man i a war veteran. We are closing out al work and dress shces at prices ia many cases less than the actual whlesale cost We do not want to carry over any cf our winter shoes into the Spris Seasca, so we are cattis dova the prises so fey wEI eoyd rapidly. READ OVER THE FOLLOWING EXTREMELY LOW PRICESr- 300 pairs Men's Gun Metal lace shoes, all sizes, regular $7.00 grades, both with single and double soles, to close out .. (jjj 500 pairs Ladies' Comfort shoes, both in button and lace, flexible soles, rubber heels, regular $5.00 grades, to close out. ..' . ...$3 ress Ladies' regular $9 dress shoes, lace only, to close out at $7.95 Ladies' regular $10.00 dress shoes, lace only,-to close out $8.95 Ladies' regular $12.00 dress shoes, lace only, to close'out $10.00 ft H 9 .en s 'ress ides Men's regular $8 dress shoes, lace and button to close out ...$6.95 Men's regular $9 dress shoes, lace and button, to close out $7.95 Men's regular $10 dress shoes, lace and button, to close out ... $8.95 M Wor Men's regular $5 and $6 work shoes, black and tan, to close out...l..$3.95 Men's regular $8 log gers, black only, to clos,. out $595 Men's $5 rubber boots, most all sizes, to close out ..$3.95 Men's, Women's and Children's tennis shoes, small sizes, to close out 65c, 75c, ' - ' and 95c . ;;" ".; . . Odd lots in La'dies' $12 Hanan shoes, small sizes, to close out................... $5.95 Broken lines of Men's $12 Hanan shoes, to close out $9.95 Women's regular $4 Kid Julietts, to close out $2.95 ' Rubber Heel Day each Wednesday when we put on new, five rubber 50c heels at 0ne-Ha2f Price, 25c DUXBAXCIL SELBY SHOES HANAN SS.0ES WEBUY LIBERTY BONDS CASH OR TDADE witch EK BOOTS BALL BAND BOOTS FOX PARTY PUTvIPS WEBUY LIBERTY B0HS CASH OR TRADE 326 State St., Next To Ladd & Bush Back R -3 I tJJ m n These .men, 40 of them are of the i French army Iband to' visit JSulem next j Wednesday evening in the band con cert to be given for .the ibenofit of tho organizations preparing to welcome nome Company II boys. Every one of the 40 men in the band wear wound stripes, a few as many as eleven stripes. Every man in the or ganization has been awarded tho, rench honor medal Croix do Guerre for bravery. Every man served in the trenches and. at the front, thoir services running from 21,-. to 3 years Eleven of the men served with the American troops at lielleau Woods, Chateau Thierry and in tho Argonne. They especially feel kindly to the ma rines as they were with tlieso fight ers who turned the tide of war. Every man in tho hand 19 a real mu sician and carries diplomas from the Conservatory of music act Paris. Two of the men, George Trus, the piano so loist and Alexandre Io Bruielle, the violin soloist, -were with Muvatore in his tour of the country. Besides Ibcing tho greatest aggrega tion of musicians that have over vis ited Salem, the public will have tho rare opportunity of hearing wonderful music besides seeing real war heroes. Seventy of the prominent business men of the city havo guaranteed the expenses of the appearance here Henco every, dollar taken in -will go towards the fund for receiving and entertain ing the returning soldiers. For those who have bought tickets, the reserved scat sale will go on at the armory Saturday morning. Tho gen eral reservation will begin Monday morning. ' ' GUSH iESIl MAY EVENTUALLY GDI UP War Council Continuing On Subject Of Reparation ' if1 Attend The n Kumeroas Transports ' Dae Absst larch First Washington, Fob. 26. Tho transport El Occidonte, Brest for New York, is due March 4 with 86 casuals and a med ical detachment. The transport Mexican, St. Nazairc for New York, is duo March 5 with casual company 164 (New York); de tachment 71st regiment C. A. V., for Camp Upton; Aero squadrons numbers 23, 35, 119, 151, 153, 158, 173, 176, 184, 247, 264, 469, 374, 499 and 500. ' The transport Feltors, St. Nazairc for New York, is due March 3, with nearly 2,000 convclesccnts; detachment d4sth infantry (87tU division) for Camp tp Whenever yoa sense a slcls headache, or feel a bilious attack comir.g on, ward it off by the timely use cf BEECHflA'S PILL5. LmI Sml of Anr MedteiM b World. ton; detachment headquarters 40th div ision for New York; casual company 916 (New York) and a .group of ca 'uals. Major General Strong, command ing the 40th division, and Briiiadier General William O. Johnson u on board. The hospital ship Comfort, Bordeaux for New York, is duo Mureh'4 with about 400 convalescanrs. . The transport Lake Cashar, Uonicaux for New York, is due abqut March 8th witn one casual officer. ... , The transport Ceylon Mam, Bordeaux for Newport News, is due March 7 with one casual officer. ' The transport Moccasin, Brest for New York, is duo March A with a few casuals. . Ohio Home March 6th The battleship Ohio, Brest for New port News, is due March 5th with thoj First Anti Aircraft sector for Fort Logan, Ohio, Presidio, California, Camp Lee and regular army casual company 380 (Texas); 922 (Colorado); 931 (Georgia) and 272 (North Carolina). The transport Great Nonht rn, Best for New York, ig duo March 1, with field and staff, headquarters una sup ply company, medical detachment, bat teries A. B. C. and D., colored, 349lh field artillery (92nd division) for Camps Dix, Meade, nee, jhcmhmi, uor don, Pike, Custer, Tavlor, Sheridan and regular army; casual company 908; de tachment officers 04th coast artillery for Camp Lewis, casual company 235 (Georgia); casuals and about 1,300 con valescents. Tho transport Aquitania, Brest for New York, is duo February 28th with 317 train headquarters and 92nddivlsion military police company for Camps tunston, blierman, and regular army; second artilloru park, for Camps Sher man, and Ppton, casual company 1215 (Illinois), and a group of casuals and convalescents. - The transport Martha Washington, Bordeaux for New Port News, is due March 5, with the 49th regiment, for Camus Taylor and Dodge and Columbus barracks; field and stuff headquarters company, supply company, battcrieg A B, C, D, E, and F.'ordnance and san itary detachments; 335th regiment of the 355th field artillery (87th division) for Camp Dix; field and staff head quarters company, supply company, bat teries A, B, C, 1), and F, and medical detachment of the 3.iflth field artillery for Camp iJix, Furjton and Dodge and a few casuals. By Fred 8. Ferguson (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Feb. 26. Reparation negotia tions, preliminary to the peace settle ment with Germany, continued today. Tho present work is largely in the hands of the various committees, but General Foch conferred wilh tho su preme war council on matters affecting Germany's military status aftor tho past was signed!' Rapid headway is reported. The committee on responsibility for the war is understood to have reached the point where the degree of culpabil ity of various individuals is being discussed- Territorial, questions are pro gressing rapidly toward adjustment. An open door policy regarding Morocco was clearly established when the question was first presented to tho big five. John O 'Kelly, representative of the provisional Irish republic, has not yet appeared before the American delegates but it is said ho will be received if he asks for an audience The general opinion seems to be that Irish questions will be taken up in the conference eventually. President Wilson's speech at Boston received the highest commendation from all the conferees. It was noed that in addition to making a strong plea for the league of nations, he ob served all the political niceties by notj going into details before meeting tho foreign relations committees of con gress. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eisso of Te nino, have received word from the war department that their son, Mike, was killed in action October 20. The grand jury at Astoria recom mends that all confiscated liquor be given .to tins Bed Cross or some other hospital for gome useful purpose. FRENC H ARMY BAND" r ' "WSI V535" Eri2 e"0 T2 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5,' 8:30 P.M. The services of this noted band of French Heroes were engaged and paid for by 70 Patriotic.Business and Professional Men of Salem. DO YOUR PART-ENGAGE YOUR SEATS TODAY Every Cent of the Proceeds Goes to the Mother's Club of Salem - ; ' "TH HERO MOTHERS" Tickets on sale now Reservations at the Armory Ticket Office March 1 to 5 1J n W1 Dr. Carltoa Srith Wins Army Rank Of Major Mrs. Carlton Kmith received a cable gram from her husband, Captain Bmith, with United States expeditionary for ces in France, that ho had- been pro moted and i-s now Major Carlton Smith. This promotion is ono that was s Safety depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its robust children and in its strong, vigorous manhood. , EIM510N an ideal constructive tonic-food, brings to the system elements easily, assimilated and imparts strength and pro motes normal growth. Scoft'i Emaliion build$ up ih weak and fortifiei the etrong. Scott & Uowue. lllociaifield, N. J. woll deserved and fairly won on tho field of service. Dr. Hmith entered army service early and his experience has been varied and always active. Ho served in several army cantonments before boing sent across and was at the very front shortly aftor rcuching France, until the war ended. His pro motion, while it him been against the army rules to make promotions for some months past, testifies to tho value of (he services he rendered iu tho line of duty. LABOR LEADERS (Continued from pifge one) thought they should bo given this legis lation. Tbo vote on tho bill was as follows: Yes Banks, Kberliard, Eddy, Hund ley, Howell, Huston, I.Mhmiind, Moser, Norblud, Fierce, Kitner, Hhanlis, Hmith of Coos, Btrnyer, Thomas, President Vin ton. Xo Baldwin, Bell, Dimick, Farrcll, Gill, Hurley, Jones, LnFollott, Nickol sen, Patterson, Porter, Bmith of Joseph ine, Wood. Formal dedication of a recreational homo for convalescent wounded men at Camp Ijcwis, erected 1y tho Rod Cross, took place Sunday afternoon." THOMPSON' IS WINNEB. I . i Twenty ix of Umatilla county's young men made the supreme sacrifice in France. Chicago, Feb. 28. Mayor Willinm Hule Thompson was renominated by tho republicans and County Clerk Robert M. Nweitzer was nominated by the democrats iu yestorduy's mayoralty primaries Both won by big pluralities. Four years ago Thompson defeated HweiUer by -the largest majority ever given a candidate for mayor of Chi cago. ' " Late tonight it appeared that Mayor Thompson had not only received a plurality of about 45,000 over Judo Harry Olson, chief justice of the muni cipal court but had received consider ublo niuro than both Olson and Captain Chaiies T Murriam combined. tSweilzcr's plurality over Thomas Carey, a brick manufacturer, it was estimated, would rango between C0,0Q0 and 70,000. Max Herdlemeyer, who long called himself tho "burgomaster" in a north side Herman ward, also ran on tho democratic ticket with, a platform of free boor, no work" and other limit less planks. Ho received a fow hundred votes. ' GRANDMA KEVER LET EER MIR GET GRAY Kept Kcr Locks Ycdif sl,Dark And Gcssy With fcsoa Garden Sage And Sa!?kr. When you darken your hair with Sajre Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell because it's done so naturally, so cv cnly. Preparing this mixture, though, at homo is mussy and troublesome. At little cost you can buy at any drug storo tho ready to usa preparation, im proved bv tho addition of ether ingre dients called 'VVyeth Sage and but phur Compound.'' You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and flraw this through your hair, taking ,one small strand at a time. Hy looruimg all gray hair disappears, and, after an other application or two, your hair be eomeg (beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant, i Gray, faded bair, though no dis grace, is sign of old ago, and as we I all desire a youthful and attractive anpearaneie, get busy at om with JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY'SSr" Corapwnnd MAJOE EICHAEDSON DIES Tacoina-, Wash., Feb. 26. Major Peter Richardson, formerly of troop B, a cavalry nutional guard organization that left Tacoma in the summer ot 1917 for Franeo with the 41st division, died last week, was the news received in Taeoma today by his family. f VI '"' r r - , r . I I l : - ; ft 1 l A" MABEL NOBMAND in. BACK TO THE WOODS r Goldwyn Picture Herbert Rawlinson and Mabel Normand in "Back to The Woods" coming to the Liberty Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Man Ad vantages in POSTUM Instead. . of Coffee Rich flavor, ease of making, no waste, and ab solute freedom from those an noyances to health and com fort which some times follow coffee drinking, make POSTUM the ideal drink for all the family There's a AreasorT