PAGE TEN SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1919. (El)c Bating fimitol Ifourual 4i l h ; i! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE NEW LINE OF l fcj jl D22 lgg Lawg For The Girls In a splendid assortment of materials, styles, patterns, etc., in sizes from two years to 16 years. There are Ginghams, Voiles, Lawns, and Organdies so that we can supply your wants along this line in a way that will be sure 1 o Please You There is a good range in prices as follows: - Girl's Gingham Dresses ....... ..I........ ....$ ygJ2.49. J2.9S and $398 Girl's White Dresses range in prices from .. ..$1,98 to JJJ 5Q We also have a good stock of Shoes f or Sue Girls Our materials are always the best and our prices always the lowest f Incorporated s 'The lest" la all you can do when doata comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. Phono 120. tt o WOMEN WANTED TO SEW FOB THE HED CROSS EVERY AFTER NOON, 1;30 AT THE POSTOFFK;; ...... . . tf Mrs. Frank K. Brown, In charge of the registering of returned soldiers, is mailing out a letter to all tho school toachorg of the county, with tho ro quest thut it, ibo presented to bo pu pils, and asking horn to assist in the matter of semiring the name of all returned soldiers in this county, Each pupil and teacher are requested to take pains to speak to any soldier, either rotative or ocqunintanco, and remind them that they are requested to call at tho registration offico at tho court ' house, or to Bend their names to1 Mrs. Brown. , Economy, got your hats cleaned and "blocked early to ovoid tho rush, at old location, 41)5 Court St. C. B. Ellsworth, prop. 3-ia We Imy liberty bonds. 814 Masonic Ulag. tf o... The "W" club of Willamette uui Torsity, composed of students who have won tho official letter of tho in stitution for high detgroo work in ath letics, recently loctcd heir officers for tho coming season as follows: Har old Dim'ick of Woodburn, president; Miss Mary Findloy of this city, vco president; Edwin Socolofsky of this city, so(erotaryi-treasurer,- IMniiek has" twico won his letter in football and once each in basketball and baseball. Miss Findloy ihag won her letter three times in tennb. "Socolofsky, who re cently received his dischargo from military eervico and returnod to tho university, has won 'his lotter in foot ball. . ' .' " 0 ' Have you astaed that girl to reserve next Saturday night for the Company M dance at the armory 2-22 Baby chicks. 511 State St. Flume 400 tf o Following is a list of the returned soldier hoyg of this section who havo registered at the court house to date. H is hoped that, tho ' number will be largely increased during the coming week. Tho boys from Salem are Claud o Hteusloff, Earl Jones, Bert W. Kook, Floyd H. Mclntirc, Louis J. Frost, Z. IT. Chase, Edward Itatfoy, Rmbertson 'Brooks, Harold H. Mmith, Howard B Churchill, Hoy "vV, Mathis, Harold W, Kolly, Neal Littler. Emmctt A DiclNton, Theo C. Irwin, Bernardo B. Gapuz, Floyd W. Fleetwood, Mark M. Aspinwall, Alvin J. VanCleave, Robert C. Story, Henry Spiess, Merrill D. Ohliug, -P. 0. Heath. Those- from other points are Edward F. Schroeder, Sta.vton; Dnniel C Schirmar, Turner; John N. Noitling, Cliffmd W. Welty, Pratum; Ponnld iS Riches, Turner; Eu gene H. McMalnui, Gervuig The company bugler will sound as sembly at 9 p. m. Saturday night at the armory for tho big Company M danco, "fall in" and have a good time. 2-22 Hunt's big orchestra at the military dnce at the armory Saturday evening Fob. 22d. Old and young can dance to this music. 2-22 Snperlnendent E. S. TLUinghast, of the school for the deaf, is one of the latest victims of tho mild cpidomic of small pox which has selected that, in stitution as its'fiold of operations. Dane tonight Moose hall, 8 p. m. Have you aslred that girl to reserve tonight for tho Company M dance at the armoryv . All Around Town COMXNQ EVENTS Feb. 22 Company M dance t armory. Feb. 28. Annual Cherria'n banquet at Hotel Marion. Feb. 25 Patriotic League program at opera house. March 5 French army band concert. March 20 Salem Symphony concert, opera house. March 30. Turn clock for ward one hour, 2 o'clock a. m. o . Don't All Boy Scouts and Scoutmasters are requested to report in full troop at tendance tomorrow morning at the Presbyterian church foT official church services. The three semester plan of study eourscs, adopted by the Willamette um varsity faculty during the war period, has been found to be unsatisfactory in several respects; hence the faculty, at a recent meeting, decided to return to the former system of two semesters for the year Don't change , Dance tonight Moose hall, 8 p. m. The company bugler will sound as sembly at 9 p. m. tonight at the ar mory for the ibig Company 'M dance, "fall in" and have a good time. The basket ball game played last night between the Salem high school and the Eugene team at the latter city proved a well played, well matched gamo, resulting in a victory for the Euecne nlavers on a vory narrow mar gin, the score standing 23 to 22. o Don 't change your Company M, Salem's national gurd company, will give an informal dance tonight. Dancing at 9 p. m. Tickets $1 a couple At the armory. o Columbia river smelts In any quan tity. Fittg "Market. tf In order to give them an idea as to where the possibilities of American citizenship might ' lead them to, the boys from the industrial training school were escorted by the superin tendent and instructors through tho two houses at the capitol building yes terday, apparently enjoying the out ing exceedingly "Don't Chancre Your Husband" at the Oregon next Friday or Saturday. , 8 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TerwUliger, grad uate morticians and funeral directors, 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. o Artificial teeth, have export plate man, w"h over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechlcr, den tist, 302 U. 6., Nat. Bank Mug. tf . o We luy liberty bonds. 814 Masonic Wdg. tf o The official list of Oregon boys who recently' arrived in New York aboard the Canonic, carrying what, is left of the old Thirdl Oregon, contains the fol lowing names of boys from this part of the valley: Band sergeants Ira Whito, Alvin W Miller,, aird band cor poral Oifford L. Osborno, of Aurora: Sergeants Win. H. Bosch and Geo. 3S3MCII23E9L85i Like a draught of Distilled Pnrmips" It sets the Imagination Aflame As Mysterious as the insert rrom vvnicn it came The story of a girl : Who Welcomes Life With Open Arms y- 1 1 111'.' I .. ....;...,.. v ... it i n v ,v- " rv ilea K l 1 ii is I . v j: ; f . - V J X w ' t' i li mud UA& ti Sparkling as the as the Orient A story of Love, Intrigue and Valor 7 REELS Of intensely Gripping, Picturization Taken From the Play "L'Occident" Williams of Forest Grove; Sergeants Burt O. Gainor and Byron A. Carl, and stable sergeant T. H. Gainir of Leb anon; sergeants VTm. J. Reinhart anil Koy S. Keene, corporals Whitney i. Gill and Eugene L. Gill, musicians Ed gar M. Rowland and Beryl E Birch, and Private Fred R. Birch, all of Sa lem; sergeant Warren S. Hicks end Granville Alleman of Woodburn; ser geants Ora B. McDonald, Mill City; sergeant Arthur Bullis, of Black Rock; musician Edward Sollner of Mt. An gel; private heo A. Kennedy of New berg; gergeant George E. Richards of Woodburn. o Dance tonight Moose halh 8 p. m. Soul Scienca and high Mistidsm taught by Mrs. M. E. Mackie, 343; N. Liberty St. Class every Tuesday eve ning 8 p. m. All welcome. Our Soul Science Success club will start Mon day, giving treatments free to its members, so all who need us join now, we treat mind and body know the way to health and success. 343 N. Lib erty street Boy Scouts will attend church In a body tomorrow morning at the Pres byterian church. Services at 11 a m. This will include all the troops of this city Dance tonight Moose hall, 8 p. m. Hunt's big orchestra at the military donee at the armory tonight. Old and young can dance to this music. One thousand rolls new and beau tiful plain wall paper. Bnren's Furni ture store, Com. St. The biggest financial record of any institution in the city is probably be ing made just now at the sheriff's of fice, where, tax payments are coming in like coin at a circus ticket wagon. It is roughly estimated that from $.'), 000 to $4000 a day havo ibeen rolling in throughout tho past week. Cretonne underskirts. Buren's Furn iture store Com. St. . Dance tonight Moose hall, 8 p. m. "Wall paper special, good gilt wall paper with border to match, 1U cents per d'omblo roll. Buren's Furniture store, 179 N. Commercial. Owing to the fact that the legisla ture will continue its sessions into next week and the crowded condition of tho Marion hotel will make it im possible to accommodate the Chcrrian banquet, which was to have been held there Monday, it has been decided to postpone that ibig event until Friday, February 28. This to be on a much larger and more elaborate scale than ever before on account of the ladies being included. Attention Cherrians, all Cherrlans participating in Co. M dance tonight are requested to be in full uniform. By order of King Bing. Trunks and bags at lower prices. Bu ren's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial --fli'imT) mill mtwitu r w I I Ask E. I Stiff & Son to ply record 2'5SC5KX2t5lii5f No. 1S517 Mother Here is lour lioy. j Prof. George Eobec, dean of the ex tenrion department of-lhe University of Oregon, will lecture at the auditor ium of the ity library on the evening of Friday 'Feb. 28. lie will speak on "Self determination of nationali ties." It Is never too late to be sorry Record No. 1851S. E. L. Stiff & Son. Varnished wall paper for kitchen and bath. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial The worst is yet to come Becord No. 18516. E. L. Stiff & Son. When a senate bill providing that the salary of a deputy in the office ' of the county superintendent of thei Marion county schools be increased from $600 to $900 a year appeared in I the house, Speaker Seymour Jones was! so surprised that a salary bill should como from the senate that he ex claimed: "I don't see how Alex La Follett let that little 'bill got by the senate" It is a standing joke at the state house, that when an increaso of salary or nn appropriation appears in the senate that LaFoliett is there with his ever ready hatchet. . . D. D. Socolofsky, realty dealer, re ports the sale of the J. H. Marriam home to C H. Fake, reeently from Missouri. Hop wire and all kinds of hides. Before you sellSee Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. tf W. F. Browning Day Phone 663 Proprietor Freight & Express Night 1181-M ARAB mm co. Office, 265 Ferry Street , SALEM, TURNER, AUMSVILLE, STAYTON AND SUBLIMITY Connectingwith Highways Rapid Transit For Portland and all way points ROUND TRIPS DAILY Aumsville Agent Oregon Grain Co. Stayton Agent J. A. Hendershot Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office . 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 ' Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 rr jp.iiia . -life'-.: I? IM '.i l' TBI. . Ji 4 p i t The angle from which you look will not affect the clearness of your vision thru FUNKTAL Lenses. Ask for booKlet "The Eye and The Lens." Hartman Bros. Co. Jewelers & Opticians N.W. Corner State & Liberty Streets COillEDY THE REG OAS wnmn UMwrn-Mmm I w w Ji mil iy w.iiuuiiii mm - .nriT-r.i.'iii iiiii i. ' PATHE T. N. WOODET The Auctioneer - Conducts purebred stock sales of every description. Phone 510 or 511, Salem. wantld. I want your furniture, range, heaters, "tc. Phone 510 or 511, Woodry, the auctioneer, Salem L.MJHUM ear. of YivkSoTosa i Chines. Meielae- ul Tea Cm. t ' ' tias medieme which will i ', any know disoMe. fp a 8nndayt from 19 a, : ui 1H fiontk m m t 8ale, Ongom. Phoaa IS3 i Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON Wa hnv nrnrlllPP nf Jill 1finr.a, OTlrl wi'fl. nni- tranonnv. .. V T-J .UUVkW VA. MAA W,A.A V . Vil VU1 blUllCUl . J Lc nuii xaviiiiico wc aic auic tu yay uie iiigiiesL casii prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. g W J." ' You may need glasses IF your eyes tire and the print blurs and becomes dim when reading; IF the eyes smart, ache or water, or frequently be come inflamed. IF the sunlight seems too strong, causing frowning and headache. REMEMBERAH of these troubles can be complete- - ly relieved by wearing our correctly fitted glasses. ' j Bi DR. A. McCULLOCH, OPTOMETRIST 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. An Income Tax Return- Must be filed by every corporation large or small uy marui xouu This bank will have the necessary blanks as ; soon as issued, ana we will be glad to render assist ance in making out returns. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier V . T - - . - TTT . f