XXXXXX-- e of The Capital Jpurna CHABLES H. FISHES Editor and Publisher TUESDAY EVENING . February 25, 1919 Editorial Pas m . . . - X Aft 11 Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address All Communications To (She DailnAtfil Journal SALEM 136 S. Commercial 8t. OREGON SVBSCBIPTION BATE3 Daily, by Carrier, per year.. $5.00 Per Month : 5e Daily by Mail, per year 3.00 Per Month ; 35e FULL LEASED W1BB TELEGRAPH REPORT W, FOREIGN EEPBESEN T ATIVES W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. -H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Bl before 7:30 o'clock end a paper will be sent you by special mossenger if the carrier has missed you. WASHINGTON ON THE LEAGUE THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations DANGEROUS PROPAGANDA. Germany is now engaged in one of her greatest propagandas. It is all the more menacing because of its insidious nature. The plot is directed against America, and seeks co reach this nation through the American army 01 occupa tion along the Rhine. There is every indication that the German government and the people nave set about delib erately to make our soldiers unconscious German agents --catspaws tp pull Germany's chestnuts out ot xne lire of war. , We read every day of the fine treatment our boys are receiving in Germany, of the good natured tolerance of those Germans whose cities and houses they occupy, ot the friendliness of the men artd women and the appeal of the German children. The natives obviously go out of their way to make the intruders feel at home. They do their best to make the soldiers comfortable. And the average American, being not only good-natured and for giving but strangely unsuspicious, takes all this tine con duct at its face value, and frankly says he "feels at home' in Germany, and likes the Germans. He yields all the more readily to the seduction because Germany, not de- vastatea Dy war nice r ranee ana ueigium, is aoie to give him far more comforts than he had in those countries. The rest is easy. Clever Germans slip suggestions into his mind. "The Germans themselves never were to blame. It was all the kaiser and his crowd. Germany is a republic now. It is not fair that present-day Germany should suffer for the sins of the old regime." There are many lies told to turn the Yankee against his allied friends and comrades. So the soldier writes home, giving pleasant and re conciling pictures of Germany. That is just what the Ger mans want. And some of those letters get into print, making the finest. kind of pro-German publicity. It is all calculated to persuade the American people to use their influence to save Germany from the duty of .righting . the wrongs she has done. Every American should be on his guard against it. The proposed automobile license schedule will not raise the average automobile tax in the least. This is be cause the property tax levy on autos is abolished and in lieu of it the county is paid one-third of the license rev enue received by the state. This seems to be an excellent change, since it will compel every automobile owner to pay alike, as the car cannot be driven without a license. As the law is at the present time, many cars es cape the taxation because they change ownership and are driven out of the county where they are assessed. ' These be troublesome times. Kentucky has a moon shine war and Michigan a bootlegger's uprising. Winter, like the Oregon legislature, seems loath to leave this year. , I Mr. Farmer f ECONOMIZE Do your hauling with trucks. Less jj help with trucks will do more work. vve nave inw nugiiwj uscu u uirvd uiat uiuoii ;jc sold at once. if n "i ' u V) n ii r One Republic, 3-4 ton, special A-l shape...... $930 One 2-ton form-A truck, Studebaker engine $900 See these at the Salem Velie Company 19 J. W. JONES, Mgr. Distributors for Polk and Marion Counties N. Commercial St. , Salem, Ore. George Washington's advice to avoid "entangling al liances" with foreign nations has been held by many peo ple as advice against the forming of a League of Nations. But entagling alliances in his day were those entered into by secret treaty, those which menaced the people of the world instead of sustaining it The forming of the republic was just such an experi ment in co-operation as is the league. And Washington was not afraid of its newness and untriedness. He want ed ehe experiment made,, knowing the underlying prin ciples of it were sound. The same principles apply today. Here are two paragraphs of the Farewell Address, in ' ich the ''League" has been substituted for "country" in two places, and for "union" in one. Any doubt as to where the Father of His Country would stand is solved! at once by reading them. They might have been written! yesterday: . "While then, every part of the League thus feels an immediate and particular interest in union, all the parts combined cannot fail to find in the united mass of means and efforts greater strength, greater resource, propor tionately greatey security from external danger, a less frequent interruption of their peace by foreign nations; and, what is of inestimable value,, they must derive from union an exemption from those broils and wars between themselves, which so frequently afflict neighboring coun tries not tied together by the same governments, which their own rivalships also would be sufficient to produce, but which opposite foreign alliances, attachments and in trigues would stimulate and embitter. Hence, likewise, they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty. in this sense, it is, that your union ought to be considered as a maia prop of your liberty, and that the love of the One ought to endear to you the preservation of the other. "These considerations speak a persuasive language to every reflecting and virtuous mind, and exhibit the continuance of the League as a primary object of patriotic desire. Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace so large a sphere? Let experience solve it. To listen to mere speculation in such a case were criminal, We are authorized to hope, that a proper organization of the whole, with the auxiliary agency of governments for the respective subdivisions, will afford a fy&ppy issue to the experiment. it is well worth a fair and full experi ment. With such powerful and obvious motives to union, affecting all parts of the League, while experience shall not have demonstrated its impracticability, there will al ways be reason to distrust the patriotism of those, who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its hands. Most of the opposition newspapers are roasting Pres ident Wilson for advocating the League of Nations, ex cept the Portland Oregonian. That newspaper is writing many lengthy editorials in an effort to convince itself that the president is not sincere in. his support of the league. Nowadays the county assessor starts work at the same time the income tax sleuths make their appearance. Verily, troubles never come singly. THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS fcAAAAAAAA-A r w w w w Tf t m - Blanche Orton Monopolizes Neil Library TFjl 111 PS- Governor Henry J. Allen, one of the military strate gists of the Y. M. A. expeditionary force in France, is strenuously criticising the army commanders for alleged incompetence. Henry is a Kansas politician endowed with a sonorious voice, such as appeals to the denizens of the wind-swept plains of the sun-flower state, and conseauentlv he is quite successful in his office-seeking. His oratorical powers, combined with, his military record which consists of selling Y. M. C. A. cigarets to the soldier boys at a good profit, elected him governor last tall, lhere is, however, a possibility that he may be wrong in his military views and Pershing and his subordinates right, since the latter have been studying military matters for years and the Kansas governor only had a few weeks ex perience in the Y. M. C. A. huts of France. Still Henry is a bright kid and learns fast and the Kansans will back him to the limit against Pershing or anyone elseuntil another popular idol with a new fad dethrones him in their somewhat fickle affection. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THE KINGS. . "We kings must stick together," said . Bill, upon a time, "through every kind of weather, through every brand of crime. By heaven tis appointed that all the crowned galoots, with rancid oil anointed, should travel in cahoots. To all kings I am brother; we'll soon be going ame, if we don't back each other, and play each other's game. Then many Kings were reigning some iourteen hours a day, and all of them were straining to make the I i 1 ! lie Ms business pay. l saw tnem Diitneiy Kinging, some live brief years ago; and they were dancing, singing, and romping to and fro. Each had his robe of ermine, each Was a gaudy cuss, the Austrian, the German, the Bulgar and the Russ. I have no space to mention all kings who frolicked then, each with a high intention to boss his fel- owmen. And now the kings are scattered, and some of ;hem are dead. The snaps they had are shattered, their swords with rust are red. They did not stick together, they made some ghastly breaks; each tanned his private eather, each killed his private snakes. And now the kings anointed with mica axle grease, find all the world dis jointed, and can't enjoy our peace. CHAPTER XVI. Often when I saw other married peo ple so different I would think how per fectly awful, how tragie it was tragic that they accepted each other, simply as a matter of course, as they did their o&tnicul ' or their coffeo. Perhaps young married people were rather im becilo about many things, but wasn't it butter than being cold and indiffer ent? Across the intimate commonplac es of married life ran tho flashes of sympathy, the wondorful love that rose abovo all, that surmounted all else When that was worn to inujifcrencc, where was tho joy of Yes, to toll the truth, I wasn't much given to analysis. One isn't, often. at 24, especially if one is as normally healthy and alive as was I. We kept busy too, Neil and I. or some of my friends and I, altlio the novelty of New York had worn off to a degree, and I often wondered how people who had been living this theatre-restaurant sort of lifo for tears, could keep up theii perpetual vivacity and never-flagging interest in the same puerile amuse ments; At first I was wildly enthusi astic whenever Noil spoke of going to the play, or to some sort of restaurant for dinnor, or an occasion to somo "Bo hemian joint," as he called the sort of places frequented bT girls with bob bed hair,- and men with flowing neck ties and frayed cutis. 5ut now I was a bit satisfied with these evenings of noiso, forced gayety and alcohol in spired witticisms. Yet Neil seemed never to tire of the gay places, and was over polite so I thought to the course, red-faced men who often sought our -table intrusively. ' The, furnishings of the new apart ment kept mo s0 busy for few weeks that whon night came I begged Noil either to stay at home, or to go out without me. Yet when, he took me at my word and went smiling out, after kifing me fondly and telling me to "turn in early," I felt strangely re sentful and abominable lonely. "I never saw anyone so generous with her property as you are," Lor- .raino Morton said to me ono day when I was shopping for curtains, and had run into her at the counter. "Meaning!" "Simply that Blaine h Orton is de lighted to monopolize Neil. I was at Perry's last night, End whon she saw him come in alone she called him tc her at once: then flirted outrageously with him all the evening. Why didn't you como toot" "I was dead tired. Wasn't Mr. Or ton there f" "Yes, but that moans nothing." "I guess I shan't worry as long as he doesn't." ''I don't want you to worry. I might wivnt to do the same thing some (means) so to "your druggist and get day! I am rathor fond of your hand- some of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, somo husband myself, you know. I was They may prove to Ibo tho very tiling only remarking your generosity. It if your system requires to make you unusual when a man is as attractive well and happy. Beautiful tables mahogany in both in real colonial "Jealous because a man went out oc casionally t I think that would be ter-l ribly silly, as well as almost insulting, to the. man. I don't expect Neil to bn. tied to my apron strings simply because I am his wife." Yet, as I spoke, I felt L a return of tho resentment I had telt the night before when he had so non chalantly left me. "Better tied to your apron than to that of some other woman. You know Blanche considered him her especial &nfi chippendale designs. Al property until ho married you. 1 rr :lZlti?iuiso pedestals and consoles Neil hud known Blanche Orton for 8 long time, and that he liked her. I wondered if Lorraine knew it also, and if she thought Neil Btill was en rap port with the lively Blanche. "Bee that you keep him. l don't en vy you your job." On my way home 1 kept Minting of that parting speech of Lorraino's. What did she meant She had said she did not "envy me my job," and her voice had conveyed even more plainly than had her words, that she thought it might be a hard job. The ideal That was all she knew about it. She was judging Noil by some of the married people she knew yio had become indifferent to each other. Tomorrow Neil Takes Blanche Orton's Advice to Exercise. DAILY HEALTH TALKS .What Doctor Pierce Has Done For Humanity I (By Doctor Cripps) It has always seemed to me that Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be placed near the top -when a list ot America's great benefactors is written. He studied and conquered human dis eases to a degree that few realize. iWhenevor he found a remedy that over ame disease, he at once announced it 'in tho newspapers ana toia wnere n ould bo .bought at a small prke. He klid not follow the usual custom of keeping the ingredients secrot, so that the rich only could attora to Duy tne imedicino, tout openly printed the name of each root and herb he used. A nd so today the. names of Dr. Pierce and his medicines are jviuely known, anu they stand for better health and bet; tor citizen.tup. One of this trreat physician's most successful remedies is known as Doctor pierce 'a Pleasant Pellets. These arc .little, sugar-coated pills, composed of jlayapplo, leaves df aloe, root ot jainp -things that Nature grows in the ground. These Pellets are safe because they move the bowels gently, leaving no Oaa ftiter eirecis, as so many pmo do. Very often they make a person who takes them feel like a new man or woman, for they cleanse the intestines f nurd, deenven and poisonous mat- iter that accumulates when one is cos-1 itive. If vou aro constipated, ny all (half tables) veiy handsome pieces at very moderate pri ces. A special in real mahogany colonial style. Size 30x42 inches at $35.00. A very mas sive one 30x44 inches. A real bargain at $43.50. In oak we have very good ones in moderate size, as low as $9.50, $11.50 and $12.50. Quartered oak golden, wax finish, with one or two draw ers, $16.75, ; $18.50, $22.50 and $27.50. Very massive and beautifully finished. Ask to see our Library tables. ns Neil. Most women would be wildly jealous." CALLUS? PEEL IT OFF WATCH DOG IS NECESSARY QUICKLY! Nothing pa Furth Like "Geta-It" Tor Corns and Calluses A spot of thickened skin on the bottom of your foot which so often makes walking an apony, is as easily removed by wonderful "Gets-It" .s Editor Journal We note that Sen ator LaFollette is looked upon as the watchdog of the senate on appropria tions. Well it sometimes becomes nec essary to have a good watchdog. Uncle Alex will live in, the memory of the people of Marion county long after .nm ntHnrfl Iibva rtnMri int. fthlivtnn and been forgotten. Thank fortune wo bef Ore Seeing OUr stock. Prf nail our om uncie ana me biz uercnuv limitation. The voters will demand egg gg near some good promises Beiore tney cast their ballots and time. Oumew line of trunks are moving off our sales floor in a lively manner. There's a reason. Price. We believe in A. J t Al " turning siock oi ten at a small margin of profit Just in this week a new line of dining room chairs, buffets and tables to match Do not think of buying any thing for the dininer room for an increase of salary A VOTER. Jess Willard Already Begun light Training CaUua Comh OS Like Buui Pecll any hard or soft corn anywhere on your toes. Look at this picture; A few drops of "Uots-lt" did the work. The callus comes loose from the true flesh. No irritation whatever. You peel the callus right off just like a banana peel peacefully, painlessly. "Gets-It." does the anie thing to any eorh, with out the use of sticky plasters, irritat ing salves, greasy ointment or bundl ing tape. There's no fussing no knife no seisors to use. "Gets-It" is used by millions, because it's common sense and it never fails. Try it, prove it. Hrotslt" the guaranteed, money- back, corn remover, the only sore way .oits but a trifle at any drag store. M'f 'J br E. Lawrence Co., Chicago, 111. - Sold in Salem and recommended as the world's -best corn remedy by J C Fort Worth. Texas, Feb. U.Jem Willard already has begun light train ine for His iourttt oi JUiv doui wiin Jack Dcmpsey, he said here today. Promoter Tex Richard, here for conference with the ehampion, said an announcement as to the aite of the big row may be possible within three weekb. ''lhere are a number of big citiei after the fight," he said, liut theii, offers will have to bo considered eon f idintial for the time being. There have been no definite developments in the Inst few days." Ri.-hard was non-committally interest i ,l in Hie tribunlations of Nevada 'i box ing bill.. He will go to New York within a few days. Willard expects to remain in the oil region. CLEMENCEATJ WILL RECOVER before-the-war price as they will be for a long time to come. CHAMBERS AND Paris, Feb. 25. Premier Clemeneeau. wounded by an assassin late Wednesday has so far iuiproMd that no bulletins ill be issued ou his condition after tcd-.-y, it was officially announced. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY CHAMBERS 467 Court Street - 4 rerry, D. J Fry