THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 19, 1919. PA(,E SKVKN Bill says to the Doctor-sezze "There may be some plugs that look bigger but ifs the good taste of genu ine Real Gravely' and the way it 6tays with you that counts. Good taste, smaller cfaew.longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ to: Genuine Gravely; DANVILLE. VA. fur toollet tn chewing plug Peytt n eyton orano REAL CHEWING PLUG packed in pouch Plug PMTUMNOTK. (Capital Journal Special Serviee) Pratuni, Ore., Feb. 19. Mr. and Mra Salmon and family were recent Salem visitors. t . Miss Hulda Krehbiel spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Hum' phreys of Salem. Little Paul Silke celebrated tus 4tn birthday on St. Valentines Day. A num ber of Ms gmall friends enjoyed the af ternoon with him. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and family spent Thursday with their son's family at Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred De Vries wert Salem visitors on Saturday. - Miss Barbara Heyerly is visiting with relatives at Pratum. Miss Lena Groig was a recent Silver ton visitor. . Joe Cruhane was a Salem visitor on Saturday last. lull of lanm ft From Over There General Pershing's Official Report Killed in action C Died of disease , 11 .Wounded severely 8-1; Total 101 the Today's casualty list contains following names of Oregon men: Enar Berg, Astoria, wounded slight Carl Crawiord, Peak, wounded slight y Helmuth B Dewitz, Salem, wound ed sl'ghtly (.Venie O&trander, Portland, wounded slightly Claud D ., - Portland, wounded slightly - Ernest J Bauer, Sherwood, wound ed, degree undetermined Edwin C Minton, Salem, wounded lightly Charles A Nickell, Portland, wound ed slightly KILLED IN ACTION Col Percy W Arnold, Brooklyn Sgt Thomas T Donovan, Hartford Conn Corp Bruce D Miller, Walton N Y Bugler Adolph L Maubenet, San Francisco Privates . Romeo Lavesseur, Vamburen Mo . Walter. Bennett, Cleveland O DIED OF DISEASE Brig Gen James F Mclndoe, Fort Leavenworth Kan Privates Byron E Tshbrook, Kansas City Mo Sam Of Bonner, Fire Point Ala Gcorgo A Bowers, Camden N J ("Ilium Domehico, leominster Mass Joseph 0 Lippoldt, Alton III Alonzo W Miller, Washington Pa Otto Miller, Navarro 0 ' James C Bunt, Cleveland 0 Ernest A Silk, Cleveland O James Sims, Monroe La Died of accident, previously reported died of wounds: Sgt Paul E Parker, Seattle Wn Killed in action, previously reported missing in action: Lt Eric II Cummings, Graiiifield Kan Privates Port Bell, Holland 111 William V Bresnan, Ansonia Conn Chester J Butts, Stcclville Mo Fred 0 Estep, Kermnn Cal Samuel Goldstein, Asbtiry Park N' J Jack H Harlan, Goree Tex James J Harty, Hubbard Nob Charles O Kersey, Cnlif Mo Leslie W Kreps, Salina Kan Harry Silver, Now York TELLS DYSPEPTICS TOT TO EAT Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble, say medical author ities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydrochloric ftcid in the stomach. Chronic "acid stomach" is should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that disugree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid se cretions or they can eat as they please in Teason and make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the formation of gas, sourness or premature fermentation by the uso of a little Bisuratcd Magnesia at their meals. There is probably no better, safer or more relinblo stomach antiacid than Bi suratcd Magnesia and dt is widely us ed for this purpose. It has no direct action on the stomach and is not a di gestont. But a teaspoonful of the pow dpr or a eouplo of five grain tablets taken in a little water with the food will neutrplizo the excess acidity which niny be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the j wholo cause of the trouble and the meal digests naturally and healthful ly without need of pepsin pills or arti ficial d'igestents. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag nesia from any reliaible druggist. Ask for either powder or tablets. It never comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and an the bisurated form is not a laxative. Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see if this isn't the best advice you ever had on "what to eat." Died of wounds, previously reported mtssing in action. Pvt Fred G Baber, Fond du Lae Wis Died, tsause undeterminedr previously reported missing in action: Privates Edward h BoelJter, Columbus O Loren L Gilbert, Bedding Cal Antonio Granoukos, Vancouver B C tt FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE BUSY DAYS AT EACH DAY ADDITIONAL LINES ARE BEING BROUGHT UNTIL OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS NOW REPRESENTED. BROKEN and DISCONTINUED LINES OF CLOTHING, SHOES and FURNISHINGS ARE REMARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL FORCE SALES. YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO MISS THE SPECIAL PRICES for THREE DAYS Men's $35.00 Suits and Overcoats for three more days at $28.85 Men's $30.00 Suits and Overcoats for three more days $245 Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for three more days .$17.85 Men's $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for three more days ........... .$14.85 Boy's Knicker Suits Special for three more days $195 J6.35, wd $8.65 $5.00 and $6.00 Men's D r e ss Shoes, - Black or Tan for 3 more days $3J5 Men's $1.25 h'vy Chambray Work Shirts for 3 more days ' 85c Boy's $1.25 Blue Bib Overalls for 3 more days Men's $4.50 Khaki Coveralls for 3 more days $3.48 Men's $2.50 Bib Overalls, for 3 more days $1.98 Men's $2.50 Fleece lined Union Suits for 3 more days S1.68 tt COCOANTJT OIL "TOTE FOS YVAiiLUNU HAJM. If you want to keep your hair is good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the sralp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsificd eo coanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseleee), is much better than the most expensive soap or anything else yo can use for shampooing, as this can t possibly injure the air. Simply moisten your hair with wnt er and rub it in. One or two teaspoon- fuls will make an abundance of rich, ereamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every partielc of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly and it leaves it fine and silky," bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified eocoanut oil at most any drug store, lt is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the family for months HAZE GREEN NOTES (Capital Journal Special Service) Hazel Green, Ore., Feb. 19. Mrs. Daisy Bailey went to Portland Friday to siiend a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Aspinwall are going to live in the M. J. Montgomery house. Mrs. Matilda Van Cleave and daugh ter, Bertha, left Wednesday for Seat tie and Dayton where they will visit relatives. A baby buy arrived at the Lukcen beal home Inst Wednesday. G. G. Looney and the Williamson family have been having a round of colds. George Dundgan went to Portland; Monday on business. . Miss Mareery Farmentcr spent tne first part of last wocK in isaiera. An Armenian program was given at the U. B. church Sunday morning and the offering amounted to $22. The Joe Bartruff family who have been s0 sorely afflicted with tfto flu received a nice expression of practical sympathy from neighbors and friends who sent in a bttlo purse of 10. The Woman's Missionary Society met at the homo of the president, Mrs. Iris Van Cleavo last Thursday afternoon. Miss Hilda Williamson returned to Sulem to work after " spending throe weeks at home. I:' ' ' Miss Celia Zoilinskl has secured em ployment in Saleni. . Revival services began at Middle Grove Sunday cvoning. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and son, Eogor of Salem spent Sunday at Dan-Rogers. K. A. Bunigaii and son, Ed, attend ed the Woods salo at Rilerton Monday and pieced a quilt; Mrs. R. H. Simpson 42 pairs of sox; Mrs. T. F. Kelsey. 25 pairs; Mrs. B. Stevenson, SS; Mrs. Hanet Kichards, 27 and two sweaters. There were 38 active knitters - under Mrs. Lorence's direction during last winter when most of the work was ac complished. . WAR, PUZZLES -Hill wmmmd Journal Want Ads Quick Reference To Finns That Give Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHIN3 ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High.. Telephone ..Main 1209 USED FURNITURE Sell your used furniture to the high est bidder, give Frank T. Bitches a chance. Mew and 2d hand furniture for sale. S73 Court St. Phone SI 7. DB. F. L. UTTER, DEITI;,!, BOOMS 1413-141 Bank of Commerce Bldg. OSS. B. E, WHITE AND B. W, WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and serve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk Tille, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialised in nervous disease at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Sfirf. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 2218. Or. White Res. Phone 469. IN THE ARMENIAN CAMPAIGN The Russians seized Widje ur.d ad iranced westward, three years aga to lay, February 19, 191&. . ?ind an Armenian. YESTERDAY'S ANSWER Right side down between two. .MIUSEHIENTS i THE SOLDIER BOYS-mPooI and bil liard parlor is now open under new i management and it renders yon ana the general public a congenial place to pass away a few leisure hours. The basement of Orcfjon Electrie depot, corner o'f State and High. Phone 628. Win. Livock, prop. 8-6 The Capital Journal Daily Market Report . Grain Wheat, soft white ...... tl.BO Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 7075c Hay, cheat .... . $24 Hay, oats $25 $48(0)50 $50 Court House Notes In Judge Bingham's court today a dc croo of divorce wnB granted to Mary J. Smuck, separating her from W. J. Smuck, awarding hor alimony to tho amount of $500 and $10 a month for the support of her child. Other cases set for this afternoon were Rordcn vs. Daws, et al, and Ericksoh vs. Erickson. Executions wero filed in the caso of State vs. Frank Smith and the case of !.T W l! vn. Afiirrrn.rnfc Ornen. A decree was issued awarding Judg ment to the plaintiff in the case of the State Land Board vs. Oregon Stato bank, et al. . ,!; . ; .' Barley, ton Mill run Butteifat Buttorfnt 51c Creamery butter . 5354c Fork, vmal and Mutton Pork on foot 15c Veal, fancy - 2021c Steers 7(u'9c cows iUOlt Spring lambs ......... . ....... 12c Ewes.--.. 40 Lambs, yearlings 10(a;12c gffa and Pom try Eggs, cash , i iUc Hens, live 2527c Old roosters .......................-.... 15 Chickens 25c VegetiDles Radishos, doz ' 40c , Complaint was filed in the case of Myrtle Shaveland vs J. E. Shaveland suit for divorco Couplo were married in November, 1918 Tho wife alleges that hor husband has treated her and hor children in a cruel and iuhuman man ner Complaint was filed in the case of Alico E. Page vs Henry Jraw, suit to recover On a promissory noto. A decree of divorce was issued to Lena E. Medley, separating her from George R. Medley, giving her custody of a child and $15 a month for its sup port. Complaint filed in the case of J. C. Ferry vs. Wm. A Irwin, et ni, suit to recover the amnunt of $3400 on noto and mortgage SA LEM WOOLEN MILLS STOR! MttM . eee ttet t M4tHMMtm Order admitting to probate the lust will and testament of Emma Moore, deceased, and appointing Arthur Moore exocutor. Sweet potatoes Potatoes Onions, local ..... Cabbage Turnips . Head lettuce Beets .......... Parsnips $5Cu$.25 $1.50 . $1.65fa)2 .... 2(n2i.c .. $4.75fl 2V4c 4o Final acount filed by Dan O. Bright administrator of the estate of I). F. Bright, deceased. . Declaration of intention to becomo American citizen by Peter Schmidt, of Gervais. Farmer, aged 21, subject of Austria, Women Of Monmouth Red Cross Break Records (Capital Journal Special Service) Monmouth, Ore., Feb. 19. Uomuuuth branch of the Red Cross society is the banner broach of-the Salem Chapter. Mrs. C Lorence who has had charge of the knitting department reports that she, and her assistants in Monmouth branch, which ihcludcj Elkins, Fair view, and Norma) auxiliaries have turn ed in 1,000 pairs of sox, 206 sweaters. eight afghanis End five quilts besides much work from the regular sewing dc, portment. Mrs. Lorcncc hag just dis tributed fifteen "Bolls of Honor" to individual member, of her knitting force. Tho Misses Loretta, Cora and Monella Smith have the distinction ef being the champion .knitters, having made 207 pairs of sox and 93 sweaters. Mrs. U. G. Heffley, forty-four pairs ef nx and six sweaters; Mrs. T. S. I'owell Cauliflower, 2 doz, case $H.5U Cocoanuts ?1.752 Irtm Oranges $45 Lemons, box $D6 Bananas He Florida grape fruit, ease $07.25 Black figs lb. lfi(i)18 White figs, lb 19(r)20c Packago figs per bx 50 pkg $4G.1)0 Honey, extracted ; sue Retail Prices Eggs, dozen 40c Croamery butter .... . 58fl Country butter .. . 48c Flour, hard wheat Portland Market Portland, Ore., Feb. 19. Butter, city creamery 52(a)53c Eggs selected local ex. 4143c Hens 30((i)31c Broilers 40c Geese 17(ffi20c Cheese, triplets 31H32e ' DAILY LIV2 8TOCK MAKSET Cattle Receipts 143 Tone of market ateady Best steers $13Sn4 Good to choice steers $11.75(3) 12.75 Medium to good steers $10.75(11.75 Fair to good steers $y.5()(a)l?.75 Common to fair Bteors $H.5O((i9.f0 Choice t'ows and heifers $10fell Good to choice cows and hoi f on $8(9.75 Medium to good cows and heifer $7.7otoS.7o Fair to medium eows and heifon $Gfa7 Bulls $0&9 Calve. $913.50 Stoekers and feeders $710 -Bogs Receipt 442 Tono of market steady Prime mixed $16.60(516.85 Medium mixed $ 1 6.35(01 6.00 Rough heavies $14.60(al5.23 Pig $12.50 Bulk $16.00I6.65 Snecrp Receipts none Tone of market steady Prime Iambs $14(5il4.50 Fair to medium lambs $1012 Yearlings $1011 Wether Wmo Ewes $650(0-8.50 Goats 5.50fo8 ' DENTIST OSTEOPATH BABY CHICKS FOR SALE . 514 State St. Phone 400 Headquarters for baby chicks, Leg horn, Bed, Rock and Minorca, Priee reasonable. C. N. Needham, Box 412, SalemX AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of auto repairing by an ex perienced workman. All work guar- anteed to be satisfactory. Studebak er repairs a specialty. D. B. Moir, 263 N. Commoicial. REAL ESTATE BRING YOUR TRADES BRINO your trades. I can match yo. C. W. Niemeyer, ajl branches of real estate and Canada lands, 215-21$ Masonic building. Phone 1000. 600 ACRES stock and grain ranch, 15$ bottom in cultivation, well improved, on Pacific highway, $3000 worth of stock and equipment goes, 2 miles from railroad town, will take $3004 in trade or liberty bouds, $7500 ia cash and carry back $7000, priea $17,800. Socolofsky, Bayne bldg. tf SOCOLEFSKY S41 State St WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bill payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real EBtate Security TUGS. K. FORD O.ex Ladd & Bush bank; galea Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS B per cent 84 years time. A. C. Bonrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate. o percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Salom Bank of Com merce. 12-14 THROUGH our non commission aye- tent you can !beput in touch with hundreds of people who wish to sell or exchange their properties, with out obligating themselves to pay a commission. Oregon Realty Ex change Investment Company, ln Rooms 405 and 406 Hubbard build ing, 8a,lom, Ore. , tf FOR SALE A modorn cottage wita many conveniences, on a pavod street, near car line. Price J250U, $500 cash, balance on easy term. Bee Square Deal Realty Company. Phono 470. tf FRTJITLAND Nursery, Salem, Rout box 133E, phone 111F21. We have tha Roman strain grtfed Frauquet w . nuts end also a few more Italia, prune trees loft. 8-1 SECOND-HAND GOODS STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete, Loganberry and hop hooka, . Salem Fence and Stove Workfc 250 Court street. Phone 124- 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Bell And Exchange All kinds - of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicyoles, Harness, Tools and Junk, We buy what you don't want and pay the highest price in cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store . 271 N. Commercial Phone 734 J, A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, soils and exchanges new and 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Right prices. 247 North Commercial St. Phone 16. , AUTO PAINT SHOP Just opened in connec tion with the HIGHWAY GARAGE 1000 S. Com'l. St, EXPERT WORKMEN NO OA8H REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of music al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heal' ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases ant 1000 other useful article to sell of trade. What have yout The Capita Exchange, 837 Court St. Phone 493. SCAVENGER 3ALKM SCAVENGER Garbage an refuse of all kinds removed on montk ly contracts at reasonable rate, Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phono, Main 2247, Residence, Main 2272. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B Our Prices are Right " W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor 1255 N. Bummer Street, Salem, Oregon. REPAIRING PEOPLES REPAIR SHOP Clock, furniture, umbrellas aid shoe repair ing. Baws filed, shear and knife grinding, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed 261 Court stroet. R. Wooley. 2-1 WANTED People of Balom to know that we pay nighest pnce lor mens second hand clothing, shoes, ete. The Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. I Phone 493. f WHY NOT have that piece of furni ture or chairs that are broken, or out of repair, mado as good as ever, at Shea's furnituro repair shop. 353 Chemeketa street, between Comntef eial and Liberty. Phono 181.. 8-17 THE FIX-IT SHOP Umbrella repairod and recovered; razors, knives, scissors and lawa mowers iharpened, saw filing, lock smithing, kodaks, alarm clocks, mus ical instruments and roller top deski repaired. My specialty is ropairinf everything in tho light repair line. Alvin B. Stewart, 373 Court street, In Frank Richter'a furniture etore, Salem, Or. Phones, shop 217, re. 11S9. ' LODGE DIRECTORY EmamJV m ?y' Vf&t v Fanner's Produce Company Cash for your produce today: 20e for top veaL 18c for top hogs. 27e for heavy oves 4 lb. leni. 25c for licrht under 4 lb. hens. 89 years of age knitted 38 pairs of sox 160 S. High St. Phone 10 Our Want Ads are the Beit that catch the Big Fish Results Try one ia to-mcrrow'e- paper JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MoCornack hall a every Tn-sdaj at S. P. Andopen, C. C. f . J. Euatii K. B. k 8. KOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA 'Oregon Grer Camp" No. 1300. meets every Thursday evening la Derby building, Ctirt and High 8. Mra. Pearl Coursoy, 214 Court St. oracle; Mr. Melissa Persons, reeori d 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp Ho. 5246 meti every Thursday evening, 8 'elocfc in jifttOornack hall, over Meyer store. Ray A. Grant, V. C; f. A. Turner, clerk. ITNITED ARTISANS Capital Ansa bly Ne. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in Masonie Temple. Norma U Terwilliger, M. A.; O. A. Yibber secretary, 340 Owen- ftrett. One hundred and five wounded aot rlier arrived at San Francisco Wednes day. The eentingent included Captaia Fred A. Lieuallen of Portland JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY: