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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1919)
PAGE SIX TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919. BOOSTERS OUTLINE GOODJADS PUN PER CAPITA SCHOOL TAX MAY BF MM IUI District Attorney Proposes If Bill Passes Many Rural Levy Special Tax Of Three Kills For Funds. Schools Will Be Much Benefited. -M t t"t- M- tT--t- f 'f e 1 The angle from which you look will not afect the clearness of your vision turn PURKTAL Lenses. Ask for booklet "The Eye and The Lens." Hartman Bros. Co. Jewelers k Opticians N.W. Corner State ft Liberty Streets The Market Roads boosters to the number of about 35 met at the Com mercial club rooms this morning ac cording to schedule, representing all the important tenters of the county. Theo Both was made temporary chair man anil Thos. Kay, permanent chair man, with J. J. Keener, of Jit. Angel, secretary. There was plenty of vigor ous discussion as to ways and means, with some very divergent views, but the sentiment of the meeting was cen tered uwn main issue the need! of paved roads and the quicker the soon er. District Attorney Grhlhar was pres ent and outlined in detail a, plan which was received with some dcub-t and A county school tux of $10 per cap ita of the school population, instead of $8 per capita, was voted by the senate i yesterday afternoon when it passed i house bill 405, which was introduced by! the House committee on education. Mrs Alexander Thompson, the lady member of the house, was given the-privilege of the senate floor in order to explain tho bill, which she declared was of great importance, because it helped to make it possible for the backwoods district to have better school facilities. Tho senate passed house bill 309, which repeals all minimum sentences for persons convicted of a felony and jo ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF TWO OP thk SEW MATS They called the material of tho top toque lobster straw because of it odd weaving on which tho hat depends for unusualness. it h a deep ,Cnna shade with ribbon trim "In of dark brown. It look black tTHM,;aW nnd fiP"l leather the second hat Trops In Archangel May Be - Removed By Middle Of May Washington, Fob. 20.r-The mlddlo of May Is the earliest date when the troops an be removed from the Archangel ro . fion, it was staled authoritatively to flay. Mspaton of British and American en fineeri to repair the railroad line in the ,. Murmansk region 1 a precautionary Measure to supplement movement out through the White sea. The ice breaks p In Archangel about the middle of .May and the railway cannot be repair' d before that time. J There Is no definite time set go fat tot the departure, question by a number of delegates. lle g00(l Miot;By earning credit the ' which ho figured would raise nearly i V,. i , .t i ' 200,000 a year. Thus instead of shonl-l lue m" u,s V tub govern doring at once a burden of $1,000,000 i .r ,llav Klant paroles on his own voh worth of bonds, the county would raise i tion to men over 20 yearB old af ter that amount in the period of five years lhey havo served one-fourth of their. lavinor out that much each vear n maximum sentence, and he may grant I road construction. He pointed that as!Parulea to men convicts under 20 years the total levy at present is approxi-; O'u ai s-ny ume. mately 30 mills, tho additional three House bill 308, which is a companion mills would not be seriously felt. His! bill, was also passed by the senate. It plan provided that the county should j extends tho good time credits system to do the work, each road district prepar- convicts now in prison, in-g dts owa road bed By the method i Other bills were passed by the senate of special annual levies the county las follows: would pay as it went and at tho end I H. B. 371, by Gordon Allowing port of tho five year period would not be in debt!. He wag in favor of putting through tho legislature a bill providing for an increased levy to cover several years He stated also that a$ nearly all the roads proposed to be improved were post roads the county might look for more or less help from the federal government. Mr. Gohlhar found himself the cen ter of a wliirl of pointed questions and negative arguments, the chief objec tion to his plan being that it would require a constitutional amendment ami the referring of the matter to the people before it could be adopted. Af ter much debate tho chair called for a rising vote and it was found that tho mooting was almost unanimously in favor of the original bonding propo sition, districts to sell bonds Up to five per cent of their assessed valuation. 8. 11. 117, by Farrell Providing for the appointment Of a- commission to eodify and classify laws relating to ehild welfare. 11. B. 357, by Elmore Eclating to the conveyances of real property owned by a wife. 11. B. 282, by Burdiek -Providing for advertising for work on irrigation dis tricts. H. B. 339, by Woodson Eclating to ditching ii ml diking. II. B. 243, by Smith of Baker Eclat ing to irrigation ditches.- H. B. 161, by Burdiek Authorizing drainage and irrigation districts to sell real property. H, B. 159, by Douglas county delcga- This aftornoon the discussions aro tion Increasing the salary of the eoun still going ou, Judgo Bushey and the. ty treasuror of Douglas county. commissioners, witn Koaiunaster uui-1 H. B. 125, by Wright J! txing tne sal ver presenting to the delegates a lot of. urics of county ofifcors of Sherman oostinato figures witn regard to mo j county. Court House Notes . A complaint was filed in the case of Caroline 8. Boone vs. Wm. C. Boono uite for divorce. The couple were mar ned In 11)08 in this city. There are no children and n0 property right con reined. Tho wife alleges desertion. Inventory and appraisement wai made in the estate of Arthur L. Whit man, deceased, and of 'hnrle 11 m iiimdsou, deceased. Petition for the snle of real property in the case of II. A. Schoolbridge, dt- Itched Till Almost Crazy "Fnt rr m hntl wr ilrnnt rw. They Iti linl to had I wu ilmnit crir. Siiltrrl il.y nl Biht. VtrtS all kimll of median, and not no rrlirf. LoM .11 hopri of tver being currd until I rot a trial hottl. of D. U. D. KultiwnM treat I iot a largo boltl.. Can ileep now and will alnran Praia D. D D -UOlibK? It. HOLM US. Manikin. Va . Anyone uiTorinr from akin Iroubla mild at Tver -ilioul.l InvnticaU at our tha m.riu r IV O. L. Try It today. V.a (uarautea Uia tret hottla. tie, SOc g !M lotaifor SKin Disease J. C. Perry', funds that nre and may b made o4- tainauio for road construction. It is) tho opinlion of tho court that the pro posed amount of construction cannot bo done in less than four or five year There woro brief talus from a largo number of delegntes, in addition W the addrefwe of Oehlhar, Bushey, Oul vor and Hunt. Many of them showed instances of opposition In their dis trict sto the program, but it wag ap parent to most of them that the farm ers genoraUy were in favor of the plan However, several prominent delegates cxproHHkl tho opinion that if tho mat ter of bonds or special tax were put up to tho popular vote, the majority would too found in favor of the special tax, on account of the great saving ot interest. The mooting authorized Chairman Kay to appoint a number of citizens to act with the officers as a perma nent executive committeo, and this com mittfo in turn to name a committee of five to take chargo of tho matter of locating rwtd.1. Other committees wore II. B. 173, by Douglas county delega tion Increasing the salary of the school superintendent of Douglas coun ty. II. B. 182, bv Crawford Giving the county court authority to fix ihfi sal nries of deputy county officials in Yam' hill county. H. B. 310, by Ways and Means com mittee Authorizing the state board of control to regulate the salaries of med ical usflistants at the two Btate hospit als. II. B. 416, by Dennis Providing method for constructing sewers located partially within and partially without nn incorporated city. II. B. 290, by Gordon Making it un lawful to soli n motor vohiclo with tho serial number detached. H. B. 107, by Edwards Eolating to the rocording of town plats. H. B. 22, by Bichards Prohibiting judges who are prejudiced from hearing or trying cases in the circuit court. II. B. 201, by Thrift Amending tne IF YOU HAVE NOT SUPPLIED YOUR CLOTHING WANTS FOR THE YEAR BY ALL MEANS COME FRIDAY OR SATURDAY DETERMINED TO "GO OVER THE TOP' AND MAKE THE LAST TWO DAYS THE BANNER DAY OF OUR SALE. WE HAVE ARRANGED FOR SPECIAL PRICES FRIDAY and FRIDAY SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Heavy Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Cooper's and Staley's make, values to $2.50 98cEACH OUR REG. $35.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS From Regular Stock. Price made for two more days, Friday and Saturday, SPECIAL AT MEN'S $4.50 KHAKI COVERALLS All Sizes, 36 to 46, Fjriday and Saturday Special ' $3.48 ; MEN'S $2.50 BIB W OVERALLS For two more days Fri day and Saturday $1,98 MEN'S $3.00 AND 6.00 BLACK OR TAN SHOES Broken Lines for Friday and Saturday $3.75 2785 OUR REGULAR $30.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS They come in Medium and Heavy Weight. Pick Them from our Stock Friday and Saturday for $24.85 OUR REG. $25.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS This is an Especial Attractive Line. For Friday and Saturday at the Rediculous Price of $1 7.85 OUR LINE OF $20.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS Are Remarkable Values. For two days, Friday and Sataurday Special , ! $14.85 MEN'S $1.50 DRESS AND NEGLIGEE Some with Military Col lars for Friday and Satur day 85c MEN'S $1,25 HEAVY CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS : For Friday and Saturday 8 MEN'S VESTS Men's Fancy and Laun dered Vests, Reg. $1.50 $2.50 and up to $4.00. CHOICE 45c BOY'S. $1.25-ft , s BLUE BIB OVERALLS All Sizes, 5 to 17, for Fri day and Saturday 78c SALEM WOOIBM MILLS STORE also to bo named, but at the P'M" i aw 'relating to a maintenance tax for hour have, not been named. Whatever tho outcome of this meet ing, it is certain to be the initial step in a. grand program of road improvement. laa,laNAvvj Had Sk'n Diseases It is unnecessary for you to cnfTer witheczema,llotclies,ringworm,rashes nnd similar skin troublci Zemo, o! tained at any drutf store for 35e, or $1.00 forextra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses nnd soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most akin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, 1isappearlnr; liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, to easily applied nnd costs little. Get it tsOry ar.-.l save nil further distress, 'i'ha C V. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. censed, aud A. L. Collins appointed ad ministrator, Petition for tho snlo of real property in the estate of O. K. Bach, deceased. A complaint was filed in the case of Peninsula National Bank vs. H. L. Good win, et ill, suit to recover on promisory notes. drninaco districts. II. B. 348, by Lafferty Increasing 1 tho salaries of the oficers of Benton county. II, B. 410, by Fuller Providing that jurors may be summoned by mail. H. B. 330, by Gordon Regulating dairy products (tho ice cream bil). II. B. 433, by Kurd Regulating net fishing in Nccanicum and Wnhanna rivers. II. B. 432, by Cross Increasing the salaries of the oficers of Clackamas county. H. B. 423, by committee on Fishing Industries Relating to salmon fishing on Coos bay and in Coquillo river. H. B. 343, by Sheldon Begulating the manner of approval of claims by tho highway commission. II. B. 230, by Gallagher- Increasing tho snluries of the officials of Malheur county. H. B. 21, by Gordon Authorizing Multnomah county to levy an additiona; tax of one-half mill for tho support or libraries. CITY NEWS. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza liAXATIVK BROMO QTIXIXK tab lets remove tho cause. Thero is only one "Bromo quinine." E. W. OKOVKS signature flu the box. 30c. Any person who would like to join a class to study French are asked to leave their names nt the public library. If a sufficient number wish to study a class will bs organized anf a teacher will be secured to conduct it. Please leave the names at once so that the plans may !be carried out soon The Oregon school for the deaf has recently been placed under Strict quar antino on account of an outbreak of a mild type of small pox, tho origin of which is not known. A number of the pupils had been isolated in hospitals, having extremely light cases, which were at first diagnosed a chicken pox, and in due time were directed to be discharged. Tho sirbsequeut spreading of the disease indicated small pox, and all cases were" completely isolated in a separate hospital building Most of tho cases were very mild, no child- be intf seriously ill. As a precaution, nil other pupils ami employes were prompt ly vaccinated and it i believed the disease will soon be checked with no worse results than the loss of school time , Farmers attention. The Salem King's FroducU Co. will Contract a large aere ing, Miss Emily Waning, L. D. Waring, M. W. Waring o We hare listed for rent several choice acreage tracts suitable for veg etable growing. Contracts for crops will ibe given in advance by Salem King's Products Co. Call Mr. Chapin, phono 830 during office hours or 591'' 5 evenings. H. W. Kelly, supply sergeant witn the 8th auto corps, arrived in the city today from Camp Lowis where he re ceived his discharge from service. Ho enlisted about ten months ago, spend ing a large part of that time at -Camp Fremont, Cal. Early last November he left New York for France, but when I IjIWVIUUi Stops Medicne-Heal Re covered By Internal Baths Mr. A. Czarnecki, 657 Montgomory St., San Francisco, Cal., writes Tyr rell 's Hygienic Institute of cw York Charles L. Scott, president of the ""v "" - i uigiiciu i. ij follows: in the city, a guest of L G. Hnlin. Mr. ) j. mnst 4dmit that tho uge of thfl Hulinl i9 at. present, with tho office of i'j. B. L. Cascade' h crefl n,v nt, A HUNDRED-DOLLAR STAMP A new feature of 1919 War Savings Stamp activities Is the stamp of $100 denomination, which will probably be placed on tho market this mouth. Tha $100 stamps will ba about the siz of a Liberty bond and will sell for $82.60 If put on sale In Kebf nary. Th price will in crease 20 cants each succeeding mouth until the end of tlie year. The circuit court todav is occupied with the ease of Morris vs. Gates Mill ing coimmnv. suit to forclose on labor liens. Yesterday n decree was entered in the case of Shirley Buck vs. L. A Thompson, et al, awarding to plaintiff ti... n... ...... 4 nc Trcn . mi.. case of I red M.Borden vs. J. Z. Daws M t Gormnn nincKinc llm 11(1 et al, which has been before the court - chambwlllU has the .or ,ne past xwo aay s sriu uniinisneci mikttor i(h ,he department This is a case in which the plaintiff seeks an Injunction to restrain defend I K-nts from draining flood water upon j cerium irnris or lanu locauni uoiwee:i Mt. Angol and Silverton. The Idaho legislature on Monday re fused to double its salary whnn the house killed the bill to increase the per diem from $5 to $10. State Treasurer Hoff but will assumo his duties as cashier of the Springfield bank as soon as the legislature ad journs. T. ,1. Cheshire has returned homo from tho sauiturium. He is doing nice ly. Mis Irene Huntley, a Snlem nnre. about 1800 miles out on the Atlantic is in Harrisburg this week looking af the transport was recalled by wireless, ! ter a case of serious illness there, announcing the signing of the arinis-1 Mrs. Alice A. Niles has recently rc tice. He was mightily disappointed in turned from Olympiu, Washington, failing to get across, out was glad ! Among tho prominent Fortlandersi enough to be put back on .shore --,r he i visit ing in tho city arc the following: I nKnfl.l ul,;. ....... I.!...- 1... t ' nv U.... Ti T Vr..ll T ... Tt .. . . ... .. .r . ......... u.l 3ti.ii. nii.iutiiL' uui i.-v.'v.:tllUI !., J. , iYllllRMV. JJftlUTV I . . I lin Trfim tho Inwn intnel agreeable. He registered his name nt Marshall Mark Holmes; Col. Richard ! thev awake thoroughly refrnie,1 hv the court house, and wiM remain in ' Diech of the Oregon military police; normal sleep, with all their functions Hlcm. Another lad sij;nii:g r.p this cx "Senator J. N. Hart, Roacoe P. Hurst acting properly, clear headed, happy morning wns Edward A. Ilmlev. Salem of the- Portland municinnl court! H V anrl cnnf-iilon p ago of spinach and .beans. Spinach it 'boy who left last July for Fort Ale-. Logan, traveliii-g passenger agent of the du'.ies of the dav planted at once, fan bo harvested in Dowell. Cal., and was afterward trans- the S. P. & S., Thomas McCusker, sec-1 Why not learn more about this ran- time to allow -planting of second crop ferred to H. Mc Arthur. He arrived in retary of tho Employers' association; idly ' Murine- and natural toractiec the city several days ago and wi l re-1 Wiilinm Kil'ir.gsworth, D L. Povc;-, N.iTho "J. B. L. Cascade" is the inven mam here for the present. Boih boys, C. Maris, W. 8. U 'Ren. tion of 3as. A. Tyrrell M D of ie constipa'tion from which I suffered. ' Since May 12, 1913, I have never even tasted any kind of patent medicine or ( purgatave. My health is excellent in j every respect." j Ovor talf a million bright, keen, in- 1 telligont Americans have found that Internal iBa'thing is more essential to their health than external baths Have found that used occasionally at night they feet like different people tho next morning. Xo more of that bil ious, (ired, nervous feeling, but having by Nature's own cleanser anitiseptio warm Tvaticr removed all tho poisori- of vegetables. If interested call Mr. Chapin nt 830 during office hours or oVbo evenings, a-2 Frank IVrdue of CanyonviHe was ar rested in Jackson county on his way home with throe differeut kinds of liquor in his possession. The (body of a man named Saver, aged n-bnnt .'!') year. wa found last Saturday an the slough near Snthlamet. It is thought he committed suicide. Tfe drink that takes the place of coff esj INSTANT POSTUM A pure, delicious American Beverage Work i now wall under wy In the remodeling of the two ili brick blocks on Commercial gtr-t th" old Turner building on tho corner of Commercial and Ferry, and the former llalvorsen Burns garage building. Tho two struc tures will be so transformed that they will hardly be recognizable. o Masquerade at Chcmwa Fri. Feb. 21 Train service out, auto service back. Three Rilver cups given away as priz es. Extra music. think Salem i about as good a place as there U on earth. Mr antt airs. W. H. Uowmnir of Mew York, a unne nllet nn iniamal Shaw, were among the guests at the baths for 25 years, and is now being o c-fii hotel today. shown nnd explained by Daniel J. Fry, Fressnt and prospective meabsrs of: Ira Wade of Toledo, was amomr thm whole.-il.-. dnnroif mf. h. .l.i-..:..i v....... i u....i. I . ......... , . . ; . " " .'" iiii-Luiiv-ii fTEui-s .uiiuitui ptiun Ltuy s.ri'feni. urnvais ill raiem. and Girls' pig club are invited to at- "Bisr Bill" Hnnlev of Burns cist, Saiiem, Oregon, who will crive vou i freo on request an interesting book! tend a meeting at the Commercial dub, anions the recent arrivals in Snlem, ' let on the. subject called " Why Man of rooms nt 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Fib-( coming over from the sage brush to. Toduv is Only 50 per cent Efficient " mary 22, 1919. i "look in " on the legislative stunts. " ' The former Farmer's Cash Store on High street, is now Knot moved to itji new location on Norih Commercial str.H-t, where it will be known as the Piv.pb's Cash Store. DIED CARD OF THANKS We wU'.i to express rublidy our thanks to the t.iend r::. and all for Cioir offerings of sympathy,' and- for lls flowers si ii ;h- bestowed 'iion as (!-:iriug our ice o I E. W Bartlett, . L. Lovell, H. C. The boys warlcirg res3rve which Srevens and J. W. Reed make up aj claims to nave iioimieei cur food rx-; group of Estaeada citizens registered lirts last, year by using the lioys in at the Marion hotel. ; SQl-icnltllrnl work a -jh in linm-a en-i W V Ttni-ruk nf PAntnn ..;,,.' . ..... .--. ,, "".;'i imy nan i registered atj out by the boy a will go on the farms I Miss Emily ZehmW left today on unit- jt-i-n !ii.'viuru hi ihc puoiic ai- a rrip to lillisvuie, rvCntuCKV. Drary. Boys who are interested may, Rev. G. F. Holt, of the Baptist! nsve tnem ar loe loan oesa tor tne cnereli, is voating in Portland today. askinjf. Boys who are in school will! Mrs. W. . Fox left today for a vis-- pronawy receive tnoir oianKs in tne it with relatives in Albany, sc'iouls: any who wih are invited to j 1 in the loss of our father. M. L. War- t0 show to them, enroll at tup library. The librarian is j A mrri Menus? was Issued from authorized to make the enrollments. ' the clerk's office today to James B. ( When they enroll the boys will wish j Lawrence and Faye Elizabeth Phep ilo s.-e toi.".. of. the a'riti'.e books. herd, both of Silverton. Tho we, Minn- reavetnnt ; about farming which the library has , eeremonv wns performed in the court i hou-, st the hand, of Judge Bushey. HARTLEY At the home in this city, 407 Court etreet, this morning at 2.30 o'clock. Max E. Hartley, aged 11 years and 7 months. He wa3 the son of Dr. and Mrs. Careneo Hartley. The funeral an-nouncemen-t will be made later. Members of Company M of tie na tional mard will notice that the reg ular drill will be held at the armory tonight at the usual time.