THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1919. pace thref; 17 8 1 1 I SI LiPKl 1 miium u nini I jj You're Going to Get f Em Why Not NOW?. Place your order for ycur new Spring Suit now, so it will be here when Spring, weather really breaks. We are offering as Special Inducement' regular $35, $38 and $40 goods at the insignificant sum of $25.00. Come in and get a REAL FIT. ' . ' lOPMLIfl Local Rclailer Will Only Have h Pay 25 Fee Instead Of $109 First ksmkl 426 State Street "Made to Measure Clothing" Salem, Oregon. Prominent Eugene Man Dies In French War Zone Eugene; Fob. 2a.I)r. John Eberlo Kuykeftdull, captain of tho 301st am bulance company, died in Leman.i, JYance, Sunday morning from menin gitis. News of his death camo in a cablegram from his brother, Lieuten ant iKobert Kuykendall of the 347th field artillery, to a brother in Eugene, W. A. Kuykendall. The message an nouncing tho death enme simultaneous ly with another telling of his very serious illness. The ambulance unit, which was part of tho 310th sanitary, train, was at tached to the 91st division. The com- fnny went through months of hard ighting since reaching France last July without Wing a man, and its .commanding officer was its first cas . nalty '- Captain Kuykendall was practicing physician in EugenS when the war broke out.' Ho received his medical ed cation at Cooper medical institute, af filiatd with Stanford university, grad uating in IMS. In the summer of 1917 he undertook the formation of the am bulance unit, which went to ainp Lewis with 125 University of Oregon and Eugone men in its personnel, in January of 1918. Tho captain wag the son of Dr. W. Kuykendull and Mrs. Kuykendall of Eugene. Ho was a gradunfo of the University of Oregon in 1908, where he made a record as a football, and track man. He played quarterback on the varsity team for three years and in his senior year wasi judged all northwest quarter. He was a varsity track man for three years, being elected captain of tho team in his senior year, waen he also helped "Bill" Hayward oach tho team. Ho was a memiber of the athletic council and later an alumnus men or ot the same body. . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I"! 'n.l'hm SitiHiiiitWffl l(U.-.if"!JJJ ARE you aware of the big influence School Days have on the future .life of your Children? SEE 1 Forceful, yet clean, wholesome and entertaining. Every adult should Any child can see it. : First time ever shown at reduced prices. y TODAY BLIGH THEATRE TOMORROW THURSDAY Among the new business arrivals in Salem is '.the Salem Auction House, un der the management of Messrs. Cuvrie & Sntterlee. who have leased the build ing formerly occupied by the Independ ent Meat Market un Commercial street and will ibe opened for business the latter part of the week. Mr Carrie is recently from Alberta, Canada, where ho has been engaged in this line of business for a number of years, while Mr. Satterleo hag been located in Sa lem since last June. The building will be remodelled for their uso, and they will cngago principally in the handling of bankrupt stocks, holding, a public aufction twice a week Later they will handle household goods, tools, etc., and a,t the samo time will make o side line of stock sales in the vicinity of Balem. As a clearing houso for all classeg of merchandise tho .house, should become a very active factor in Salem. In spite of the prohibition wave, the wine grape acreage in California in creased more than 4000 acres in 1918 over 1917. COLD ON CHEST AND SORE T EN OVERNIGHT You Get Action with Mustarine It .Drives Out Pain in Half the Time It Takes other Remedies It's the Quickest, Pain Killer on Earth Stops coughing' almost instantly; ends sore throat and chest eoldls over night. Nothing like it for neuralgia, lumbago, neuritis and to speedily drive away rheumatic pains and reduce swol len joints. Mustarino is the original non-blistering prescription that takes tho place but is 10 times as effective as Grand mother's iold fashioned mustard plas ter. Use it for sprains, strains, bruises sore musK'les, stiff neck, swellings, sore, painful or frosted feet and chilblains. Be sure it'a Begy's Mustarine in the yellow box. Count The Things Thi LIBERTY HUMANITY -JUSTICE-RIGHT LIVING- Hokum Bread GOOD BREAD! MADE OF PURE, WHOLESOME MATERIALS A plain loaf the kind of a loaf that is made in the homes of the country. Plain virtues-plain living plain food are the things that count and win out in the long run. IT HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED! Gherey.' City Balking Go. The famous oleomargarine bill, which was supposed to put a crimp in the bus iness in this state and to Bave the but ter making "-industry, managed to pull through the senate, but when it came to tho house, tho radical provisions in tho bill were trimmed about 50-50. The object of the bill as lirst intro duced was to make it so expensive for wholesalers and retailers to handle oleo margarine, aiut butteriue aud renovated butter, that the price of the butter sub stitute would materially advanco and thereby iudircctly force the public to buy the genuine butter. When the pruning knife had been applied in the iiouse tho following changes were made in the senate bill: Manufacturers instead of being obliged to pay an annual licenso of $1000 will now pay $500. Wholesalers who sell oleomargarine or any substitute, in stead of $300 a year; will pay $250. Tho local retailer, instead of an annual fee of $100, will pay $25. Hotels anu res taurants need pay only $5.00 a year foi serving the substitute aud boarding houses the same. All that is needed to make tho bill a law is the approval of tho governor Tho Portland delegation fought the bill, chaining that it would put out of bus iness un institution that had a quarter i of a million dollars invested. As pas' sod by the house aud senate, the bill would only tax the big .manufacturer ;$500 a year, which was not regarded by the country members as couiiscating tho business. The whole efieet of tho bill may be to raise the price of butter substitutes, a few cents a pounJ. Anothers senate bill that caused a flurry in the house was ono introduced ui the senate by Senator I'iorco. It provided that tho state give encn re turning soldier $25 a mouth while he was finishing his education in ouo of the big state institutions. Tho educational committee, of which Mrs. Alexander Thompson of The Dulles is chairman, turned in an adverso re port on the bill, although the rcforon dum was attached, to be voted ou at the next election.! Many members of the house did not agroe with the educational committee and an effort Was made to have it re ferred to the judiciary or military com mittee, However,' rathor than kill it, the bill was again referred to the edu cational committee which means send ing it liack to its tyieniics and to thoso opposed to giviiig' tho returning stud ent $25 a mouth to coiitiuue .his stud ies. . Other senato bills passed by the houso this morning are as follows: . Domestic court relationship bill. This bill passed unanimously. It permits counties of more than 200,000 t0 estab lish this court and the bill had tho en dorsement of the Portland delegation. . A senate bill providing that, county Treasurers be made the custodian of all school district funds was. lost. It was shown that the county treasurer was a poorly paid man and that it would not bo right to plnco on him additional bur dens. Senator Strayer's bill, providing that a pension of anv soldier should not bo subject to garnishee or attachment, met the approval of tho house "The city beautiful-" and a planning commission for cities, whereby an ad visory board is created for city council men, passed the houso. It creates a planning commission, especially for idea? of the average city alderman, E. E. Smith said: "The average city al derman has about as much idea of the city beautiful as a hog has about a cathedral." Speaking on tho same bill Mr. Dennis said: "The planning com mission is all right. Many towns aro cursed with people who build tircir ear ages on: the front lino of the sidewalk, thereby cutting out tho view of their neighbors. I know some towns whore people are allowed to have hog pens in tneir front yards. The bill will pro vent both of these abuses. It passed. t Picked Up 0a The Street I Mgr. Walker, of the Salem Kings plant l"The cancellation of govern suene contracts for dehydrated pota toes will make a considerable tempo rary reduction in the scope "of the plants in the northwest. The regular channels of trade will absorb but a limited quantity of this product at present, for the industry in too m w to secure an immediate market. Probably the demand for dehydrated potatoes will always be restricted. Wo contem plate making big extensions in other products in the eourse of time." Supt, Myers of the Spaulding com pany "We are contemplating addi tions to our bo factory this season that will ado! about 50 per cent to its capacity. Plans and estimates on ma chinery, etc., are being considered at tho present time. With the prospects of a great expansion of the fruit indus try in thig valley we foresee that there is going to be a greater demand for box material than our present plant can supply." Pineapple Desserts 2c sf The bottle in each package i'M' cf Pineapple VifA TifTv-Tell con tains all the rich essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, and a package serves six people for 12 cents. You owe to yourself a trial of thi3 new-type gel atine dainty. 19 Flavor, at Your Cwcer'i 2 Package for 25 Ctnti a Pi U Vi w n is a J. W. I Smith "Oak Bidge school, district 100, has the distinction of be ing the only one in the county that was immune against, influenza during the epidemic. Kt a- single ease developed in that vicinity: By the way, I notice that this school has just, organized a standard cooking club, and e number are going into the Pig club work." L. L. Gilbert "Our salesmen lave pretty well covered our territory in this part of the valley and altogether we have placed 18 Elgin cars, during the past week. We have just opened agencies' in Lina and Benton counties, sending 40 Elgin cars to the former territory and 30 to the latter." J. Robertson Brook "I'vo just re cently got in from Camp Lewis where I received my discharge from tho- ser vice, and you eau believe the poorest part of Oregon looks good to ine after five months in Alabama. Talk about climate why they had two inches of snow at Camp Sheridan at ono time. I was with the 20Uth engineers and I consider that tho finest branch of tho service I wouldn't take anything for tho practical, scientific training I got there in bridge construction and that sort of thing. Yes. I expect to remain in Salem for tho time being.' Here's your chance to get everything you want at your own price 3000 Dollars Indignant Citizen "It's about time for somebody in authority to investig ate tho sourco of supply of a lot of milk that is being peddled in Salem. I've never visited any of the uairy plants about here, but I have been told that if you was to see tho sort of feed put out to some of the cattle yon woman t want any more milk irom a wagon in 'Salem. I havo had milk brought to my houso that was bo rank with tho taste of garbage that it need ed ft spray of formaldehyde ,to make it fit for table uso. I'd like to know whether everybody in my part of town is getting the same dose,' and whether anything can bo dono about it." Earl Race "I am very much inter ested in a proper celebration for tho boys when they como home, but I think they can bo given a much more accept nblei weWomo if the affair is postponed for several months until all the boys get back and have a chance to visu their homes and relatives firsif. " WITH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT Freezone Is magic! Corns and " . calluses lift right off Doesn't hurt a bit A few cents buys a tiny bottlo of the magic rreezone at any drug store. Apply a few drops of Freezone upon a tender, aching corn or a callus. In stantly that troublesome corn or callus 'stops hurting, then shortly you lift it out, root ana all, witliout any pain, soreness or irritation. These little bot tles of Freestone contain just enough to rid the feet of every hard corn, soft corn, corn between the (iocs and the calluses on bottom of feet. 8o easy! So simple. Why waiif Mo humbug. PRESIDENT SIGNS (ouo oSfwl mojj ponufluoy) ornry degree President Wilson today stated ho was "contlident. that tho rmmle of the country will rally with practical unan imity to the support of tho league of nations." '' The president expressed thig belief in a teWram to Theodore E. Bunon. president of the League of Nations union, yew lorK city. Dinpatch of this message was prac tically tho president ' firht act upon rrttTirtnn fto hia riffiflft. If. warn in re ply to a message from Burton pledging iupport to tne league Plans to Clear up Business The president desires to leave for .TXKMAiW, alcero FOR THROAT AK9 LDNGS A Calcium eomTwnmd that w!!l brlwr lief in many aut and chroaio canes. l'rovMc In Imnlift form, a bajilo rem edy hitch I y recommended bv sclcnca Con tainfl no harmful driffa. Try them today. 50 cents a box, including war tax For by all dfm?aif ckmaa LatKtwry, I'luUiieipbia, Worth of merchandise, including shoes for the whole family. Lace, ribbon and embroideries for the girls. Hats, dress shirts, overcoats and suits for men and boys. In fact any and everything your lit tle heart desires. We have it and it goes at your OWN PRICE. THESE GOODS ARE FIRST CLASS Sale starts, Saturday March 1, 2 to 7:30 p. m. D. CURRIE, Mgr. G. SATTERLE, Auctioneer Salem' Auction Company : At the Old Independent Market Stand a3 PREPAiFO II SPRING By giving your house a fresh coat of paint with our PURE PAINT, on which we are making a SPECIAL PRICE for this week only. And of course you'll want to re-tint your walls. We are also making a SPECIAL on KALSOMINE in all shades as well as on our WASABLE WALL COAT PAINT. See us before you buy nam mum. "Everything in Building Material" 349 South 12th Street Phones: West Salem 414 - Salem, 813 Franco again on March fifth, Secre tary Tumulty stated, and is making phuig to .clean up all oxcciitivo business by that timo. Other telegrams pledging support and expressing tWe 'belief (that tho country will approve thfl league of na tions plun poured into Ihe white house. Some particularly praised the presi dent's speech at Boston yesterday Tho president was at his desk snort ly after 10 o'clock this morning. No appointments other than the cabinet meeting for this afternoon had been arran;ied. It was announced that the president will march in and not Simp ly review the parade for returned fighters Thursday. .No definite date has been set, Sec retary Tumulty said, for the presW dont'g conference with governors on the unemployment situation, but tho president is anxious that this ibe ar ranged. However,' it may be postponed becauso of tho fact that, many gov ernors are now closing up the worK'of stato legislatures. No final decision has yet been reach ed by the president as to whether he will address a joint session of con gress on the league of nations, Tumul ty said. Neither has he decided the question of a special session. rmileage "Red Crown" give greater mile age because it w correctly made, ttraight-distillcd, all-refinery gasoline. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtlUgrnia) Jhe Gasoline of Qualify K. II. CAMPBELL, Special Agtn Standard Oil Co., Salem